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Survival probability is predicted to underlie the evolution of life histories along a slow-fast continuum. Hibernation allows a diverse range of small mammals to exhibit seasonal dormancy, which might increase survival and consequently be associated with relatively slow life histories. We used phylogenetically informed GLS models to test for an effect of hibernation on seasonal and annual survival, and on key attributes of life histories among mammals. Monthly survival was in most cases higher during hibernation compared with the active season, probably because inactivity minimizes predation. Hibernators also have approximately 15 per cent higher annual survival than similar sized non-hibernating species. As predicted, we found an effect of hibernation on the relationships between life history attributes and body mass: small hibernating mammals generally have longer maximum life spans (50% greater for a 50 g species), reproduce at slower rates, mature at older ages and have longer generation times compared with similar-sized non-hibernators. In accordance with evolutionary theories, however, hibernating species do not have longer life spans than non-hibernators with similar survival rates, nor do they have lower reproductive rates than non-hibernators with similar maximum life spans. Thus, our combined results suggest that (i) hibernation is associated with high rates of overwinter and annual survival, and (ii) an increase in survival in hibernating species is linked with the coevolution of traits indicative of relatively slow life histories.  相似文献   
The ADAM (A Disintegrin and Metalloprotease) family of transmembrane proteins plays important roles in embryogenesis and tissue formation based on their multiple functional domains. In the present study, for the first time, the expression patterns of the premature and the active forms of six members of the ADAM proteins — ADAM9, ADAM10, ADAM12, ADAM17, ADAM22 and ADAM23 — in distinct parts of the developing chicken brain were investigated by quantitative Western blot analysis from embryonic incubation day (E) 10 to E20. The results show that the premature and the active forms of various ADAM proteins are spatiotemporally regulated in different parts of the brain during development, suggesting that the ADAMs play a very important role during embryonic development.  相似文献   
The integral membrane protein Apq12 is an important nuclear envelope (NE)/endoplasmic reticulum (ER) modulator that cooperates with the nuclear pore complex (NPC) biogenesis factors Brl1 and Brr6. How Apq12 executes these functions is unknown. Here, we identified a short amphipathic α-helix (AαH) in Apq12 that links the two transmembrane domains in the perinuclear space and has liposome-binding properties. Cells expressing an APQ12 (apq12-ah) version in which AαH is disrupted show NPC biogenesis and NE integrity defects, without impacting Apq12-ah topology or NE/ER localization. Overexpression of APQ12 but not apq12-ah triggers striking over-proliferation of the outer nuclear membrane (ONM)/ER and promotes accumulation of phosphatidic acid (PA) at the NE. Apq12 and Apq12-ah both associate with NPC biogenesis intermediates and removal of AαH increases both Brl1 levels and the interaction between Brl1 and Brr6. We conclude that the short amphipathic α-helix of Apq12 regulates the function of Brl1 and Brr6 and promotes PA accumulation at the NE possibly during NPC biogenesis.  相似文献   
The biosynthesis of arachidonic acid (20:4(Delta5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z)) from linoleic acid in plants by transgenic means requires the sequential and specific action of two desaturation reactions and one elongation reaction. Here, we describe the isolation of a specific acyl-lipid-desaturase catalyzing the formation of the double bond at position 5 from a cDNA library from Phytophthora megasperma. The isolated full-length cDNA harbors a sequence of 1740 bp encoding a protein of 477 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 53.5 kDa. The desaturase sequence contained a predicted N-terminal cytochrome b(5)-like domain, as well as three histidine-rich domains. For functional identification, the cDNA was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the formation of newly formed fatty acids was analyzed. The expression of the heterologous enzyme resulted in the formation of arachidonic acid after di-homo-gamma-linolenic acid supplementation and in the formation of eicosapentaenoic acid synthesis from omega3-arachidonic acid. Results presented here on the substrate specificity identify this expressed protein as a classical Delta5-acyl-lipid-desaturase, capable of specifically introducing a double bond at the Delta5 position solely in 20-carbon-atom chain length fatty acids containing a double bond at position Delta8. Detailed analysis of the different lipid species showed a preferential occurrence of the desaturation reaction for fatty acids esterified to phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   
Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are known to be involved in the pathogenesis of several diseases and therefore effects of AGEs on cells are the objective of numerous investigations. Since AGEs used in biochemical studies are usually not chemically characterized, comparison of data is difficult if not impossible. To find a suitable characterization protocol, human serum albumin was reacted with different concentrations of glucose, methyl glyoxal, and glyoxylic acid. The obtained AGEs were characterized with respect to the extent of side chain modifications (lysine and arginine), the carboxymethyl lysine and carbonyl content, and the fibrillar state. Additionally, their fluorescence and absorbance characteristics were extensively studied. Although we found significant differences in the degree of modification and in AGE-specific fluorescence when using different modifiers, the results provide important information and allow comparing AGEs derived from different modifier concentrations. The results also suggest strong conformational changes within the modified proteins. In the present paper we propose a set of parameters that is sufficient to partially characterize AGEs used for biochemical studies.  相似文献   
Analogous to cellular glycoproteins, viral envelope proteins contain N-terminal signal sequences responsible for targeting them to the secretory pathway. The prototype foamy virus (PFV) envelope (Env) shows a highly unusual biosynthesis. Its precursor protein has a type III membrane topology with both the N and C terminus located in the cytoplasm. Coexpression of FV glycoprotein and interaction of its leader peptide (LP) with the viral capsid is essential for viral particle budding and egress. Processing of PFV Env into the particle-associated LP, surface (SU), and transmembrane (TM) subunits occur posttranslationally during transport to the cell surface by yet-unidentified cellular proteases. Here we provide strong evidence that furin itself or a furin-like protease and not the signal peptidase complex is responsible for both processing events. N-terminal protein sequencing of the SU and TM subunits of purified PFV Env-immunoglobulin G immunoadhesin identified furin consensus sequences upstream of both cleavage sites. Mutagenesis analysis of two overlapping furin consensus sequences at the PFV LP/SU cleavage site in the wild-type protein confirmed the sequencing data and demonstrated utilization of only the first site. Fully processed SU was almost completely absent in viral particles of mutants having conserved arginine residues replaced by alanines in the first furin consensus sequence, but normal processing was observed upon mutation of the second motif. Although these mutants displayed a significant loss in infectivity as a result of reduced particle release, no correlation to processing inhibition was observed, since another mutant having normal LP/SU processing had a similar defect.  相似文献   
The pepper (Capsicum annuum) Bs3 gene confers resistance to avrBs3-expressing strains of the bacterial spot pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. To physically delimit Bs3, a pepper YAC library was screened with two flanking DNA markers that are separated from Bs3 by 1.0 and 1.2 cM, respectively resulting in the identification of three YAC clones. Genetic mapping of the corresponding YACends revealed however, that these YACs do not cover Bs3 and subsequent screens with newly developed YACend markers failed to identify new YAC clones. Marker saturation at the Bs3 locus was carried out by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). The analysis of 1,024 primer combinations resulted in the identification of 47 new Bs3-linked AFLPs. High-resolution linkage mapping of Bs3 was accomplished by inspecting more than 4,000 F2 segregants resulting in a genetic resolution of 0.01 cM. Using tightly Bs3-linked YACend- and AFLP-derived markers we established a Bs3-spanning BAC contig and physically delimited the target gene within one BAC clone. The analysis of the Bs3-containing genomic region revealed substantial local variation in the correlation of genetic and physical distances.  相似文献   
There is much interest in the use of mesenchymal stem cells/marrow stromal cells (MSC) to treat neurodegenerative disorders, in particular those that are fatal and difficult to treat, such as Huntington's disease. MSC present a promising tool for cell therapy and are currently being tested in FDA-approved phase I-III clinical trials for many disorders. In preclinical studies of neurodegenerative disorders, MSC have demonstrated efficacy, when used as delivery vehicles for neural growth factors. A number of investigators have examined the potential benefits of innate MSC-secreted trophic support and augmented growth factors to support injured neurons. These include overexpression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor and glial-derived neurotrophic factor, using genetically engineered MSC as a vehicle to deliver the cytokines directly into the microenvironment. Proposed regenerative approaches to neurological diseases using MSC include cell therapies in which cells are delivered via intracerebral or intrathecal injection. Upon transplantation, MSC in the brain promote endogenous neuronal growth, encourage synaptic connection from damaged neurons, decrease apoptosis, reduce levels of free radicals, and regulate inflammation. These abilities are primarily modulated through paracrine actions. Clinical trials for MSC injection into the central nervous system to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, and stroke are currently ongoing. The current data in support of applying MSC-based cellular therapies to the treatment of Huntington's disease is discussed.  相似文献   
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