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Zusammenfassung Brandentenküken verfügen über drei verschiedene Taucharten, die sich nach Ausführung und Tauchdauer deutlich unterscheiden lassen. Während das Nahrungstauchen in der 6. Lebenswoche eingestellt wird, bleiben Tauchbaden und Fluchttauchen lebenslang erhalten. Neben dem Nahrungstauchen werden weitere Techniken des Nahrungserwerbs in Abhängigkeit vom Nahrungsangebot und dem Entwicklungsstand unterschiedlich häufig angewendet. Der zeitliche Aufwand für die Nahrungsaufnahme ist in den ersten 2 Lebenswochen maximal. Anschließend nimmt er, bei schneller als bei kontinuierlich ab. Kälteperioden führen zu einer weiteren Reduzierung. Die Schlafhäufigkeit sinkt nach einer anfänglichen Zunahme (bis 10. Lebenswoche) ab. Kälteperioden bewirken eine Zunahme. Unter 3 verschiedenen Schlafhaltungen wird bis zur 12. Lebenswoche das Schlafen im Liegen bevorzugt. Danach nimmt es zugunsten des einbeinigen Schlafens im Stehen, das erstmals in der 7. Lebenswoche auftritt, ab. Kälteperioden stellen die ursprünglichen Häufigkeitsverhältnisse zwischen beiden Schlafhaltungen wieder her. Brandentenküken bilden in den ersten Lebenswochen Schlafhaufen. Ihre Häufigkeit sinkt bis zur 12. Lebenswoche kontinuierlich auf Null ab.
Ontogenetic changes in sleeping, diving and foraging behaviour in Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) ducklings
Summary Shelduck ducklings show different types of diving behaviour: diving for food, flight-diving and dashing and diving in comfort situations. These types differ by diving duration and the behaviour of the ducks. In diving for food diving duration and frequency decrease during the first 6 weeks. After this, no food diving was observed. Other feeding methods include sieving, upending, pecking on the surface of water, feeding on plants and foot-trampling. Except for feeding on plants, which was first observed in the 10th week, all feeding methods are present in one day old ducklings. The share of foraging time is highest during the first 2 weeks of life. Afterwards it decreases (in females faster than in males) from about 50 to 20 %. During cold weather, it was still lower whereas resting and sleeping behaviour increased. After an increase during the first 10 weeks of life, the share of resting decreases to 25–40 % of observation time. Shelduck ducklings have 3 different sleeping postures: lying, standing on one leg, standing on two legs. During the first weeks of life ducklings only sleep standing on two legs or lying on the ground, the latter is being clearly preferred. Standing on one leg appeared in the 7th week. Its frequency increased and it became the most prominent resting pattern. Only during cold spells shelducks do return to sleep by lying on the ground. Under such conditions also sleeping in contact with one another reoccurs, which is typical for ducklings during their first weeks of life.
The effect of high CO2-concentration on photoacoustic signals from tobacco leaves is studied by means of a recently developed pulse modulation method which provides simultaneous information on photothermal and photobaric components in the millisecond time domain. High CO2-concentrations are found to induce large gas-uptake signals. Simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence suggest that the uptake signals are correlated with energy-dependent fluorescence quenching. Very similar CO2-concentration dependencies are found in the absence and presence of methylviologen, which is known to catalyze O2-reduction, and in the presence of glyceraldehyde, which blocks Calvin cycle and photorespiration. It is suggested that the CO2-enhanced uptake signal is likely to reflect O2-uptake in the Mehler reaction. However, it is not ruled out that also rapid CO2-solubilisation or CO2-binding caused by light-induced stroma alkalisation are involved. Strong uptake is also induced when the CO2-concentration in the closed photoacoustic chamber increases due to dark-respiration. The consequences of these findings with respect to the interpretation of photoacoustic data (e.g., low-light effect) and to the regulatory role of O2-dependent electron flow are discussed.  相似文献   
In view of the development of al-carnitine deficiency, the metabolism ofl-carnitine and structure-related trimethylammonium compounds was studied inSalmonella typhimurium LT2 by means of thin-layer chromatography (TLC).l-Carnitine, crotonobetaine and acetyl-l-carnitine stimulated the anaerobic growth in a complex medium significantly. The stimulation depended on the formation of -butyrobetaine. The reduction ofl-carnitine proceeded in two steps: (1) Dehydration of thel-carnitine to crotonobetaine, (2) hydrogenation of crotonobetaine to -butyrobetaine. The reduction of crotonobetaine was responsible for the growth stimulation. Terminal electron acceptors of the anaerobic respiration such as nitrate and trimethylamine N-oxide, but not fumarate, suppressed the catabolism ofl-carnitine completely. Glucose fermentation, too, inhibited the reduction ofl-carnitine but optimal growth with a high carnitine catabolism was achieved byd-ribose. The esters of carnitine with medium- and long-chain fatty acids inhibited the growth considerably because of their detergent properties.Abbreviations TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   
The effect of various organic compounds on the growth of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria was examined.Nitrosococcus oceanus, a strongly halophilic bacterium, had a very low tolerance to organic matter compared with other organisms tested. Organic compounds scarcely affected the growth of theNitrosomonas strains whereas nitrite formation by bothNitrosococcus mobilis strains was inhibited by nearly all of the substances tested. The growth ofNitrosospira strain Nsp1 was enhanced more than 30% by acetate and formate, but not growth was detectable in the presence of pyruvate. On the contrary,Nitrosospira strain Nsp5 was stimulated only by pyruvate. Nitrite formation by the twoNitrosovibrio tenuis strains tested was similar. The growth of both strains was enhanced considerably by formate and glucose; acetate and, to a greater extent, pyruvate inhibited these bacteria.In batch culture, the energy efficiency of autotrophically grown ammonia-oxidizing bacteria varied from strain to strain. The cell yield of mixotrophically grown cultures, per unit of ammonia oxidized, was increased in comparison with autotrophic ones. No heterotrophic growth was detected.  相似文献   
