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Natural variation for photosynthetic traits was studied by determining chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in a collection of Arabidopsis accessions. This screen revealed only one single accession (Ely), exhibiting photosynthetic characteristics markedly different from all others, while a few lines showed small but significant variation. Detailed genetic and physiological analyses showed reduced fitness for Ely compared with the standard laboratory strain Ler for various growth parameters. At low temperature (15 degrees C), Ely had a higher electron transport rate than Ler, indicating increased photosystem II efficiency under this condition, while at high temperature (30 degrees C) the opposite was observed. Ely had a high sensitivity to UV-B radiation compared with Ler and was atrazine resistant. This atrazine-resistance and related chlorophyll fluorescence traits were maternally inherited, pointing towards chloroplast-located gene(s). Definite proof that Ely is atrazine-resistant was obtained by sequencing the psbA gene, encoding the D1 protein of photosystem II, revealing a point mutation causing the same amino acid change as found in other atrazine-resistant species. Additional nuclear encoded genetic variation was also present, as was concluded from the small but significant differences in phenotype between Ely and its reciprocal crosses with Ler. It was concluded that the photosynthetic yield is highly conserved and that only severe selection pressure results in marked variations in photosynthetic performance.  相似文献   
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping was used to identify loci controlling various aspects of seed longevity during storage and germination. Similar locations for QTLs controlling different traits might be an indication for a common genetic control of such traits. For this analysis we used a new recombinant inbred line population derived from a cross between the accessions Landsberg erecta (Ler) and Shakdara (Sha). A set of 114 F9 recombinant inbred lines was genotyped with 65 polymerase chain reaction-based markers and the phenotypic marker erecta. The traits analyzed were dormancy, speed of germination, seed sugar content, seed germination after a controlled deterioration test, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) treatment, and on abscisic acid. Furthermore, the effects of heat stress, salt (NaCl) stress, osmotic (mannitol) stress, and natural aging were analyzed. For all traits one or more QTLs were identified, with some QTLs for different traits colocating. The relevance of colocation for mechanisms underlying the various traits is discussed.  相似文献   
A highly synchronised in-vitro tuberisation system, based on single-node cuttings containing an axillary bud, was used to investigate the activity patterns of enzymes involved in the conversion of sucrose to hexose-phosphates during stolon-to-tuber transition of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Two different non-tuberising systems were included to distinguish between changes that are or are not tuber-specific. At tuberisation the activity of soluble acid invertase decreased (13-fold) and of sucrose synthase increased (12-fold). The activity of both enzymes remained unchanged in the non-tuberising treatments. Based on the opposite patterns and large difference in activity of these two sucrolytic enzymes, we conclude that sucrose synthase constitutes the predominant route of sucrose breakdown after tuber initiation. During the period before tuberisation, the activity of cell-wall-bound invertase and of hexokinase showed a highly positive correlation (r 2 = 0.96 in all the three treatments, suggesting coordinated coarse control of both enzyme activities. After the onset of tuberisation cell-wall-bound invertase activity decreased to a very low level, a change not observed in the non-tuberising systems, indicating that cell-wall-bound invertase is presumably not involved in the unloading mechanism and/or short-distance transport of sucrose within the perimedulla of growing tubers. The overall activity of fructokinase and of hexokinase both showed a fourfold increase after tuber initiation, but remained unchanged in the non-tuberising systems. The increase of fructokinase suggests that the phosphorylation of fructose by fructokinase down-regulates the cytosolic fructose content in order to maintain a high sucrose-synthase-catalysed net flux of sucrose to phosphorylated hexoses during rapid tuber growth. The increase of total glucose-phosphorylating potential could be a response to the tuberisation-related starch accumulation process. The activity of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase showed no developmental change. The level of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase activity is very likely the result of metabolic regulation. Received: 21 June 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1996  相似文献   
Association mapping was used to investigate the genetic basis of variation within Brassica rapa, which is an important vegetable and oil crop. We analyzed the variation of phytate and phosphate levels in seeds and leaves and additional developmental and morphological traits in a set of diverse B. rapa accessions and tested association of these traits with AFLP markers. The analysis of population structure revealed four subgroups in the population. Trait values differed between these subgroups, thus defining associations between population structure and trait values, even for traits such as phytate and phosphate levels. Marker-trait associations were investigated both with and without taking population structure into account. One hundred and seventy markers were found to be associated with the observed traits without correction for population structure. Association analysis with correction for population structure led to the identification of 27 markers, 6 of which had known map positions; 3 of these were confirmed in additional QTL mapping studies.  相似文献   
