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Protocols elaborated with the objective of achieving valuable material for selection procedure of variants with virusresistance traits in tomato genotypes are presented. Preliminary results are demonstrated in the domain of testing for variability in somaclones obtained through indirect adventitous organogenesis initiated on leaf explants of cultivated tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Somaclones were grown in greenhouse conditions and variation of their symptoms upon infection with tomato mosaic (ToMV) or cucumber mosaic (CMV) respectively was observed. Tests for resistance to the local isolates of the above cited viruses were performed using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and back inoculation onto diagnostic plants. Screening data are presented. Desirable variants were selected from cultivars ‘Moneymaker’, ‘Potentat’ and ‘Rutgers’. Some of the ‘Moneymaker’ somaclones exhibited increased tolerance to cucumber mosaic virus, a few seemed to be even fully resistant though most were susceptible as donor plants. The most favourable somaclonal lines are actually further tested and monitored for changes in horticultural characteristics. The described procedure of searching for resistance trait in specific pathogen-free (SPF) plants regenerated from infected tissue looks promising and thus can serve as aid in attaining appropriate objectives of breeding programme. Additionaly experiments were initiated to obtain somaclones from cultivars ‘Beta’, ‘Krakus’ and Stevens Rodade hybrid via regeneration of isolated protoplasts. To this end the callus stage was obtained from all donors.  相似文献   
The class I histone deacetylases are essential regulators of cell fate decisions in health and disease. While pan- and class-specific HDAC inhibitors are available, these drugs do not allow a comprehensive understanding of individual HDAC function, or the therapeutic potential of isoform-specific targeting. To systematically compare the impact of individual catalytic functions of HDAC1, HDAC2 and HDAC3, we generated human HAP1 cell lines expressing catalytically inactive HDAC enzymes. Using this genetic toolbox we compare the effect of individual HDAC inhibition with the effects of class I specific inhibitors on cell viability, protein acetylation and gene expression. Individual inactivation of HDAC1 or HDAC2 has only mild effects on cell viability, while HDAC3 inactivation or loss results in DNA damage and apoptosis. Inactivation of HDAC1/HDAC2 led to increased acetylation of components of the COREST co-repressor complex, reduced deacetylase activity associated with this complex and derepression of neuronal genes. HDAC3 controls the acetylation of nuclear hormone receptor associated proteins and the expression of nuclear hormone receptor regulated genes. Acetylation of specific histone acetyltransferases and HDACs is sensitive to inactivation of HDAC1/HDAC2. Over a wide range of assays, we determined that in particular HDAC1 or HDAC2 catalytic inactivation mimics class I specific HDAC inhibitors. Importantly, we further demonstrate that catalytic inactivation of HDAC1 or HDAC2 sensitizes cells to specific cancer drugs. In summary, our systematic study revealed isoform-specific roles of HDAC1/2/3 catalytic functions. We suggest that targeted genetic inactivation of particular isoforms effectively mimics pharmacological HDAC inhibition allowing the identification of relevant HDACs as targets for therapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Cells respond to double-strand breaks (DSBs) by activating DNA damage response pathways, including cell cycle arrest. We have previously shown that a single double-strand break generated via CRISPR/Cas9 is sufficient to delay cell cycle progression and compromise cell viability. However, we also found that the cellular response to DSBs can vary, independent of the number of lesions. This implies that not all DSBs are equally toxic, and raises the question if the location of a single double-strand break could influence its toxicity. To systematically investigate if DSB-location is a determinant of toxicity we performed a CRISPR/Cas9 screen targeting 6237 single sites in the human genome. Next, we developed a data-driven framework to design CRISPR/Cas9 sgRNA (crRNA) pools targeting specific chromatin features. The chromatin context was defined using ChromHMM states, Lamin-B1 DAM-iD, DNAseI hypersensitivity, and RNA-sequencing data. We computationally designed 6 distinct crRNA pools, each containing 10 crRNAs targeting the same chromatin state. We show that the toxicity of a DSB is highly similar across the different ChromHMM states. Rather, we find that the major determinants of toxicity of a sgRNA are cutting efficiency and off-target effects. Thus, chromatin features have little to no effect on the toxicity of a single CRISPR/Cas9-induced DSB.  相似文献   
Archaeal communities in arable soils are dominated by Nitrososphaeria, a class within Thaumarchaeota comprising all known ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA). AOA are key players in the nitrogen cycle and defining their niche specialization can help predicting effects of environmental change on these communities. However, hierarchical effects of environmental filters on AOA and the delineation of niche preferences of nitrososphaerial lineages remain poorly understood. We used phylogenetic information at fine scale and machine learning approaches to identify climatic, edaphic and geomorphological drivers of Nitrososphaeria and other archaea along a 3000 km European gradient. Only limited insights into the ecology of the low-abundant archaeal classes could be inferred, but our analyses underlined the multifactorial nature of niche differentiation within Nitrososphaeria. Mean annual temperature, C:N ratio and pH were the best predictors of their diversity, evenness and distribution. Thresholds in the predictions could be defined for C:N ratio and cation exchange capacity. Furthermore, multiple, independent and recent specializations to soil pH were detected in the Nitrososphaeria phylogeny. The coexistence of widespread ecophysiological differences between closely related soil Nitrososphaeria highlights that their ecology is best studied at fine phylogenetic scale.  相似文献   


(i) To determine whether area and connectivity of temporary ponds can predict plant species diversity, and the diversity and abundance of different plant life histories; (ii) To explore whether pond connectivity with the river prior to river regulation predicts better plant diversity patterns than current pond connectivity, suggestive of possible effects of connectivity loss.


Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania, Europe.


We fitted linear and generalized linear models (LM and GLM) to examine whether pond area and current distance from the Olt River predict plant species richness, Shannon diversity and relative cover of different social behaviour types and overall plant species richness and Shannon diversity. Using historical maps, we measured pond distance from the river ca. 60 years before the Olt River was regulated, and we refitted the LM and GLM models using pond area and past distance from the river as independent variables.


Total plant species richness increased with pond area, and it decreased with the distance from the river, but total plant Shannon diversity index was affected, positively, only by pond area. The strength of responses to pond area and connectivity of species richness, Shannon diversity and relative cover varied across the different social behaviour types. Past and current distances between ponds and riverbeds had similar effects on plant diversity, with some evidence for stronger effect of the present connectivity on specialist species Shannon diversity and a weaker effect on disturbance tolerants, generalists and competitors.

Main Conclusions

Pond area and connectivity with the landscape are important predictors of the diversity of plant life history strategies, and therefore, useful tools in pond conservation. Consistent species richness and Shannon diversity responses of wetland specialists to pond area and connectivity make this life history type well suited for monitoring pond condition.  相似文献   
Membracids (family: Membracidae), commonly known as treehoppers, are recognizable by their enlarged and often elaborated pronota. Much of the research investigating the development and evolution of this structure has focused on the fifth instar to adult transition, in which the pronotum undergoes the largest transformation as it takes on adult identity. However, little is known about the earlier nymphal stages, the degree to which the pronotum develops at these timepoints, and how development has changed relative to the ancestral state. Here, we studied the nymphal stages and adults of five morphologically distinct membracid species and of Aetalion reticulatum (family: Aetalionidae), the outgroup which was used as an ancestral state proxy. We found that shape differentiation in the pronotum of membracids can start as early as the second instar stage. Most shape differentiation occurs within the nymphal stages and not in the embryo since the shape of the first-instar pronotum did not differ from the outgroup species in all but one species we investigated. We found the anterior–posterior axis of the pronotum elongated at a faster relative rate in membracid species than in A. reticulatum, which contributed to the development of exaggerated pronotal size. Finally, we found differences in the morphogenesis of shape across species. We suggest this is due to the developmental and evolutionary divergence of differential growth patterning of the dorsal surface of the pronotum, not only across species, but also between stages within the same species. This lability may contribute to the evolvability and diversification of the membracid pronotum.  相似文献   
Plastics have quickly become one of the major pollutants in aquatic environments worldwide and solving the plastic pollution crisis is considered a central goal of modern society. In this study, 10 different plastic samples, including high- and low-density polyethylene and polypropylene, were collected from a deeply polluted urban estuary in Brazil. By employing different isolation and analysis approaches to investigate plastic-associated bacteria, a predominance of potentially pathogenic bacteria such as Acinetobacter, Aeromonas, and Vibrio was observed throughout all plastic samples. Bacteria typically found in the aquatic environment harboured clinically relevant genes encoding resistance to carbapenems (blaKPC) and colistin (such as mcr-3 and mcr-4), along with genetic determinants associated with potentially active gene mobilization. Whole genome sequencing and annotation of three plastic-associated Vibrio strains further demonstrated the carriage of mobile genetic elements and antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes. On the other hand, bacteria isolated from the same samples were also able to produce esterases, lipases, and bioemulsifiers, thus highlighting that the plastisphere could also be of special interest from a biotechnological perspective.  相似文献   
竞争和非生物胁迫影响处于地理分布边界的红树植物的个体大小 关于红树植物竞争的研究大多局限于幼苗和人工林。我们首次对天然红树林中成年红树的种内竞争进行了控制实验研究,旨在检验竞争和非生物因子在决定红树植物个体大小中的相对重要性。研究样 地位于靠近红树林地理分布边界的美国德克萨斯州阿兰萨斯港(Port Aransas)附近区域。该区域的红树林由“灌丛”状的黑红树(萌芽白骨壤,Avicennia germinans)单一物种组成。我们对10个样方中原生红树 林进行疏伐,形成系列红树林覆盖度梯度,在2013–2019年期间观测各样方中红树植物的生长指标,量化分析红树林覆盖度对红树植物生长的影响;并于2019年调查了红树林的冠层高度。研究结果表明,在该研究期间,红树植物的相对生长速率随着红树林覆盖度的增加而降低,100%红树林覆盖度样方中的红 树植物大小几乎没有增长,说明它们已经达到了该红树林密度条件下的最大尺寸。在红树林覆盖度降低 的样方中,株高明显增加,在红树林覆盖度为11%的样方中,红树植物株高增加了约52%。对比临水岸 边和林内两种生境中的样方,处于临水岸边生境的红树林冠层高度比处于林内生境的高约30%,且这两 种生境的红树林冠层高度均随红树林覆盖度的增加而降低。叶片叶绿素含量和冠层光截留量的测定数据 显示,该区域红树植物的生长也受到氮限制的影响。由此表明,处于地理分布边界的“灌丛”状红树林一 方面受到营养的限制,另一方面红树植物种内个体间仍存在较为强烈的竞争,且种内竞争对红树植物生长的影响较该红树林内非生物生境因子更为重要。  相似文献   
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