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Zusammenfassung Zur Identifizierung der Streckungswuchsstoffe in Apfelgeweben wurden Extrakte aus vegetativen und reproduktiven Organen in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien chromatographiert und mit Hilfe des Weizen-Koleoptilzylinder-Tests, verschiedener Farbreagentien und synthetischer Vergleichssubstanzen auf ihre Wuchsstoffwirkung und ihren Gehalt an Indolderivaten geprüft. Alle untersuchten Gewebe ergaben im biologischen Test dieselben Wuchsstoffe, allerdings mit erheblichen quantitativen Unterschieden.In der sauren Fraktion von Ätherextrakten aus dem Fruchtfleisch verschiedener Apfelsorten ließen sich Malonyltryptophan, Indol-3-carbonsäure, 2-Hydroxy-indol-3-essigsäure, Indol-3-essigsäure, Indol-3-aldehyd (vor allem in reifen Früchten) und Indol-3-essigsäure-äthylester (in unreifen Früchten) identifizieren. In Gegenwart von IES trat häufig auch Indol-3-acetamid auf; dieses, die Indol-3-essigsäure und 2-Hydroxy-indol-3-essigsäure und der Indol-3-essigsäure-äthylester zeigten im Weizen-Koleoptilzylinder-Test Wuchsstoffwirkung.Nach Hydrolyse des mit Äther extrahierten Materials fanden sich neben einer größeren Anzahl unbekannter Substanzen, die im Farb-Test Indolreaktionen ergaben, drei weitere, im biologischen Test aktive Indolderivate, von denen das eine als Indol-3-acetylasparaginsäure identifiziert werden konnte; die anderen beiden sind möglicherweise ebenfalls Verbindungen der IES mit Aminosäuren.Im Weizen-Koleoptilzylinder-Test konnte eine Überlagerung der Indolderivate mit unbekannten, ebenfalls aktiven Substanzen nicht ausgeschlossen werden.Mit 3 Textabbildungen  相似文献   
The authors submit a taxonomic evaluation of an intermediate group of strains between the speciesSaccharomyces carlsbergensis Hansen andSaccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen. The material consisted of atypical strains of “bottom” brewer’s yeasts and the synonymous strainsSaccharomyces monacensis Hansen andSaccharomyces mandshuricus Saito. It was found that there were two different serological types in the speciesSaccharomyces carlsbergensis, one of which was characterized by the presence of antigen “C” and was typical for this species, while the other possessed antigen “M” and was grouped roundSaccharomyces monacensis. This second serological type merges with a group of strains which gives only one third fermentation of raffinose, so that it is actually an intermediate betweenSaccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen andSaccharomyces carlsbergensis Hansen and indicates the course of progressive development from the former species to the latter. No close similarity was found betweenSaccharomyces mandshuricus Saito and some of the strains of the transitional group or typical representatives of the two main species, and the authors therefore consider that there is some obscurity as to its synonymity withSaccharomyces carlsbergensis.  相似文献   
Chromosome numbers of the Czechoslovak species of the genusLotus, from various localities have been determined. The paper includes the speciesLotus uliginosus Schkuhr,L.tenuis Waldst. etKit. andL. borbásii Ujhelyi.  相似文献   
Summary The influence of temperature on NO 3 - and NH 4 + uptake, and the activity of the assimilatory enzyme NO 3 - reductase (NR) was compared to inorganic C uptake (photosynthesis) in natural assemblages of Antarctic sea-ice microalgae. NO 3 - and NH 4 + uptake reached a maximum between 0.5°–2.0°C and 2.0°–3.0°C, respectively, which was close to that for photosynthesis (2.5°–3.0°C). NR showed a distinctly higher temperature maximum (10.0°–12.0°C) and a lower Q10 value than inorganic N and C transport. Our data imply that, owing to differential temperature characteristics between N transport and N assimilation at in situ temperature (-1.9°C), the incorporation of extracellular NO 3 - into cellular macromolecules, may be limited by transport of NO 3 - into the cell rather than the intracellular reduction of NO 3 - to NH 4 + . Despite differences in temperature maxima between N transport and N assimilation, the overall low temperature maxima of inorganic N metabolism characterizes Antarctic sea-ice microalgae as psychrophilic. Our study is the first to examine the temperature dependence of inorganic N uptake and assimilation in sea-ice microbial communities.  相似文献   
Most anti-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies in myasthenia gravis are directed against an immunodominant epitope or epitopes [main immunogenic region (MIR)] on the AChR alpha-subunit. Thirty-two synthetic peptides, corresponding to the complete Torpedo alpha-subunit sequence and to a segment of human muscle alpha-subunit, were used to map the epitopes for 11 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed against the Torpedo and/or the human MIR and for a panel of anti-AChR mAbs directed against epitopes on the alpha-subunit other than the MIR. A main constituent loop of the MIR was localized within residues alpha 67-76. Residues 70 and 75, which are different in the Torpedo and human alpha-subunits, seem to be crucial in determining the binding profile for several mAbs whose binding to the peptides correlated very well with their binding pattern to native Torpedo and human AChRs. This strongly supports the identification of the peptide loop alpha 67-76 as the actual location of the MIR on the intact AChR molecule. Residues 75 and 