Phylogenetic relationships of Oceanian staple yams (species of Dioscorea section Enantiophyllum) were investigated using plastid trnL‐F and rpl32‐trnL(UAG) sequences and nine nuclear co‐dominant microsatellites. Analysis of herbarium specimens, used as taxonomic references, allowed the comparison with samples collected in the field. It appears that D. alata, D. transversa and D. hastifolia are closely related species. This study does not support a direct ancestry from D. nummularia to D. alata as previously hypothesized. The dichotomy in D. nummularia previously described by farmers in semi‐perennial and annual types was reflected by molecular markers, but the genetic structure of D. nummularia appears more complex. Dioscorea nummularia displayed two haplotypes, each corresponding to a different genetic group. One, including a D. nummularia voucher from New Guinea, is closer to D. tranversa, D. alata and D. hastifolia and encompasses only semi‐perennial types. The second group is composed of semi‐perennial and annual yams. However, some of these annual yams also displayed D. alata haplotypes. Nuclear markers revealed that some annual yams shared alleles with D. alata and semi‐perennial D. nummularia, suggesting a hybrid origin, which may explain their intermediate morphotypes and the difficulty met in classifying them.  相似文献   
Large areas of arable land are often confronted with irregular rainfall resulting in limited water availability for part(s) of the growing seasons, which demands research for drought tolerance of plants. Natural variation was observed for biomass accumulation upon controlled moderate drought stress in 324 natural accessions of Arabidopsis. Improved performance under drought stress was correlated with early flowering and lack of vernalization requirement, indicating overlap in the regulatory networks of flowering time and drought response or correlated responses of these traits to natural selection. In addition, plant size was negatively correlated with relative water content (RWC) independent of the absolute water content (WC), indicating a prominent role for soluble compounds. Growth in control and drought conditions was determined over time and was modelled by an exponential function. Genome‐wide association (GWA) mapping of temporal plant size data and of model parameters resulted in the detection of six time‐dependent quantitative trait loci (QTLs) strongly associated with drought. Most QTLs would not have been identified if plant size was determined at a single time point. Analysis of earlier reported gene expression changes upon drought enabled us to identify for each QTL the most likely candidates.  相似文献   
The effect of vanadate on proton-sucrose cotransport in ricinus cotyledons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The effects of orthovanadate on the uptake of sucrose by Ricinus cotyledons and on sucrose-coupled proton influx were measured in order to gain insight into the relationship to the plasma membrane proton pump. Vanadate had no effect on short-term sucrose uptake. In longterm experiments (>30 min) sucrose uptake was progressively inhibited, but only at high external sucrose concentrations. Vanadate did not affect proton efflux pumping in the absence of sucrose and neither did it change the initial rate of sucrose-coupled proton influx. However, it enhanced the maximal level of sucrose-induced alkalinization of the medium at all sucrose concentrations tested. This is interpreted as an inhibiting effect of vanadate on the proton pump that recycles protons during sucrose-proton cotransport. The sensitivity towards vanadate indicates that this proton pump is an ATPase. A second proton-translocating system, that is insensitive to vanadate, is postulated to function in the absence of sucrose.  相似文献   
Summary Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) activated with recombinant interleukin-2 (IL-2) generate potent lytic activity (LAK) against a variety of malignant cells. IL-2 alone is sufficient for LAK generation, but high concentrations are needed to generate optimal cytotoxicity. Our recent studies based on combinations of biological agents indicated that alternative activation pathways may exist. Synergy for LAK induction was investigated using IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor- (TNF). Single-cell suspensions of primary human lung carcinomas were prepared from seven established cell lines and 32 fresh tumor specimens. Not only were all cell lines sensitive to allogeneic LAK, but also all fresh tumors were sensitive to some degree to both autologous and allogeneic LAK lysis measured by a 4-h 51Cr-release assay. LAK-mediated cytotoxicity, induced with a combination of human recombinant IL-2 (Cetus, 100 U/ml) and TNF (Genentech, 500 U/ml), showed a mean fourfold increase (range 0.7–16.3) over IL-2 alone. No lytic activity was generated from PBM incubated with media or TNF alone. The sequence dependence of adding IL-2 and TNF in enhancing cytolytic activity was also studied. In vitro kinetics data revealed that the addition of TNF 2–6 h before the addition of IL-2 greatly increased LAK activity over that obtained from the simultaneous addition of the two cytokines. These results demonstrated (a) the synergy of IL-2 and TNF for generating LAK; (b) the lysis of fresh primary lung cancer cells by LAK; and (c) the sequence dependence of IL-2 and TNF for the induction of optimal LAK activity.This work was supported by NCI Grants RO2-CA45225 and CAO 9611-01, and by an award from the Prouss Foundation  相似文献   
Exudate was collected fromRicinus communis L. cotyledons after cutting the hypocotyl. It contained high levels of sucrose and potassium, a low level of calcium, and a pH of approx. 7.5. After application of [14C] sucrose to the cotyledons, radioactivity could be recovered from the exudate, indicating that the exudate was derived from the phloem. Using data from a number of individual seedlings, correlations between loading rates of sucrose, translocation rates, and sucrose and potassium contents were analyzed. A positive correlation was found between the rate of sucrose loading and the rate of sucrose exudation, whereas a negative correlation existed between the contents of sucrose and potassium in the phloem.  相似文献   
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