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Lipopolysaccharides of several strains of Salmonella, Arizona, and Proteus vulgaris, have been found to contain two unusual amino sugars not previously reported. These amino sugars were identified as d-mannosamine and quinovosamine (2-amino-2,6-dideoxy glucose).  相似文献   
In vitro phytochrome dark reversion process   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Taylor AO 《Plant physiology》1968,43(5):767-774
Thermal reversion of the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome to the red absorbing form in darkness has been investigated in crude and partially purified isolates from a number of etiolated and light grown higher plants. The influence of temperature, aging and urea on the rate of reversion was also determined.

Phytochrome isolated from all higher plants underwent reversion. The reversion proceeded in at least 2 distinct stages; a short rapid initial phase being followed a slow phase which continued for many hours. Reversion rate was highest in phytochrome isolated from green leaves of parsnip (Pastinacea sativa) and lowest in that isolated from etiolated oats (Avena sativa). Although the rate of reversion could be changed by modifying the tertiary structure of the protein component, the large differences in rate appeared to be characteristic of the plant source. Observed in vitro rates of reversion are slower than those occurring in vivo. Removal of other buffer solubilized material during purification had little effect on the rate of reversion of phytochrome isolated from etiolated material.

Summary Awn length of four isogenic lines of barley differing by two genes for awn development (A andB) and their short iinkage blocks was evaluated at a wide range of plant densities (0.002 to 3.345 m2/plant) for two years. Awn development was reduced at high plant density. The quarter-awned genotype (aaBB) became phenotypically awnless (aabb) at high plant density. Similar results were obtained each year and the genotype x plant density effect was the major portion of the genotype-environment interaction variance. Additive ( A , B ) and additive x additive ( AB ) gene effects were computed for each plant density for lateral and central floret awn length. For lateral awns AB was not affected, but A and B increased with decreased plant density. In contrast, for central awns A and AB decreased and B increased with decreased plant density.Central floret awns measured at each spike node showed that high plant density reduced awn development most in the lower half of the spike. This is the zone of most rapid awn differentiation and since culm elongation and spike growth rates were greatly increased by high plant density, it was suggested that rapid growth invoked a stress on awn development and differentially altered the expression ofA andB.
Zusammenfassung An 4 isogenen Gerstenlinien, die sich durch zwei Gene für Grannenbildung (A undB) und entsprechende kurze Kopplungsblocks unterscheiden, wurde zwei Jahre lang die Länge der Grannen bei verschiedener Standdichte (0,002 bis 3,345 m2 je Pflanze) untersucht. Bei dichtem Bestand ergab sich eine Beeinträchtigung der Grannenbildung, der viertelbegrannte Genotyp (aaBB) wurde phänotypisch grannenlos (aabb). Die Ergebnisse stimmten in beiden Jahren überein, der Effekt Genotyp x Standdichte hatte den Hauptanteil an der Interaktionsvarianz Genotyp: Umwelt. Additive ( A , B ) und additive x additive ( AB ) Genwirkungen wurden bei jeder Standdichte für die Grannenlänge der Seiten-und Mittelährchen errechnet. Bei den seitlichen Grannen wurde AB nicht beeinflußt, aber A und B erhöhten sich mit abnehmender Standdichte. Im Gegensatz dazu gingen bei den mittleren Grannen A und AB zurück, während für B bei abnehmender Standdichte ein Ansteigen festzustellen war.Messungen der mittleren Grannen jeder Ähre zeigten, daß hohe standdichte der Pflanzen die Grannenbildung am meisten in der unteren Hälfte der Ähre reduzierte. Das ist die Zone, in der sich die Grannen am schnellsten differenzieren, und da die Halm- und Ährenwachstumsraten durch hohe Standdichte stark gesteigert wurden, scheint das schnelle Wachstum auf die Grannenentwicklung hemmend einzuwirken und die Manifestierung vonA undB unterschiedlich abzuändern.
Summary The synaptology of the Cebus lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was studied after varying (3–15 days) periods of survival following unilateral and bilateral eye enucleations. Part of the material was processed with the Glees and Nauta techniques for light microscopy while the rest was processed for electron microscope observation. The study revealed a variety of degenerated terminals in the parvocellular portion of the LGN and allowed the differentiation of the retinal from the extraretinal terminals. The most frequent synaptic type of retinal origin is a glomerular large central terminal (up to 20 long) which makes axodendritic and axoaxonic synaptic contacts with geniculate dendrites and peripheral small terminals. Simple axodendritic and axosomatic terminals of retinal and extraretinal origin were also found. The early changes affecting the geniculate neurons and astrocytes during the degenerative process are described.These results are discussed in relation to: 1) previous work on the LGN synaptology of cats and macaques; 2) the physiology of the LGN; 3) the phagocytic role of astrocytes; 4) the general problem of degeneration in the central nervous system. In addition, a correlation between the light and electron microscope observations is attempted.Work supported by Grants from the National Council to Combat Blindness, Inc. N.Y., U.S.A. (Fight for Sight Grant-in-Aid-G-340), the AF-AFOSR Grant No. 963/67-68, and the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas, Buenos Aires, Argentina.The authors acknowledge the continuous advice and encouragement received from Prof. E. de Robertis throughout all the phases of the project. The expert technical assistance of Miss E. di Matteo, Mr. A. Sáenz and Mr. R. Castelli is also gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Murein (Peptidoglycan) eines aus Faeces isolierten Streptococcus, der in den wichtigsten Merkmalen mit Peptostreptococcus evolutus (Prevot) Smith übereinstimmt, weist folgende Molverhältnisse auf (aufgerundete bzw. abgerundete Zahlen): Mur:GlcNH2:Ala:Glu:Lys:Gly=1:1:3:1:1:1. Das Verhältnis l-Alanin:d-Alanin=2,15:1. Die Glutaminsäure liegt in der d-Konfiguration und als Amid vor.Durch die Partialhydrolyse der Zellwände und die anschließende Isolierung und Identifizierung der Peptide konnte die Aminosäuresequenz des Mureins geklärt werden. Das Tetrapeptid stimmt mit der üblichen Sequenz l-Ala-d-Glu-NH2-l-Lys-d-Ala der meisten übrigen Bakterien überein. Die Quervernetzung des Mureins wird durch das Peptid Glycyl-l-Alanin hergestellt, wobei l-Alanin an die -Aminogruppe des Lysins gebunden ist. Die Dinitrophenylierung der Zellwand ergab, daß 35% des Glycins und 6% des Lysins eine freie Aminogruppe aufweisen. Die Quervernetzung ist demnach nur zu höchstens 60% durchgeführt.
