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The mechanisms of how Th cells promote CD8(+) T cell responses during viral infections are largely unknown. In this study, we unraveled the mechanisms of T cell help for CD8(+) T cell responses during vaccinia virus infection. Our results demonstrate that Th cells promote vaccinia virus-specific CD8(+) T cell responses via two interconnected synergistic pathways: First, CD40L expressed by activated CD4(+) T cells instructs dendritic cells to produce bioactive IL-12p70, which is directly sensed by Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells, resulting in increased IL-2Rα expression. Second, Th cells provide CD8(+) T cells with IL-2, thereby enhancing their survival. Thus, Th cells are at the center of an important communication loop with a central role for IL-2/IL-2R and bioactive IL-12.  相似文献   
Lee KP  Kim C  Lee DW  Apel K 《FEBS letters》2003,553(1-2):119-124
Regulation of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis in higher plants has been attributed to negative feedback control of steps prior to delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) formation. One of the first mutants with a defect in this control had been identified in barley. The tigrina (tig) d mutant accumulates 10-15-fold higher amounts of protochlorophyllide than wild type, when grown in the dark. The identity of the TIGRINA d protein and its mode of action are not known yet. Initially this protein had been proposed to act as a repressor of genes that encode enzymes involved in early steps of ALA formation, but subsequent attempts to confirm this experimentally failed. Here we demonstrate that the TIGRINA d gene of barley is an ortholog of the FLU gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. The FLU protein is a nuclear-encoded plastid protein that plays a key role in negative feedback control of chlorophyll biosynthesis in higher plants. Sequencing of the FLU gene of barley revealed a frame shift mutation in the FLU gene of the tig d mutant that results in the loss of two tetratricopeptide repeats that in the FLU protein of Arabidopsis are essential for its biological activity. This mutation cosegregates strictly with the tigrina phenotype within the F1 population of a heterozygous tig d mutant, thus providing additional support for the flu gene being responsible for the tigrina phenotype of barley.  相似文献   
The conditional fluorescent (flu) mutant of Arabidopsis accumulates the photosensitizer protochlorophyllide in the dark. After a dark-to-light shift, the generation of singlet oxygen, a nonradical reactive oxygen species, starts within the first minute of illumination and was shown to be confined to plastids. Immediately after the shift, plants stopped growing and developed necrotic lesions. These early stress responses of the flu mutant do not seem to result merely from physicochemical damage. Peroxidation of chloroplast membrane lipids in these plants started rapidly and led to the transient and selective accumulation of a stereospecific and regiospecific isomer of hydroxyoctadecatrieonic acid, free (13S)-HOTE, that could be attributed almost exclusively to the enzymatic oxidation of linolenic acid. Within the first 15 min of reillumination, distinct sets of genes were activated that were different from those induced by superoxide/hydrogen peroxide. Collectively, these results demonstrate that singlet oxygen does not act primarily as a toxin but rather as a signal that activates several stress-response pathways. Its biological activity in Arabidopsis exhibits a high degree of specificity that seems to be derived from the chemical identity of this reactive oxygen species and/or the intracellular location at which it is generated.  相似文献   
Studies were conducted to evaluate carbon and energy sources suitable to support hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) reduction by a bacterial consortium enriched from dichromate-contaminated aquifer sediments. The consortium was cultured under denitrifying conditions in a minimal, synthetic groundwater medium that was amended with various individual potential carbon and energy sources. The effects of these individual carbon and energy sources on Cr(VI) reduction and growth were measured. The consortium was found to readily reduce Cr(VI) with sucrose, acetate, L-asparagine, hydrogen plus carbon dioxide, ethanol, glycerol, glycolate, propylene glycol, or D-xylose as a carbon and energy source. Minimal Cr(VI) reduction was observed when the consortium was cultured with citrate, 2-ketoglutarate, L-lactate, pyruvate, succinate, or thiosulfate plus carbon dioxide as a carbon and energy source when compared with abiotic controls. The consortium grew on all of the above carbon and energy sources, with the highest cell densities reached using D-xylose and sucrose, demonstrating that the consortium is metabolically diverse and can reduce Cr(VI) using a variety of different carbon and energy sources. The results suggest that the potential exists for the enrichment of Cr(VI)-reducing microbial populations in situ by the addition of a sucrose-containing feedstock such as molasses, which is an economical and readily available carbon and energy source.  相似文献   
Lower plants and gymnosperms synthesize chlorophyll and develop photosynthetically competent chloroplasts even when grown in the dark. In cell-free extracts of pine (Pinus mugo, Turra, ssp. mugo) seedlings, light-independent and light-dependent protochlorophyllide-reducing activities are present. Two distinct NADPH-protochlorophyllide-oxidoreductase (POR) polypeptides can be detected immunologically with an antiserum raised against the POR of barley. The subcellular localization and amounts of the two POR polypeptides are differentially affected by light: one of them is predominantly present in prolamellar bodies of etiochloroplasts and its abundance rapidly declines once the pine seedlings are exposed to light; the other is found in thylakoid membranes and its amount does not change during illumination of dark-grown seedlings. Two types of cDNA sequences are identified that encode two distinct POR polypeptides in pine. The relevance of these POR polypeptides for the two chlorophyll biosynthetic pathways active in gymnosperms is discussed.  相似文献   
