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Kokal I  Engel A  Kirschner S  Keysers C 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27272
Why does chanting, drumming or dancing together make people feel united? Here we investigate the neural mechanisms underlying interpersonal synchrony and its subsequent effects on prosocial behavior among synchronized individuals. We hypothesized that areas of the brain associated with the processing of reward would be active when individuals experience synchrony during drumming, and that these reward signals would increase prosocial behavior toward this synchronous drum partner. 18 female non-musicians were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging while they drummed a rhythm, in alternating blocks, with two different experimenters: one drumming in-synchrony and the other out-of-synchrony relative to the participant. In the last scanning part, which served as the experimental manipulation for the following prosocial behavioral test, one of the experimenters drummed with one half of the participants in-synchrony and with the other out-of-synchrony. After scanning, this experimenter “accidentally” dropped eight pencils, and the number of pencils collected by the participants was used as a measure of prosocial commitment. Results revealed that participants who mastered the novel rhythm easily before scanning showed increased activity in the caudate during synchronous drumming. The same area also responded to monetary reward in a localizer task with the same participants. The activity in the caudate during experiencing synchronous drumming also predicted the number of pencils the participants later collected to help the synchronous experimenter of the manipulation run. In addition, participants collected more pencils to help the experimenter when she had drummed in-synchrony than out-of-synchrony during the manipulation run. By showing an overlap in activated areas during synchronized drumming and monetary reward, our findings suggest that interpersonal synchrony is related to the brain''s reward system.  相似文献   

Main conclusion

High levels of β-carotene, lycopene, and the rare γ-carotene occur predominantly lipid-dissolved in the chromoplasts of peach palm fruits. First proof of their absorption from these fruits is reported. The structural diversity, the physical deposition state in planta, and the human bioavailability of carotenoids from the edible fruits of diverse orange and yellow-colored peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) varieties were investigated. HPLC–PDA–MSn revealed a broad range of carotenes, reaching total carotenoid levels from 0.7 to 13.9 mg/100 g FW. Besides the predominant (all-E)-β-carotene (0.4–5.4 mg/100 g FW), two (Z)-isomers of γ-carotene (0.1–3.9 mg/100 g FW), and one (Z)-lycopene isomer (0.04–0.83 mg/100 g FW) prevailed. Approximately 89–94 % of total carotenoid content pertained to provitamin A carotenoids with retinol activity equivalents ranging from 37 to 609 µg/100 g FW. The physical deposition state of these carotenoids in planta was investigated using light, transmission electron, and scanning electron microscopy. The plastids found in both orange and yellow-colored fruit mesocarps were amylo-chromoplasts of the globular type, containing carotenoids predominantly in a lipid-dissolved form. The hypothesis of lipid-dissolved carotenoids was supported by simple solubility estimations based on carotenoid and lipid contents of the fruit mesocarp. In our study, we report first results on the human bioavailability of γ-carotene, β-carotene, and lycopene from peach palm fruit, particularly proving the post-prandial absorption of the rarely occurring γ-carotene. Since the physical state of carotenoid deposition has been shown to be decisive for carotenoid bioavailability, lipid-dissolved carotenoids in peach palm fruits are expected to be highly bioavailable, however, further studies are required.  相似文献   
Chronic kidney disease is a common disease with increasing prevalence in the western population. One common reason for chronic kidney failure is diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy and hyperglycemia are characteristics of the mouse inbred strain KK/HlJ, which is predominantly used as a model for metabolic syndrome due to its inherited glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. We used KK/HlJ, an albuminuria-sensitive strain, and C57BL/6J, an albuminuria-resistant strain, to perform a quantitative trait locus (QTL) cross to identify the genetic basis for chronic kidney failure. Albumin–creatinine ratio (ACR) was measured in 130 F2 male offspring. One significant QTL was identified on chromosome (Chr) X and four suggestive QTL were found on Chrs 6, 7, 12, and 13. Narrowing of the QTL region was focused on the X-linked QTL and performed by incorporating genotype and expression analyses for genes located in the region. From the 485 genes identified in the X-linked QTL region, a few candidate genes were identified using a combination of bioinformatic evidence based on genomic comparison of the parental strains and known function in urine homeostasis. Finally, this study demonstrates the significance of the X chromosome in the genetic determination of albuminuria.  相似文献   
