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Haemolytic uraemic syndrome caused by Shiga toxin‐producing E. coli (STEC) is dependent on release of Shiga toxins (Stxs) during intestinal infection and subsequent absorption into the bloodstream. An understanding of Stx‐related events in the human gut is limited due to lack of suitable experimental models. In this study, we have used a vertical diffusion chamber system with polarized human colon carcinoma cells to simulate the microaerobic (MA) environment in the human intestine and investigate its influence on Stx release and translocation during STEC O157:H7 and O104:H4 infection. Stx2 was the major toxin type released during infection. Whereas microaerobiosis significantly reduced bacterial growth as well as Stx production and release into the medium, Stx translocation across the epithelial monolayer was enhanced under MA versus aerobic conditions. Increased Stx transport was dependent on STEC infection and occurred via a transcellular pathway other than macropinocytosis. While MA conditions had a similar general effect on Stx release and absorption during infection with STEC O157:H7 and O104:H4, both serotypes showed considerable differences in colonization, Stx production, and Stx translocation which suggest alternative virulence strategies. Taken together, our study suggests that the MA environment in the human colon may modulate Stx‐related events and enhance Stx absorption during STEC infection.  相似文献   
Projecting the fates of populations under climate change is one of global change biology's foremost challenges. Here, we seek to identify the contributions that temperature‐mediated local adaptation and plasticity make to spatial variation in nesting phenology, a phenotypic trait showing strong responses to warming. We apply a mixed modeling framework to a Britain‐wide spatiotemporal dataset comprising >100 000 records of first egg dates from four single‐brooded passerine bird species. The average temperature during a specific time period (sliding window) strongly predicts spatiotemporal variation in lay date. All four species exhibit phenological plasticity, advancing lay date by 2–5 days °C?1. The initiation of this sliding window is delayed further north, which may be a response to a photoperiod threshold. Using clinal trends in phenology and temperature, we are able to estimate the temperature sensitivity of selection on lay date (B), but our estimates are highly sensitive to the temporal position of the sliding window. If the sliding window is of fixed duration with a start date determined by photoperiod, we find B is tracked by phenotypic plasticity. If, instead, we allow the start and duration of the sliding window to change with latitude, we find plasticity does not track B, although in this case, at odds with theoretical expectations, our estimates of B differ across latitude vs. longitude. We argue that a model combining photoperiod and mean temperature is most consistent with current understanding of phenological cues in passerines, the results from which suggest that each species could respond to projected increases in spring temperatures through plasticity alone. However, our estimates of B require further validation.  相似文献   
Understanding the various processes contributing to community assembly is among the central aims of ecology. As a means of exploring this topic we quantified the relative influences of habitat filtering and competition in establishing patterns of community functional trait diversity across a landscape of lakes. Habitat filtering has been invoked in shaping community structure when co‐occurring taxa are more similar in their traits than expected by chance (under‐dispersion), and competition has been inferred as a structuring agent when co‐occurring taxa are less similar (over‐dispersion). We tested these hypotheses in crustacean zooplankton communities using a functional trait‐based approach based on five traits defining zooplankton feeding and habitat preferences across 51 lakes spanning several large limnological gradients. In general, zooplankton communities were functionally less diverse than random assemblages created from the same regional species pool. Furthermore, functional diversity was strongly correlated with variables related to lake productivity, suggesting that access to resources was the chief habitat filtering process constraining zooplankton functional diversity. This pattern was driven by the predominantly herbivorous cladocerans as opposed to the more commonly omnivorous, and sometimes carnivorous, copepods.  相似文献   
The functional activities of the photosynthetic apparatus of two tomato cultivars of different thermotolerance were investigated after a short period of high temperature treatment. Seedlings of two tomato genotypes, Lycopersicon esculentum var. Campbell-28 and the wild thermotolerant Nagcarlang, were grown under a photoperiod of 16h at 25 degrees C and dark period of 8h at 20 degrees C. At the fourth true leaf stage, a group of plants was exposed to heat stress of 45 degrees C for 2 h. The heat shock treatment caused important reductions of the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) of Campbell-28 plants due to non-stomatal components. These non-stomatal effects were not evident in Nagcarlang-treated plants. This reduction in the CO2 assimilation rate observed in Campbell-28 was generated by affections in the Calvin cycle and also in the PSII functioning. No changes in these parameters were observed in the thermotolerant genotype after the stress. Injury to the plasma membrane because of the heat stress was evident only in the Campbell-28 genotype. Heat led to a sun-type adaptation response of the photosynthesis pigment apparatus for the Nagcarlang genotype, but not for Campbell-28, and thus an increase in chlorophyll a/b ratio and a decrease in chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio were shown in Nagcarlang stressed plants.  相似文献   
