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Recent habitat loss and fragmentation superimposed upon ancient patterns of population subdivision are likely to have produced low levels of neutral genetic diversity and marked genetic structure in many plant species. The genetic effects of habitat fragmentation may be most pronounced in species that form small populations, are fully self-compatible and have limited seed dispersal. However, long-lived seed banks, mobile pollinators and long adult lifespans may prevent or delay the accumulation of genetic effects. We studied a rare Australian shrub species, Grevillea macleayana (Proteaceae), that occurs in many small populations, is self-compatible and has restricted seed dispersal. However, it has a relatively long adult lifespan (c. 30 years), a long-lived seed bank that germinates after fire and is pollinated by birds that are numerous and highly mobile. These latter characteristics raise the possibility that populations in the past may have been effectively large and genetically homogeneous. Using six microsatellites, we found that G. macleayana may have relatively low within-population diversity (3.2-4.2 alleles/locus; Hexp = 0.420-0.530), significant population differentiation and moderate genetic structure (FST = 0.218) showing isolation by distance, consistent with historically low gene flow. The frequency distribution of allele sizes suggest that this geographical differentiation is being driven by mutation. We found a lack mutation-drift equilibrium in some populations that is indicative of population bottlenecks. Combined with evidence for large spatiotemporal variation of selfing rates, this suggests that fluctuating population sizes characterize the demography in this species, promoting genetic drift. We argue that natural patterns of pollen and seed dispersal, coupled with the patchy, fire-shaped distribution, may have restricted long-distance gene flow in the past.  相似文献   
Expression and regulation of peroxiredoxin 5 in human osteoarthritis   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are implicated in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). However, little is known about the antioxidant defence system in articular cartilage. We investigated the expression and regulation of peroxiredoxin 5 (PRDX5), a newly discovered thioredoxin peroxidase, in human normal and osteoarthritic cartilage. Our results show that human cartilage constitutively expresses PRDX5. Moreover, the expression is up-regulated in OA. Inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor alpha and interleukin 1 beta contribute to this up-regulation by increasing intracellular ROS production. The present study suggests that PRDX5 may play a protective role against oxidative stress in human cartilage.  相似文献   
The initial step in the interaction between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) and epithelial cells is the binding of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins to the epithelial cell galactosyl ceramide (GalCer). Here we show that HIV-1 envelope gp41 residues 650-685 bind GalCer in a galactose-specific manner. The gp41 residues that display this lectin activity are highly conserved among HIV-1 isolates and constitute three regions: residues 650-661, which encompass a charged helix; residues 662-667, referred to as the conserved epitope ELDKWA, the epitope recognized by antibodies that neutralize HIV-1 entry in epithelial and CD4(+)-mononucleated cells; and residues 668-685, a hydrophobic Trp-rich sequence that stabilizes the structure of the galactose binding site. Similar to other galactose-specific lectins, the gp41 lectin site is active only as an oligomer. Finally the orientation of the galactose toward the gp41 lectin site appears to be controlled by the lipid microenvironment of the epithelial membrane. From the experimental data we construct a theoretical model of the interaction between gp41 and GalCer based on thermodynamic considerations. This model integrates the dynamics and the spatial organization of the viral envelope glycoproteins, GalCer organized in raft microdomains in the apical region of the epithelial cell membrane and the interfacial water. Characterization of the minimal sequence and structure of gp41 in direct interaction with GalCer may help unravel the still unknown immunogenic determinant able to elicit antibodies against ELDKWA and target of one of the rare neutralizing antibodies against gp41.