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The Bang and Ramm method uses root dentine translucency (RDT) length in sectioned or unsectioned teeth as a sole indicator of chronological age at death in adult human remains. The formulae have been tested on modern remains of known age and on modern and archaeological remains of unknown age. This is the first published study of the method on known‐age archaeological specimens and tests whether RDT is a good indicator of chronological age in buried human remains. We applied the Bang and Ramm equations to two 18th and 19th century assemblages excavated from the crypt of Christ Church, Spitalfields, and the cemetery of All Hallows by the Tower. Translucency was defined by shining a light through the external unsectioned root surface and was measured from digital images of 583 and 83 nonmolar roots from 126 Spitalfields and 12 All Hallows individuals, respectively, aged 21–81 years. Average absolute difference between real age and estimated age was 10.7 years and 8.4 years for Spitalfields and All Hallows individuals, respectively, with 58% and 75% estimated within 10 years of known age, and 29% and 33% estimated within five years of known age. These estimations are comparable to results from other ageing methods applied to the Spitalfields collection. Ages from both populations were estimated largely to the middle ranges, with younger individuals overestimated and older individuals underestimated. This is a common occurrence when using inverse calibration, where age is treated as the dependent variable and the ageing feature as the independent variable. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:332–351, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Studies of stream benthic macroinvertebrate size distributions describe assemblages from random small area samplers or cobbles. Large organisms are often underestimated in these samples because of their mobility or low densities. This study compared the performance of cobble collection and a Hess sampler with electrobugging (using a backpack electroshocker to collect macroinvertebrates) to determine whether electrobugging could improve estimates of the biomass of large organisms. We sampled 12 stream sites, collecting cobbles and Hess samples and conducting 3–4 consecutive electrobugging passes (repeating until attrition was observed, following with kick samples). Electrobugging collected more biomass of mobile taxa than cobble or Hess samples, and collected greater taxonomic richness, particularly at sites with low algal biomass. However, it was less effective at collecting attached and immobile taxa. Electrobugging extended the size distribution range by up to eight size classes by collecting larger macroinvertebrates than the cobble or Hess methods, and collected significantly more taxa per size class. Size distributions created from only cobble or Hess samples clearly do not represent the entire benthic community, but our results indicate that electrobugging provides a means to improve estimates of the biomass of large, mobile taxa, providing a more accurate estimate of body size distributions.  相似文献   
With global warming, an advance in spring leaf phenology has been reported worldwide. However, it is difficult to forecast phenology for a given species, due to a lack of knowledge about chilling requirements. We quantified chilling and heat requirements for leaf unfolding in two European tree species and investigated their relative contributions to phenological variations between and within populations. We used an extensive database containing information about the leaf phenology of 14 oak and 10 beech populations monitored over elevation gradients since 2005. In parallel, we studied the various bud dormancy phases, in controlled conditions, by regularly sampling low- and high-elevation populations during fall and winter. Oak was 2.3 times more sensitive to temperature for leaf unfolding over the elevation gradient and had a lower chilling requirement for dormancy release than beech. We found that chilling is currently insufficient for the full release of dormancy, for both species, at the lowest elevations in the area studied. Genetic variation in leaf unfolding timing between and within oak populations was probably due to differences in heat requirement rather than differences in chilling requirement. Our results demonstrate the importance of chilling for leaf unfolding in forest trees and indicate that the advance in leaf unfolding phenology with increasing temperature will probably be less pronounced than forecasted. This highlights the urgent need to determine experimentally the interactions between chilling and heat requirements in forest tree species, to improve our understanding and modeling of changes in phenological timing under global warming.  相似文献   
We recently reported that trace insertion of exogenous fluorescent (green BODIPY) analogs of sphingomyelin (SM) into living red blood cells (RBCs), partially spread onto coverslips, labels submicrometric domains, visible by confocal microscopy. We here extend this feature to endogenous SM, upon binding of a SM-specific nontoxic (NT) fragment of the earthworm toxin, lysenin, fused to the red monomeric fluorescent protein, mCherry [construct named His-mCherry-NT-lysenin (lysenin*)]. Specificity of lysenin* binding was verified with composition-defined liposomes and by loss of 125I-lysenin* binding to erythrocytes upon SM depletion by SMase. The 125I-lysenin* binding isotherm indicated saturation at 3.5 × 106 molecules/RBC, i.e., ∼3% of SM coverage. Nonsaturating lysenin* concentration also labeled sub­micrometric domains on the plasma membrane of partially spread erythrocytes, colocalizing with inserted green BODIPY-SM, and abrogated by SMase. Lysenin*-labeled domains were stable in time and space and were regulated by temperature and cholesterol. The abundance, size, positioning, and segregation of lysenin*-labeled domains from other lipids (BODIPY-phosphatidylcholine or -glycosphingolipids) depended on membrane tension. Similar lysenin*-labeled domains were evidenced in RBCs gently suspended in 3D-gel. Taken together, these data demonstrate submicrometric compartmentation of endogenous SM at the membrane of a living cell in vitro, and suggest it may be a genuine feature of erythrocytes in vivo.  相似文献   
