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Orchid species that are food mimics produce fewer fruits than species offering rewards, but few studies have shown the impact of environmental factors (e.g. anthropogenic activity, frost and herbivores) on their reproductive success over several seasons. In this study, we focused on the sole population of the endangered Calanthe yaoshanensis as it secretes no nectar. We investigated its floral biology, fruit set rates and prevailing environmental factors over three seasons (2008–2010). Mechanical self‐pollination did not occur in C. yaoshanensis, but hand‐selfed and crossed flowers produced equal numbers of fruit. However, seed viability and embryo size were significantly higher in cross‐pollinated fruits maximizing embryonic fitness. Large hoverflies (Syrphidae) and Bombus patagiatus (gynes) were the only pollinarium vectors, but they often failed to disperse pollinaria. We interpret the temporary retention of the anther cap over the pollinarium as an adaptation lowering self‐pollination. Insect‐mediated rates of pollinarium removal were always higher than rates of pollinia deposition on stigmas. Over 3 years, natural rates of pollinarium removal differed significantly, whereas natural rates of fruit set were not significantly different (< 22%). Climate, herbivory and anthropogenic collections also inhibited some fruit set and maturation. Both biotic and abiotic factors appear to lower the fecundity of this endangered population. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 421–433.  相似文献   
Environmental heterogeneity plays a key role in spatio-temporal distribution of organisms, their ecology and their evolutionary biology, with their physiological response, or tolerance to the environment defining their distributional range. The macroalgae of the sub-Antarctic ecoregion of Magallanes are subject to a wide range of environments, resulting from geomorphological processes (glacial erosion in the Quaternary), oceanographic gradients, and drastic seasonal variations of photoperiod and irradiance (winter <8 h of light, summer >17 h). We examined the tolerance response of the brown alga Lessonia flavicans to contrasting environments (three salinities, two temperatures, and two photoperiods) under controlled laboratory conditions. Our results suggest that L. flavicans has limited salinity tolerance that is affected by temperature and photoperiod. Summer temperature (9 °C?±?0.02) and photoperiod (18:6 h L:D) and salinity 32 psu seem optimal conditions for L. flavicans sporophyte development. Results of the present study provide key information for culturing a species of high economic and biological value, and could aid in predicting the species potential tolerance response to environmental fluctuations in the wake of global changes.  相似文献   
Paspalum is one of the most important genera of the Poaceae family due to its large number of species and diversity. The subgenus Anachyris comprises six species mainly from South America grouped together by sharing rare spikelet characteristics. A genetic analysis using ISSR markers, compared with the morphological and phenotypic variation observed in each one species, was used to establish genetic relationships among 40 accessions with several ploidy levels, belonging to 5 species of the subgenus Anachyris. Fourteen accessions of Paspalum malacophyllum (2x and 4x), 12 of P. simplex (2x, 3x, 4x and 6x), 4 of P. procurrens (2x and 4x), 4 of P. usterii (4x) and 6 of P. volcanensis (4x) were analysed. A total of 227 ISSR loci (98.7% polymorphic) were detected among all accessions, with variable loci number and percentages of polymorphism according to species delimitations. Six main groups were identified by cluster analysis based on Jaccard's genetic distance and UPGMA, four of which matched all the respective accessions of P. simplex, P. procurrens, P. usterii and P. volcanensis, while the other two were consistent with two different groups of accessions of P. malacophyllum, one involving most tetraploid accessions, and the other one grouping together a tetraploid and two diploid accessions. The distinctive morphological characteristics and the separate clustering of these tetraploid and diploid cytotypes suggest to consider a new multiploid species complex inside the subgenus Anachyris. Both cytotypes of P. procurrens, and the four co-specific cytotypes of P. simplex consistently clustered together forming two specific groups for the two multiploid taxons. This is in agreement with the existence of high phenotypic similarities between diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of P. procurrens, and among diploid, triploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes of P. simplex. Since the polyploid cytotypes of these species are reproduced by apomixis, the specific genetic clustering by ISSR markers and morphological and cytological results support the hypothesis that the two multiploid species were originated by autopolyploidy. Our results confirm previous studies suggesting a monophyletic origin for the subgenus Anachyris and are concordant with previous data regarding genomic homologies and phylogenetic analyses in the genus.  相似文献   
The origins of the extraordinary diversity within the Neotropics have long fascinated biologists and naturalists. Yet, the underlying factors that have given rise to this diversity remain controversial. To test the relative importance of Quaternary climatic change and Neogene tectonic and paleogeographic reorganizations in the generation of biodiversity, we examine intraspecific variation across the Heliconius cydno radiation and compare this variation to that within the closely related Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius timareta radiations. Our data, which consist of both mtDNA and genome‐scan data from nearly 2250 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) loci, reveal a complex history of differentiation and admixture at different geographic scales. Both mtDNA and AFLP phylogenies suggest that H. timareta and H. cydno are probably geographic extremes of the same radiation that probably diverged from H. melpomene prior to the Pliocene–Pleistocene boundary, consistent with hypotheses of diversification that rely on geological events in the Pliocene. The mtDNA suggests that this radiation originated in Central America or the northwestern region of South America, with a subsequent colonization of the eastern and western slopes of the Andes. Our genome‐scan data indicate significant admixture among sympatric H. cydno/H. timareta and H. melpomene populations across the extensive geographic ranges of the two radiations. Within H. cydno, both mtDNA and AFLP data indicate significant population structure at local scales, with strong genetic differences even among adjacent H. cydno colour pattern races. These genetic patterns highlight the importance of past geoclimatic events, intraspecific gene flow, and local population differentiation in the origin and establishment of new adaptive forms.  相似文献   
