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Guaraná (Paullinia cupana) is a woody vine or sprawling shrub native to the central Amazon Basin. The seeds are commercially produced on some 6,000 ha in the state of Amazonas near Manaus. The principal article of commerce is an amber-colored, carbonated soft drink. It is also widely used as a high caffeine stimulant and in local medicines. The plant is monoecious and is damaged by a number of diseases, the most severe being anthracnose. Prospects are excellent for greatly expanded international markets.  相似文献   


Staphylococcus aureus, a major human pathogen causes a wide range of disease syndromes. The most dangerous are methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) strains, resistant not only to all β-lactam antibiotics but also to other antimicrobials. An alarming increase in antibiotic resistance spreading among pathogenic bacteria inclines to search for alternative therapeutic options, for which resistance can not be developed easily. Among others, photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of S. aureus is a promising option. Photodynamic inactivation is based on a concept that a non toxic chemical, called a photosensitizer upon excitation with light of an appropriate wavelength is activated. As a consequence singlet oxygen and other reactive oxygen species (e.g. superoxide anion) are produced, which are responsible for the cytotoxic effect towards bacterial cells. As strain-dependence in photodynamic inactivation of S. aureus was observed, determination of the molecular marker(s) underlying the mechanism of the bacterial response to PDI treatment would be of great clinical importance. We examined the role of superoxide dismutases (Sod) in photodynamic inactivation of S. aureus as enzymes responsible for oxidative stress resistance.  相似文献   
FtsZ assembly at the midcell division site in the form of a Z-ring is crucial for initiation of the cell division process in eubacteria. It is largely unknown how this process is regulated in the human pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Here we show that the expression of clpX was upregulated upon macrophage infection and exposure to cephalexin antibiotic, the conditions where FtsZ-ring assembly is delayed. Independently, we show using pull-down, solid-phase binding, bacterial two-hybrid and mycobacterial protein fragment complementation assays, that M. tuberculosis FtsZ interacts with ClpX, the substrate recognition domain of the ClpXP protease. Incubation of FtsZ with ClpX increased the critical concentration of GTP-dependent polymerization of FtsZ. Immunoblotting revealed that the intracellular ratio of ClpX to FtsZ in wild type M. tuberculosis is approximately 1∶2. Overproduction of ClpX increased cell length and modulated the localization of FtsZ at midcell sites; however, intracellular FtsZ levels were unaffected. A ClpX-CFP fusion protein localized to the cell poles and midcell sites and colocalized with the FtsZ-YFP protein. ClpX also interacted with FtsZ mutant proteins defective for binding to and hydrolyzing GTP and possibly for interactions with other proteins. Taken together, our results suggest that M. tuberculosis ClpX interacts stoichiometrically with FtsZ protomers, independent of its nucleotide-bound state and negatively regulates FtsZ activities, hence cell division.  相似文献   
Indirect evidence from observations in the field suggested thata common and often abundant cyclopoid copepod, Tropocyclopsextensus, despite its small size (0.5 mm) and largely algaldiet, is an important predator of the rotifer Polyarthra remata.Laboratory experiments showed that copepodids and adults, butnot nauplii, markedly suppressed the population growth of thisrotifer. The suppression could be attributed entirely to predation,rather than to exploitative competition for shared food resourcesor to interference. Mortality rates predicted from a separatefeeding-rate experiment weresufficient to account for the declinein population size observed in the Tropocyclops treatment ofculture experiments. Also, monitoring the availability of cryptomonadfood in treatments with and without Tropocyclops throughoutthese experiments showed that cryptomonad densities always remainedhigh and were just as high or significantly higher in the copepodtreatments. Furthermore, direct videographic observations ofP. remata from cultures with and without Tropocyclops demonstratedno significant differences in swimming velocity, tendency todeviate from a straight-line path, or frequency and length ofspontaneous escape responses. Per capita ingestion rates ofT. extensus on P. remata varied from 2 to 8 day-1, were significantlyhigher for adult females than adult males or copepodids V, andincreased significantly with rotifer density. A tendency ofcopepods to have higher ingestion rates on young than adultrotifers was not significant. Copepods cultured since birthwith cryptomonads and P. remata ate significantly fewer rotifersthan those cultured only with cryptomonads; this may be explainedby a more sated condition of the former and provided no evidencefor the idea that previous experience with this rotifer mightincrease predation efficiency. The results show that T. extensusin natural communities has the potential to deplete naturalpopulations of susceptible rotifer prey. Accordingly, it mayshift the species structure of rotifer assemblages in favourof resistant species, and provide selection pressure for avoidanceresponses.  相似文献   
