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The ability to distinguish among chemical cues from multiple predators is of key adaptive value for many prey fish. We examined the attractiveness and repulsiveness of chemical stimuli from different coexisting fish species fed on different diets on the behaviour of hatchery reared Arctic charr young in a Y-maze fluviarum, where the charr could choose between two sides either with control water or stimulus water with fish odour. We used stimuli from (1) matching sized conspecifics, large (2) Arctic charr, (3) salmon, (4) brown trout and (5) brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry. Other salmonids were given pellet food. Additional fish odour treatments included piscivorous (6) pike and (7) burbot. In the control trials both sides received control water. Arctic charr young were expected to respond adaptively to the stimuli from coexisting piscivorous fish. The charr most strongly preferred water with the odour of their matching sized conspecifics, which was the only fish odour they were familiar with before the experiments. They also showed significant preference for other salmonid odours, even though these fish are potential predators on small charr. Chemical stimuli from pike and burbot, on the contrary, were strongly avoided, and burbot odour even prevented the charr to swim and enter the lateral halves of the fluviarum. Moreover, odour from brown trout fed on Arctic charr fry was avoided when compared to stimuli from trout fed on pellets. Although the Arctic charr young were completely naive regarding piscivores, the fact that they could distinguish between different predator taxa and diets on the basis of chemical cues only reflects the long coevolutionary history of these fish populations.  相似文献   
Membrane pyrophosphatases (PPases), divided into K(+)-dependent and K(+)-independent subfamilies, were believed to pump H(+) across cell membranes until a recent demonstration that some K(+)-dependent PPases function as Na(+) pumps. Here, we have expressed seven evolutionarily important putative PPases in Escherichia coli and estimated their hydrolytic, Na(+) transport, and H(+) transport activities as well as their K(+) and Na(+) requirements in inner membrane vesicles. Four of these enzymes (from Anaerostipes caccae, Chlorobium limicola, Clostridium tetani, and Desulfuromonas acetoxidans) were identified as K(+)-dependent Na(+) transporters. Phylogenetic analysis led to the identification of a monophyletic clade comprising characterized and predicted Na(+)-transporting PPases (Na(+)-PPases) within the K(+)-dependent subfamily. H(+)-transporting PPases (H(+)-PPases) are more heterogeneous and form at least three independent clades in both subfamilies. These results suggest that rather than being a curious rarity, Na(+)-PPases predominantly constitute the K(+)-dependent subfamily. Furthermore, Na(+)-PPases possibly preceded H(+)-PPases in evolution, and transition from Na(+) to H(+) transport may have occurred in several independent enzyme lineages. Site-directed mutagenesis studies facilitated the identification of a specific Glu residue that appears to be central in the transport mechanism. This residue is located in the cytoplasm-membrane interface of transmembrane helix 6 in Na(+)-PPases but shifted to within the membrane or helix 5 in H(+)-PPases. These results contribute to the prediction of the transport specificity and K(+) dependence for a particular membrane PPase sequence based on its position in the phylogenetic tree, identity of residues in the K(+) dependence signature, and position of the membrane-located Glu residue.  相似文献   
K. Tiira    A. Laurila    K. Enberg    J. Piironen 《Journal of fish biology》2009,74(10):2374-2385
Dominance status was determined among groups of four fish by using individuals from eight brown trout Salmo trutta populations. Subsequent growth of the fish was later recorded in larger groups. Seven months after the first set of trials, an additional set of dominance trials was performed by using the same fish. Social status affected subsequent growth; individuals having the lowest ranks grew less when compared to the higher ranking fish. Furthermore, the short term dominance hierarchy was rather stable between the two trials. This was especially the case with the lowest ranking fish, which tended to remain in the lowest position also in the second trial. The results suggest that the short term dominance trials done among few conspecifics reflect relatively well not only the subordinates' relative but also absolute social status.  相似文献   
Group‐living animals can gain protection against parasitic infections through social contacts with previously infected conspecifics (social immunization). Recent research suggests that such protective effects can be induced through visual or chemical cues released by infected individuals, resulting in anticipatory immune upregulation among group members. Here, we study cue‐induced social resistance in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss exposed to a trematode parasite, the eye‐fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum. We established groups of naïve individuals (receivers) that were paired with previously infected individuals (donors) at different ratios of donors to receivers and at different time points since donor exposure to capture varying concentrations of the anticipated cues. While the pre‐infection elevated resistance among the donors, there was no evidence of social transfer of resistance, regardless of the ratio of donors and receivers in a group or the time since the pre‐infection. The results suggest that resistance through social signalling may be system‐specific and requires further study into the generality of the phenomenon as well as the nature of the cues involved.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods that separate net ecosystem exchange (NEE) into its major components, gross ecosystem carbon uptake (GEP) and ecosystem respiration (Reco). In particular, we analyse the effect of the extrapolation of night‐time values of ecosystem respiration into the daytime; this is usually done with a temperature response function that is derived from long‐term data sets. For this analysis, we used 16 one‐year‐long data sets of carbon dioxide exchange measurements from European and US‐American eddy covariance networks. These sites span from the boreal to Mediterranean climates, and include deciduous and evergreen forest, scrubland and crop ecosystems. We show that the temperature sensitivity of Reco, derived from long‐term (annual) data sets, does not reflect the short‐term temperature sensitivity that is effective when extrapolating from night‐ to daytime. Specifically, in summer active ecosystems the long‐term temperature sensitivity exceeds the short‐term sensitivity. Thus, in those ecosystems, the application of a long‐term temperature sensitivity to the extrapolation of respiration from night to day leads to a systematic overestimation of ecosystem respiration from half‐hourly to annual time‐scales, which can reach >25% for an annual budget and which consequently affects estimates of GEP. Conversely, in summer passive (Mediterranean) ecosystems, the long‐term temperature sensitivity is lower than the short‐term temperature sensitivity resulting in underestimation of annual sums of respiration. We introduce a new generic algorithm that derives a short‐term temperature sensitivity of Reco from eddy covariance data that applies this to the extrapolation from night‐ to daytime, and that further performs a filling of data gaps that exploits both, the covariance between fluxes and meteorological drivers and the temporal structure of the fluxes. While this algorithm should give less biased estimates of GEP and Reco, we discuss the remaining biases and recommend that eddy covariance measurements are still backed by ancillary flux measurements that can reduce the uncertainties inherent in the eddy covariance data.  相似文献   
Vertebrate hosts often defend themselves against several co-infecting parasite genotypes simultaneously. This has important implications for the ecological dynamics and the evolution of host defence systems and parasite strategies. For example, it can drive the specificity of the adaptive immune system towards high genotype-specificity or cross-reactivity against several parasite genotypes depending on the sequence and probability of re-infections. However, to date, there is very little evidence on these interactions outside mammalian disease literature. In this study we asked whether genotype-specific or cross-reactive responses dominate in the adaptive immune system of a fish host towards a common macroparasite. In other words, we investigated if the infection success of a parasite genotype is influenced by the immunization genotype. We reciprocally immunized and re-exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to a range of genotypes of the trematode eye fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum, and measured infection success of the parasite. We found that the infection success of the parasite genotypes in the re-exposure did not depend on the immunization genotype. While immunization reduced average infection success by 31%, the reduction was not larger against the initial immunization genotype. Our results suggest significant cross-reactivity, which may be advantageous for the host in genetically diverse re-exposures and have significant evolutionary implications for parasite strategies. Overall, our study is among the first to demonstrate cross-reactivity of adaptive immunity against genetically diverse macroparasites with complex life cycles.  相似文献   
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