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have implicated either the presence or absence of CD36 in the development of hypertension. In addition, hypercholesterolemia is associated with the loss of nitric oxide-induced vasodilation and the subsequent increase in blood pressure. In the current study, we tested the hypothesis that diet-induced hypercholesterolemia promotes the disruption of agonist-stimulated nitric oxide generation and vasodilation in a CD36-dependent manner. To test this, C57BL/6, apoE null, CD36 null, and apoE/CD36 null mice were maintained on chow or high fat diets. In contrast to apoE null mice fed a chow diet, apoE null mice fed a high fat diet did not respond to acetylcholine with a decrease in blood pressure. Caveolae isolated from in vivo vessels did not contain endothelial nitric-oxide synthase and were depleted of cholesterol. Age-matched apoE/CD36 null mice fed a chow or high fat diet responded to acetylcholine with a decrease in blood pressure. The mechanism underlying the vascular dysfunction was reversible because vessels isolated from apoE null high fat-fed mice regained responsiveness to acetylcholine when incubated with plasma obtained from chow-fed mice. Further analysis demonstrated that the plasma low density lipoprotein fraction was responsible for depleting caveolae of cholesterol, removing endothelial nitric-oxide synthase from caveolae, and preventing nitric oxide production. In addition, the pharmacological removal of caveola cholesterol with cyclodextrin mimicked the effects caused by the low density lipoprotein fraction. We conclude that the ablation of CD36 prevented the negative impact of hypercholesterolemia on agonist-stimulated nitric oxide-mediated vasodilation in apoE null mice. These studies provide a direct link between CD36 and the early events that underlie hypercholesterolemia-mediated hypertension and mechanistic linkages between CD36 function, nitric-oxide synthase activation, caveolae integrity, and blood pressure regulation.  相似文献   
We here report the influence of the cell cycle abrogator UCN-01 on RKO human colon carcinoma cells differing in p53 status following exposure to two DNA damaging agents, the topoisomerase inhibitors etoposide and camptothecin. Cells were treated with the two drugs at the IC90 concentration for 24 h followed by post-incubation in drug-free medium. RKO cells expressing wild-type, functional p53 arrested the cell cycle progression in both the G1 and G2 phases of the cell cycle whereas the RKO/E6 cells, which lack functional p53, only arrested in the G2 phase. Growth-arrested cells did not resume proliferation even after prolonged incubation in drug-free medium (up to 96 h). To evaluate the importance of the cell cycle arrest on cellular survival, a non-toxic dose of UCN-01 (100 nM) was added to the growth-arrested cells. The addition of UCN-01 was accompanied by mitotic entry as revealed by the appearance of condensed chromatin and the MPM-2 phosphoepitope, which is characteristic for mitotic cells. G2 exit and mitotic transit was accompanied by a rapid activation of caspase-3 and apoptotic cell death. The influence of UCN-01 on the long-term cytotoxic effects of the two drugs was also determined. Unexpectedly, abrogation of the G2 arrest had no influence on the overall cytotoxicity of either drug. In contrast, addition of UCN-01 to cisplatin-treated RKO and RKO/E6 cells greatly increased the cytotoxic effects of the alkylating agent. These results strongly suggest that even prolonged cell cycle arrest in the G2 phase of the cell cycle is not necessarily coupled to efficient DNA repair and enhanced cellular survival as generally believed.  相似文献   
The closer muscle of large-clawed decapod crustaceans undergoes a proecdysial (premolt) atrophy to facilitate withdrawal of the appendage at ecdysis. This atrophy involves the activation of both calcium-dependent (calpains) and ubiquitin (Ub)/proteasome-dependent proteolytic systems that break down proteins to reduce muscle mass. Moreover, the large slow-twitch (S(1)) fibers undergo a greater atrophy than the small slow-tonic (S(2)) fibers. Both polyUb mRNA and Ub-protein conjugates increase during claw muscle atrophy. In this study in situ hybridization and RT-PCR were used to determine the temporal and spatial expression of polyUb and alpha-actin. A cDNA encoding the complete sequence of lobster muscle alpha-actin was characterized; a probe synthesized from the cDNA provided a positive control for optimizing RT-PCR and in situ hybridization. PolyUb was expressed at low levels in claw closer muscle from anecdysial (intermolt) land crab. By early proecdysis (premolt; stage D(0)), polyUb mRNA levels increased in medial fibers that insert along the midline of the apodeme, with greater expression in S(1) than S(2), while levels remained low in peripheral fibers. By late proecdysis, polyUb mRNA decreased in central fibers, while mRNA increased in peripheral S(1) fibers. In contrast, alpha-actin was expressed in lobster claw muscles at relatively constant levels during the intermolt cycle. These results suggest that Ub/proteasome-dependent proteolysis contributes to enhanced turnover of myofibrillar proteins during claw closer muscle atrophy. Furthermore, atrophy is not synchronous within the muscle; it begins in medial fibers and then progresses peripherally.  相似文献   