1- O -(indole-3-acetyl)- β - d -glucose: myo -inositol indoleacetyl transferase (IA- myo -inositol synthase) is an important enzyme in IAA metabolism. This enzyme catalyses the transfer of the indole acetyl (IA) moiety from 1- O -(indole-3-acetyl)- β - d -glucose to myo -inositol to form IA- myo- inositol and glucose. IA- myo -inositol synthase was purified to an electrophoretically homogenous state from maize liquid endosperm by fractionation with ammonium sulphate, anion-exchange, adsorption on hydroxylapatite, affinity chromatography on ConA-Sepharose, preparative PAGE and isoelectric focusing. We thus obtained two enzyme preparations which differ in their R f on 8% polyacrylamide gel. The preparation of R f 0.36 contained a single 56.4 kDa polypeptide, whereas the preparation of R f 0.39 consisted of two polypeptides of 56.4 and 53.5 kDa. Both purified preparations of IAInos synthase also exhibited the activity of an IAInos hydrolase, showing that the dual activity was associated with a single protein. Results of gel filtration and analytical SDS-PAGE suggest that the native enzyme exists as both a monomeric (65 kDa) and homo- or heterodimeric form (110–130 kDa). Analysis of peptide maps and amino acid sequences of two 21 amino-acid peptides showed that polypeptides of 56.4 and 53.5 kDa have the same primary structure and that the 3 kDa difference in molecular mass is probably caused by different glycosylation levels. Comparison of this partial and internal amino acid sequence with sequences of other plant acyltransferases indicated similarity to several proteins which belonged to the serine carboxypeptidase-like (SCPL) acyltransferase family.  相似文献   
In this study, the first reported isolates of the genera Snowella and Woronichinia were characterized by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and morphological analysis. Phylogenetic studies and sequences for these genera were not available previously. By botanical criteria, the five isolated strains were identified as Snowella litoralis (Häyrén) Komárek et Hindák Snowella rosea (Snow) Elenkin and Woronichinia naegeliana (Unger) Elenkin. This study underlines the identification of freshly isolated cultures, since the Snowella strains lost the colony structure and were not identifiable after extended laboratory cultivation. In the 16S rRNA gene analysis, the Snowella strains formed a monophyletic cluster, which was most closely related to the Woronichinia strain. Thus, our results show that the morphology of the genera Snowella and Woronichinia was in congruence with their phylogeny, and their phylogeny seems to support the traditional botanical classification of these genera. Furthermore, the genera Snowella and Woronichinia occurred commonly and might occasionally be the most abundant cyanobacterial taxa in mainly oligotrophic and mesotrophic Finnish lakes. Woronichinia occurred frequently and also formed blooms in eutrophic Czech reservoirs.  相似文献   
Irradiation of the ZZ stereoisomer of 1,4-di-(2'-quinolylethenyl)-benzene was found to cause direct adiabatic (one photon-two bond) isomerization to a product having the same lifetime as the EE isomer but a rather different spectrum with respect to that obtained by direct excitation of the EE one. To clarify this unexpected behaviour, the conformational equilibria of the EE stereoisomer have been studied in non-polar solvent by fluorimetry. The most abundant conformers, formed by the hindered rotation of the condensed-ring groups around the quasi-single bond with the ethenic carbons, have been characterized by the selective effect of the excitation energy on the fluorescence spectrum. The combined application of the principal component analysis allowed the separation of the spectral properties of three conformers to be achieved. Information on their structures was obtained by theoretical calculations. The results of the present conformational study clearly indicated that the fluorescence spectrum of the photoproduct of ZZ belongs to a specific component of the conformer mixture of the EE isomer.  相似文献   
A reverse-phase h.p.l.c. technique was used to estimate theconcentration of chlorophyll b in phytoplankton cultures, fecalpellets of Calanus pacificus, and suspended paniculate matterfrom the Central North Pacific, Oregon coastal waters, and DabobBay (a temperate fjord in Puget Sound, WA, USA). The purposewas to assess the distribution of this pigment in the euphoticzone and its effect on the fluorometnc estimation of phaeopigments.Analyses of natural waters confirm high chlorophyll b concentrations(median mass ratio of b:a > 0.3) at the depth of the chlorophylla maximum in tropical waters while values for temperate planktonare relatively low (median mass ratio of chl b:a = 0.05) andpatchy. Zooplankton fecal pellets showed a significant enrichmentin chlorophyll b, suggesting grazing as a mechanism to explainhigh concentrations of this pigment at the bottom of the euphoticzone. It is estimated that the presence of chlorophyll b couldcause an average overestimation of phaeopigment concentrationby the fluorometnc technique of 38% between 0 and 200 m in theCentral North Pacific. This effect is more pronounced at thelayer of chlorophyll b maximum (120–140 m). 1Present address: Marine Biology Research Division, A-002, ScrippsInstitution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA  相似文献   
Axillary shoot producing cultures were obtained from microcuttings and shoot tips of Calluna vulgaris cv. H.E. Beale. For cultures derived from microcuttings the highest multiplication rate of 38 shoots (5 mm or longer) was obtained on a reduced salt medium with the addition of 0.5 mgl-1 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP) during an 8 week subculture. For shoot tip derived cultures 0.2 mgl-1 6-benzyladenine (BA) was the best cytokinin and led to a multiplication rate of 26 for a 6 week subculture. The addition of 1 g/l casein hydrolysate to a multiplication medium enhanced shoot proliferation in presence of 0.5 mgl-1 BA.Despite various auxin treatments shoots formed no roots in vitro but rooted readily if transferred to a peat substrate ex vitro. A high rooting percentage (80%) was also obtained with shoots taken from the end of a multiplication phase and rooted directly. An additional subculture on low auxin containing media before transfer to peat substrate is recommended because the shoot condition can be improved in this way. A high number of rooted plantlets was produced, so the methods described will allow mass propagation.  相似文献   
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