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Acyl-ACP thioesterases are involved in regulating chain termination of fatty acid biosynthesis in plant systems. Previously, acyl-ACP thioesterase purified from Brassica napus seed tissue has been shown to have a high preference for hydrolysing oleoyl-ACP. Here, oligonucleotides derived from B. napus oleoyl-ACP thioesterase protein sequence data have been used to isolate two acyl-ACP thioesterase clones from a B. napus embryo cDNA library. The two clones, pNL2 and pNL3, contain 1642 bp and 1523 bp respectively and differ in the length of their 3 non-coding regions. Both cDNAs contain open reading frames of 366 amino acids which encode for 42 kDa polypeptides. Mature rape thioesterase has an apparent molecular weight of 38 kDa on SDS-PAGE and these cDNAs therefore encode for precursor forms of the enzyme. This latter finding is consistent with the expected plastidial location of fatty acid synthase enzymes. Northern blot analysis shows thioesterase mRNA size to be ca. 1.6 kb and for the thioesterase genes to be highly expressed in seed tissue coincident with the most active phase of storage lipid synthesis. There is some sequence heterogeneity between the two cDNA clones, but overall they are highly homologous sharing 95.7% identity at the DNA level and 98.4% identity at the amino acid level. Some sequence heterogeneity was also observed between the deduced and directly determined thioesterase protein sequences. Consistent with the observed sequence heterogeneity was Southern blot data showing B. napus thioesterase to be encoded by a small multi-gene family.  相似文献   
-ketoacyl-ACP synthetase III (KAS III) has been purified from avocado using a six-step purification procedure. The enzyme, which is cerulenin-insensitive and thiolactomycin-sensitive, was assayed using a partial component reaction: acetyl CoA:ACP transacylase (ACAT) activity. KAS III activity is distinguished from ACAT activity on the basis that the former is highly stimulated by the addition of malonyl CoA in the presence of malonyl-CoA:ACP transacylase, and the latter is not. KAS III and ACAT activity have been separated from each other thus providing the first evidence that these two discrete activities exist in higher plants. Both of these enzymes have been implicated in the initial reactions of fatty acid synthesis.KAS III was purified 134-fold using a combination of PEG precipitation, Fast Q, ammonium sulphate precipitation, Phenyl Sepharose and ACP-affinity chromatography. The enzyme requires Triton X-100 for solubility and is highly salt sensitive. The subunit molecular mass of 37 kDa has been identified by SDS-PAGE. The results of gel filtration analysis are consistent with the native enzyme being homodimeric. The native molecular mass of KAS III is 69 kDa and that of ACAT 18.5 kDa. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.0–7.5, which is similar to the pH optimum of the ACAT reaction. The Km for acetyl CoA is 12.5 M and the Km for malonyl-ACP is 14M. Both KAS III and ACAT are sensitive to thiolactomycin inhibition. The results are discussed with respect to the potential role of acetyl CoA:ACP transacylase in plants.  相似文献   
The level of two thioesterases, acyl-CoA thioesterase and acyl-ACP thioesterase was determined during seed maturation in oil seed rape. Both thioesterase activities rose markedly prior to the onset of lipid accumulation, but the induction kinetics suggest that the activities reside on distinct polypeptides. Acyl-ACP thioesterase (EC was purified 2000-fold using a combination of ion exchange, ACP-affinity chromatogr aphy, chromatofocusing and gel filtration. Using native gel electrophoresis, and assays for enzymic activity, two polypeptides were identified on SDS-PAGE as associated with the activity. Cleveland mapping of these polypeptides, of 38 kDa component and 33 kDa respectively, demonstrated that they are related. An antibody was prepared against the 38 kDa component, and this also recognises the 33 kDa polypeptide in highly purified preparations. Western blotting of a crude extract identifies one band at 38 kDa consistent with the 33 kDa component being a degradation product generated during purification. The native molecule has a Mr of 70 kDa indicating a dimeric structure. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 9.5 and shows strong preference for oleoyl-ACP as substrate. The intact enzyme has an N-terminus blocked to protein sequencing. We also found that two other polypeptides co-purify with acyl-ACP thioesterase under native conditions. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of these polypeptides is shown and their possible identity is discussed.  相似文献   
