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Colonies of Sordaria brevicollis cut with a razor blade were examined and compared to undamaged control colonies using light and transmission electron microscopy. Cut hyphae lost cytoplasm from severed compartments but retained cytoplasm in adjacent compartments due to the plugging of septal pores by nuclei. Hexagonal crystals were observed in hyphae but were neither positioned near to septal pores nor observed plugging them. Approximately 36% of setpal pores in undamaged hyphae were found to contain a nucleus, presumably migrating through them. It is suggested that nuclei plug septal pores in severed hyphae of S. brevicollis because they are more conveniently positioned to do so than the distant hexagonal crystals.  相似文献   
Colonies of Penicillium chrysogenum (Thom) Wisconsin strain Q176 were fixed at varying time intervals after having been severed with a razor blade and were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Within such colonies Woronin bodies were found to have plugged septal pores on either side of the cut, both towards and away from the hyphal apices. A very close association of Woronin bodies with septa was retained in damaged compartments emptied of virtually all other contents. In colonies fixed 3 h after cutting, deposition of material over the plugged pores occurred on the side of the septum away from the cut. The newly deposited material was similar in appearance to hyphal wall and septal plate constituents. This consolidation of the seal was apparently completed within 3 h because no further change was observed in colonies fixed 17 h after cutting.  相似文献   
The lipid dynamics of the adrenocortical microsomal membranes was studied by monitoring the fluorescence anisotropy and excited state lifetime of a set of anthroyloxy fatty acid probes (2-, 7-, 9- and 12-(9-anthroyloxy)-stearic acid (AP) and 16-(9-anthroyloxy)palmitic acid (AS). It was found that a decreasing polarity gradient from the aqueous membrane interface to the membrane interior, was present. This gradient was not modified by the proteins, as evidenced by comparison of complete membranes and derived liposomes, suggesting that the anthroyloxy probes were not in close contact with the proteins. An important change of the value of the mean rotational relaxation time as a function of the position of the anthroyl ring along the acyl chain was evidenced. In the complete membranes, a relatively more fluid medium was evidenced in the C16 as compared to the C2 region, while the rotational motion appeared to be the most hindered at the C7–C9 level. In the derived liposomes, a similar trend was observed but the mobility was higher at all levels. The decrease of the mean rotational relaxation time was more important for 12-AS and 16-AP. Temperature dependence of the mean rotational relaxation time of 2-AS, 12-AS and 16-AP in the complete membranes revealed the existence of a lipid reorganization occurring around 27°C and concerning mainly the C16 region. The extent to which the acyl chain reacted to this perturbation at the C12 level depended on pH. The presence of proteins increased the apparent magnitude of this reorganization and also modified the critical temperature from approx. 23°C in the derived liposomes to approx. 27°C in the complete membranes. Thermal dependence of the maximum velocity of the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase, the second enzyme in the enzymatic sequence, responsible for the biosynthesis of the 3-oxo4-steroids in the adrenal cortex microsomes, was studied. The activation energy of the catalyzed reaction was found to be low and constant (2–5 kcal · mol?1) in the temperature range 16–40°C at pH 7.5, 8.5 and 9, corresponding to the minimum, intermediate and maximum rate, respectively. A drastic increase of the activation energy (20 kcal · mol?1) was observed at temperature below 16°C at pH 7.5. A correlated change of the pKESapp as function of temperature was detected; at 36°C pKESapp = 8.3 while at 13°C the value shifted to 8.7. The pH range of the group ionization was narrower at 13°C. In contrast with the behaviour of the 3β-hydroxy5-steroid dehydrogenase, the 3-oxosteroid Δ54-isomerase was apparently unaffected by the lipid reorganization at 27°C. It is suggested that this enzyme possesses a different and more fluid lipid environment than the bulk lipids.  相似文献   