Solution structures and biochemical data have provided a wealth of mechanistic insight into Ras GTPases. However, information on how much the membrane organization of these lipid-modified proteins impacts on their signaling is still scarce. Ras proteins are organized into membrane nanoclusters, which are necessary for Ras-MAPK signaling. Using quantitative conventional and super-resolution fluorescence methods, as well as mathematical modeling, we investigated nanoclustering of H-ras helix α4 and hypervariable region mutants that have different bona fide conformations on the membrane. By following the emergence of conformer-specific nanoclusters in the plasma membrane of mammalian cells, we found that conformers impart distinct nanoclustering responses depending on the cytoplasmic levels of the nanocluster scaffold galectin-1. Computational modeling revealed that complexes containing H-ras conformers and galectin-1 affect both the number and lifetime of nanoclusters and thus determine the specific Raf effector recruitment. Our results show that mutations in Ras can affect its nanoclustering response and thus allosterically effector recruitment and downstream signaling. We postulate that cancer- and developmental disease-linked mutations that are associated with the Ras membrane conformation may exhibit so far unrecognized Ras nanoclustering and therefore signaling alterations.  相似文献   
Climate warming is expected to increase respiration rates of tropical forest trees and lianas, which may negatively affect the carbon balance of tropical forests. Thermal acclimation could mitigate the expected respiration increase, but the thermal acclimation potential of tropical forests remains largely unknown. In a tropical forest in Panama, we experimentally increased nighttime temperatures of upper canopy leaves of three tree and two liana species by on average 3  ° C for 1 week, and quantified temperature responses of leaf dark respiration. Respiration at 25  ° C (R25) decreased with increasing leaf temperature, but acclimation did not result in perfect homeostasis of respiration across temperatures. In contrast, Q10 of treatment and control leaves exhibited similarly high values (range 2.5–3.0) without evidence of acclimation. The decrease in R25 was not caused by respiratory substrate depletion, as warming did not reduce leaf carbohydrate concentration. To evaluate the wider implications of our experimental results, we simulated the carbon cycle of tropical latitudes (24 ° S–24 ° N) from 2000 to 2100 using a dynamic global vegetation model (LM3VN) modified to account for acclimation. Acclimation reduced the degree to which respiration increases with climate warming in the model relative to a no‐acclimation scenario, leading to 21% greater increase in net primary productivity and 18% greater increase in biomass carbon storage over the 21st century. We conclude that leaf respiration of tropical forest plants can acclimate to nighttime warming, thereby reducing the magnitude of the positive feedback between climate change and the carbon cycle.  相似文献   
Scorpions are one of the most important taxa of predators in terms of density, biomass, and diversity in various areas of the world. In this study, we compared population- and community-level data between a mature and a secondary forest in the Chancaní Reserve (Córdoba, Argentina). Scorpions were collected using pitfall traps (54 nights per site), and their nocturnal activity was observed by means of UV light (26 nights per site) over 7 months. Seven species of scorpions (1964 individuals) were observed in the study area (Bothriuridae and Buthidae). Brachistosternus ferrugineus composed >74 % of all individuals and was numerically dominant in most months. It was the most common species sampled with UV light method in all months (85.73 % in mature and 81.80 % in secondary forest). Timogenes elegans was the most common species sampled with the pitfall traps method in secondary forest (48.58 %). General sex ratio (males:females) for B. ferrugineus was 1:1.24 and for T. elegans was 1:0.53. The Shannon index was not significantly different between sites. Species richness was similar, and the Jaccard index was Cs = 0.86, indicating that both sites share 86 % of the species. Tityus confluens was the only species not shared between sites. Our results indicate that species composition in regenerating forest resembles that of primary forest after c. 15 years, but the relative abundances of these species differ.  相似文献   
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease affecting cervids. Polymorphisms in the prion protein gene can result in extended survival of CWD-infected animals. However, the impact of polymorphisms on cellular prion protein (PrPC) and prion properties is less understood. Previously, we characterized the effects of a polymorphism at codon 116 (A>G) of the white-tailed deer (WTD) prion protein and determined that it destabilizes PrPC structure. Comparing CWD isolates from WTD expressing homozygous wild-type (116AA) or heterozygous (116AG) PrP, we found that 116AG-prions were conformationally less stable, more sensitive to proteases, with lower seeding activity in cell-free conversion and reduced infectivity. Here, we aimed to understand CWD strain emergence and adaptation. We show that the WTD-116AG isolate contains two different prion strains, distinguished by their host range, biochemical properties, and pathogenesis from WTD-116AA prions (Wisc-1). Serial passages of WTD-116AG prions in tg(CerPrP)1536+/+ mice overexpressing wild-type deer-PrPC revealed two populations of mice with short and long incubation periods, respectively, and remarkably prolonged clinical phase upon inoculation with WTD-116AG prions. Inoculation of serially diluted brain homogenates confirmed the presence of two strains in the 116AG isolate with distinct pathology in the brain. Interestingly, deglycosylation revealed proteinase K-resistant fragments with different electrophoretic mobility in both tg(CerPrP)1536+/+ mice and Syrian golden hamsters infected with WTD-116AG. Infection of tg60 mice expressing deer S96-PrP with 116AG, but not Wisc-1 prions induced clinical disease. On the contrary, bank voles resisted 116AG prions, but not Wisc-1 infection. Our data indicate that two strains co-existed in the WTD-116AG isolate, expanding the variety of CWD prion strains. We argue that the 116AG isolate does not contain Wisc-1 prions, indicating that the presence of 116G-PrPC diverted 116A-PrPC from adopting a Wisc-1 structure. This can have important implications for their possible distinct capacities to cross species barriers into both cervids and non-cervids.  相似文献   
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