We demonstrate the application of the RAPD genetic polymorphism assay (Williams et al., 1990, Welsh and McClelland 1990), to the determination of the genotype of immature, microspore-derived haploid embryos ofBrassica napus. Several hundred assays can be performed on the DNA obtained from a cotyledon fragment, and the remaining embryo can be regenerated. Thus, the assay can be used for ”prenatal” diagnostics of embryo-regenerated plants, and can facilitate selection of defined genotypes in plant breeding. A suitable population of embryos could also be used for the construction of RAPD genetic maps.  相似文献   
Ovine corticotropin releasing factor-like (oCRF-LI) immunoreactivity was detected in the rat hypothalamus by immunocytochemistry. The unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase method was applied in 40 μM vibratome sections before embedding for examination under the electron microscope. Immunoreactivity was found in axons of the median eminence and the neural lobe, as well as in cell bodies and dendrites of parvocellular neurons the in paraventricular nucleus. Axon terminals in the external zone of the median eminence and in the neural lobe frequently abutted on the pericapillary space, suggesting the possible release of oCRF-LI into the fenestrated capillaries. Labeled cells in the paraventricular nucleus synapsed with unlabeled nerve terminals and were found in synaptic-like contact with protrusions of magnocellular neurons. The latter finding might represent the morphological basis for orthodromic interactions between parvocellular and magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular nucleus, which have been previously demonstrated by electrophysiological methods.  相似文献   
Tyto balearica is a barn owl whose size is about one and half larger than the size of modern barn owls, Tyto alba. It was found in Mallorca and Menorca, in sites dating back from the end of Pliocene and the beginning of Pleistocene. Numerous insular forms of giant barn owls are known in Mediterranean islands and in West Indies.  相似文献   
A procedure is reported for the rapid and highly reproducible isolation of protoplasts from carrot suspension culture. The method utilizes Onozuka R 10 cellulase which has been purified by chromatography on Sephadex G75. Protoplast isolation, using this procedure, is quantitative and complete within 1 to 1.5 h. Intact protoplasts were separated from broken ones and other cellular debris by application of a polyethylene glycol/dextran two-phase system. The protoplasts isolated in this manner lack any detectable cell wall and are greater than 95% viable when assayed using fluorescein diacetate. It is concluded that such protoplasts are highly suitable for biochemical studies.Abbreviation PCM protoplast culture medium  相似文献   
FGF1 and FGF2 bind to specific cell-surface tyrosine kinase receptors (FGFRs) and activate intracellular signaling that leads to proliferation, migration or differentiation of many cell types. Besides this classical mode of action, under stress conditions, FGF1 and FGF2 are translocated in a receptor-dependent manner via the endosomal membrane into the cytosol and nucleus of the cell. However, despite many years of research, the role of translocated FGF1 and FGF2 inside the cell remains unclear. Here, we reveal an anti-apoptotic activity of intracellular FGF1 and FGF2, which is independent of FGFR activation and downstream signaling. We observed an inhibition of cell apoptosis induced by serum starvation or staurosporine upon treatment with exogenous FGF1 or FGF2, despite the presence of highly potent FGFR inhibitors. Similar results were found when the tyrosine kinase of FGFR1 was completely blocked by a specific mutation. Moreover, the anti-apoptotic effect of the growth factors was abolished by known inhibitors of the translocation of FGF1 and FGF2 from the endosomes to the interior of the cell. Interestingly, FGF2 showed higher anti-apoptotic activity than FGF1. Since FGF2 is not phosphorylated by PKCδ and is present inside the nucleus longer than is FGF1, we speculated that the different activities could reflect their diverse nuclear export kinetics. Indeed, we observed that FGF1 mutations preventing binding to nucleolin and therefore phosphorylation in the nucleus affect the anti-apoptotic activity of FGF1. Taken together, our data indicate that the translocation of FGF1 and FGF2 protects cells against apoptosis and promotes cell survival.  相似文献   
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