The chemical composition of the cell walls of Streptococci III. The amino acid sequence of a glycine containing murein from Peptostreptococcus evolutus (Prevot) Smith
Summary Peptostreptococcus evolutus was isolated from feces. Its murein containes muramic acid, glucosamine, alanine, d-glutamic acid, lysine and glycine at a molar ratio of about 1:1:3:1:1:1. The ratio of l-alanine: d-alanine is 2,15:1. Glutamic acid is present as an amide.By acid partial hydrolysis of the cell walls and subsequent isolation and identification of the peptides the amino acid sequence of the murein was elucidated. The tetrapeptide is identical with that of most bacteria (l-Ala-d-Glu-NH2-l-Lys-d-Ala). The crosslinking of the murein is performed by the peptide glycyl-l-alanine. l-alanine is attached to the -amino group of lysine while the amino group of glycine is bound to the carboxyl group of the c-terminal d-alanine of an adjacent tetrapeptide. About 35% glycine and 6% lysine of the murein are dinitrophenylisable indicating that maximally 60% of the possible cross-linkages are realized.
Streptococcus faecium var. casselifavus, nov. var   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Streptococcus faecium var. casseliflavus is a gram-positive, spherical cell. The cells occur chiefly as pairs within chains and elongate to ogive-shaped cells during growth. Growth is good on 5% bile salts-agar and in broth at 10 C, and in broth adjusted to pH 9.6 or containing 6.5% NaCl, but many strains fail to grow at 45 C. Litmus is reduced rapidly prior to formation of an acid curd. Few strains release ammonia from arginine or serine. The organism is not proteolytic and does not produce H(2)S or acetylmethylcarbinol, reduce nitrate, decarboxylate tyrosine, or produce slime on sucrose-agar. Most strains survive heating to 60 C for 30 min. It produces gray colonies on potassium tellurite agar, reduces 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium-HCl to a pink color, and ferments cellobiose, dextrin, maltose, mannose, and sorbitol, thus resembling S. faecalis. Like S. faecium, it produces peroxidase but not catalase on heated blood media, dissimilates malate, and ferments arabinose, melibiose, and salicin, but not melezitose. Like both species, it ferments dextrose, galactose, lactose, mannitol, sucrose, trehalose, and citrate. Properties peculiar to the variant include the high pH limiting initiation and termination of growth; the fermentation of alpha-methyl-d-glucoside, raffinose, and xylose; motility; and growth without blue button formation in ethyl violet broth. The water-soluble, pale lemon-yellow pigment is released into the aqueous phase only after the cell envelope is altered by fat solvents. The bacterium thrives as an epiphyte on plants.  相似文献   
Metabolism of beta-methylaspartate by a pseudomonad   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A bacterium was isolated from soil which utilizes threo-beta-methyl-l-aspartate, certain other amino acids, and a variety of organic substances as single energy sources. It is, or closely resembles, Pseudomonas putida biotype B. The ability of this organism to rapidly decompose such amino acids is dependent on inducible enzyme systems. Dialyzed cell-free extracts of this bacterium metabolize beta-methylaspartate only when catalytic amounts of alpha-ketoglutarate, or pyruvate, and pyridoxal phosphate are also present. The main products formed from beta-methylaspartate under these conditions are alpha-aminobutyrate, carbon dioxide, and alpha-ketobutyrate. When l-aspartate is substituted for beta-methylaspartate in this system, it is converted mainly to alanine and carbon dioxide. beta-Methyloxalacetate is decarboxylated, and the resulting alpha-ketobutyrate is converted enzymatically in the presence of glutamate to alpha-aminobutyrate which accumulates. The added keto acids are converted, in part, to the corresponding amino acids probably by transamination. The data indicate that beta-methylaspartate is converted to alpha-aminobutyrate, and aspartate to alanine, by a circuitous transamination-beta-decarboxylation-transamination sequence rather than by a direct beta-decarboxylation.  相似文献   
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