76 were necessary for binding of some mAbs and irrelevant for others, in agreement with earlier suggestions that the MIR comprises overlapping epitopes. Structural predictions for the sequence segment alpha 67-76 indicate that this segment has a relatively high segmental mobility and a very strong turning potential centered around residues 68-71. The most stable structure predicted for this segment, in both the Torpedo and human alpha-subunits, is a hairpin loop, whose apex is a type I beta-turn and whose arms are beta-strands. This loop is highly hydrophilic, and its apex is negatively charged. All these structural properties have been proposed as characteristic of antibody binding sites. We also localized the epitopes for mAbs against non-MIR regions. Among these, the epitope for a monoclonal antibody (mAb 13) that noncompetitively inhibits channel function was localized within residues alpha 331-351.  相似文献   
Incubation of synaptosomes from rat brain with DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV) stimulated an increased release of dopamine, and this effect was strictly dependent on the extrasynaptosomal calcium level. APV increased biosynthesis of dopamine from tyrosine by 30%, whereas monoamine oxidase activity was inhibited by 30%. When synaptosomes were incubated with radioactive dopamine, APV caused a large decrease in incorporation of label into 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid but greatly increased incorporation into norepinephrine and its N-methyl derivatives. Quantification of dopamine and its metabolites in synaptosomes, using electrochemical detection, indicated that the presence of APV resulted in changes in the absolute levels of the aforementioned dopamine metabolites similar to the changes in radiolabel incorporation. Omission of Ca2+ from the extrasynaptosomal medium greatly diminished the APV-induced changes in catecholamine metabolism. The metabolic changes appear to largely result from an increased intrasynaptosomal Ca2+ level due to the APV-induced increase in calcium permeability of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Summary We have developed an in vitro model of human papillary collecting duct cells isolated from cadaver kidneys using methods similar to those we previously reported for the isolation of human proximal tubule cells. To date we have isolated papillary collecting duct cells from 100 normal human kidneys. Papillae were dissected and digested in Cellgro containing 400 U/ml collagenase. Cells were plated on fibronectin-coated culture flasks at a density of 104 live cells/ml in Cellgro supplemented with insulin and 10% fetal bovine serum. Confluent monolayers, which were able to withstand 600 mOsm for 8 h, were obtained within 10 to 15 d. Cells of primary isolates and first passages exhibited epithelial cell ultrastructure including cell junctions, microvilli, and cilia. A dark-brown reaction product was observed in these cells when stained by the immunoperoxidase method with peroxidase-labeled peanut lectin (Arachis hypogaea), which binds specifically to human distal tubule and collecting duct cells. These cells were negative for Factor-VIII (a marker for endothelial cells) and γ-glutamyltransferase (a marker for proximal tubule cells). High activities of the glycolytic enzyme pyruvate kinase and arginine vasopressin-stimulated cAMP production in these cells are consistent with a distal nephron origin. The results indicate that human collecting duct cells can be isolated and cultured to provide an in vitro system to probe pathogenetic mechanisms of potential nephrotoxins. Part of this work was presented at a Symposium of the Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, April 4–5, 1989, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD 21205. This work was supported in part by grants R01-AI24179, PO1-A804393 for the Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and by a grant from the National Kidney Foundation, Baltimore, MD affiliate.  相似文献   
A novel Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. developmental mutant,waldmeister (wam), is described. This mutant was found in theprogeny arising from an Ac-Ds tagging experiment, but does notappear to be tagged by an introduced transposon. This recessivenuclear mutation maps between GAPB and ap1 on chromosome 1 andshows extreme morphological and physiological changes in bothfloral and vegetative tissues. Changes to the vegetative phenotypeinclude altered leaf morphology, multiple rosettes, stem fasciation,retarded senescence and disturbed geotropic growth. Changesto the floral phenotype include delayed flowering, increasednumber of inflorescences, determinate inflorescences, alterednumber and morphology of floral organs, chimeric floral organs,and ectopic ovules . wam was crossed to a number of previouslydescribed floral mutants: apetela 2, apetela 3, pistillata,agamous, and leafy. The phenotype of the double mutant was ineach case additive. In the case of agamous, however, the indeterminaterepetitive floral structure of agamous was lacking, emphasizingthe determinate inflorescence growth of wam. The extreme phenotypeof the wam mutant is suggestive of a disturbance to a gene ofglobal importance in the regulation of plant growth and development. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, waldmeister, developmental mutant, flower mutant  相似文献   
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