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We present here a protocol to conditionally control the nuclear trafficking of target proteins in yeast. In this system, rapamycin is used to heterodimerize two chimeric proteins. One chimera consists of a FK506-binding protein (FKBP12) fused to a cellular 'address' (nuclear localization signal or nuclear export sequence). The second chimera consists of a target protein fused to a fluorescent protein and the FKBP12-rapamycin-binding (FRB) domain from FKBP-12-rapamycin associated protein 1 (FRAP1, also known as mTor). Rapamycin induces dimerization of the FKBP12- and FRB-containing chimeras; these interactions selectively place the target protein under control of the cell address, thereby directing the protein into or out of the nucleus. By chemical-induced dimerization, protein mislocalization is reversible and enables the identification of conditional loss-of-function and gain-of-function phenotypes, in contrast to other systems that require permanent modification of the targeted protein. Yeast strains for this analysis can be constructed in 1 week, and the technique allows protein mislocalization within 15 min after drug treatment.  相似文献   
The Bioinformatics Resource Manager (BRM) is a software environment that provides the user with data management, retrieval and integration capabilities. Designed in collaboration with biologists, BRM simplifies mundane analysis tasks of merging microarray and proteomic data across platforms, facilitates integration of users' data with functional annotation and interaction data from public sources and provides connectivity to visual analytic tools through reformatting of the data for easy import or dynamic launching capability. BRM is developed using Java and other open-source technologies for free distribution. AVAILABILITY: BRM, sample data sets and a user manual can be downloaded from http://www.sysbio.org/dataresources/brm.stm.  相似文献   
The immense growth of MEDLINE coupled with the realization that a vast amount of biomedical knowledge is recorded in free-text format, has led to the appearance of a large number of literature mining techniques aiming to extract biomedical terms and their inter-relations from the scientific literature. Ontologies have been extensively utilized in the biomedical domain either as controlled vocabularies or to provide the framework for mapping relations between concepts in biology and medicine. Literature-based approaches and ontologies have been used in the past for the purpose of hypothesis generation in connection with drug discovery. Here, we review the application of literature mining and ontology modeling and traversal to the area of drug repurposing (DR). In recent years, DR has emerged as a noteworthy alternative to the traditional drug development process, in response to the decreased productivity of the biopharmaceutical industry. Thus, systematic approaches to DR have been developed, involving a variety of in silico, genomic and high-throughput screening technologies. Attempts to integrate literature mining with other types of data arising from the use of these technologies as well as visualization tools assisting in the discovery of novel associations between existing drugs and new indications will also be presented.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: 9b is an accessory protein of the SARS-CoV. It is a small protein of 98 amino acids and its structure has been solved recently. 9b is known to localize in the extra-nuclear region and has been postulated to possess a nuclear export signal (NES), however the role of NES in 9b functioning is not well understood. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS/METHODOLOGY: In this report, we demonstrate that 9b in the absence of any nuclear localization signal (NLS) enters the nucleus by passive transport. Using various cell cycle inhibitors, we have shown that the nuclear entry of 9b is independent of the cell cycle. Further, we found that 9b interacts with the cellular protein Crm1 and gets exported out of the nucleus using an active NES. We have also revealed that this NES activity influences the half-life of 9b and affects host cell death. We found that an export signal deficient SARS-CoV 9b protein induces apoptosis in transiently transfected cells and showed elevated caspase-3 activity. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: Here, we showed that nuclear shuttling of 9b and its interaction with Crm1 are essential for the proper degradation of 9b and blocking the nuclear export of this protein induces apoptosis. This phenomenon may be critical in providing a novel role to the 9b accessory protein of SARS-CoV.  相似文献   
SEBINI: Software Environment for BIological Network Inference   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Software Environment for BIological Network Inference (SEBINI) has been created to provide an interactive environment for the deployment and evaluation of algorithms used to reconstruct the structure of biological regulatory and interaction networks. SEBINI can be used to compare and train network inference methods on artificial networks and simulated gene expression perturbation data. It also allows the analysis within the same framework of experimental high-throughput expression data using the suite of (trained) inference methods; hence SEBINI should be useful to software developers wishing to evaluate, compare, refine or combine inference techniques, and to bioinformaticians analyzing experimental data. SEBINI provides a platform that aids in more accurate reconstruction of biological networks, with less effort, in less time. AVAILABILITY: A demonstration website is located at https://www.emsl.pnl.gov/NIT/NIT.html. The Java source code and PostgreSQL database schema are available freely for non-commercial use.  相似文献   
The development of computational resources to visualize and explore data from combined genome-wide expression and linkage studies is essential for the development of testable hypotheses. eQTL Explorer stores expression profiles, linkage data and information from external sources in a relational database and enables simultaneous visualization and intuitive interpretation of the combined data via a Java graphical interface. eQTL Explorer provides a new and powerful tool to interrogate these very large and complex datasets.  相似文献   
Geopolitical concerns (unstable supply of gasoline, environmental pollution, and regular price hikes), economic, and employment concerns have been prompting researchers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers to focus on harnessing the potential of lignocellulosic feedstock for fuel ethanol production and its commercialization. The carbohydrate skeleton of plant cell walls needs to be depolymerised into simpler sugars for their application in fermentation reactions as a chief carbon source of suitable ethnologic strains for ethanol production. The role of cellulolytic enzymes in the degradation of structural carbohydrates of the plant cell wall into ready-to-fermentable sugar stream is inevitable. Cellulase synergistically acts upon plant cell wall polysaccharides to release glucose into the liquid media. Cellulase predominantly dominates all the plant cell wall degrading enzymes due to their vast and diverse range of applications. Apart from the major applications of cellulases such as in detergent formulations, textile desizing, and development of monogastric feed for ruminants, their role in biorefinery is truly remarkable. This is a major area where new research tools based upon fermentation based formulations, biochemistry, and system biology to expedite the structure-function relationships of cellulases including cellulosomes and new designer enzymatic cocktails are required. In the last two decades, a considerable amount of research work has been performed on cellulases and their application in biomass saccharification. However, there are still technical and economic impediments to the development of an inexpensive commercial cellulase production process. Advancements in biotechnology such as screening of microorganisms, manipulation of novel cellulase encoding traits, site-specific mutagenesis, and modifications to the fermentation process could enhance the production of cellulases. Commercially, cheaper sources of carbohydrates and modified fermentation conditions could lead to more cost-effective production of cellulases with the goal to reduce the cost of ethanol production from lignocellulosics. Implementation of integrated steps like cellulase production and cellulase mediated saccharification of biomass in conjunction with the fermentation of released sugars in ethanol in a single step so called consolidated bio-processing (CBP) is very important to reduce the cost of bioethanol. This paper aims to explore and review the important findings in cellulase biotechnology and the forward path for new cutting edge opportunities in the success of biorefineries.  相似文献   
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