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DNA recombinases (RecA in bacteria, Rad51 in eukarya and RadA in archaea) catalyse strand exchange between homologous DNA molecules, the central reaction of homologous recombination, and are among the most conserved DNA repair proteins known. RecA is the sole protein responsible for this reaction in bacteria, whereas there are several Rad51 paralogs that cooperate to catalyse strand exchange in eukaryotes. All archaea have at least one (and as many as four) RadA paralog, but their function remains unclear. Herein, we show that the three RadA paralogs encoded by the Sulfolobus solfataricus genome are expressed under normal growth conditions and are not UV inducible. We demonstrate that one of these proteins, Sso2452, which is representative of the large archaeal RadC subfamily of archaeal RadA paralogs, functions as an ATPase that binds tightly to single-stranded DNA. However, Sso2452 is not an active recombinase in vitro and inhibits D-loop formation by RadA. We present the high-resolution crystal structure of Sso2452, which reveals key structural differences from the canonical RecA family recombinases that may explain its functional properties. The possible roles of the archaeal RadA paralogs in vivo are discussed.  相似文献   
Toxin-antitoxin (TA) systems are widely represented on mobile genetic elements as well as in bacterial chromosomes. TA systems encode a toxin and an antitoxin neutralizing it. We have characterized a homolog of the ccd TA system of the F plasmid (ccd(F)) located in the chromosomal backbone of the pathogenic O157:H7 Escherichia coli strain (ccd(O157)). The ccd(F) and the ccd(O157) systems coexist in O157:H7 isolates, as these pathogenic strains contain an F-related virulence plasmid carrying the ccd(F) system. We have shown that the chromosomal ccd(O157) system encodes functional toxin and antitoxin proteins that share properties with their plasmidic homologs: the CcdB(O157) toxin targets the DNA gyrase, and the CcdA(O157) antitoxin is degraded by the Lon protease. The ccd(O157) chromosomal system is expressed in its natural context, although promoter activity analyses revealed that its expression is weaker than that of ccd(F). ccd(O157) is unable to mediate postsegregational killing when cloned in an unstable plasmid, supporting the idea that chromosomal TA systems play a role(s) other than stabilization in bacterial physiology. Our cross-interaction experiments revealed that the chromosomal toxin is neutralized by the plasmidic antitoxin while the plasmidic toxin is not neutralized by the chromosomal antitoxin, whether expressed ectopically or from its natural context. Moreover, the ccd(F) system is able to mediate postsegregational killing in an E. coli strain harboring the ccd(O157) system in its chromosome. This shows that the plasmidic ccd(F) system is functional in the presence of its chromosomal counterpart.  相似文献   
Penicillin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae has been attributed so far to the production of penicillin-binding protein (PBP) variants with decreased affinities for β-lactam antibiotics. Cefotaxime-resistant laboratory mutants, selected after several steps on increasing concentrations of this β-lactam, become deficient in transformation as well. A DNA fragment conferring both cefotaxime resistance and transformation deficiency was isolated and cloned from the mutant C306. The cefotaxime resistance associated with this resistance determinant was not accompanied with apparent changes in PBP properties, and it mapped on the chromosome distinct from the known resistance determinants, genes encoding PBP2x, PBP1a or PBP2b. Determination of a 2265 bp DNA sequence of the resistance determinant revealed two open reading frames, claR and claH, whose deduced amino acid sequence identified the corresponding proteins as the response regulator and histidine kinase receptor, respectively (members of the two families of bacterial signal-transducing proteins). Two hydrophobic peptide regions divided the histidine kinase ClaH into two putative domains: an N-terminal extracelluiar sensor part, and an intracelluiar C-terminal domain with the conserved His-226 residue, the presumed phosphorylation site. The single point mutations responsible for cefotaxime-resistance and transformation deficiency of C306 and of another two independently isolated cefotaxime-resistant mutants were each located in the C-terminal half of ClaH. A small extracellular protein, the competence factor, is required for induction of competence. Neither C306 nor the transformants obtained with the mutated claH gene produced competence factor, and exogenous competence factor could not complement the transformation deficiency, indicating that the signal-transducing system cia is involved in early steps of competence regulation.  相似文献   