Die Samen der Caesalpiniacee Cercis siliquastrum sowie die der Papilionacee Ononis natrix enthalten im unterschiedlich stark entwickelten Endosperm quellbare Zellwandschleime. Die Samen von Ononis natrix besitzen ein vergleichsweise gering entwickeltes Endosperm, jedoch sind die einzelnen Zellen bis zur völligen Reduktion des Lumens schleimerfüllt. Bei Wasserzugabe quellen diese Zellwandschleime beider Arten unterschiedlich stark auf. Die Anfärbbarkeit der Endospermschleime wird anhand der Samen von Cercis siliquastrum für verschiedene Farbstoffe beschrieben. Zur näheren Charakterisierung der Quellbarkeit der Endospermschleime werden Quellungsindex sowie Viskositätsveränderung wäßriger Lösungen untersucht. Besonderes Interesse gilt der Untersuchung der Endospermschleime während der Reifung und Keimung der Samen. Dazu werden aus zerkleinerten unreifen, reifen und gekeimten Samen die Schleimstoffe extrahiert, sauer hydrolysiert und chromatographisch analysiert. Anhand chromatogrammspek-tralphotometrischer Untersuchungen ließ sich für die unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstadien der Samen das Verhältnis von Galaktose/Mannose ermitteln. Dabei wurden zwischen reifenden, reifen und gekeimten Samen von Ononis natrix nur geringe Schwankungen in der Zusammensetzung des Galaktomannans nachgewiesen. Demgegenüber nimmt bei heranreifenden Samen von Cereis siliquastrum der Galaktosegehalt des Galaktomannans bis zur Reife zu und während der Keimung deutlich ab.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the diseases caused by the necrotroph plant pathogen Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is not well understood. To investigate the role of oxalic acid during infection high resolution, light-, scanning-, transmission electron microscopy and various histochemical staining methods were used. Our inoculation method allowed us to follow degradation of host plant tissue around single hyphae and to observe the reaction of host cells in direct contact with single invading hyphae. After penetration the outer epidermal cell wall matrix appeared degraded around subcuticular hyphae (12-24 hpi). Calcium oxalate crystals were detected in advanced (36-48 hpi) and late (72 hpi) infection stages, but not in early stages. In early infection stages, surprisingly, no toxic effect of oxalic acid eventually secreted by S. sclerotiorum was observed. As oxalic acid is a common metabolite in plants, we propose that attacked host cells are able to metabolize oxalic acid in the early infection stage and translocate it to their vacuoles where it is stored as calcium oxalate. The effects, observed on healthy tissue upon external application of oxalic acid to non-infected, living tissue and cell wall degradation of dead host cells starting at the inner side of the walls support this idea. The results indicate that oxalic acid concentrations in the early stage of infection stay below the toxic level. In plant and fungi oxalic acid/calcium oxalate plays an important role in calcium regulation. Oxalic acid likely could quench calcium ions released during cell wall breakdown to protect growing hyphae from toxic calcium concentrations in the infection area. As calcium antimonate-precipitates were found in vesicles of young hyphae, we propose that calcium is translocated to the older parts of hyphae and detoxified by building non-toxic, stable oxalate crystals. We propose an infection model where oxalic acid plays a detoxifying role in late infection stages.  相似文献   
