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Expression of two Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) apyrase (nucleoside triphosphate-diphosphohydrolase) genes with high similarity, APY1 and APY2, was analyzed during seedling development and under different light treatments using beta-glucuronidase fusion constructs with the promoters of both genes. As evaluated by beta-glucuronidase staining and independently confirmed by other methods, the highest expression of both apyrases was in rapidly growing tissues and/or tissues that accumulate high auxin levels. Red-light treatment of etiolated seedlings suppressed the protein and message level of both apyrases at least as rapidly as it inhibited hypocotyl growth. Adult apy1 and apy2 single mutants had near-normal growth, but apy1apy2 double-knockout plants were dwarf, due primarily to reduced cell elongation. Pollen tubes and etiolated hypocotyls overexpressing an apyrase had faster growth rates than wild-type plants. Growing pollen tubes released ATP into the growth medium and suppression of apyrase activity by antiapyrase antibodies or by inhibitors simultaneously increased medium ATP levels and inhibited pollen tube growth. These results imply that APY1 and APY2, like their homologs in animals, act to reduce the concentration of extracellular nucleotides, and that this function is important for the regulation of growth in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   
Summary The calls uttered by Choughs (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) on Islay (S-W Scotland) were recorded during the breeding season. We analysed the vocal repertoire and the degree of call variation, among and within individuals. Eight structurally different calls were identified in Choughs' vocal repertoire. Significant differences in temporal and frequency variables of calls were found between fledglings and adults, whereas females' and males' calls turned out to differ only in two parameters of the commonest call type (chwee-ow). Despite sex-related differences in this call, partners appeared to utter similar versions of it, which suggests that mate vocal mimicry might occur. A certain degree of individuality, i.e. a greater among than within individuals variability, was found in three call types, but the reverse was found in the commonest call of the species. Accordingly, we hypothesise that this call might promote effective species recognition, whereas the other call types would be involved in individual recognition.
Das stimmliche Repertoire der Alpenkrähe: individuelle, geschlechtliche und altersabhängige Variabilität
Zusammenfassung Während der Brutzeit 1996 wurde das Rufinventar von Alpenkrähen (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) auf der Insel Islay (SW Schottland) aufgenommen und hinsichtlich individueller Variation und Unterschieden zwischen verschiedenen Individuen analysiert. Acht grundsätzlich verschiedene Rufe wurden unterschieden. Signifikante Unterschiede bestanden zwischen flüggen Jungvögeln und Altvögeln in der Ruffrequenz und der zeitlichen Abfolge der Rufe. Männchen und Weibchen unterschieden sich dagegen nur geringfügig in dem am häufigsten vorgetragenen Ruf. Ungeachtet dieser geringen sexuellen Unterschiede riefen Paarpartner sehr ähnlich, was als Hinweise auf eine Stimmenmimikrie angesehen wird. In drei Ruftypen fand sich eine gewisse Individualität mit größerer Variablität zwischen verschiedenen als innerhalb eines Rufers, wogegen der häufigste Ruf von allen Individuen sehr ähnlich vorgetragen wurde. Es wird geschlossen, daß dieser Ruf der Arterkennung dient, die anderen dagegen mehr der individuellen Erkennung.
Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) damage in the heart occurs mainly during the first minutes of reperfusion. Urocortin (Ucn) is a member of the corticotrophin-releasing factor that has been identified as a potent endogenous cardioprotector peptide when used in pre- and postconditioning protocols. However, the underlying mechanisms are not completely elucidated. Here, we focused on intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) handling by Ucn when applied in early reperfusion. We used Langendorff-perfused rat hearts to determine hemodynamic parameters, and confocal microscopy to study global [Ca2+]i transients evoked by electrical stimulation in isolated cardiomyocytes loaded with fluorescence Ca2+ dye fluo-3AM. We found that the acute application of Ucn at the onset of reperfusion, in isolated hearts submitted to ischemia, fully recovered the hearts contractility and relaxation. In isolated cardiac myocytes, following ischemia we observed that the diastolic [Ca2+]i was increased, the systolic [Ca2+]i transients amplitude were depressed and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+ load was reduced. These effects were correlated to a decrease in the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) activity. Importantly, Ucn applied at reperfusion produced a complete recovery in diastolic [Ca2+]i and global [Ca2+]i transient amplitude, which were due to NCX activity improvement. In conclusion, we demonstrated that [Ca2+]i handling play an essential role in postconditioning action of Ucn.  相似文献   
Eusociality is a highly conspicuous and ecologically impactful behavioral syndrome that has evolved independently across multiple animal lineages. So far, comparative genomic analyses of advanced sociality have been mostly limited to insects. Here, we study the only clade of animals known to exhibit eusociality in the marine realm—lineages of socially diverse snapping shrimps in the genus Synalpheus. To investigate the molecular impact of sociality, we assembled the mitochondrial genomes of eight Synalpheus species that represent three independent origins of eusociality and analyzed patterns of molecular evolution in protein-coding genes. Synonymous substitution rates are lower and potential signals of relaxed purifying selection are higher in eusocial relative to noneusocial taxa. Our results suggest that mitochondrial genome evolution was shaped by eusociality-linked traits—extended generation times and reduced effective population sizes that are hallmarks of advanced animal societies. This is the first direct evidence of eusociality impacting genome evolution in marine taxa. Our results also strongly support the idea that eusociality can shape genome evolution through profound changes in life history and demography.  相似文献   
Controlling the dissemination of malaria requires the development of new drugs against its etiological agent, a protozoan of the Plasmodium genus. Angiotensin II and its analog peptides exhibit activity against the development of immature and mature sporozoites of Plasmodium gallinaceum. In this study, we report the synthesis and characterization of angiotensin II linear and cyclic analogs with anti‐plasmodium activity. The peptides were synthesized by a conventional solid‐phase method on Merrifield's resin using the t‐Boc strategy, purified by RP‐HPLC and characterized by liquid chromatography/ESI (+) MS (LC‐ESI(+)/MS), amino acid analysis, and capillary electrophoresis. Anti‐plasmodium activity was measured in vitro by fluorescence microscopy using propidium iodine uptake as an indicator of cellular damage. The activities of the linear and cyclic peptides are not significantly different (p < 0.05). Kinetics studies indicate that the effects of these peptides on plasmodium viability overtime exhibit a sigmoidal profile and that the system stabilizes after a period of 1 h for all peptides examined. The results were rationalized by partial least‐square analysis, assessing the position‐wise contribution of each amino acid. The highest contribution of polar amino acids and a Lys residue proximal to the C‐terminus, as well as that of hydrophobic amino acids in the N‐terminus, suggests that the mechanism underlying the anti‐malarial activity of these peptides is attributed to its amphiphilic character. Copyright © 2013 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A comparative proteomic approach, using two dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry, has been developed to compare and elucidate the differences among the cellular proteomes of four closely related isogenic O/C, SIN, N/R and T, B. clausii strains during both exponential and stationary phases of growth. Image analysis of the electropherograms reveals a high degree of concordance among the four proteomes, some proteins result, however, differently expressed. The proteins spots exhibiting high different expression level were identified, by mass-spectrometry analysis, as alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHA, EC1.2.1.3; ABC0046 isoform) aldehyde dehydrogenase (DHAS, EC; ABC0047 isoform) and flagellin-protein of B. clausii KSM-k16. The different expression levels of the two dehydrogenases were confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR and dehydrogenases enzymatic activity. The different patterns of protein expression can be considered as cell proteome signatures of the different strains.  相似文献   
The fate of tropical forests under future climate change is dependent on the capacity of their trees to adjust to drier conditions. The capacity of trees to withstand drought is likely to be determined by traits associated with their hydraulic systems. However, data on whether tropical trees can adjust hydraulic traits when experiencing drought remain rare. We measured plant hydraulic traits (e.g. hydraulic conductivity and embolism resistance) and plant hydraulic system status (e.g. leaf water potential, native embolism and safety margin) on >150 trees from 12 genera (36 species) and spanning a stem size range from 14 to 68 cm diameter at breast height at the world's only long‐running tropical forest drought experiment. Hydraulic traits showed no adjustment following 15 years of experimentally imposed moisture deficit. This failure to adjust resulted in these drought‐stressed trees experiencing significantly lower leaf water potentials, and higher, but variable, levels of native embolism in the branches. This result suggests that hydraulic damage caused by elevated levels of embolism is likely to be one of the key drivers of drought‐induced mortality following long‐term soil moisture deficit. We demonstrate that some hydraulic traits changed with tree size, however, the direction and magnitude of the change was controlled by taxonomic identity. Our results suggest that Amazonian trees, both small and large, have limited capacity to acclimate their hydraulic systems to future droughts, potentially making them more at risk of drought‐induced mortality.  相似文献   
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