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Summary The gene defective in cystic fibrosis (CF) has recently been isolated and the major mutation identified. The haplotype distribution of this mutation (ΔF508) has been determined for 215 CF chromosomes in the Scottish population. ΔF508 represents 73% of all CF mutations in this group. There remains considerable linkage disequilibrium between XV2c and KM19 and other mutations in the CF gene.  相似文献   
Summary The structural genes (hup) of the H2 uptake hydrogenase of Rhodobacter capsulatus were isolated from a cosmid gene library of R. capsulatus DNA by hybridization with the structural genes of the H2 uptake hydrogenase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. The R. capsulatus genes were localized on a 3.5 kb HindIII fragment. The fragment, cloned onto plasmid pAC76, restored hydrogenase activity and autotrophic growth of the R. capsulatus mutant JP91, deficient in hydrogenase activity (Hup-). The nucleotide sequence, determined by the dideoxy chain termination method, revealed the presence of two open reading frames. The gene encoding the large subunit of hydrogenase (hupL) was identified from the size of its protein product (68108 dalton) and by alignment with the NH2 amino acid protein sequence determined by Edman degradation. Upstream and separated from the large subunit by only three nucleotides was a gene encoding a 34 256 dalton polypeptide. Its amino acid sequence showed 80% identity with the small subunit of the hydrogenase of B. japonicum. The gene was identified as the structural gene of the small subunit of R. capsulatus hydrogenase (hupS). The R. capsulatus hydrogenase also showed homology, but to a lesser extent, with the hydrogenase of Desulfovibrio baculatus and D. gigas. In the R. capsulatus hydrogenase the Cys residues, (13 in the small subunit and 12 in the large subunit) were not arranged in the typical configuration found in [4Fe–4S] ferredoxins.  相似文献   
We here report an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a scintillation proximity assay (SPA) for detection of the ganglioside FucGM1 in sera from small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients. The SPA was more sensitive and reproducible than the ELISA. In this assay, monoclonal antibodies specific for FucGM1 were bound to SPA particles and incubated with labelled FucGM1 and 100 µl test-serum overnight, and counted in a -counter. The sensitivity was 0.2 ng. Seven out of twenty sera from SCLC patients were positive, whereas none of twenty sera from healthy individuals were positive for FucGM1. The SPA was more sensitive than the previously reported HPTLC as well as a direct ELISA.Abbreviations MAb monoclonal antibody - SPA scintillation proximity assay - HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography - SCLC small cell lung cancer - FucGM1 Fuc1-2Gal1-3GalNAc1-4(NeuAc2-3)-Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer - ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - FCS foetal calf serum - PBS phosphate buffered saline  相似文献   
Cells of the purple non-sulphur bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides express a high-affinity K+ uptake system when grown in media with low K+ concentrations. Antibodies againts the catalytic KdpB protein or the whole KdpABC complex of Escherichia coli crossreact with a 70.0 kDa R. sphaeroides protein that was expressed only in cells grown in media with low K+ concentrations. In membranes derived from R. sphaeroides cells grown with low K+ concentrations (induced cells), a high ATPase activity could be detected when assayed in Tris-HCl pH 8.0 containing 1 mM MgSO4. This ATPase activity increased upon addition of 1 mM KCl from 166 to 289 mol ATP hydrolysed x min-1 x g protein-1 (1.7-fold stimulation). The K+-stimulated ATPase activity was inhibited approximately 93% by 0.5 mM vanadate but hardly by N,N-dicyclohexylcarbo-diimide (DCCD). These results indicate that the inducible K+-ATPase in R. sphaeroides resembles the Kdp K+-translocating ATPase of Escherichia coli. This Kdp-like transport system is also expressed in R. capsulatus and Rhodospirillum rubrum during growth in media with low K+ concentrations suggesting a wide distribution of this transport system among phototrophic bacteria.Abbreviations electrical potential difference across the cytoplasmic membrane - pH pH difference across the cytoplasmic membrane - BSA bovine serum albumine - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine-ethanesulfonic acid - PMSF phenyl-methyl-sulfonyl fluoride - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - AIB 2--aminoisobutyric acid - TMG methyl--d-thiogalactopyranoside  相似文献   
