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Summary The effect of angiotensin infusion on the glomerular ultrastructure of freshwater- and seawater-adapted rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri, has been examined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Adaptation of trout to seawater resulted in epithelial podocyte flattening, primary process broadening and apparent loss of foot processes in almost all glomeruli, features which were uncommon in freshwater-adapted trout. Similar changes were induced by infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin, suggesting that the renin-angiotensin system plays a role in the modification of glomerular epithelial ultrastructure. Adaptation of trout to seawater also reduced glomerular diameter, but infusion of freshwater-adapted animals with angiotensin did not mirror this effect. Infusion of angiotensin into seawater-adapted animals increased the overall thickness of glomerular basement membrane by increasing the lamina rara interna and lamina densa. This did not occur when freshwater-adapted fish were either infused with angiotensin or adapted to seawater. These findings suggest that other humoral systems are involved in the control of glomerular diameter and basement membrane thickness as part of an integrated response to increased environmental salinity.  相似文献   
Summary A catalogue of indigenous fermented beverages produced by different ethnic groups in Ecuador has been compiled and the microflora of selected examples examined. A diversity of fermentation substrates was encountered depending on the climatic zone. The fermentations are typicallyLactobacillus spp.—yeast fermentations except for one which includes a mould fermentation by a mixed starter ofMoniha sitophila, Rhizopus stolonifer and aFusarium sp. A discussion is made of the role of these beverages in the human ecology of certain regions.
Resumen Se ha confeccionado un catálogo de bebidas indígenas ecuatorianas producidas por distintos grupos étnicos, examinándose la microflora de algunos ejemplos seleccionados. Las fermentaciones son generalmente del tipoLactobacillus sp.—levaduras, excepto en un caso que incluye una fermentación fúngica iniciada de forma mixta porM. sitophila, R. stolonifer y unFusarium sp. Se discute el papel de estas bebidas en la ecologia humana de ciertas regiones.

Résumé Un catalogue des boissons fermentées indigènes produites par divers groupes ethniques de l'Equateur a été compilé et les micro-flores des exemples sélectionnés ont été éxaminés. Les substrats de fermentation varient d'une région climatique à l'autre. Les fermentations sont généralement du typeLactobacillus sp — levures, sauf dans un cas qui comporte une fermentation par des moisissures, avec un mélange initial deMoniha sitophila, Rhizopus stolonifer et une espèce deFusarium. Le rôle de ces boissons dans l'écologie humaine de certaines régions est discuté.
Differential expression within a family of novel wound-induced genes in potato   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Summary Wounding in higher plants leads to an increased synthesis of specific messenger RNAs. A cDNA clone complementary to a wound-induced message from potato tubers was used to isolate a lambda clone from a genomic library of Salanum tuberosum var. Maris Piper. DNA sequence analysis has shown that this single genomic clone contains two novel wound-induced genes, called win1 and win2, organised in close tandem array. The coding sequences of these two genes are highly homologous and are interrupted by a single intron. However, the sequences of the introns and flanking regions have diverged widely. Win1 and win2 encode cysteine-rich proteins of 200 and 211 amino-acids, respectively, which show striking homologies to several chitin-binding proteins. Southern analysis of genomic DNA has shown that win1 and win2 are members of a small multi-gene family which is estimated to have a minimum of five members per haploid genome of Maris Piper and appears to be conserved within the Solanaceae. We have shown by Northern analysis and S1 mapping that the two genes exhibit differential organ-specific expression after the wounding of a potato plant.  相似文献   
Summary We have compared the suppression of nonsense mutations by aminoglycoside antibiotics inEscherichia coli and in human 293 cells. Six nonsense alleles of the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat) gene, in the vector pRSVcat, were suppressed by growth in G418 and paromomycin. Readthrough at UAG, UAA and UGA codons was monitored with enzyme assays for chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT), in stably transformed bacteria and during transient expression from the same plasmid in human 293 tissue culture cells. We have found significant differences in the degree of suppression amongst three UAG codons and two UAA codons in different mRNA contexts. However, the pattern of these effects are not the same in the two organisms. Our data suggest that context effects of nonsense suppression may operate under different rules inE. coli and human cells.  相似文献   
