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The yeast “remodels the structure of chromatin” (RSC) complex is a multi-subunit “switching deficient/sucrose non-fermenting” type ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeler, with human counterparts that are well-established tumor suppressors. Using temperature-inducible degron fusions of all the essential RSC subunits, we set out to map RSC requirement as a function of the mitotic cell cycle. We found that RSC executes essential functions during G1, G2, and mitosis. Remarkably, we observed a doubling of chromosome complements when degron alleles of the RSC subunit SFH1, the yeast hSNF5 tumor suppressor ortholog, and RSC3 were combined. The requirement for simultaneous deregulation of SFH1 and RSC3 to induce these ploidy shifts was eliminated by knockout of the S-phase cyclin CLB5 and by transient depletion of replication origin licensing factor Cdc6p. Further, combination of the degron alleles of SFH1 and RSC3, with deletion alleles of each of the nine Cdc28/Cdk1-associated cyclins, revealed a strong and specific genetic interaction between the S-phase cyclin genes CLB5 and RSC3, indicating a role for Rsc3p in proper S-phase regulation. Taken together, our results implicate RSC in regulation of the G1/S-phase transition and establish a hitherto unanticipated role for RSC-mediated chromatin remodeling in ploidy maintenance.  相似文献   
DNA recombinases (RecA in bacteria, Rad51 in eukarya and RadA in archaea) catalyse strand exchange between homologous DNA molecules, the central reaction of homologous recombination, and are among the most conserved DNA repair proteins known. RecA is the sole protein responsible for this reaction in bacteria, whereas there are several Rad51 paralogs that cooperate to catalyse strand exchange in eukaryotes. All archaea have at least one (and as many as four) RadA paralog, but their function remains unclear. Herein, we show that the three RadA paralogs encoded by the Sulfolobus solfataricus genome are expressed under normal growth conditions and are not UV inducible. We demonstrate that one of these proteins, Sso2452, which is representative of the large archaeal RadC subfamily of archaeal RadA paralogs, functions as an ATPase that binds tightly to single-stranded DNA. However, Sso2452 is not an active recombinase in vitro and inhibits D-loop formation by RadA. We present the high-resolution crystal structure of Sso2452, which reveals key structural differences from the canonical RecA family recombinases that may explain its functional properties. The possible roles of the archaeal RadA paralogs in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   
A QTL analysis was performed to determine the genetic basis of 13 horticultural traits conditioning yield in pepper (Capsicum annuum). The mapping population was a large population of 297 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) originating from a cross between the large-fruited bell pepper cultivar ‘Yolo Wonder’ and the small-fruited chilli pepper ‘Criollo de Morelos 334’. A total of 76 QTLs were detected for 13 fruit and plant traits, grouped in 28 chromosome regions. These QTLs explained together between 7% (internode growth time) and 91% (fruit diameter) of the phenotypic variation. The QTL analysis was also performed on two subsets of 141 and 93 RILs sampled using the MapPop software. The smaller populations allowed for the detection of a reduced set of QTLs and reduced the overall percentage of trait variation explained by QTLs. The frequency of false positives as well as the individual effect of QTLs increased in reduced population sets as a result of reduced sampling. The results from the QTL analysis permitted an overall glance over the genetic architecture of traits considered by breeders for selection. Colinearities between clusters of QTLs controlling fruit traits and/or plant development in distinct pepper species and in related solanaceous crop species (tomato and eggplant) suggests that shared mechanisms control the shape and growth of different organs throughout these species.  相似文献   
This paper describes recent material gathered during the second fieldwork at Ma U'Oi in November 2002 by a Vietnamese–French–Japanese team. The Ma U'Oi cave, located in the province of Hoà Binh (60 km SW from Hanoi), northern Vietnam, belongs to a karstic network developed in Triassic dark-grey limestones.