Albugo candida, A. ipomoeae-panduratae, Pustula tragopogonis, Wilsoniana bliti and W. portulacae are widespread obligate biotrophic plant pathogens causing white blister diseases on a variety of flowering plants. Their subepidermal mode of sporulation is unique amongst Oomycetes and leads to blister-like structures on their hosts similar to those produced by true rusts (Uredinales). Unlike in true rusts, sporangia are colourless and produced in chains; the first formed, primary sporangium, differing in size and morphology from subsequent secondary sporangia. According to current interpretations of pustule development the rising pressure of the growing chains of sporangia tear off the epidermal layer from the mesophyll and, in the end, ruptures the epidermis to release the sporangia. This is not convincing considering the rigidity of the epidermal layer and the fact that thin-walled mesophyll cells show no signs of pressure endurance. Our detailed light-, scanning electron-, and transmission electron microscopic observations provide evidence that pustule development and opening are regulated and delicate processes that involve directed enzymatic dissection of host tissue cell walls. The process starts when intercellular hyphae separate the epidermal layer from the parenchyma, forming a cavity in which sporulation takes place. Then thick-walled sporogenous hyphae with club-shaped but thin-walled tips develop and produce sporangia in basipetal succession from the apices of the sporogenous hyphae. The short-living primary sporangia attach tightly to the inner cell walls of the epidermal layer and undergo dramatic cytological changes during pustule maturation, including vacuolisation and development of numerous electron-dense vesicles that might deliver cell wall degrading enzymes. In ripe pustules, the disintegration of areas of epidermal cells leads to the opening of the pustules and to the release of the secondary sporangia. Also the comparison of samples prepared for scanning electron microscopy with fresh pustules, as well as the comparison of the inner epidermal layers detached by the pathogens and detached by force supports our conclusion that delicate enzymatic activity and not force are involved in pustule development and opening by these highly sophisticated pathogens.  相似文献   
Summary A frequency domain equivalent circuit analysis of isolated ventricular cells indicated the presence of an internal membrane structure which has a total capacitance four- to sixfold larger than the surface membrane. The internal membrane was mainly attributed to the sarcoplasmic reticulum since other morphological studies have shown that its area is many-fold larger than that of the surface membrane. Corresponding estimates from the transverse tubular system indicate an area less than that of the surface; thus this structure is not a likely candidate for the observed internal capacitance. Measurements in hypertonic solutions showed that the access resistance to the internal membrane reversibly increased as the tonicity was elevated. Freeze-fractured electron microscopic studies confirmed that hypertonic solutions increased the volume of transverse tubular system, which thus appears to have little relation to the access resistance. The most probable source of the access resistance is the diadic junction to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, which therefore would electrically couple it to the surface membrane.  相似文献   
In cyanobacteria, photorespiratory 2-phosphoglycolate (2PG) metabolism is mediated by three different routes, including one route involving the glycine decarboxylase complex (Gcv). It has been suggested that, in addition to conversion of 2PG into non-toxic intermediates, this pathway is important for acclimation to high-light. The photoreduction of O2 (Mehler reaction), which is mediated by two flavoproteins Flv1 and Flv3 in cyanobacteria, dissipates excess reductants under high-light by the four electron-reduction of oxygen to water. Single and double mutants defective in these processes were constructed to investigate the relation between photorespiratory 2PG-metabolism and the photoreduction of O2 in the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. The single mutants Δflv1, Δflv3, and ΔgcvT, as well as the double mutant Δflv1gcvT, were completely segregated but not the double mutant Δflv3gcvT, suggesting that the T-protein subunit of the Gcv (GcvT) and Flv3 proteins cooperate in an essential process. This assumption is supported by the following results: (1) The mutant Δflv3gcvT showed a considerable longer lag phase and sometimes bleached after shifts from slow (low light, air CO2) to rapid (standard light, 5% CO2) growing conditions. (2) Photoinhibition experiments indicated a decreased ability of the mutant Δflv3gcvT to cope with high-light. (3) Fluorescence measurements showed that the photosynthetic electron chain is reduced in this mutant. Our data suggest that the photorespiratory 2PG-metabolism and the photoreduction of O2, particularly that catalyzed by Flv3, cooperate during acclimation to high-light stress in cyanobacteria. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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