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Glutamine-dependent anthranilate synthetase was produced in vitro by mixing the extracts of a trypA and a trypC mutant of Aspergillus nidulans. Neither mutant alone possessed this activity. The enzyme formed in the mixture had the properties of the wild-type anthranilate synthetase which, together with N-(5-phosphoribosyl) anthranilate (PRA) isomerase and indole 3-glycerol phosphate (InGP) synthetase, is found in a 10S multienzyme complex. Extracts of the trypA69 mutant contained a 6.5S protein as the active component—presumably the trypC + product—which in addition showed PRA isomerase and InGP synthetase activity. Extracts of the trypC801 mutant lacked all three enzyme activities but contained a 4.5S component—the trypA + gene product—which in vitro showed ammonia-dependent anthranilate synthetase activity. These mutants are analogous in their properties to certain tryp-2 and tryp-1 mutants of Neurospora. When complementary extracts of the two genera were mixed (Aspergillus trypA with Neurospora tryp-1 or Aspergillus trypC with Neurospora tryp-2), a hybrid glutamine-dependent anthranilate synthetase was obtained which showed less than half the activity produced in homologous combinations.This study was supported by Grant GB 22655 from the National Science Foundation to J.A.DeM.  相似文献   
The deoxyribonucleic acid homologies of Mycoplasma laidlawii type A and type B, M. pulmonis (#47 and #63), and M. hominis were determined by membrane methodology. The homology data revealed a difference in genome size between M. laidlawii type A and type B. This difference also held with stringent conditions of annealing (high temperature). Little or negligible homology was shown to exist between the M. laidlawii strains type A and type B and M. pulmonis strains 47 and 63 and M. hominis. M. hominis showed less than 10% homology to the M. pulmonis and M. laidlawii strains. Neither of the M. laidlawii strains showed more than 2% annealing to the M. pulmonis strains. Reaction rate studies are suggested as a means of demonstrating the phylogenetic relationship between the Mycoplasma and other microorganisms.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Durch simultane visuelle Bewegungsreize, die von mehreren Beutetieren (z.B. Mehlkäferlarven) ausgehen, wird der Beutefang der Erdkröte (Bufo bufo L.) gehemmt. An diese Verhaltensheobaehtung anknüpfend, wurde die Abhängigkeit dieses inhibitorischen Umfeldeffektes von verschiedenen visuellen Reizparametern im Attrappen versuch quantitativ gemessen: Im frontalen Gesichtsfeld der Kröte rotierte vor dunklem Hintergrund eine weiße, rechteckige, 2,5 × 20° große Beuteattrappe (Zentralattrappe, z) mit dem Rechteckzentrum im Drehpunkt. Zusätzlich konnten mehrere Kreisscheiben von 5 bzw. 10° (Peripherattrappen, p) um die Zentralattrappe bewegt werden.Die Beutefangaktivität R z [Beutefangreaktionen x min–1] auf die allein gebotene Zentralattrappe war bei einer Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der distalen Attrappenkanten 10v s30 [grad x see–1] maximal und sank für kleinere oder größere Winkelgeschwindigkeiten wieder ab. Eine mit v s=25 [grad x sec–1] allein bewegte Peripherattrappe löste maximale Beutefangaktivität R p aus. Mit zunehmender Anzahl n p simultan bewegter Peripherattrappen sank die Beutefangaktivität ab.Mehrere, um den gleichen Drehpunkt bewegte Peripherattrappen, deren Abstand untereinander =10° betrug, blieben von der Kröte unbeantwortet. Sie bildeten ein inhibitorisches Umfeld und hemmten dadurch die Reaktion auf die gleichzeitig bewegte Zentralattrappe z. — Die im Simultanreizungsversuch gemessene Beutefangaktivität R zp war abhängig vom Abstand [grad] zwischen Zentralattrappe und Peripherattrappen ( : Kürzester Abstand zwischen z und p): Für =10° war R zp0 und stieg für >10° an. — Kontrollversuche, die jeweils auf die Simultanreizung mit z allein folgten (R z), ließen eine -abhängige Nachhemmung erkennen. — Die hemmende Wirkung auf die Beantwortung von z war auch von der Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit v s der Peripherattrappen abhängig; sie war bei derjenigen Sehwinkelgeschwindigkeit (v s=25 [grad × sec–1]) maximal, mit der die Zentralattrappe, allein geboten, maximale Beutefangaktivität auslöste; für v sg25 [grad × sec–1] nahm die Hemmung wieder ab.Die Versuchsergebnisse lassen auf inhibitorische Verknüpfungen innerhalb des zentralen visuellen Systems schließen. Es wird vermutet, daß die Reiz-Verhaltens-reaktionsbeziehungen in den visuellen Simultanreizungsversuchen durch eine Art zentrale laterale Inhibition bestimmt werden.
