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Circular dichroic (CD) spectra of soybean leghemoglobin, and some of its liganded derivatives were measured over the wavelength range of 650 to 200 nm. The heme-related circular dichroic bands in the visible, Soret and ultraviolet wavelength regions exhibit Cotton effects characteristic of each of the compounds examined. The positions of the dichroic bands vary with ligand substitutions and the oxidation state of the iron. All leghemoglobin derivatives, except the apoprotein, exhibit negative circular dichroic bands in the region of Soret absorption. In this region the optical activity of compounds with high-spin moments is greater than that of compounds with low or intermediate spin moments. The ellipticity of the heme band at about 260 nm is also altered by ligand binding and spin state. The dichroic spectra in the far-ultraviolet region indicated a high extent of alpha-helical structure (about 70%) in the native leghemoglobin and its liganded derivatives. The helicality of the apoprotein seems to diminish suggesting a decrease caused by the removal of the heme.  相似文献   
Expression of a California bay laurel (Umbellularia californica) 12:0-acyl-carrier protein thioesterase, bay thioesterase (BTE), in developing seeds of oilseed rape (Brassica napus) led to the production of oils containing up to 50% laurate. In these BTE oils, laurate is found almost exclusively at the sn-1 and sn-3 positions of the triacylglycerols (T.A. Voelker, T.R. Hayes, A.C. Cranmer, H.M. Davies [1996] Plant J 9: 229–241). Coexpression of a coconut (Cocos nucifera) 12:0-coenzyme A-preferring lysophosphatitic acid acyltransferase (D.S. Knutzon, K.D. Lardizabal, J.S. Nelsen, J.L. Bleibaum, H.M. Davies, J.G. Metz [1995] Plant Physiol 109: 999–1006) in BTE oilseed rape seeds facilitates efficient laurate deposition at the sn-2 position, resulting in the acccumulation of trilaurin. The introduction of the coconut protein into BTE oilseed rape lines with laurate above 50 mol % further increases total laurate levels.  相似文献   
Despite concerns regarding the environmental impacts of microplastics, knowledge of the incidence and levels of synthetic particles in large marine vertebrates is lacking. Here, we utilize an optimized enzymatic digestion methodology, previously developed for zooplankton, to explore whether synthetic particles could be isolated from marine turtle ingesta. We report the presence of synthetic particles in every turtle subjected to investigation (n = 102) which included individuals from all seven species of marine turtle, sampled from three ocean basins (Atlantic [ATL]: n = 30, four species; Mediterranean (MED): n = 56, two species; Pacific (PAC): n = 16, five species). Most particles (n = 811) were fibres (ATL: 77.1% MED: 85.3% PAC: 64.8%) with blue and black being the dominant colours. In lesser quantities were fragments (ATL: 22.9%: MED: 14.7% PAC: 20.2%) and microbeads (4.8%; PAC only; to our knowledge the first isolation of microbeads from marine megavertebrates). Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT‐IR) of a subsample of particles (n = 169) showed a range of synthetic materials such as elastomers (MED: 61.2%; PAC: 3.4%), thermoplastics (ATL: 36.8%: MED: 20.7% PAC: 27.7%) and synthetic regenerated cellulosic fibres (SRCF; ATL: 63.2%: MED: 5.8% PAC: 68.9%). Synthetic particles being isolated from species occupying different trophic levels suggest the possibility of multiple ingestion pathways. These include exposure from polluted seawater and sediments and/or additional trophic transfer from contaminated prey/forage items. We assess the likelihood that microplastic ingestion presents a significant conservation problem at current levels compared to other anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   
Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is a transmembrane enzyme found to be overexpressed in various tumors and associated with tumor hypoxia. Ligands binding this target may be used to visualize hypoxia, tumor manifestation or treat tumors by endoradiotherapy.


Phage display was performed with a 12 amino acid phage display library by panning against a recombinant extracellular domain of human carbonic anhydrase IX. The identified peptide CaIX-P1 was chemically synthesized and tested in vitro on various cell lines and in vivo in Balb/c nu/nu mice carrying subcutaneously transplanted tumors. Binding, kinetic and competition studies were performed on the CAIX positive human renal cell carcinoma cell line SKRC 52, the CAIX negative human renal cell carcinoma cell line CaKi 2, the human colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT 116 and on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Organ distribution studies were carried out in mice, carrying SKRC 52 tumors. RNA expression of CAIX in HCT 116 and HUVEC cells was investigated by quantitative real time PCR.


In vitro binding experiments of 125I-labeled-CaIX-P1 revealed an increased uptake of the radioligand in the CAIX positive renal cell carcinoma cell line SKRC 52. Binding of the radioligand in the colorectal carcinoma cell line HCT 116 increased with increasing cell density and correlated with the mRNA expression of CAIX. Radioligand uptake was inhibited up to 90% by the unlabeled CaIX-P1 peptide, but not by the negative control peptide octreotide at the same concentration. No binding was demonstrated in CAIX negative CaKi 2 and HUVEC cells. Organ distribution studies revealed a higher accumulation in SKRC 52 tumors than in heart, spleen, liver, muscle, intestinum and brain, but a lower uptake compared to blood and kidney.