Background. Integrins are transmembrane αβ heterodimer receptors that function as structural and functional bridges between the cytoskeleton and ECM (extracellular matrix) molecules. The RGD (arginine‐glycine‐aspartate tripeptide motif)‐dependent integrin α8β1 has been shown to be involved in various cell functions in neuronal and mesenchymal‐derived cell types. Its role in epithelial cells remains unknown. Results. Integrin α8β1 was found to be expressed in the crypt cell population of the human intestine but was absent from differentiating and mature epithelial cells of the villus. The function of α8β1 in epithelial crypt cells was investigated at the cellular level using normal HIECs (human intestinal epithelial cells). Specific knockdown of α8 subunit expression using an shRNA (small‐hairpin RNA) approach showed that α8β1 plays important roles in RGD‐dependent cell adhesion, migration and proliferation via a RhoA/ROCK (Rho‐associated kinase)‐dependent mechanism as demonstrated by active RhoA quantification and pharmacological inhibition of ROCK. Moreover, loss of α8β1, through RhoA/ROCK, impairs FA (focal adhesion) complex integrity as demonstrated by faulty vinculin recruitment. Conclusions. Integrin α8β1 is expressed in epithelial cells. In intestinal crypt cells, α8β1 is closely involved in the regulation of adhesion, migration and cell proliferation via a predominant RhoA/ROCK‐dependent mechanism. These results suggest an important role for this integrin in intestinal crypt cell homoeostasis.  相似文献   
Natural habitats in human-altered landscapes are especially vulnerable to biological invasions, especially in their edges. We aim to understand the influence of landscape and local characteristics on biological invasions by exploring the level of plant invasion and alien species traits in forest edges in highly urbanized landscapes. We identified all plant species in 73 paired plots in the edge and 50 m towards the interior of the forest. We explored the association between alien species richness and similarity in species composition between edge and interior plots with landscape and local variables, using generalized linear models and variance partitioning techniques. Then, we performed Fourth-corner analyses to explore the association between alien plant traits and local and landscape variables. In contrast to native species richness, alien species richness was more affected by the surrounding landscape than by the local characteristics of the edge. Road proximity was positively associated with alien species richness and proportion and was its most important correlate, whereas disturbance was negatively associated with native species richness and was its most influential factor. Alien plant traits were also primarily associated with landscape characteristics. For instance, species of Mediterranean origin and introduced for agriculture were associated with higher agriculture use in the landscape. Our findings suggest that risk analyses of habitat vulnerability to invasion must consider the landscape context in order to successfully predict highly invaded areas and identify potentially successful invaders.  相似文献   
The boreal Northeast Atlantic is strongly affected by current climate change, and large shifts in abundance and distribution of many organisms have been observed, including the dominant copepod Calanus finmarchicus, which supports the grazing food web and thus many fish populations. At the same time, large‐scale declines have been observed in many piscivorous seabirds, which depend on abundant small pelagic fish. Here, we combine predictions from a niche model of C. finmarchicus with long‐term data on seabird breeding success to link trophic levels. The niche model shows that environmental suitability for C. finmarchicus has declined in southern areas with large breeding seabird populations (e.g. the North Sea), and predicts that this decline is likely to spread northwards during the 21st century to affect populations in Iceland and the Faroes. In a North Sea colony, breeding success of three common piscivorous seabird species [black‐legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), common guillemot (Uria aalge) and Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica)] was strongly positively correlated with local environmental suitability for C. finmarchicus, whereas this was not the case at a more northerly colony in west Norway. Large seabird populations seem only to occur where C. finmarchicus is abundant, and northward distributional shifts of common boreal seabirds are therefore expected over the coming decades. Whether or not population size can be maintained depends on the dispersal ability and inclination of these colonial breeders, and on the carrying capacity of more northerly areas in a warmer climate.  相似文献   