Inhibitory effect of simultaneously moved prey dummies on the prey catching behaviour of the common toad (Bufo bufo L.)
Summary The prey catching behaviour of the toad (Bufo bufo L.) is generally inhibited by simultaneously visual moving stimuli caused by a group of prey animals (mealworms). According to this behavioural observation the dependence of this inhibitory effect on several visual parameters were quantitatively measured in dummy experiments: in the frontal visual field of the toad a white rectangular prey dummy of 2,5×20° (central dummy, z) was rotating in a centre against dark background. In addition several disks of 5 or 10° diameter (peripheral dummies, p) could simultaneously rotate around the central dummy (Figs. 1 and 7).The prey catching activity R z [catching reactions x min–1] released by rotation of only the central dummy z increased with increasing angular velocity v s of the stimulus distal edges, reaching a maximum for 10vs30 [degrees x sec–1] and decreasing for v s>30 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 5).A single peripheral dummy p, moved at v s=25 [degrees x sec–1], released maximal catching activity R p. The activity R p decreased with the increasing number n p of simultaneously offered dummies (Fig. 6).The prey catching behaviour of the toad was inhibited, when several peripheral dummies p were moved around the centre with a distance =10° from each other. They caused an inhibitory field and they also inhibited the response to a simultaneously moved central dummy z. The prey catching activity, measured in experiments in which z and p rotated simultaneously, depends on the distance [degrees] between z and p ( being the shortest distance between z and p). For =10°, R zp was zero; R zp increased for >10° (Figs. 9 and 10). — Control experiments carried out with z allone — after having applied the simultaneous stimulation — showed a - dependent after-inhibition (Fig. 9). — The inhibitory effect on the response to z also depended on the angular velocity v s of p; the inhibition was at a maximum for v s25 [degrees x sec–1], and it decreased for v s25 [degrees x sec–1] (Fig. 11).The experimental results suggest inhibitory interactions within the central visual system. It is supposed that the relation between stimulus and behavioural reaction in simultaneous stimulating experiments results from some kind of central nervous lateral inhibition.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ew 7/4+5).  相似文献   
Structure and growth of a keeled tooth are discussed with Paracentrotus lividus as the main example. The microscopic structure of the tooth skeletons of other sea urchins was compared, considering at least one member of each family with the exception of Saleniidae. Attention is called to the necessary revision of the system of sea urchins.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
By following careful procedures, mycobacterial ribosomal fractions and ribonucleic acid (RNA) prepared by ethyl alcohol precipitation were obtained which have immunogenic activities similar to the viable attenuated H37Ra cells of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from which they were obtained. This comparison was based on the amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA) present. These preparations consisted of approximately 63% RNA and 37% protein; no deoxyribonucleic acid or polysaccharide was detected by chemical tests. A high correlation was found between the immunogenic activity of a preparation and the per cent increase in hyperchromicity at 260 nm of a ribonuclease-hydrolyzed portion. Final concentrations of sodium dodecyl sulfate higher than 0.25% when used for the preparation of the ribosomal fractions and RNA resulted in significantly lower immune responses and greater variation between experiments. This was not related to the amount of protein present. The stability of the ribosomal and RNA preparations was tested under a variety of conditions. The need for a good protective adjuvant again was shown since mouse serum readily hydrolyzed the RNA. Equal immunity was obtained after immunization by the intraperitoneal and subcutaneous routes; however, no immune response was obtained when the intravenous route was used. Preliminary results with RNA prepared with phenol showed that it was more easily degraded during preparation. This resulted in a lower immune response than was obtained with the RNA prepared with ethyl alcohol.  相似文献   
An automated follow-up register for the detection of iatrogenic thyroid disease has been established as a joint venture between the general practitioners in the north-east of Scotland and the thyroid clinic of Aberdeen General Hospitals.The data-processing operations in the system are handled by an International Computers Limited 4/50 computer. Patients are followed up at predetermined intervals and the system has been designed to process, screen, and store clinical and biochemical follow-up data and report results to the patients, general practitioners, and the hospital records department.  相似文献   
The cystine-containing peptides of horse growth hormone were isolated and their amino acid sequences determined. Four unique half-cystine residues occur in two peptides, one containing 11 and the other, at the C-terminus of the protein, 15 amino acids. These sequences are compared with published data on growth hormones from other species.  相似文献   
Purine Ribonucleosidase g from Aspergillus foetidus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nucleosidase g was prepared by growing Aspergillus foetidus on bran, and was purified by passage through a diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex column. The enzyme acted on the purine ribosides (except xanthosine) and on their 5'-phosphates. Action on the latter was a good means for preparing ribose-5-phosphate.  相似文献   
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