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Summary An integrated system for the collection, treatment and utilisation of piggery wastewater has been developed in Singapore which uses the cultivation of microalgae in high rate ponds to achieve reduction of BOD5 and COD5 of the effluent as well as producing single cell protein. A wide range of algal flora occurs in the ponds;Oocystis, Micratinium, Scenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus, Chlorella andOscillatoria spp were identified. Total algal counts, recorded from 1979 to 1981, ranged up to 107 per ml of pond water. There were considerable variations in the algal population and in the predominating species. No discernible pattern was evident. Consequently pond operations were frequently disturbed by these fluctuations in population which in turn was attributed to the heterogeneous composition of the piggery waste, to variable weather conditions and to predation by larger organisms particularlyMoina. After passing through the ponds, the total suspended solids were removed by a novel dissolved air flotation method which gave a clear effluent showing an 87% reduction in BOD5 value.
Resumen En Singapur se ha desrrollado un sistema integrado para le recogida, tratamiento y utilización de aguas residuales de pocilgas. Este sistema usa el cultivo de microalgas en estanques, de caudal rápido afin de reducir las DBO5 y DCO5 del efluencte produciendo asimismo proteínas celulares. La flora de algas producida en estos estanques es amplia y variada, habiendose identificado:Oocystis, Micratinium, Scenesdemus, Ankistrodesmus, Chlorella y Oscillatoria. Los recuentos totales de algas tomados desde 1979 a 1981 llegaron a alcanzar 10;7 por ml de agua del estanque. Se observaron variaciones considerables tanto en la población total de algas como en las especies predominantes sin que se pudiese, determinar un patrón de variación característico. Estas fluctuaciones en la población, causantes de frecuentes alteraciones en el funcionamiento del estanque, se atribuyeron a la composición heterogenea de los resuduos, a las variaciones climáticas y la predación por otros organismos particularmenteMoina Después de su paso por los estanque los solidos suspendidos totales se eliminaron mediante un nuevo método de flotación con aire disuelto, obteniendose un efluente limpio con una reducción de la DBO5 del 87%.

Résumé Un système intégré pour la collecte, le traitement et l'utilisation d'eaux résiduaires de porcherie a été développé à Singapoure. Il utilise la culture de micro-algues tant pour la réduction accélérée en lagune de la DBO5 et de la DCO de l'effluent que pour la production de protéines uni-cellulaires. On trouve une large gamme de flore algale dans les lagunes; des espèces d'-Oocystis, deMicratinium, deScenedesmus, Ankistrodesmus, deChlorella etd'Oscillatoria out été identifiées. Les comptages totaux d'algues, enregistrées de 1979 à 1981, ont donné jusqu' à 107 cellules par ml d'eau de la lagune. On a observé des variations considérables de population algale tant quantitatives que qualitatives. On ne discernait pas de spectres évidents. En conséquence, les opérations lagunaires ont été fréquemment perturbées par ces fermentations en population, qui, à leur tour, ont été attribuées à la composition hétérogène de l'effluent de porcherie, aux conditions atmosphériques et climatiques variables et à la prédation par des organismes plus conséquents, plus particulièrement desMoina. Après passage par les lagunes, les solides totaux en suspension ont été enlevés par une méthode nouvelle de flottation à l'air dissous, qui a donné un effluent limpide, présentant une réduction de DBO5 de 87%.