Uncoupling protein-3 (UCP3), which is expressed abundantly in skeletal muscle, is one of the carrier proteins dissipating the transmitochondrial electrochemical gradient as heat and has therefore been implicated in the regulation of energy metabolism. Myoblasts or differentiated muscle cells in vitro expressed little if any UCP3, compared with the levels detected in biopsies of skeletal muscle. In the present report, we sought to investigate UCP3 mRNA expression in human muscle generated by myoblast transplantation in the skeletal muscle of an immunodeficient mouse model. Time course experiments demonstrated that 7-8 weeks following transplantation fully differentiated human muscle fibers were formed. The presence of differentiated human muscle fibers was assessed by quantitative PCR measurement of the human alpha-actin mRNA together with immunohistochemical staining using specific antibodies for spectrin and the slow adult myosin heavy chain. Interestingly, we found that the expression of UCP3 mRNA was dependant on human muscle differentiation and that the UCP3 mRNA level was comparable with that found in human muscle biopsies. Moreover, the human UCP3 (hUCP3) promoter seems to be fully functional, since triiodothyronine treatment of the mice not only stimulated the mouse UCP3 (mUCP3) mRNA expression but also strongly stimulated the hUCP3 mRNA expression in human fibers formed after myoblast transplantation. To our knowledge, this is the first time that primary myoblasts could be induced to express the UCP3 gene at a level comparable of that found in human muscle fibers.  相似文献   
F.t.-i.r. and laser-Raman spectra of thymine and thymidine in the solid state were recorded. Assignments were proposed for the frequencies observed. The influence of the deoxy sugar on the vibrations of the nucleoside are discussed as a function of its particular puckering. The aim of this work is to elucidate the differences between the molecules constituting the nucleic acids, in order the better to comprehend their biological functions.  相似文献   
Parthenogenesis, the development of unfertilized eggs resulting in the exclusive production of female offspring, is rare in animals relative to sexual reproduction and is mainly reported in invertebrates. It has been hypothesized that polyploidy, hybridization and endosymbiont infections are its major causal events but the mechanisms triggering asexual reproduction remain unclear. Here, we study the proximate causes at the origin of parthenogenesis in the first reported case of asexuality in the Coccinellidae (Coleoptera). The asexual populations were found in the Azores and the Mascarene archipelagos, and were identified as Nephus voeltzkowi Weise, a bisexual species widespread in sub-Saharan Africa. The specimens from both populations are diploid but present different karyotypes and heterozygosities that evoke hybrid origins, commonly associated with parthenogenesis in Coleoptera. However, the close proximity of their genomes (99.8% homology for the complete mitochondrial genome and 99.9% for the complete nuclear ribosomal cluster) together with the congruence between the mtDNA tree and the nuclear tree, and the low heterozygosity levels, suggests that the two populations are not hybrid. We propose that they belong to a single chromosomally polymorphic species undergoing Robertsonian fusions. Furthermore, specimens from both populations are infected with Wolbachia (supergroup B strain), contrary to sympatric bisexual species of the same genus. Although Wolbachia has been shown to induce parthenogenesis in haplodiploid organisms, it has been recently suggested that it could also induce parthenogenesis in hosts with other sex determination systems. Whether chromosome rearrangements and/or Wolbachia infections are post-parthenogenetic events or are at the origin of parthenogenesis still needs to be determined.  相似文献   

Several L-enantiomers of nucleoside analogues were stereospecifically synthesized by a multi-step reaction from L-xylose and their antiviral properties were examined in vitro. Two of them, namely β-L-2′,3,′-dideoxycytidine (β-L-ddC) and its 5-fluoro derivative (β-L-FddC) were found to have potent anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and significant anti-hepatitis B virus (HBV) activities in cell cultures.  相似文献   
Yarrowia lipolytica requires the expression of a heterologous invertase to grow on a sucrose-based substrate. This work reports the construction of an optimized invertase expression cassette composed of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Suc2p secretion signal sequence followed by the SUC2 sequence and under the control of the strong Y. lipolytica pTEF promoter. This new construction allows a fast and optimal cleavage of sucrose into glucose and fructose and allows cells to reach the maximum growth rate. Contrary to pre-existing constructions, the expression of SUC2 is not sensitive to medium composition in this context. The strain JMY2593, expressing this new cassette with an optimized secretion signal sequence and a strong promoter, produces 4,519 U/l of extracellular invertase in bioreactor experiments compared to 597 U/l in a strain expressing the former invertase construction. The expression of this cassette strongly improved production of invertase and is suitable for simultaneously high production level of citric acid from sucrose-based media.  相似文献   
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