These data indicate that CaIX-P1 is a promising candidate for the development of new ligands targeting human carbonic anhydrase IX.  相似文献   
The receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) is a 55-kDa type I membrane glycoprotein of the immunoglobulin superfamily. Ligand-induced up-regulation of RAGE is involved in various pathophysiological processes, including late diabetic complications and Alzheimer disease. Application of recombinant soluble RAGE has been shown to block RAGE-mediated pathophysiological conditions. After expression of full-length RAGE in HEK cells we identified a 48-kDa soluble RAGE form (sRAGE) in the culture medium. This variant of RAGE is smaller than a 51-kDa soluble version derived from alternative splicing. The release of sRAGE can be induced by the phorbol ester PMA and the calcium ionophore calcimycin via calcium-dependent protein kinase C subtypes. Hydroxamic acid-based metalloproteinase inhibitors block the release of sRAGE, and by RNA interference experiments we identified ADAM10 and MMP9 to be involved in RAGE shedding. In protein biotinylation experiments we show that membrane-anchored full-length RAGE is the precursor of sRAGE and that sRAGE is efficiently released from the cell surface. We identified cleavage of RAGE to occur close to the cell membrane. Ectodomain shedding of RAGE simultaneously generates sRAGE and a membrane-anchored C-terminal RAGE fragment (RAGE-CTF). The amount of RAGE-CTF increases when RAGE-expressing cells are treated with a gamma-secretase inhibitor, suggesting that RAGE-CTF is normally further processed by gamma-secretase. Identification of these novel mechanisms involved in regulating the availability of cell surface-located RAGE and its soluble ectodomain may influence further research in RAGE-mediated processes in cell biology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   
The newly discovered fungal species Aspergillus saccharolyticus was found to produce a culture broth rich in β-glucosidase activity. In this present work, the main β-glucosidase of A.?saccharolyticus responsible for the efficient hydrolytic activity was identified, isolated, and characterized. Ion exchange chromatography was used to fractionate the culture broth, yielding fractions with high β-glucosidase activity and only 1 visible band on an SDS-PAGE gel. Mass spectrometry analysis of this band gave peptide matches to β-glucosidases from aspergilli. Through a polymerase chain reaction approach using degenerate primers and genome walking, a 2919 bp sequence encoding the 860 amino acid BGL1 polypeptide was determined. BGL1 of A.?saccharolyticus has 91% and 82% identity with BGL1 from Aspergillus aculeatus and BGL1 from Aspergillus niger , respectively, both belonging to Glycoside Hydrolase family 3. Homology modeling studies suggested β-glucosidase activity with preserved retaining mechanism and a wider catalytic pocket compared with other β-glucosidases. The bgl1 gene was heterologously expressed in Trichoderma reesei QM6a, purified, and characterized by enzyme kinetics studies. The enzyme can hydrolyze cellobiose, p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucoside, and cellodextrins. The enzyme showed good thermostability, was stable at 50?°C, and at 60?°C it had a half-life of approximately 6?h.  相似文献   
Neurons rely on glutathione (GSH) and its degradation product cysteinylglycine released by astrocytes to maintain their antioxidant defences. This is particularly important under conditions of inflammation and oxidative stress, as observed in many neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The effects of inflammatory activation on intracellular GSH content and the extracellular thiol profile (including cysteinylglycine and homocysteine) of astrocytes were investigated. U373 astroglial cells exposed to IL-1β and TNF-α for up to 96 h showed a dose-dependent increase in IL-6 release, indicative of increasing pro-inflammatory cellular activation. With increasing concentrations of IL-1β and TNF-α (0.01–1 ng/ml), an increase in both intracellular and extracellular GSH levels was observed, followed by a return to control levels in response to higher concentrations of IL-1β and TNF-α. Extracellular levels of cysteinylglycine decreased in response to all concentrations of IL-1β and TNF-α. In contrast, levels of the neurotoxic thiol homocysteine increased in a dose-dependent manner to IL-1β and TNF-α-induced activation. Our results suggest that chronically activated astrocytes in the brain might fail to adequately maintain GSH substrate delivery to neurons, thus promoting neuronal vulnerability. They might also explain the elevated levels of homocysteine found in the brains and serum of patients with AD.  相似文献   
The construction of a new phagemid vector for display of peptides on the pVIII major coat protein of filamentous bacteriophage is described, in which expression of pVIII-peptide fusions was placed under the control of the arabinose-inducible PBAD promoter. The new phagemid showed excellent capacity for the regulation of peptide expression, as judged by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electron microscopy of immunogold-labeled FLAG peptides displayed on phages. Regulation of the density of peptide fusions displayed on phages may offer advantages in the search for new peptide ligands due to the possibility of regulating the stringency of binding, reducing selection based on avidity effects during biopanning. Furthermore, the peptide expression in the absence of inducer was effectively shut off, minimizing growth bias of individual clones. A 9-mer phage display library prepared using the constructed phagemid was generated by insertion of randomly synthesized oligonucleotides close to the N-terminal of the pVIII protein. The library comprised a total of 9.4 × 109 unique transformants, and was confirmed to show high diversity. The functional utility of the library was confirmed by the successful affinity selection of peptides binding to matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9). The majority of selected peptides shared the consensus motif R(D/N)XXG(M/L)(V/I)XQ, not previously selected during biopanning against MMP-9.  相似文献   
In one estrogen receptor (ER) negative (MDA-MB-231) and two ER positive human breast cancer cell lines (T-47-D,SK-BR-3) we measured aromatase activity by [3H]water assay and estrone (E1) production by thin-layer chromatography. Compared with ether extraction and charcoal method, lyophilization proved to be the most sensitive technique to measure the quantity of [3H]water. The extremely low contamination of the water soluble phase by [1ß-3H]androstenedione (0.02%), as well as the lack of errors due to conjugated steroids, offers the possibility to measure changes of cellular aromatase activity even at very low levels. In contrast to SK-BR-3 and MDA-MB-231 cells, we found no aromatase activity in T-47-D cells. There was no coincidence between ER status and aromatase activity. Proliferation of tumor cells was parallel with a continuous increase of aromatase activity and E1 production during mitogenic growth phase reaching highest levels at the transition from log to plateau-phase.  相似文献   
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