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Regulation of acetylcholine receptor by cyclic AMP   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In primary cultures of chick 11-day embryonic tissue a number of phosphodiesterase inhibitors were found to elevate acetylcholine receptor levels. Of these agents, Ro20-1724 was the most effective, elevating surface receptor content by 2-fold after 48 h of treatment. 8-Br-cAMP and cholera toxin, a natural activator of adenylate cyclase, mimicked the effect of Ro20-1724, while 8-Br-cGMP and dibutyryl cGMP had no effect. Cholera toxin, 8-Br-cAMP, and Ro20-1724 all increased the insertion rate of new receptor into the surface membrane without altering degradation. The enhanced insertion appears related to an actual increase in synthesis since total acetylcholine receptor was elevated by exposure to cholera toxin. In contrast, no change in creatine phosphokinase activity, myosin heavy chain content, or [35S] methionine incorporation into total cellular protein was observed during cholera toxin treatment. These results suggest that cAMP plays a role in the regulation of acetylcholine receptor.  相似文献   
Appel B 《Neuron》1999,22(1):3-5
The present study shows experimentally that primary growth of the native Patagonian Cupressaceae Austrocedrus chilensis (D. Don) Pic.-Serm et Bizz., Fitzroya cupressoides (Molina) I. M. Johnst. and Pilgerodendron uviferum (D. Don) Florin is potentially continuous. External morphological markers of interannual growth limits have been identified for the main axes of these species after several years of observation. Such limits correspond with axis portions in which internodes are relatively short and leaves have a small distal free end forming an acute angle with the axis. The causality of these results and their utility for studying the productivity, adaptation to different environments, population management and conservation of these threatened species are discussed.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 146 , 285–293.  相似文献   
We have isolated two soil bacteria (identified as Arthrobacter aurescens TW17 and Nocardia sp. strain TW2) capable of degrading p-nitrophenol (PNP) and numerous other phenolic compounds. A. aurescens TW17 contains a large plasmid which correlated with the PNP degradation phenotype. Degradation of PNP by A. aurescens TW17 was induced by preexposure to PNP, 4-nitrocatechol, 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol, or m-nitrophenol, whereas PNP degradation by Nocardia sp. strain TW2 was induced by PNP, 4-nitrocatechol, phenol, p-cresol, or m-nitrophenol. A. aurescens TW17 initially degraded PNP to hydroquinone and nitrite. Nocardia sp. strain TW2 initially converted PNP to hydroquinone or 4-nitrocatechol, depending upon the inducing compound.  相似文献   
Coexistence of neurotransmitters within single nerve fibers or terminals can be convincingly demonstrated by the use of multicolor immunofluorescence. The present study examined whether three-color immunocytochemical localization of coexisting neurotransmitters can be performed using the blue fluorophore AMCA. Spectrofluorometric examination of secondary antibodies conjugated with AMCA, fluorescein, and lissamine rhodamine showed that the peaks of excitation and emission were well separated and that dots of AMCA-conjugated IgG dried on slides were not visible when viewed using microscope filters for rhodamine and fluorescein. These findings suggest that AMCA might be suitable for three-color immunofluorescence. The usefulness of AMCA for triple labeling was tested directly by staining sections of rat brainstem and spinal cord for serotonin (5HT), substance P (SP), and either enkephalin (ENK) or prepro-thyrotropin-releasing hormone 160-169 (ppT), a marker peptide for thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Triple labeling for 5HT, SP, and ppT was observed in both brainstem and spinal cord but was only very rarely observed for 5HT,SP, and ENK. No evidence was found for artifactual triple labeling, although false negatives appeared to be possible in some circumstances. We conclude that AMCA can be combined with fluorescein and lissamine rhodamine for three-color immunofluorescent studies of coexisting neurotransmitters. In addition, the coexistence of 5HT with ENK appears to be much less common than the coexistence of 5HT with either SP or ppT.  相似文献   
The influence of 150 nM exogenously-added gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GMix) on a Ca2+-activated, Mg2+-dependent ATPase was investigated in cellular and subcellular fractions (P1-fraction, synaptosomal fraction, synaptic membranes) from whole brain, cortex, cerebellum and brain stem of the djungarian dwarf hamster (Phodopus sungorus). Gangliosides are effective at this concentration in stimulating the enzyme activity in all fractions from whole brain. Inhomogenous results (stimulation, inhibition and no effects), however, were obtained in the different individual brain regions.  相似文献   
