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The Xyleborina ambrosia beetle genus Xylosandrus contains 54 species, several of which are of economic importance. The monophyly of the genus was tested using a data set comprised of multiple gene loci: 28S rDNA; the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI); and the nuclear genes arginine kinase (ArgK), rudimentary (CAD), and Elongation Factor 1α (EF-1α). The nuclear protein-coding genes CAD and ArgK were used for the first time in phylogenetics of Scolytinae. Analyses were performed using Parsimony and Bayesian optimality criteria. Our analyses included 43 specimens representing 15 Xylosandrus species and 20 species from Amasa, Anisandrus, Cnestus, Euwallacea and Xyleborus, and two species from the outgroup genus Coccotrypes. All analyses recovered a polyphyletic Xylosandrus. Several species of Xylosandrus were consistently placed in clades with the genera Anisandrus and Cnestus with high support values (100% bootstrap support). Among these, was the economically important invasive species X. mutilatus, which was consistently recovered as part of the “Cnestus” clade. In our analyses, both CAD and ArgK demonstrated phylogenetic utility across varying nodal depths. Despite the selection of genes with signals at complementary phylogenetic depths, the data set used herein did not resolve the phylogeny of Xylosandrus and related genera. Since the taxon sample available for molecular work represents only a fraction of Xylosandrus species, a complete revision that combines molecular and morphological data in a total evidence approach is recommended for the genus.  相似文献   
Scolytoplatypodini Blandford is a monotypic tribe of ambrosia beetles found in Asia, Madagascar and Africa. Only three species are currently known from Madagascar and four additional species are here described as new to science. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological and molecular data revealed that four of the seven endemic species are deeply separated from all other species by genetic and distinct morphological characters and therefore placed in a new genus Remansus Jordal. The split between this ancient lineage and Scolytoplatypus Schaufuss was estimated to approximate Palaeocene age (63 Ma), extending the minimum age of ambrosia feeding for this tribe to the beginning of the Palaeocene‒Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). In addition to the ancient origin of Remansus in Madagascar during the Palaeocene, a second origin occurred in Scolytoplatypus no more than 13 Ma. A geographical origin of the latter in South-Eastern Africa was unequivocally inferred from the phylogenies.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fungus farming is an unusual life style in insects that has evolved many times in the wood boring weevils named 'ambrosia beetles'. Multiple occurrences of this behaviour allow for a detailed comparison of the different origins of fungus farming through time, its directionality, and possible ancestral states. We tested these hypotheses with a phylogeny representing the largest data set to date, nearly 4 kb of nucleotides from COI, EF-1alpha, CAD, ArgK, 28S, and 200 scolytine taxa. RESULTS: Phylogenetic analyses using Bayesian or parsimony approaches placed the root of Scolytinae close to the tribe Scolytini and Microborus, but otherwise indicated low resolution at older nodes. More recent clades were well resolved, including ten origins of fungus farming. There were no subsequent reversals to bark or phloem feeding in the fungus farming clades. The oldest origin of fungus farming was estimated near 50 Ma, long after the origin of Scolytinae (100-120 Ma). Younger origins included the species rich Xyleborini, dated to 21 Ma. Sister group comparisons and test of independence between traits indicated that neither gregarious larval feeding nor regular inbreeding by sibling mating was strongly correlated with the origin of fungus farming. CONCLUSION: Origins of fungus farming corresponded mainly with two periods of global warming in the Cenozoic era, which were characterised by broadly distributed tropical forests. Hence, it seems likely that warm climates and expanding tropical angiosperm forests played critical roles in the successful radiation of diverse fungus farming groups. However, further investigation will likely reveal additional biological factors that promote fungus farming.  相似文献   
The intestinal absorption of di- and tri-peptides generally occurs via the oligopeptide transporter, PepT1. This study evaluates the expression of PepT1 in larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) during the three weeks following the onset of exogenous feeding. Larval Atlantic cod were fed either wild captured zooplankton or enriched rotifers. cDNA was prepared from whole cod larvae preceding first feeding and at 1000 each Tuesday and Thursday for the following three weeks. Spatial and temporal expression patterns of PepT1 mRNA were compared between fish consuming the two prey types using in situ hybridization and quantitative real-time PCR. Results indicated that PepT1 mRNA was expressed prior to the onset of exogenous feeding. In addition, PepT1 was expressed throughout the digestive system except the esophagus and sphincter regions. Expression slightly increased following first-feeding and continued to increase throughout the study for larvae feeding on both prey types. When comparing PepT1 expression in larvae larger than 0.15-mg dry mass with expression levels in larvae prior to feeding, no differences were detected for larvae fed rotifers, but the larvae fed zooplankton had significantly greater PepT1 expression at the larger size. In addition, PepT1 expression in the zooplankton fed larvae larger than 0.15-mg dry mass had significantly greater expression than rotifer fed larvae of a similar weight. Switching prey types did not affect PepT1 expression. These results indicate that Atlantic cod PepT1 expression was slightly different relative to dietary treatment during the three weeks following first-feeding. In addition, PepT1 may play an important role in the larval nutrition since it is widely expressed in the digestive tract.  相似文献   
Arterial blood pressure, total peripheral resistance (TPR), plasma catecholamine and other hormone concentrations were measured or estimated during, and 4 h following, a 20-min exercise test on the bicycle ergometer in 10 women with marginal (borderline) hypertension. Each woman served as her own control by repeating the whole procedure, except for the exercise test, on another day. Median and 80% range was used: M (0.8 R). Compared with the control, the exercise reduced the driving blood pressure from 103 (94-110) to 95 (80-100) mm Hg and the TPR from 1.13 (0.96-1.40) to 0.91 (0.79-1.11) PRUs - both reductions being statistically significant with two-sided P less than 0.05 for at least 4 h. - The reduced nervous and humoral sympathetic activity following aerobic exercise seems capable of explaining the low TPR, and the continuous rise in the muscular vasodilatator dopamine may be of importance.  相似文献   
