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The goal of the present study was to identify candidate genes (CGs) involved in fruit quality in peach that can be transferred to other Rosaceae species. Two cDNA libraries from fruit of the “Fantasia” peach cultivar, constructed at two stages of development, were used to generate a set of expressed sequence tag sequences. A total of 1,730 peach unigenes were obtained after clustering. Sequences and corresponding annotations were stored in a relational database and are available through a web interface. Fifty-nine CGs involved in fruit growth and development or fruit quality at maturity, focusing on sweetness, acidity, and phenolic compound content, were selected according to their annotation. Fifty-five primer pairs, designed from peach CG sequences and giving PCR products in peach, were tested in strawberry and 36 gave amplified products. Eight CGs were mapped in peach, 14 in strawberry, four in both species and confirmed the pattern of synteny already proposed using comparative mapping. In peach, the CGs are located in three linkage groups (3, 5, 7), and in strawberry they are distributed in all seven Fragaria linkage groups. Colocalization between some of these CGs and quantitative trait loci for fruit quality traits were identified and are awaiting confirmation in further analyses.  相似文献   
Using event-related fMRI in a sample of 42 healthy participants, we compared the cerebral activity maps obtained when classifying spoken sentences based on the mental content of the main character (belief, deception or empathy) or on the emotional tonality of the sentence (happiness, anger or sadness). To control for the effects of different syntactic constructions (such as embedded clauses in belief sentences), we subtracted from each map the BOLD activations obtained during plausibility judgments on structurally matching sentences, devoid of emotions or ToM. The obtained theory of mind (ToM) and emotional speech comprehension networks overlapped in the bilateral temporo-parietal junction, posterior cingulate cortex, right anterior temporal lobe, dorsomedial prefrontal cortex and in the left inferior frontal sulcus. These regions form a ToM network, which contributes to the emotional component of spoken sentence comprehension. Compared with the ToM task, in which the sentences were enounced on a neutral tone, the emotional sentence classification task, in which the sentences were play-acted, was associated with a greater activity in the bilateral superior temporal sulcus, in line with the presence of emotional prosody. Besides, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex was more active during emotional than ToM sentence processing. This region may link mental state representations with verbal and prosodic emotional cues. Compared with emotional sentence classification, ToM was associated with greater activity in the caudate nucleus, paracingulate cortex, and superior frontal and parietal regions, in line with behavioral data showing that ToM sentence comprehension was a more demanding task.  相似文献   


Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI TOF-MS) allows the identification of most bacteria and an increasing number of fungi. The potential for the highest clinical benefit of such methods would be in severe acute infections that require prompt treatment adapted to the infecting species. Our objective was to determine whether yeasts could be identified directly from a positive blood culture, avoiding the 1–3 days subculture step currently required before any therapeutic adjustments can be made.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using human blood spiked with Candida albicans to simulate blood cultures, we optimized protocols to obtain MALDI TOF-MS fingerprints where signals from blood proteins are reduced. Simulated cultures elaborated using a set of 12 strains belonging to 6 different species were then tested. Quantifiable spectral differences in the 5000–7400 Da mass range allowed to discriminate between these species and to build a reference database. The validation of the method and the statistical approach to spectral analysis were conducted using individual simulated blood cultures of 36 additional strains (six for each species). Correct identification of the species of these strains was obtained.


Direct MALDI TOF-MS analysis of aliquots from positive blood cultures allowed rapid and accurate identification of the main Candida species, thus obviating the need for sub-culturing on specific media. Subsequent to this proof-of-principle demonstration, the method can be extended to other clinically relevant yeast species, and applied to an adequate number of clinical samples in order to establish its potential to improve antimicrobial management of patients with fungemia.  相似文献   
The Neuromutagenesis Facility at the Jackson Laboratory generated a mouse model of retinal vasculopathy, nmf223, which is characterized clinically by vitreal fibroplasia and vessel tortuosity. nmf223 homozygotes also have reduced electroretinogram responses, which are coupled histologically with a thinning of the inner nuclear layer. The nmf223 locus was mapped to chromosome 17, and a missense mutation was identified in Lama1 that leads to the substitution of cysteine for a tyrosine at amino acid 265 of laminin α1, a basement membrane protein. Despite normal localization of laminin α1 and other components of the inner limiting membrane, a reduced integrity of this structure was suggested by ectopic cells and blood vessels within the vitreous. Immunohistochemical characterization of nmf223 homozygous retinas demonstrated the abnormal migration of retinal astrocytes into the vitreous along with the persistence of hyaloid vasculature. The Y265C mutation significantly reduced laminin N-terminal domain (LN) interactions in a bacterial two-hybrid system. Therefore, this mutation could affect interactions between laminin α1 and other laminin chains. To expand upon these findings, a Lama1 null mutant, Lama1tm1.1Olf, was generated that exhibits a similar but more severe retinal phenotype than that seen in nmf223 homozygotes. The increased severity of the Lama1 null mutant phenotype is probably due to the complete loss of the inner limiting membrane in these mice. This first report of viable Lama1 mouse mutants emphasizes the importance of this gene in retinal development. The data presented herein suggest that hypomorphic mutations in human LAMA1 could lead to retinal disease.  相似文献   
A lectin has been identified in black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) bark that shares approximately 50% sequence identity with plant class V chitinases but is essentially devoid of chitinase activity. Specificity studies indicated that the black locust chitinase-related agglutinin (RobpsCRA) preferentially binds to high-mannose N-glycans comprising the proximal pentasaccharide core structure. Closely related orthologs of RobpsCRA could be identified in the legumes Glycine max, Medicago truncatula, and Lotus japonicus but in no other plant species, suggesting that this novel lectin family most probably evolved in an ancient legume species or possibly an earlier ancestor. This identification of RobpsCRA not only illustrates neofunctionalization in plants, but also provides firm evidence that plants are capable of developing a sugar-binding domain from an existing structural scaffold with a different activity and accordingly sheds new light on the molecular evolution of plant lectins.  相似文献   
Bovine seminal plasma (BSP) contains a family of phospholipid-binding proteins. The affinity of the protein BSP-A1/-A2 for lipid membranes composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC), and POPC containing 30% (mol/mol) 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoglycerol (POPG), 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (POPE) or cholesterol, has been investigated by the isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This study confirms the association of these proteins to lipid bilayers, and provides a direct characterization of this exothermic process, at 37 °C. The measurements indicate that the protein affinity for lipid bilayers is modulated by the lipid composition, the lipid/protein ratio, and the temperature. The saturation lipid/protein ratio was increased in the presence of cholesterol and, to a lesser extent, of phosphatidylethanolamine, suggesting that it is modulated by the lipid acyl chain order. For all the investigated systems, the binding of BSP-A1/-A2 could not be modeled using a simple partitioning of the proteins between the aqueous and lipid phases. The existence of "binding sites", and lipid phase separations is discussed. The decrease of temperature, from 37 to 10 °C, converts the exothermic association of the proteins to the POPC bilayers to an endothermic process. A complementary 1-D and 2-D infrared spectroscopy study excludes the thermal denaturation of BSP-A1/-A2 as a contributor in the temperature dependence of the protein affinity for lipid bilayers. The reported findings suggest that changes in the affinity of BSP-A1/-A2 for lipid bilayers could be involved in modulating the association of these proteins to sperm membranes as a function of space and time; this would consequently modulate the extent of lipid extraction, including cholesterol, at a given place and given time.  相似文献   
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