Summary Temperature effects on calling song production and recognition were investigated in the North American field cricket, Gryllus firmus. Temporal parameters of field-recorded G. firmus calling song are strongly affected by temperature. Chirp rate and syllable rate increase, by factors of 4 and 2, respectively, as linear functions of temperature over the range in which these animals sing in the field (12°–30 °C). Temperature affects syllable duration to a lesser extent, and does not influence calling song carrier frequency. Female phonotactic preference, measured on a spherical treadmill in the laboratory, also changes with temperature such that warmer females prefer songs with faster chirp and syllable rates. Best phonotaxis, measured as accuracy of orientation to the sound source, and highest walking velocity, occur in response to temperature-matched songs at 15°, 21°, and 30 °C. Experiments under semi-natural conditions in an outdoor arena revealed that females perform phonotaxis at temperatures as low as 13 °C. Taken together, the song and phonotaxis data demonstrate that this communication system is temperature coupled. A strategy is outlined by which temperature coupling may be exploited to test hypotheses about the organization of neural networks subserving song recognition.Abbreviations CP chirp period - SP syllable period - SD syllable duration  相似文献   
Summary C57BL mice inoculated with radiation leukemia virus (RadLV) develop preleukemic cells long before the onset of leukemia. These cells are potentially immunogenic but fail to elicit an immune response in the host because of the appearance of virus-specific suppressor T cells. We have studied the effect of polysaccharide K (PSK) on the generation of RadLV-specific cell-mediated immune responses in vitro. Long-term exposure to PSK in culture potentiated the ability of immunized T cells to respond to a RadLV-induced lymphoma. It also abrogated the suppressive activity of suppressor T cells and simultaneously boosted the ability of reactive T cells to respond. The dual immunostimulating activity of PSK resulted in the generation of T cytotoxic lymphocytes that could lyse lymphoma cells in vitro. The results suggest that PSK could be used as a prophylactic immune response modifier in preleukemia.  相似文献   
Using flow dialysis, we found two classes of calcium-binding sites on tubulin: high-affinity binding sites (1.56 +/- 0.38 per tubulin dimer) with a dissociation constant of (4.86 +/- 0.12).10(-6) M and low-affinity binding sites (5.82 +/- 0.50 per tubulin dimer) with a dissociation constant of (6.4 +/- 0.4).10(-5) M. In the presence of 6.10(-5) M MgSO4, we found 0.64 +/- 0.18 calcium-binding sites per tubulin dimer with a dissociation constant of (4.7 +/- 0.5).10(-6) M and 1.2 +/- 0.2 sites per dimer with a dissociation constant of (3.5 +/- 0.4).10(-5) M. Under controlled conditions, trypsin and chymotrypsin selectively cleaved alpha- and beta-subunits, respectively, forming major fragments of 35 kDa and 20 kDa from the alpha-subunit, and major fragments of 31 kDa and 22 kDa from the beta-subunit. The high-affinity calcium-binding sites were detected in the carboxyl-terminal region of each tubulin subunit. Computer analysis of the subunit amino-acid sequences suggested possible locations of the putative calcium-binding sites.  相似文献   
Brain cell-free protein synthesis is inhibited by methyl mercury chloride (MeHg) following in vivo or in vitro administration. In this report, we have identified the locus of mercurial inhibition of translation. Intraperitoneal injection of MeHg (40 nmol/g body wt) induced variable inhibition of amino acid incorporation into the post-mitochondrial supernatant (PMS) harvested from the brain of young (10-20-day-old) rats. No mercurial-induced disaggregation of brain polyribosomes nor change in the proportion of 80S monoribosomes was detected on sucrose density gradients. No difference in total RNA was found in the PMS. Initiation complex formation was stimulated by MeHg, as detected by radiolabelled methionine binding to 80S monoribosomes following continuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. After micrococcal nuclease digestion of endogenous mRNA, both in vivo and in vitro MeHg inhibited polyuridylic acid-directed incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine. However, the in vivo inhibition was no longer observed when [3H]phenylalanyl-tRNAPhe replaced free [3H]phenylalanine in the incorporation assay. The formation of peptidyl[3H]puromycin revealed no difference from controls. There was significant mercurial inhibition of phenylalanyl-tRNA Phe synthetase activity in pH 5 enzyme fractions derived from brain PMS of MeHg-poisoned rats. These experiments revealed that the apparent MeHg inhibition of brain translation in vivo and in vitro is due primarily to perturbation in the aminoacylation of tRNA and is not associated with defective initiation, elongation, or ribosomal function.  相似文献   
Standard textbooks discuss parasitic disease according to specific organisms. In contrast, patients with parasitic infections present to physicians with a variety of clinical manifestations that may involve any of several organ systems and that often mimic nonparasitic diseases. A syndromic approach to the clinical situation may help the physician in considering the most important parasitic agents. Many parasitic infections can be acquired in temperate climates. While often considered tropical or exotic, other parasitic diseases are now seen more frequently in developed countries because of immigration and increased world travel. In this review the clinical syndromes associated with common parasitic diseases in North America are discussed, with an emphasis on risk factors and diagnosis of specific infections.  相似文献   
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