Endogenous testosterone levels were measured in association with sexual, aggressive, and social/affiliative behaviors in 11 outdoor-housed female rhesus monkeys over a ten-month period. Several behaviors (sex directed toward the male, sex received from the male, aggression directed toward the male, submission directed toward the male, submission directed toward the female, and groom another female) were significantly (p<0.05) positively correlated with testosterone in from one to five females. No trends were strong enough across all females to suggest that any of these correlations have species-wide significance. Factor analysis revealed clearcut clusters of behaviors, but elevations in testosterone were not strongly associated with any of these clusters. It is concluded that endogenous testosterone levels have little measurable effect on overt behavior in female rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   
Human chromosome-specific DNA libraries: construction and purity analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report the construction of eight human chromosome-specific DNA libraries. Metaphase chromosomes were purified by flow-sorting, and the extracted DNA was cleaved with HindIII before cloning into lamba Charon 21A. There is now a complete digest HindIII library containing greater than five chromosome equivalents for each human chromosome. These are available to the scientific community through the American Type Culture Collection in Rockville, MD. The amount of hamster DNA in libraries in which the chromosome was sorted from human x hamster hybrid cells was estimated by species-specific hybridization. It ranged from 5% to 39%. The sorted chromosomes were examined by fluorescence in situ hybridization with species-specific DNA, and the main source of the hamster DNA contamination was found to be intact hamster chromosomes. In addition, we examined a chromosome 21 library, LL21NS02, for clones that fail to grow on the rec+ host LE392. Less than 0.6% of the recombinant phage exhibited the rec+-inhibited phenotype.  相似文献   
Book Review     
International Journal of Primatology -  相似文献   
The critical equilibrium humidity for fully engorged nymphs ofRhipicephalus evertsi mimeticus was shown to be between 91% and 93.5% r.h., and for adult male and female ticks to be between 82% and 84.5% r.h. Studies on gnathosoma and idiosoma by selective exposure to differing relative humidities have shown that dehydrated adult male and female ticks are capable of active uptake of atmospheric water vapor only through their mouthparts. The percentage of water content of unfed adult male and female ticks previously dehydrated was not influenced by subsequent exposure to different relative humidities, varying similarly in both sexes, male imagines between 59.6% and 63.7%, female imagines between 59.6% and 64.4%. Analogous values (62.3% and 61.1%) were obtained for the water content of male and female imagines not previously dehydrated, which were incubated at 30°C and 100% r.h. for 7 days.  相似文献   
Summary The inhibitory effect of various alkanols, benzyl alcohol and phenethyl alcohol on the growth rate of Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 was investigated. Inhibition of cell growth was studied by treating cultures with varied concentrations of alcohols. There was a threshold concentration above which growth inhibition occurred. The degree of inhibition was a linear function of the alcohol concentration used. The natural logarithm of the inhibition constant was shown to be: (1) a linear function of the chain length of the alkanols, (2) a linear function of the natural logarithm of the octanol/water partition coefficient for both aliphatic and cyclic alcohols.  相似文献   
Mitomycin C (MMC), a quinone-containing antitumor drug, has been shown to alkylate DNA and to form DNA cross-links. The ability of MMC to alkylate O6-guanine and to form interstrand cross-links (ISC) has been studied using Mer+ and Mer- human embryonic cells. Mer+ (IMR-90) cells have been reported to contain an O6-alkylguanine transferase enzyme and are, in general, more resistant to alkylating agents than the Mer- (VA-13) cell line, which is deficient in the repair of O6-lesions in DNA. Studies reported here show that MMC is more cytotoxic to VA-13 cells compared to IMR-90 cells. The alkaline elution technique was used to quantify MMC-induced ISC, and double strand breaks (DSB) in these cells. The drug-dependent formation of DSB was significantly lower in IMR-90 cells than in VA-13 cells. In contrast, no significant difference in cross-linking could be detected at the end of 2-h drug treatment. Although a small increase in cross-link frequency was observed in the VA-13 cell line relative to the IMR-90 cell line 6 h post drug treatment, it is not clear whether monoalkylated adducts at the O6-position are formed, and contribute to cross-link formation for differential cytotoxicity in VA-13 cells. Electron spin resonance and spin-trapping technique were used to detect the formation of hydroxyl radical from MMC-treated cells. Our studies show that MMC significantly stimulated the formation of hydroxyl radical in VA-13 cells, but not in the IMR-90 cells. The formation of the hydroxyl radical was inhibited by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase. In addition, the presence of these enzymes partially protected VA-13 cells from MMC toxicity but not IMR-90 cells. Further studies indicated that the decreased free radical formation and resistance to MMC may be due to the increased activities of catalase and glutathione transferase in the IMR-90 cell line. These results suggest that MMC-dependent DNA damage (alkylation and DNA DSB) and the stimulation of oxy-radical formation may play critical roles in the determination of MMC-induced cell killing.  相似文献   
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