Bimanual actions impose intermanual coordination demands not present during unimanual actions. We investigated the functional neuroanatomical correlates of these coordination demands in motor imagery (MI) of everyday actions using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). For this, 17 participants imagined unimanual actions with the left and right hand as well as bimanual actions while undergoing fMRI. A univariate fMRI analysis showed no reliable cortical activations specific to bimanual MI, indicating that intermanual coordination demands in MI are not associated with increased neural processing. A functional connectivity analysis based on psychophysiological interactions (PPI), however, revealed marked increases in connectivity between parietal and premotor areas within and between hemispheres. We conclude that in MI of everyday actions intermanual coordination demands are primarily met by changes in connectivity between areas and only moderately, if at all, by changes in the amount of neural activity. These results are the first characterization of the neuroanatomical correlates of bimanual coordination demands in MI. Our findings support the assumed equivalence of overt and imagined actions and highlight the differences between uni- and bimanual actions. The findings extent our understanding of the motor system and may aid the development of clinical neurorehabilitation approaches based on mental practice.  相似文献   
A recombinant dog gastric lipase with therapeutic potential for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. We targeted the protein using two different signal sequences for either vacuolar retention or secretion. In both cases, an active glycosylated recombinant protein was obtained. The recombinant enzymes and the native enzyme displayed similar properties including acid resistance and acidic optimum pH. The proteolytic maturation and the specific activity of the recombinant proteins, however, were found to be dependent on subcellular compartmentalization. Expression levels of recombinant dog gastric lipase were about 5% and 7% of acid extractable plant proteins for vacuolar retention and secretion respectively. This expression system already has allowed the production of tens of grams of purified lipase through open-field culture of transgenic tobacco plants.  相似文献   
Two species of the colonial green flagellate family Volvocaceae are worldwide in distribution yet exhibit contrasting species structure. Geographically disparate isolates of Gonium pectorale Mueller can interbreed while isolates of Pandorina morum Bory behave quite differently. More than 20 sexually isolated subpopulations occur within this species; these have been termed “syngens” (sensu Sonneborn). Because prezygotic barriers to mating cause intersyngen pairings to fail, breeding analyses cannot be used to estimate genetic relatedness among the syngens of P. morum. DNA comparisons provide an alternative method of assessing genetic relatedness. We compared the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal repeat among clones of P. morum and of G. pectorale. Members of syngens of P. morum with distribution restricted to one small geographical area show great similarity. Likewise, members of any syngen of worldwide distribution show near uniformity, even those from different continents. However, the ITS sequence of each syngen differs from that of other syngens. In contrast, G. pectorale, which has an ITS region that is remarkably uniform throughout the world, appears to consist of a single syngen within North America and Europe by mating tests. The molecular data are in complete conformity with previous syngen assignment. Because the latter is based on mating affinity, with two complementary mating types per syngen, the evolution of new mating type pairs appears to be the basis of microevolution in these algae. We infer that either P. morum is a more ancient species than G. pectorale or that P. morum has a less stable genome. In either case, the biogeographic distribution of certain syngens may reflect climatological changes of the past.  相似文献   
Abstract The 16S rRNA sequences from the Gluconobacter species G. asaii G. cerinus and G. frateurii were determined and compared with homologous sequences from published databases and sequences of G. oxydans and Acetobacter species previously described [Sievers M., Ludwig W. and Teuber M. (1994) System. Appl. Microbiol. 17, 189–196]. The Gluconobacter species have unique 16S rRNA sequences and exhibit sequence similarity values of 97.4 to 99.1%, corresponding to 36 to 14 base differences. The phylogenetic tree inferring methods (distance matrix, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood) show that the species of Gluconobacter form a coherent, closely related cluster. Based on the distance matrix method including Rhodopila globiformis as an outgroup reference organism, Gluconobacter is well separated from Acetobacter .  相似文献   