The metabolic turnover of the Hepatic Binding Protein (HBP) was investigated in streptozotocin-diabetic rats. We have already shown that diabetes induced a decreased ligand binding capacity while the immunoreactive HBP was normal. To explore the eventual modifications due to diabetic state upon the turnover of HBP, we followed the in vivo degradation of HBP and its biosynthesis in vitro. After in vivo labelling with L-[3H] leucine and purification of HBP from rat livers, we found a 20% decrease in diabetic HBP half-life. By in vitro incubations of freshly isolated hepatocytes and a 2 h-pulse in the presence of L-[35S] methionine, we showed that diabetes provokes an increased uptake of L-[35S] methionine in hepatocytes allowing an augmented synthesis of HBP although the L-[35S] methionine incorporation into total proteins was less efficient.  相似文献   
Isolated uncoupling protein (UCP) can be cross-linked, by various disulfide-forming reagents, to dimers. The best cross-linking is achieved with Cu2+-phenanthroline oxidation. Because cross-linking is independent of UCP concentration and prevented by SDS addition, a disulfide bridge must be formed between the two subunits of the native dimer. Cross-linking is prevented by SH reagent and reversed by SH-reducing reagents. In mitochondria, cross-linking of UCP with disulfide-forming agents is even more efficient than in isolated state. It proves that UCP is a dimer in mitochondria, before isolation. Disulfide-bridge formation does not inhibit GTP-binding to UCP. Cross-linked UCP re-incorporated in proteoliposomes either before or after cross-linking fully retains the H1-transport function. Rapid cross-linking by membrane impermeant reagents indicates a surface localization of the C-terminus in soluble UCP and projection to the outer surface in mitochondria. Intermolecular disulfide-bridge formation in a dimer requires juxtaposition of identical cysteines at the twofold symmetry axis. A rigid juxtaposition of cysteines is unlikely, unless intended for a native disulfide bridge. The absence of such a bridge in UCP suggests that juxtaposition of cysteines is generated by high mobility. In order to localize the cysteine involved, cross-linked UCP was cleaved by BrCN. The CB-7 C-terminal peptide, which contains cysteines at positions 287 and 304, disappears. Limited trypsinolytic cleavage, previously shown to occur at Lys-292, removed cross-linking in UCP both in the solubilized and mitochondrially bound state. The cleaved C-terminal peptide of 11 residues contains only cystein-304 which, thus, should be the only one (out of 7 cysteines in UCP) involved in the S-S bridge formation. Obviously, the C-terminal location of the cysteine, because of its high mobility, permits juxtapositioning for cross-linking. This agrees with predictions from hydrophobicity analysis that the last 14 residues in UCP protrude from the membrane.  相似文献   
NDRG4 is a novel member of the NDRG family (N-myc downstream-regulated gene). The roles of NDRG4 in development have not previously been evaluated. We show that, during zebrafish embryonic development, ndrg4 is expressed exclusively in the embryonic heart, the central nervous system (CNS) and the sensory system. Ndrg4 knockdown in zebrafish embryos causes a marked reduction in proliferative myocytes and results in hypoplastic hearts. This growth defect is associated with cardiac phenotypes in morphogenesis and function, including abnormal heart looping, inefficient circulation and weak contractility. We reveal that ndrg4 is required for restricting the expression of versican and bmp4 to the developing atrioventricular canal. This constellation of ndrg4 cardiac defects phenocopies those seen in mutant hearts of heartstrings (hst), the tbx5 loss-of-function mutants in zebrafish. We further show that ndrg4 expression is significantly decreased in hearts with reduced tbx5 activities. Conversely, increased expression of tbx5 that is due to tbx20 knockdown leads to an increase in ndrg4 expression. Together, our studies reveal an essential role of ndrg4 in regulating proliferation and growth of cardiomyocytes, suggesting that ndrg4 may function downstream of tbx5 during heart development and growth.  相似文献   
PY100 is a lytic bacteriophage with a broad host range within the genus Yersinia. The phage forms plaques on strains of the three human pathogenic species Yersinia enterocolitica, Y. pseudotuberculosis, and Y. pestis at 37°C. PY100 was isolated from farm manure and intended to be used in phage therapy trials. PY100 has an icosahedral capsid containing double-stranded DNA and a contractile tail. The genome consists of 50,291 bp and is predicted to contain 93 open reading frames (ORFs). PY100 gene products were found to be homologous to the capsid proteins and proteins involved in DNA metabolism of the enterobacterial phage T1; PY100 tail proteins possess homologies to putative tail proteins of phage AaΦ23 of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. In a proteome analysis of virion particles, 15 proteins of the head and tail structures were identified by mass spectrometry. The putative gene product of ORF2 of PY100 shows significant homology to the gene 3 product (small terminase subunit) of Salmonella phage P22 that is involved in packaging of the concatemeric phage DNA. The packaging mechanism of PY100 was analyzed by hybridization and sequence analysis of DNA isolated from virion particles. Newly replicated PY100 DNA is cut initially at a pac recognition site, which is located in the coding region of ORF2.  相似文献   
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