A phylogenetic analysis of 6.4 kb of nucleotide sequence data from seven genes (mitochondrial cox1-cox2 and tRNA(leu), and nuclear Ef-1alpha C0, Ef-1alpha C1, 28S, and 18S) was done to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships of the ground-beetle tribe Sphodrini. Gene regions of variable nucleotide length were aligned using both a secondary structure model, Clustal W, and a combination of the two. Sensitivity analysis was performed in order to explore the effect of alignment methods. The ribosomal and protein-coding genes were largely congruent based on the ILD test and partitioned Bremer support measures. MtDNA analysis provided high resolution and high support for most clades. The tribe Sphodrini and the related tribes Platynini, Pterostichini and Zabrini made up monophyletic clades, but the relationship between them was weakly resolved and sensitive to alignment strategy. Previously suggested relationships between subtribes of Sphodrini were not corroborated, and only the subtribe Atranopsina revealed high support as the sister clade to the other subtribes. The analyses clearly demonstrated the importance of exploring effects of alignment methods that may become particularly important in resolving polytomies and nodes with low support.  相似文献   
The study of species diversification can identify the processes that shape patterns of species richness across the tree of life. Here, we perform comparative analyses of species diversification using a large dataset of bark beetles. Three examined covariates—permanent inbreeding (sibling mating), fungus farming, and major host type—represent a range of factors that may be important for speciation. We studied the association of these covariates with species diversification while controlling for evolutionary lag on adaptation. All three covariates were significantly associated with diversification, but fungus farming showed conflicting patterns between different analyses. Genera that exhibited interspecific variation in host type had higher rates of species diversification, which may suggest that host switching is a driver of species diversification or that certain host types or forest compositions facilitate colonization and thus allopatric speciation. Because permanent inbreeding is thought to facilitate dispersal, the positive association between permanent inbreeding and diversification rates suggests that dispersal ability may contribute to species richness. Bark beetles are ecologically unique; however, our results indicate that their impressive species diversity is largely driven by mechanisms shown to be important for many organism groups.  相似文献   
The beetle family Scolytidae includes several groups having regular sib-mating and extremely female-biased sex ratios. Two such groups are known to include haplodiploid species: (i) the tribe Xyleborini and (ii) Coccotrypes and related genera within the tribe Dryocoetini. Relationships of these groups have been controversial. We analysed elongation factor 1-α (852 bp) and cytochrome oxidase 1 (1179 bp) sequences for 40 species. The most-parsimonious trees imply a single origin of haplodiploidy uniting Xyleborini (approximately 1200 species) and sib-mating Dryocoetini (approximately 160 species). The sister-group of the haplodiploid clade is the outcrossing genus Dryocoetes. The controversial genus Premnobius is outside the haplodiploid clade. Most haplodiploid scolytids exploit novel resources, ambrosia fungi or seeds, but a few have the ancestral habit of feeding on phloem. Thus, scolytids provide the clearest example of W. D. Hamilton''s scenario for the evolution of haplodiploidy (life under bark leading to inbreeding and hence to female-biased sex ratios through haplodiploidy) and now constitute a unique opportunity to study diplodiploid and haplodiploid sister-lineages in a shared ancestral habitat. There is some evidence of sex determination by maternally inherited endosymbiotic bacteria, which may explain the consistency with which female-biased sex ratios and close inbreeding have been maintained.  相似文献   
Abstract Beetles in the weevil subfamilies Scolytinae and Platypodinae are unusual in that they burrow as adults inside trees for feeding and oviposition. Some of these beetles are known as ambrosia beetles for their obligate mutualisms with asexual fungi—known as ambrosia fungi—that are derived from plant pathogens in the ascomycete group known as the ophiostomatoid fungi. Other beetles in these subfamilies are known as bark beetles and are associated with free‐living, pathogenic ophiostomatoid fungi that facilitate beetle attack of phloem of trees with resin defenses. Using DNA sequences from six genes, including both copies of the nuclear gene encoding enolase, we performed a molecular phylogenetic study of bark and ambrosia beetles across these two subfamilies to establish the rate and direction of changes in life histories and their consequences for diversification. The ambrosia beetle habits have evolved repeatedly and are unreversed. The subfamily Platypodinae is derived from within the Scolytinae, near the tribe Scolytini. Comparison of the molecular branch lengths of ambrosia beetles and ambrosia fungi reveals a strong correlation, which a fungal molecular clock suggests spans 60 to 21 million years. Bark beetles have shifted from ancestral association with conifers to angiosperms and back again several times. Each shift to angiosperms is associated with elevated diversity, whereas the reverse shifts to conifers are associated with lowered diversity. The unusual habit of adult burrowing likely facilitated the diversification of these beetle‐fungus associations, enabling them to use the biomass‐rich resource that trees represent and set the stage for at least one origin of eusociality.  相似文献   
Jordal BH 《ZooKeys》2010,(56):141-156
The genus Phloeoditica Schedl currently includes four species from Southeast Asia. These species vary substantially in important morphological characters and indicate the existence of multiple genera for these species. A revision based on morphological and in part molecular data resulted in the transfer of Phloeoditica setosa to Pseudoxylechinus the erection of a new genus Asiophilus for Phloeoditica phloeosinoides and a new species Asiophilus macropunctatus from Vietnam. Another new genus with affinities to Phloeoditica is described based on the new species Microditica uniseriata from Thailand. The new genera are included in a revised key to the tribe Phloeosinini.  相似文献   
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