Abstract By using an extension to group N streptococci of a contransformation procedure we have introduced 4 different-sized cryptic plasmids for Streptococcus lactis into the plasmid-free S. lactis IL1403. A mixture of 4 cryptic plasmids with an indicator plasmid (pHV1301) conferring erythromycin resistance was used for IL1403 protoplast transformation. Under such conditions, 41.5% of the erythromycin-resistant transformants were contransformed with one of the cryptic plasmids in addition to pHV1301. Indicator plasmid pHV1301 was later spontaneously segregated from doubly transformed cells. This protocol should be very useful for constructing lactic streptococcal strains bearing any phenotypically cryptic plasmid.  相似文献   
This paper describes the day-to-day changes in species compositionthat resulted from intermittent wind mixing of the surface watersof a small reservoir. Two major scales of community change weredetected: a short-term (>1 day) scale associated with theredistribution of cells within the basin, and a 5–14-dayscale associated with growth responses. The physical scalesof change were found to be almost identical to the biologicalscales: wind stress caused changes in the temperature gradientof surface waters at scales of a day, and major vertical mixingevents occurred at scales of 10–14 days. The presenceof buoyant species ensured that rapid advection of populationsfollowed wind events. Community change was a function of bothadvection and growth, so that both real and apparent changesin abundance occurred. The observed seasonal succession wasboth a true succession and a changing sequence of populationsdependent on horizontal advection of water within the basin.Consistent stratification was present throughout the summerperiod and phytoplankton diversity was low. Even so, the seasonalsuccession was best described as a series of allogenic perturbationsfollowed by biological restructuring of the community. Dailysampling was necessary to document fully the mechanisms drivingthe seasonal succession of species.  相似文献   
Summary Rhodocyclus gelatinosus grew photosynthetically in the light and consumed H2 at a rate of about 665 nmol/min per mg protein. The uptake-hydrogenase (H2ase) was found to be membrane bound and insensitive to inhibition by CO. The structural genes of R. gelatinosus uptake-H2ase were isolated from a 40 kb cosmid gene library of R. gelatinosus DNA by hybridization with the structural genes of uptake-H2ase of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and Rhodobacter capsulatus. The R. gelatinosus genes were localized on two overlapping DNA restriction fragments subcloned into pUC18. Two open reading frames (ORF1 and ORF2) were observed. ORF1 contained 1080 nucleotides and encoded a 39.4 kDa protein. ORF2 had 1854 nucleotides and encoded a 68.5 kDa protein. Amino acid sequence analysis suggested that ORF1 and ORF2 corresponded to the small (HupS) and large (HupL) subunits, respectively, of R. gelatinosus uptake-H2ase. ORF1 was approximately 80% homologous with the small, and ORF2 was maximally 68% homologous with the large subunit of typical membrane-bound uptake-H2ases.  相似文献   
Freshwater microalgae, lacking a fossil record, have contributed little to the study of historical biogeography. Some of the innate difficulties are discussed, as well as some of the more hopeful possibilities, if distribution records, morphology and DNA sequence analysis are combined with knowledge of the earth's history. Examples of species within the same family showing quite different distributions are given, along with suggested explanations. These include possible examples of the role played by waterfowl in dissemination of freshwater algae.  相似文献   
Xp-duplications with and without sex reversal   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Duplications in Xp including the DSS (dosage sensitive sex reversal) region cause male to female sex reversal. We investigated two patients from families with Xp duplications. The first case was one of two sisters with karyotype 46,XY, der(22), t(X;22)(p11.3;p11)mat and unambiguous female genitalia. The living sister was developmentally retarded, and showed multiple dysmorphic features and an acrocallosal syndrome. The second case was a boy with a maternally inherited direct duplication of Xp21.3-pter with the breakpoint close to the DSS locus. He had multiple abnormalities and micropenis, but otherwise unambiguous male genitalia. We performed quantitative Southern blot analysis with probes from Xp22.13 to p21.2 to define the duplicated region. Clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular data from both patients were compared with those of previously reported related cases. A comparison of the extragenital symptoms revealed no differences between patients with or without sex reversal. In both cases, the symptoms were non-specific. Among 22 patients with a duplication in Xp, nine had unambiguous female genitalia and a well-documented duplication of the DSS region. Two patients with duplication of DSS showed ambiguous external genitalia. From these data, we conclude that induction of testicular tissue may start in these patients, but that the type of genitalia depends on the degree of subsequent degeneration by a gene in DSS.  相似文献   
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