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In this study, we address the question of the cross-talk between two chemokines that are cosecreted during inflammation, namely monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and soluble fractalkine (s-FKN), toward monocyte migration. We found that s-FKN fails to induce MonoMac6 cell migration per se. Interestingly, this chemokine antagonizes transendothelial migration and chemotaxis of MonoMac6 cells and freshly isolated human monocytes induced by MCP-1, indicating a direct effect of s-FKN on monocytic cells. In this study, we found that stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK)1/c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 and SAPK2/p38 are involved in the control of MCP-1-induced MonoMac6 cell migration. We demonstrated that s-FKN abrogates the MCP-1-induced SAPK2/p38 activation as well as the upstream Pyk2 activity. Furthermore, we observed that s-FKN also inhibits the activity of a major matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), namely MMP-2. Taken collectively, our results indicate that the s-FKN antagonizes the chemoattractant effect of MCP-1 on monocytes, likely by inhibiting crucial signaling pathways, like SAPK2/p38 and MMP-2 activities.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to compare cuticular hydrocarbon profiles of slave-making Polyergus rufescens ants reared alone or with their Formica rufibarbis slaves. Chemical analyses showed that due to the close contacts occurring when the Formica were tending the Polyergus, the synthesis of the cuticular hydrocarbons carried by the slaves was enhanced in the slave-makers. The postpharyngeal hydrocarbon levels increased during the first 15 days of life, whether or not the Polyergus were exposed to Formica. Our findings suggest that Polyergus is able to secrete all components of their cuticular hydrocarbon blend and that none are acquired through contact with Formica. In addition to presenting our experimental evidence, several hypotheses are proposed to explain the synthesis and regulation of hydrocarbon blends borne when these two species cohabitate within a single colony.  相似文献   
Summary Detergent insoluble material (DIM) was prepared by gentle treatment with detergent from foetal, regenerating and adult normal rat hepatocytes cultured for various times. It retained to some degree the morphology of the cells. After incubation of intact cells with 35S-methionine, most of the labelled DIM proteins were found to be components of the cytoskeleton. They included several cytokeratins, vimentin and actin. The synthesis rate varied with the age of animals and culture conditions. The high synthetic rate of vimentin in foetal and regenerating hepatocytes could be associated with cell proliferation. No correlation was found between cytokeratin synthesis and hepatocyte growth. Most of the cytoskeleton proteins could be phosphorylated in intact cells and in DIM from cultured hepatocytes. However the degree of phosphorylation of these proteins was not related to their synthetic rate. The decreased phosphorylation level in cultured adult rat hepatocytes could be related to the rapid loss of specific functions.  相似文献   
The loss of neuronal cells, a prominent event in the development of the nervous system, involves regulated triggering of programmed cell death, followed by efficient removal of cell corpses. Professional phagocytes, such as microglia, contribute to the elimination of dead cells. Here we provide evidence that, in addition to their phagocytic activity, microglia promote the death of developing neurons engaged in synaptogenesis. In the developing mouse cerebellum, Purkinje cells die, and 60% of these neurons that already expressed activated caspase-3 were engulfed or contacted by spreading processes emitted by microglial cells. Apoptosis of Purkinje cells in cerebellar slices was strongly reduced by selective elimination of microglia. Superoxide ions produced by microglial respiratory bursts played a major role in this Purkinje cell death. Our study illustrates a mammalian form of engulfment-promoted cell death that links the execution of neuron death to the scavenging of dead cells.  相似文献   
Anthesis and pollen dispersal of H. lanatus and F. rubra were related to climate factors during a field investigation on Schiermonnikoog. In both species the anthesis showed a diurnal periodicity and could be connected to air temperature, relative air humidity, and light intensity. In the pollen release of both species no daily periodicity was found. This pollen release appears to be dependent on neither the temperature nor the light intensity. It could be related to only one of the measured climate factors, viz. the relative air humidity. It was discussed that anthesis is an active process based on physiological and ecological properties of the plant, whereas the pollen dispersal is only a mechanical process.  相似文献   
Currently the only accepted method for the detection of botulinum neurotoxin in contaminated samples is the mouse bioassay. Although highly sensitive this test has a number of drawbacks: it is expensive to perform, lacks specificity and involves the use of animals. With increasing resistance to such animal tests there is a need to replace the bioassay with a reliable in vitro test. Over the past six years it has been demonstrated that all the botulinum neurotoxins act intracellularly as highly specific zinc endoproteases, cleaving proteins involved in the control of secretion of neurotransmitters. In the work described, this enzymatic activity has been utilised in assay formats for the detection in foods of neurotoxin of the serotypes involved in food-borne outbreaks in man. These assays have been shown to have a greater sensitivity, speed and specificity than the mouse bioassay. It is envisaged that such assays will prove realistic alternatives to animal-based tests.  相似文献   
The present study reports an unequivocal and improved protocol for efficient screening of salt tolerance at flowering stage in rice, which can aid phenotyping of population for subsequent identification of QTLs associated with salinity stress, particularly at reproductive stage. To validate the new method, the selection criteria, level and time of imposition of stress; plant growth medium were standardized using three rice genotypes. The setup was established with a piezometer placed in a perforated pot for continuous monitoring of soil EC and pH throughout the period of study. Further, fertilizer enriched soil was partially substituted by gravels for stabilization and maintaining the uniformity of soil EC in pots without hindering its buffering capacity. The protocol including modified medium (Soil:Stone, 4:1) at 8 dS m?1 salinity level was validated using seven different genotypes possessing differential salt sensitivity. Based on the important selection traits such as high stability index for plant yield, harvest index and number of grains/panicle and also high K+ concentration and low Na+– K+ ratio in flag leaf at grain filling stage were validated and employed in the evaluation of a mapping population in the modified screening medium. The method was found significantly efficient for easy maintenance of desired level of soil salinity and identification of genotypes tolerant to salinity at reproductive stage.  相似文献   
Drought stress is a major limitation to rice (Oryza sativa L.) yields and its stability, especially in rainfed conditions. Developing rice cultivars with inherent capacity to withstand drought stress would improve rainfed rice production. Mapping quantitative trait loci (QTLs) linked to drought resistance traits will help to develop rice cultivars suitable for water-limited environments through molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) strategy. However, QTL mapping is usually carried out by genotyping large number of progenies, which is labour-intensive, time-consuming and cost-ineffective. Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) serves as an affordable strategy for mapping large effect QTLs by genotyping only the extreme phenotypes instead of the entire mapping population. We have previously mapped a QTL linked to leaf rolling and leaf drying in recombinant inbred (RI) lines derived from two locally adapted indica rice ecotypes viz., IR20/Nootripathu using BSA. Fine mapping the QTL will facilitate its application in MAS. BSA was done by bulking DNA of 10 drought-resistant and 12 drought-sensitive RI lines. Out of 343 rice microsatellites markers genotyped, RM8085 co-segregated among the RI lines constituting the respective bulks. RM8085 was mapped in the middle of the QTL region on chromosome 1 previously identified in these RI lines thus reducing the QTL interval from 7.9 to 3.8 cM. Further, the study showed that the region, RM212–RM302–RM8085–RM3825 on chromosome 1, harbours large effect QTLs for drought-resistance traits across several genetic backgrounds in rice. Thus, the QTL may be useful for drought resistance improvement in rice through MAS and map-based cloning.  相似文献   
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