The possible burden of participating in trauma research is an important topic for Ethical Committees (EC''s), Review Boards (RB''s) and researchers. However, to what extent research on trauma is more burdensome than non-trauma research is unknown. Little is known about which factors explain respondents evaluations on the burden: to what extent are they trauma-related or dependent on other factors such as personality and how respondents evaluate research in general? Data of a large probability based multi-wave internet panel, with surveys on politics and values, personality and health in 2009 and 2011, and a survey on trauma in 2012 provided the unique opportunity to address these questions. Results among respondents confronted with these events in the past 2 years (N = 950) showed that questions on trauma were significantly and systematically evaluated as less pleasant (enjoyed less), more difficult, but also stimulated respondents to think about things more than almost all previous non-trauma surveys. Yet, the computed effect sizes indicated that the differences were (very) small and often meaningless. No differences were found between users and non-users of mental services, in contrast to posttraumatic stress symptoms. Evaluations of the burden of previous surveys in 2011 on politics and values, personality and health most strongly, systematically and independently predicted the burden of questions on trauma, and not posttraumatic stress symptoms, event-related coping self-efficacy and personality factors. For instance, multiple linear regression analyses showed that 30% of the variance of how (un)pleasant questions on trauma and life-events were evaluated, was explained by how (un)pleasant the 3 surveys in 2011 were evaluated, in contrast to posttraumatic stress symptoms (not significant) and coping self-efficacy (5%). Findings question why EC''s, RB''s and researchers should be more critical of the possible burden of trauma research than of the possible burden of other non-trauma research.  相似文献   
Pleiotrophin (PTN) is a growth factor with both pro-angiogenic and limited pro-tumorigenic activity. We evaluated the potential for PTN to be used for safe angiogenic gene therapy using the full length gene and a truncated gene variant lacking the domain implicated in tumorigenesis. Mouse myoblasts were transduced to express full length or truncated PTN (PTN or T-PTN), along with a LacZ reporter gene, and injected into mouse limb muscle and myocardium. In cultured myoblasts, PTN was expressed and secreted via the Golgi apparatus, but T-PTN was not properly secreted. Nonetheless, no evidence of uncontrolled growth was observed in cells expressing either form of PTN. PTN gene delivery to myocardium, and non-ischemic skeletal muscle, did not result in a detectable change in vascularity or function. In ischemic hindlimb at 14 days post-implantation, intramuscular injection with PTN-expressing myoblasts led to a significant increase in skin perfusion and muscle arteriole density. We conclude that (1) delivery of the full length PTN gene to muscle can be accomplished without tumorigenesis, (2) the truncated PTN gene may be difficult to use in a gene therapy context due to inefficient secretion, (3) PTN gene delivery leads to functional benefit in the mouse acute ischemic hindlimb model.  相似文献   
A paper published in Global Change Biology in 2006 revealed that phenological responses in 1971–2000 matched the warming pattern in Europe, but a lack of chilling and adaptation in farming may have reversed these findings. Therefore, for 1951–2018 in a corresponding data set, we determined changes as linear trends and analysed their variation by plant traits/groups, across season and time as well as their attribution to warming following IPCC methodology. Although spring and summer phases in wild plants advanced less (maximum advances in 1978–2007), more (~90%) and more significant (~60%) negative trends were present, being stronger in early spring, at higher elevations, but smaller for nonwoody insect‐pollinated species. These trends were strongly attributable to winter and spring warming. Findings for crop spring phases were similar, but were less pronounced. There were clearer and attributable signs for a delayed senescence in response to winter and spring warming. These changes resulted in a longer growing season, but a constant generative period in wild plants and a shortened one in agricultural crops. Phenology determined by farmers’ decisions differed noticeably from the purely climatic driven phases with smaller percentages of advancing (~75%) trends, but farmers’ spring activities were the only group with reinforced advancement, suggesting adaptation. Trends in farmers’ spring and summer activities were very likely/likely associated with the warming pattern. In contrast, the advance in autumn farming phases was significantly associated with below average summer warming. Thus, under ongoing climate change with decreased chilling the advancing phenology in spring and summer is still attributable to warming; even the farmers’ activities in these seasons mirror, to a lesser extent, the warming. Our findings point to adaptation to climate change in agriculture and reveal diverse implications for terrestrial ecosystems; the strong attribution supports the necessary mediation of warming impacts to the general public.  相似文献   
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