A second positive phototropic response is exhibited by a plant after the time of irradiation has exceeded a time threshold. The time threshold of dark-grown seedlings is about 15 minutes for Arabidopsis thaliana. This threshold is decreased to about 4 minutes by a 669-nanometer preirradiation. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seedlings show a similar response. The time threshold of dark-grown seedlings is about 60 minutes for tobacco, and is decreased to about 15 minutes after a preirradiation with either 450- or 669- nanometer light. The existence of a time threshold for second positive phototropism and the dependence of this threshold on the irradiation history of the seedling contribute to the complexity of the fluence response relationship for phototropism.  相似文献   
Bioremediation of groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents, such as perchloroethylene (PCE) or carbon tetrachloride, can be accomplished by adding nutrients to stimulate a microbial community capable of reductive dechlorination. However, biotransformation of these solvents, especially PCE, typically occurs very slowly or not at all. Experiments were conducted to evaluate whether the addition of transition metal tetrapyrrole catalysts would increase the reductive transformation of PCE to trichloroethylene (TCE) by sulfate-reducing enrichment cultures. Batch assays were used to test vitamin B12 and two synthetic sulfonatophenyl porphine catalysts for the stimulation of reductive dechlorination of PCE by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) enriched from aquifer sediments from two locations at Dover Air Force Base. Cells from the enrichments were concentrated and added to batch assay vials. Vials containing SRB cells amended with vitamin B12 exhibited enhanced transformation of PCE to TCE compared with reactors amended with either synthetic catalysts or reactors containing cells alone. Methane production was observed in reactors that exhibited maximum levels of dechlorination. Storage of aquifer sediments between enrichments led to decreased levels of PCE dechlorination in subsequent assays.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Ratten wurde mit biochemischen und histologischen Untersuchungsverfahren die Frage überprüft, ob die diabetogene Wirkung des Alloxans etwa durch Verdrängung der Pyrimidinbasen Cytosin, Thymin und Uracil während der Biosynthese von Nucleinsäuren zustandekommt. Dazu wurden diese Substanzen und ihre Vorstufen Orotsäure und Ureidobernsteinsäure sowie (vergleichsweise) Barbitursäure in 4fach so hoher Konzentration wie Alloxan 5 min vor der Applikation des letzteren intraperitoneal injiziert. Es wurden Blutzucker, Serumharnsäure und Leberglykogen bestimmt und mit den histologischen Befunden an Leber, Nebenniere, Niere, Pankreas und Schilddrüse verglichen. Lediglich Orotsäure konnte die Alloxanwirkung auf Blutzucker und Organe bei gleichzeitig selektiver Schädigung der Leber signifikant verhindern. Barbitursäure schwächt zwar die hyperglykämisierende Wirkung des Alloxans stark ab, hat aber keine Schutzfunktion am Pankreas.
Summary By biochemical and histological methods in rats the question is examined experimentally, if alloxan influences the biosynthesis of nucleid acids by competition of the pyrimidine bases cytosine, thymine and uracil. For this purpose these substances as well as their precursors orotic acid and ureido-succinic acid and (for comparison) barbituric acid were intraperitoneally injected to albino rats in a concentration four times higher than that of alloxan 5 min before the application to the latter. Blood sugar, serum uric acid and liver glycogen were determined and compared with the histological findings in liver, suprarenal gland, kidney, pancreas and thyroid gland. Only orotic acid could prevent significantly the alloxan effect on blood sugar and organs with simultaneous selective damage of liver. Barbituric acid actually diminishes strongly the hyperglycemic action of alloxan, but has no protecting effect on pancreas.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch einen Forschungsauftrag des Staatssekretariates für Hochschulwesen der DDR.  相似文献   
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a herpesvirus, is a ubiquitously distributed pathogen that causes severe disease in immunosuppressed patients and infected newborns. Efforts are underway to prepare effective subunit vaccines and therapies including antiviral antibodies. However, current vaccine efforts are hampered by the lack of information on protective immune responses against HCMV. Characterizing the B-cell response in healthy infected individuals could aid in the design of optimal vaccines and therapeutic antibodies. To address this problem, we determined, for the first time, the B-cell repertoire against glycoprotein B (gB) of HCMV in different healthy HCMV seropositive individuals in an unbiased fashion. HCMV gB represents a dominant viral antigenic determinant for induction of neutralizing antibodies during infection and is also a component in several experimental HCMV vaccines currently being tested in humans. Our findings have revealed that the vast majority (>90%) of gB-specific antibodies secreted from B-cell clones do not have virus neutralizing activity. Most neutralizing antibodies were found to bind to epitopes not located within the previously characterized antigenic domains (AD) of gB. To map the target structures of these neutralizing antibodies, we generated a 3D model of HCMV gB and used it to identify surface exposed protein domains. Two protein domains were found to be targeted by the majority of neutralizing antibodies. Domain I, located between amino acids (aa) 133-343 of gB and domain II, a discontinuous domain, built from residues 121-132 and 344-438. Analysis of a larger panel of human sera from HCMV seropositive individuals revealed positivity rates of >50% against domain I and >90% against domain II, respectively. In accordance with previous nomenclature the domains were designated AD-4 (Dom II) and AD-5 (Dom I), respectively. Collectively, these data will contribute to optimal vaccine design and development of antibodies effective in passive immunization.  相似文献   
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