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We measured ventilation in nine young adults while they breathed pure O2 after breathing room air and after 5 and 25 min of hypoxia. With isocapnic hypoxia (arterial O2 saturation 80 +/- 2%) mean ventilation increased at 5 min and then declined, so that at 25 min values did not differ from those on room air. After 3 min of O2 breathing, ventilation was greater than that on room air or after 25 min of isocapnic hypoxia, whether the hyperoxia had been preceded by hypoxia or normoxia. During transitions to pure O2 breathing, ventilation was analyzed breath by breath with a moving average technique, searching for nadirs before and after increases in PO2. After both 5 and 25 min of hypoxia, O2 breathing was associated with transient depressions of ventilation, which were greater after 25 min than after 5 min. Significant depressions were not observed when hyperoxia followed room air breathing, and O2-induced nadirs after hypoxia were lower than those observed during room air breathing. O2 transiently depressed ventilation after hypoxia but not after room air breathing. These results suggest that the normal ventilatory response to isocapnic hypoxia has two components, an excitatory one from peripheral chemoreceptors, which is turned off by O2 breathing, and a slower inhibitory one, probably of central origin, which is affected less promptly by O2 breathing.  相似文献   
After voluntary hyperventilation, normal humans do not develop a significant ventilatory depression despite low arterial CO2 tension, a phenomenon attributed to activation of a brain stem mechanism referred to as the "afterdischarge." Afterdischarge is one of the factors that promote ventilatory stability. It is not known whether physiological stimuli, such as hypoxia, are able to activate the afterdischarge in humans. To test this, breath-by-breath ventilation (VI) was measured in nine young adults during and immediately after a brief period (35-51 s) of acute hypoxia (end-tidal O2 tension 55 Torr). Hypoxia was terminated by switching to 100% O2 (end-tidal O2 tension of first posthypoxic breath greater than 100 Torr). Brief hypoxia increased VI and decreased end-tidal CO2 tension. In all subjects, termination of hypoxia was followed by a gradual ventilatory decay; hyperoxic VI remained higher than the normoxic baseline for several breaths and, despite the negative chemical stimulus of hyperoxia and hypocapnia, reached a new steady state without an apparent undershoot. We conclude that brief hypoxia is able to activate the afterdischarge mechanism in conscious humans. This contrasts sharply with the ventilatory undershoot that follows relief of sustained hypoxia, thereby suggesting that sustained hypoxia inactivates the afterdischarge mechanism. The present findings are of relevance to the pathogenesis of periodic breathing in a hypoxic environment. Furthermore, brief exposure to hypoxia might be useful for evaluation of the role of afterdischarge in other disorders associated with unstable breathing.  相似文献   
During sustained hypoxia the decline in ventilation that occurs in normal adult humans may be related to central accumulation of a neurochemical with net inhibitory effect. Recent investigations have shown that the putative neurotransmitter adenosine can effect a prolonged respiratory inhibition. Therefore we evaluated the possible role of adenosine in the hypoxia ventilatory decline by employing aminophylline as an adenosine blocker. We evaluated the ventilatory response to 25 min of sustained hypoxia (80% arterial O2 saturation), in eight young adults after pretreatment with either intravenous saline or aminophylline. With a mean serum aminophylline level of 15.7 mg/l, over 25 min of sustained hypoxia, peak hypoxic ventilation decreased by only 12.8% compared with 24.8% with saline, a significant difference. However, the ventilatory decline during sustained hypoxia was not abolished by the aminophylline pretreatment. Unlike the usual tidal volume-dependent attenuation of hypoxic ventilation exhibited after saline, after aminophylline the ventilatory decline was achieved predominantly through alterations in respiratory timing. Thus aminophylline pretreatment did alleviate the hypoxic ventilatory decline, although the associated alterations in breathing pattern were uncharacteristic. We conclude that adenosine may play a contributing role in the hypoxic ventilatory decline.  相似文献   