Species may respond in three ways to environmental change: adapt, migrate, or go extinct. Studies of latitudinal clines can provide information on whether species have adapted to abiotic stress such as temperature and drought in the past and what the traits underlying adaptation are. We investigated latitudinal trait variation and response to drought in North American populations of Arabidopsis lyrata. Plants from nine populations collected over 13° latitude were grown under well-watered and dry conditions. A total of 1,620 seedlings were raised and 12 phenological, physiological, morphological, and life history traits were measured. Two traits, asymptotic rosette size and the propensity to flower, were significantly associated with latitude: plants from northern locations grew to a larger size and were more likely to flower in the first season. Most traits displayed a plastic response to drought, but plasticity was never related linearly with latitude nor was it enhanced in populations from extreme latitudes with reduced water availability. Populations responded to drought by adopting mixed strategies of resistance, tolerance, and escape. The study shows that latitudinal adaptation in A. lyrata involves the classic life history traits, size at and timing of reproduction. Contrary to recent theoretical predictions, adaptation to margins is based on fixed trait differences and not on phenotypic plasticity, at least with respect to drought.  相似文献   
Growing clinical and experimental evidence suggests that sterile inflammation contributes to alcoholic liver disease (ALD). High mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) is highly induced during liver injury; however, a link between this alarmin and ALD has not been established. Thus, the aim of this work was to determine whether HMGB1 contributes to the pathogenesis of ALD. Liver biopsies from patients with ALD showed a robust increase in HMGB1 expression and translocation, which correlated with disease stage, compared with healthy explants. Similar findings were observed in chronic ethanol-fed wild-type (WT) mice. Using primary cell culture, we validated the ability of hepatocytes from ethanol-fed mice to secrete a large amount of HMGB1. Secretion was time- and dose-dependent and responsive to prooxidants and antioxidants. Selective ablation of Hmgb1 in hepatocytes protected mice from alcohol-induced liver injury due to increased carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1, phosphorylated 5′AMP-activated protein kinase-α, and phosphorylated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-α expression along with elevated LDL plus VLDL export. Native and post-translationally modified HMGB1 were detected in humans and mice with ALD. In liver and serum from control mice and in serum from healthy volunteers, the lysine residues within the peptides containing nuclear localization signals (NLSs) 1 and 2 were non-acetylated, and all cysteine residues were reduced. However, in livers from ethanol-fed mice, in addition to all thiol/non-acetylated isoforms of HMGB1, we observed acetylated NLS1 and NLS2, a unique phosphorylation site in serine 35, and an increase in oxidation of HMGB1 to the disulfide isoform. In serum from ethanol-fed mice and from patients with ALD, there was disulfide-bonded hyperacetylated HMGB1, disulfide-bonded non-acetylated HMGB1, and HMGB1 phosphorylated in serine 35. Hepatocytes appeared to be a major source of these HMGB1 isoforms. Thus, hepatocyte HMGB1 participates in the pathogenesis of ALD and undergoes post-translational modifications (PTMs) that could condition its toxic effects.  相似文献   
The impact of feto-maternal histocompatibility on reproduction has inspired long-lasting debates. However, after the review of numerous articles, the impact of HLA allele sharing within couples on fecundity remains questionable. We decided to explore the impact of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) feto-maternal compatibility on reproduction in a cynomolgus macaque facility composed of animals of Mauritian descent. The Mauritian-derived macaque population presents a very restricted MHC polymorphism (only seven founding haplotypes) due to a strong founding bottleneck effect. The MHC polymorphism was investigated in 237 trios (male, female and offspring) using 17 microsatellite markers distributed across the MHC. Haplotypes were confirmed by segregation analysis. We evaluated the relative frequencies of MHC-compatible and MHC-semi-compatible offspring with the mothers. Among the 237 trios, we selected 42 trios for which the identity of the father is certain and for which the theoretical probabilities of fully compatible and semi-compatible offspring were equal. We found 11 offspring fully compatible and 31 offspring semi-compatible with their respective mother. The observed proportions were clearly outside the interval of confidence of 99 % and therefore most probably resulted from a selection of the semi-compatible offspring during pregnancy. We concluded that MHC fully compatible cynomolgus macaque offspring have a selective survival disadvantage in comparison with offspring inheriting a paternal MHC haplotype differing from maternal haplotypes.  相似文献   
In Escherichia coli, the DnaB helicase forms the basis for the assembly of the DNA replication complex. The stability of DnaB at the replication fork is likely important for successful replication initiation and progression. Single-molecule experiments have significantly changed the classical model of highly stable replication machines by showing that components exchange with free molecules from the environment. However, due to technical limitations, accurate assessments of DnaB stability in the context of replication are lacking. Using in vitro fluorescence single-molecule imaging, we visualise DnaB loaded on forked DNA templates. That these helicases are highly stable at replication forks, indicated by their observed dwell time of ∼30 min. Addition of the remaining replication factors results in a single DnaB helicase integrated as part of an active replisome. In contrast to the dynamic behaviour of other replisome components, DnaB is maintained within the replisome for the entirety of the replication process. Interestingly, we observe a transient interaction of additional helicases with the replication fork. This interaction is dependent on the τ subunit of the clamp-loader complex. Collectively, our single-molecule observations solidify the role of the DnaB helicase as the stable anchor of the replisome, but also reveal its capacity for dynamic interactions.  相似文献   
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