Women with multiple sclerosis have significantly diminished disease activity during pregnancy. The purpose of our study was to identify the underlying mechanism for the diminished disease activity. We found that during the period of late pregnancy there is protection against paralysis, during both the induction and effector phases of relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, a mouse model of multiple sclerosis. We did not find any changes in the cytokine secretion profiles or the proliferative activity of autoreactive T cells from mice induced during late pregnancy compared with virgin controls. In mice mated after disease onset, the inflammatory histologic lesions did not clear, despite marked clinical improvement during pregnancy. We found evidence for a serum factor present in late pregnancy that suppresses T cell activation. In the presence of sera taken from mice late in pregnancy, the proliferative response and IL-2 production of proteolipid protein p139-151-specific T cells were significantly diminished as compared with stimulation in the presence of normal mouse sera. In conclusion, serum from late pregnancy has the capacity to down-regulate T cell responses and might be associated with the amelioration of disease activity in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) seedlings contain five cyano glucosides derived from the amino acid L-leucine (Leu). The chemical structure and the relative abundance of the cyano glucosides were investigated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance analyses using spring barley cultivars with high, medium, and low cyanide potential. The barley cultivars showed a 10-fold difference in their cyano glucoside content, but the relative content of the individual cyano glucosides remained constant. Epiheterodendrin, the only cyanogenic glucoside present, comprised 12% to 18% of the total content of cyano glucosides. It is proposed that the aglycones of all five cyano glucosides are formed by the initial action of a cytochrome P450 enzyme of the CYP79 family converting L-Leu into Z-3-methylbutanal oxime and subsequent action of a less specific CYP71E enzyme converting the oxime into 3-methylbutyro nitrile and mediating subsequent hydroxylations at the alpha-, as well as beta- and gamma-, carbon atoms. Presence of cyano glucosides in the barley seedlings was restricted to leaf tissue, with 99% confined to the epidermis cell layers of the leaf blade. Microsomal preparations from epidermal cells were not able to convert L-[(14)C]Leu into the biosynthetic intermediate, Z-3-methylbutanal-oxime. This was only achieved using microsomal preparations from other cell types in the basal leaf segment, demonstrating translocation of the cyano glucosides to the epidermal cell layers after biosynthesis. A beta-glucosidase able to degrade epiheterodendrin was detected exclusively in yet a third compartment, the endosperm of the germinating seed. Therefore, in barley, a putative function of cyano glucosides in plant defense is not linked to cyanide release.  相似文献   
The cloning and characterization of the zebrafish orthologue of the mouse nude (Whn/Foxn1) gene, whnb are reported. A previously described Whn-like gene from zebrafish, now designated as whna, is shown to be the orthologue of the mouse Foxn4 gene. The whnb gene is specifically expressed in the thymic rudiment of zebrafish embryos at day 3 after fertilization, whereas the whna gene is expressed in eye and brain structures. Whnb expression is maintained in cloche mutants, where endothelial and haematopoietic cell differentiation is defective, but absent in casanova mutants where endoderm formation is impaired. In adult thymi, whnb is expressed throughout cortical and medullary areas, whereas whna expression is observed in rare cell clusters only. Our results provide the first specific marker for the epithelial compartment of the zebrafish thymus.  相似文献   
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