N.R. Anthonisen 《CMAJ》1983,129(2):193
N R Anthonisen 《CMAJ》1988,138(6):503-510
Outpatient management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is reviewed in this paper. Smoking cessation is probably important, although its benefit in established COPD is unproven. Bronchodilator therapy may be of more than symptomatic benefit and is indicated in virtually all patients. Specific beta 2-agonists are the most widely used agents and can be given in substantially larger doses than are usually recommended. Ipratropium bromide, an anticholinergic drug, is about as effective as a beta 2-agonist, but in large doses the two drugs do not seem to have additive effects, unlike theophylline and beta 2-agonists. Systemic corticosteroids decrease airway obstruction substantially in a small number of patients with COPD; these agents should be reserved for these patients and used sparingly. Inhaled steroids are of little benefit, as are respiratory stimulants and depressants. Broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy helps to relieve symptomatic exacerbations of COPD, particularly those characterized by increased dyspnea, sputum volume and sputum purulence. Cor pulmonale is best managed by diuretics and oxygen, with digoxin reserved for left ventricular failure and supraventricular arrhythmias. Continuous oxygen therapy at home is indicated for the patients who have chronic arterial hypoxemia.  相似文献   
We studied whether exercise endurance under normobaric hypoxia can be enhanced by increasing hypoxic ventilatory sensitivity with almitrine bismesylate (ALM). On both ALM and placebo (PL) days, resting subjects breathed a hypoxic gas mixture (an inspired O2 fraction of 10.4-13.2%), which lowered resting arterial O2 saturation (SaO2) to 80%. After 15 min of rest there was a 3-min warm-up period of exercise at 50 W (light) on a cycle ergometer, followed by a step increase in load to 60% of the previously determined maximum power output with room-air breathing (moderate), which was maintained until exhaustion. With PL, SaO2 decreased rapidly with the onset of exercise and continued to fall slowly during moderate exercise, averaging 71.0 +/- 1.8% (SE) at exhaustion. With ALM, saturation did not differ from PL during air breathing but significantly exceeded SaO2 with PL, by 3.4% during resting hypoxia, by 4.0% at the start of exercise, and by 5.9% at exhaustion. Ventilation was not affected by ALM during air breathing and was slightly, although not significantly, increased during hypoxic rest and exercise. ALM was associated with an increased heart rate during room air breathing but not during hypoxia. Endurance time was 20.6 +/- 1.6 min with ALM and 21.3 +/- 0.9 min with PL. During hypoxic exercise, the potential benefit of greater saturation with ALM is apparently offset by other unidentified factors.  相似文献   
Increases in functional residual capacity (FRC) decrease inspiratory muscle efficiency; the present experiments were designed to determine the effect of FRC change on the ventilatory response to exercise. Six well-trained adults were exposed to expiratory threshold loads (ETL) ranging from 5 to 40 cmH2O during steady-state exercise on a bicycle ergometer at 40-95% VO2max. Inspiratory capacity (IC) was measured and changes of IC interpreted as changes of FRC. ETL did not consistently limit exercise performance. At heavy work (greater than 92% VO2max) minute ventilation decreased with increasing ETL; at moderate work (less than 58% VO2max) it did not. Decreases in ventilation were due to decreases in respiratory frequency with prolongation of the duration of expiration being the most consistent change in breathing pattern. At moderate work levels, FRC increased with ETL; at maximum work it did not. Changes in FRC were dictated by constancy of tidal volume and a fixed maximum end-inspiratory volume of 80-90% of the inspiratory capacity. When tidal volume was such that end-inspiratory volume was less than this value, FRC increased with ETL. Mouth pressure measured during the first 0-1 s of inspiratory effort against an occluded airway (P0-1) was increased by ETL equals 30 cmH2O, in spite of the fact that ventilation was decreased. We concluded that changes in FRC due to ETL had no effect on the ventilatory response to exercise and that changes in P0-1 induced by ETL did not reflect changes of inspiratory drive so much as changes of the pattern of inspiration.  相似文献   
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