To clone, characterize and compare the bile salt hydrolase (BSH) genes of Lactobacillus johnsonii PF01.

Methods and Results

The BSH genes were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using specific oligonucleotide primers, and the products were inserted into the pET21b expression vector. Escherichia coli BLR (DE3) cells were transformed with pET21b vectors containing the BSH genes and induced using 0·1 mmol l?1 isopropylthiolgalactopyranoside. The overexpressed BSH enzymes were purified using a nickel–nitrilotriacetic acid (Ni2+‐NTA) agarose column and their activities characterized. BSH A hydrolysed tauro‐conjugated bile salts optimally at pH 5·0 and 55°C, whereas BSH C hydrolysed glyco‐conjugated bile salts optimally at pH 5·0 and 70°C. The enzymes had no preferential activities towards a specific cholyl moiety.


BSH enzymes vary in their substrate specificities and characteristics to broaden its activity. Despite the lack of conservation in their putative substrate‐binding sites, these remain functional through motif conservation.

Significance and Impact of the Study

This is to our knowledge the first report of isolation of BSH enzymes from a single strain, showing hydrolase activity towards either glyco‐conjugated or tauro‐conjugated bile salts. Future structural homology studies and site‐directed mutagenesis of sites associated with substrate specificity may elucidate specificities of BSH enzymes.  相似文献   
Previous reports have suggested that protein disulfide isomerases (PDIs) have transglutaminase (TGase) activity. The structural basis of this reaction has not been revealed. We demonstrate here that Caenorhabditis elegans PDI-3 can function as a Ca(2+)-dependent TGase in assays based on modification of protein- and peptide-bound glutamine residues. By site-directed mutagenesis the second cysteine residue of the -CysGlyHisCys- motif in the thioredoxin domain of the enzyme protein was found to be the active site of the transamidation reaction and chemical modification of histidine in their motif blocked TGase activity.  相似文献   
The otherwise harmless skin inhabitant Staphylococcus epidermidis is a major cause of healthcare‐associated medical device infections. The species' selective pathogenic potential depends on its production of surface adherent biofilms. The Cell wall‐anchored protein Aap promotes biofilm formation in S. epidermidis, independently from the polysaccharide intercellular adhesin PIA. Aap requires proteolytic cleavage to act as an intercellular adhesin. Whether and which staphylococcal proteases account for Aap processing is yet unknown. Here, evidence is provided that in PIA‐negative S. epidermidis 1457Δica, the metalloprotease SepA is required for Aap‐dependent S. epidermidis biofilm formation in static and dynamic biofilm models. qRT‐PCR and protease activity assays demonstrated that under standard growth conditions, sepA is repressed by the global regulator SarA. Inactivation of sarA increased SepA production, and in turn augmented biofilm formation. Genetic and biochemical analyses demonstrated that SepA‐related induction of biofilm accumulation resulted from enhanced Aap processing. Studies using recombinant proteins demonstrated that SepA is able to cleave the A domain of Aap at residue 335 and between the A and B domains at residue 601. This study identifies the mechanism behind Aap‐mediated biofilm maturation, and also demonstrates a novel role for a secreted staphylococcal protease as a requirement for the development of a biofilm.  相似文献   
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