The cave is filled with coarse-grained breccias containing numerous fossil remains, partially preserved at several loci inside the cave (wall, vault and ground). We describe new teeth which confirm the occurrence of mammal taxa already mentioned at Ma U'Oi (Bacon et al., 2004)[Bacon, A-M., Demeter, F., Schuster, M., Long, V.T., Thuy, N.K., Antoine, P-O., Sen, S., Nga, H.H., Huong, N.T.M., 2004. The Pleistocene Ma U'Oi cave, northern Vietnam: palaeontology, sedimentology and palaeoenvironments. Geobios 37, 305–314], while others, mainly microvertebrates, emphasize the occurrence of new species for the Pleistocene of Vietnam. We report here, for the first time, the occurrence of these microvertebrates of different groups (primates, rodents, insectivores, small reptiles and amphibians) in the faunal assemblage. Among mammal taxa, the presence of one more hominid affiliated to archaic Homo is also attested by our findings. U/Th dating carried out on 2 samples extracted from breccia speleothems confirms the biochronological estimate, with fossiliferous fillings ranging from late Middle Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

BackroundThe purpose of this study is to assess the impact of trimodal therapy [surgery, chemotherapy and external beam radiotherapy (EBRT)] in patients with anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) treated with curative intent.Materials and methodsRetrospective review of patients with ATC treated at a tertiary referral centre between January 2009 and June 2020. Data were collected regarding demographics, histology, staging, treatment and outcomes.ResultsSeven patients (4 female) were identified. Median age was 58 years (range 52–83 years). All patients received EBRT with concurrent doxorubicin. Six patients received surgery followed by chemoradiotherapy (CRT), and one underwent neoadjuvant CRT followed by surgery. Median radiological tumour size was 50mm (range 40–90 mm). Six patients had gross extrathyroidal extension and three had N1b disease. Prescribed radiotherapy schedules were 46.4 Gy in 29 bidaily fractions (n = 2, treated 2010), 60 Gy in 30 daily fractions (n = 2), 66 Gy in 30 fractions (n = 2) and 70 Gy in 35 fractions (n = 1; patient received neoadjuvant CRT). CRT was discontinued early for two patients due to toxicities. At median follow up of 5.8 months, 42.9% (3/7) patients were alive and disease-free. Only one patient developed a local failure. Three patients died from distant metastases without locoregional recurrence.ConclusionsDespite poor prognosis of ATC, selected patients with operable tumours may achieve high locoregional control rates with trimodal therapy, with possibility of long-term survival in select cases.  相似文献   
Recent results suggest that cytoplasmic mRNAs can form translationally repressed messenger ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) capable of decapping and degradation, or accumulation into cytoplasmic processing bodies (P-bodies), which can function as sites of mRNA storage. The proteins that function in transitions between the translationally repressed mRNPs that accumulate in P-bodies and mRNPs engaged in translation are largely unknown. Herein, we demonstrate that the yeast translation initiation factor Ded1p can localize to P-bodies. Moreover, depletion of Ded1p leads to defects in P-body formation. Overexpression of Ded1p results in increased size and number of P-bodies and inhibition of growth in a manner partially suppressed by loss of Pat1p, Dhh1p, or Lsm1p. Mutations that inactivate the ATPase activity of Ded1p increase the overexpression growth inhibition of Ded1p and prevent Ded1p from localizing in P-bodies. Combined with earlier work showing Ded1p can have a positive effect on translation, these results suggest that Ded1p is a bifunctional protein that can affect both translation initiation and P-body formation.  相似文献   
To obtain selective and potent inhibitors of dipeptidyl peptidases 8 and 9, we synthesized a series of substituted isoindolines as modified analogs of allo-Ile-isoindoline, the reference DPP8/9 inhibitor. The influence of phenyl substituents and different P2 residues on the inhibitors’ affinity toward other DPPs and more specifically, their potential to discriminate between DPP8 and DPP9 will be discussed. Within this series compound 8j was shown to be a potent and selective inhibitor of DPP8/9 with low activity toward DPP II.  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni NCTC 11168 was capable of growth to levels comparable with FeSO4 in defined iron-limited medium (minimal essential medium alpha [MEMα]) containing ferrilactoferrin, ferritransferrin, or ferri-ovotransferrin. Iron was internalized in a contact-dependent manner, with 94% of cell-associated radioactivity from either 55Fe-loaded transferrin or lactoferrin associated with the soluble cell fraction. Partitioning the iron source away from bacteria significantly decreased cellular growth. Excess cold transferrin or lactoferrin in cultures containing 55Fe-loaded transferrin or lactoferrin resulted in reduced levels of 55Fe uptake. Growth of C. jejuni in the presence of ferri- and an excess of apoprotein reduced overall levels of growth. Following incubation of cells in the presence of ferrilactoferrin, lactoferrin became associated with the cell surface; binding levels were higher after growth under iron limitation. A strain carrying a mutation in the cj0178 gene from the iron uptake system Cj0173c-Cj0178 demonstrated significantly reduced growth promotion in the presence of ferrilactoferrin in MEMα compared to wild type but was not affected in the presence of heme. Moreover, this mutant acquired less 55Fe than wild type when incubated with 55Fe-loaded protein and bound less lactoferrin. Complementation restored the wild-type phenotype when cells were grown with ferrilactoferrin. A mutant in the ABC transporter system permease gene (cj0174c) showed a small but significant growth reduction. The cj0176c-cj0177 intergenic region contains two separate Fur-regulated iron-repressible promoters. This is the first demonstration that C. jejuni is capable of acquiring iron from members of the transferrin protein family, and our data indicate a role for Cj0178 in this process.  相似文献   
Naturally occurring groups of muscle myosin behave differently from individual myosins or small groups commonly assayed in vitro. Here, we investigate the emergence of myosin group behavior with increasing myosin group size. Assuming the number of myosin binding sites (N) is proportional to actin length (L) (N = L/35.5 nm), we resolve in vitro motility of actin propelled by skeletal muscle myosin for L = 0.2–3 μm. Three distinct regimes were found: L < 0.3 μm, sliding arrest; 0.3 μm ≤ L ≤ 1 μm, alternation between arrest and continuous sliding; L > 1 μm, continuous sliding. We theoretically investigated the myosin group kinetics with mechanical coupling via actin. We find rapid actin sliding steps driven by power-stroke cascades supported by postpower-stroke myosins, and phases without actin sliding caused by prepower-stroke myosin buildup. The three regimes are explained: N = 8, rare cascades; N = 15, cascade bursts; N = 35, continuous cascading. Two saddle-node bifurcations occur for increasing N (mono → bi → mono-stability), with steady states corresponding to arrest and continuous cascading. The experimentally measured dependence of actin sliding statistics on L and myosin concentration is correctly predicted.  相似文献   
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