Summary In the buccal ganglia of Helix pomatia synapses and sites of possible release of neurosecretory material were investigated electron microscopically. There is one chemical synapse and one electrotonic synapse in the neuropile of the ganglion. No synapses could be detected in the buccal nerves, cerebro-buccal connectives, or in the buccal commissure. The synaptic cleft of the chemical synapse is about 25 nm wide and contains electron-dense material whereas the cleft of the electrotonic synapse is only 5 nm wide. The presynaptic fibre of the chemical synapse contains clear vesicles and dense core vesicles. The release sites of neurosecretory material are found at the initial segment of the axons, at perikarya of neurones, and at the perineurium of the ganglion. If the terminals are located at the plasmalemma of a nerve cell, these release sites are called synapse-like structures according to Roubos and Moorer-van Delft (1979). The synapse-like structures show all structural elements of synapses, except the 25 nm cleft containing dense material; the cleft is only 15–20 nm wide here like the normal cleft between neurones and glial cells or between two fibres. If the secretory material is released at the periphery through the perineurium the terminal is called synaptoid according to Scharrer (1970). In all cases, i.e. synapses, synapse-like structures, and synaptoids, clear vesicles were found in the axon terminal. This finding provides further evidence that clear vesicles always accompany the release of substances from axon endings.  相似文献   
Summary Transepithelial current fluctuations were recorded inNecturus gallbladder, clamped at negative as well as positive potentials up to 64 mV. With NaCl-Ringer's (+10mm TAP) on both sides a mucosa-negative potential enhanced the relaxation noise component, present at zero potential, and produced peaking in the power spectrum at potentials above –36mV. Concomitantly at these potentials an inductive as well as a capacitive low-frequency feature appeared in the impedance locus. Clamping at positive potentials of 18 mV suppressed the relaxation noise component. At potentials above 51mV the spectral values increased predominantly at low frequencies. In this case the power spectrum showed only a 1/f noise component. The experiments confirm the previous finding that a K+ efflux through fluctuating apical K+ channels exists under normal conditions. With serosal KCl-Ringer's the initial Lorentzian component was enhanced at negative but suppressed at positive potentials. The increase at negative potentials was less pronounced than in experiments with NaCl-Ringer's on both sides, indicating saturation of the fluctuating K+ current component. With mucosal KCl-Ringer's a negative potential depressed the initial relaxation noise component, whereas it was enhanced at +18 mV clamp potential. In the latter case an additional Lorentzian component became apparent at higher frequencies. At potentials of 36 mV and above the low-frequency Lorentzian disappeared whereas the corner frequency of the high-frequency component increased. The latter experiments demonstrate that the relaxation noise component inNecturus gallbladder consists of two superimposed Lorentzians. As the relaxation times of these two components behave differently under an electrical field, there may exist two different types of K+ channels. It is demonstrated that peaking in the plateau of power spectra can be explained by frequency-dependent attenuation effects, caused by a polarization impedance.  相似文献   
Nisin inhibits murein synthesis with concomitant accumulation of undecaprenyl-pyrophospho-MurNAc(pentapeptide) (lipid intermediate I). This inhibition is caused by the formation of a complex between the antibiotic and lipid intermediate I. Undecaprenyl-pyrophospho-MurNAc(pentapeptide)-GlcNAc (lipid intermediate II) also forms a complex with nisin. However, when murein synthesis is inhibited by nisin, this latter complex is not formed since lipid intermediate II is no longer synthesized.Abbreviations GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - MurNAc N-acetylmuramyl - Pentapeptide Ala--DGlu-Lys-DAla-DAla - C55 undecaprenol Dedicated to Professor Otto Kandler on occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   
Murine bone marrow macrophages grown on Teflon-coated petri dishes for a period of 8–16 days can be removed with a yield of 90–95% and a viability greater than 95% following incubation in 1 mM EDTA. Bone marrow cells cultured on Teflon-coated dishes did not differ in their replication rate, peroxidase and nonspecific esterase content, pinocytosis, secretion of lysozyme and neutral proteinases from bone marrow cells cultured on plastic dishes. Murine bone marrow macrophages were found to be sensitive indicator cells for mouse migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Large numbers of cells for the MIF assay can be obtained, since their yield is 10–15 times higher than the yield of oil-induced peritoneal exudate macrophages from the same number of mice.  相似文献   
Neonatal Balb/c mice were suppressed forthe H8/T15 idiotype by injection of homologous anti-H8 (D. S. Strayer, D. A. Rowley, and H. Köhler, et al J. Immunol.114, 722, 1975. Six to eight weeks later groups of these suppressed mice were immunized up to three times with isologous anti-H8 raised in Balb/c. After a rest of 4 weeks each group was challenged with R36a vaccine and bleedings were obtained before and after this challenge. All sera were assayed for total anti-PC and H8 idiotype amounts by solid-phase radioimmunoassay. After two-preimmunizations with isologous anti-H8 no increase of the H8 levels was observed though these mice responded to R36a immunization with an increase of total anti-PC antibodies. After the third preimmunization, however, the H8 idiotype was increased in sera taken before and after challenge with R36a. These findings demonstrate that the state of neonatal idiotype suppression can be broken by immunization with complementary anti-idiotype.  相似文献   
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