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Summary Quantitative relationships for key processes influencing N response were derived from measurements of inorganic N in soil, the weights and N contents of foliage and tubers made at intervals during growth of maincrop potatoes in 11 N fertilizer experiments.Apparent mineralization rates (calculated from measurements of N uptake and inorganic N in the top metre and averaged over the growth period) were remarkably similar from site to site despite wide differences in the textures, water contents and organic matter contents of the soils. They were mostly about 0.78 kg N ha–1 m–1 d–1.Inorganic N in the top 50 cm of soil was rapidly removed by the crop until it fell on all sites to a low value (about 4 g N cm–3) which was maintained for the remainder of the growth period. When N fertilizer was applied, growth rate until at least the end of July was always well defined by a single coefficient in a previously derived equation. Average values of this coefficient for each of the soil types and for each of the years in which the experiments were carried out were within 20% of each other.The minimum %N in the dry matter needed to permit maximum growth rate declined with increase in plant weight in a similar manner to that previously found for other crops.Equations were found for the partition of assimilate and of nitrogen between the foliage and tubers. The coefficients in them were little affected by whether or not N fertilizer was applied.According to these relationships the maximum potential dry weight yield of tubers is 20 t ha–1 and requires the crop to contain at least 290 kg N ha–1.  相似文献   
Using monogynous and polygynous colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, we developed methodology to determine which behavioural subcaste of workers was responsible for executing unfamiliar queens that were introduced to them. Separation of subcastes and introduction of queens to each of these separately was partly effective, but more accurate results were obtained by removing workers that were in the act of executing queens, marking them individually, and returning them to the colony. Their subsequent behaviour was then recorded to determine whether they behaved like nurses, reserves, or foragers. The results showed that foragers are dominant in execution behaviour and that all morphological subcastes (minors, medias, and majors) are involved. This methodology may be applied to other social insect species.
Résumé A l'aide de colonies monogynes de S. invicta Buren, nous avons testé la sensibilité de deux méthodes: Premièrement, nous avons isolé les trois sous-castes temporelles des ouvrières (nurses, réserves et fourrageuses) auxquelles nous avons introduit des reines étrangères. Nous avons trouvé que les fourrageuses étaient le groupe le plus agressif, exécutant un pourcentage élevé des reines qui leur étaient présentées. Le degré de physogastrie de la reine étrangère, sa colonie d'origine et la présence de couvain n'avaient pas d'effet visible sur sa destinée. La sensibilité de cette méthode était limitée par la difficulté d'une séparation complète des souscastes temporelles.Deuxièmement, nous avons capturé des ouvrières exécutant activement des reines étrangères, après marquage nous les avons remises dans leur colonie pour observations ultérieures. Nous avons remarqué que leur localisation dans le nid et leur comportement correspondaient aux séquences trouvées pour les fourrageuses bien plus qu'à celles des ouvrières réserves ou nurses. Cette méthode est plus sensible. Des mesures de la largeur de la capsule céphalique de ces ouvrières ont montré qu'aucune des sous-caste morphologiques (mineurs, moyennes et majeurs) étaient dominantes dans le comportement d'exécution. Nos résultats indiquent que la sensibilité des ouvrières à certaines phéromones de la reine et odeur de la colonie augmente avec leur âge.
The specific activities of the enzymes alpha-mannosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase increase immediately after the initiation of the development of bacterially grown cell cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum. The regulation of these two enzymes was found to be dissociable in the developmental timer mutant, FM-1, which aggregates 4.5 h earlier than wild-type cells due to the absence of the first rate-limiting component of the preaggregative period. The increase in alpha-mannosidase activity occurs in the absence of the first rate-limiting component, but the increase in N-acetylglucosaminidase activity does not. These results indicate the following: (1) the increase in the specific activity of alpha-mannosidase is not related to the timing of subsequent developmental stages; (2) the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is not necessary for the subsequent developmental program; and (3) either the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is dependent upon progress through the first rate-limiting component, or the increase in this enzyme activity and the first rate-limiting component are both dependent upon an early event for which FM-1 is defective. In addition to early development, we monitored the two enzyme activities during dedifferentiation. The results demonstrate that there is no difference between dedifferentiating wild-type cells and dedifferentiation-defective mutant HI-4 cells. Changes in enzyme specific activity accompanying dedifferentiation are dependent upon the composition of the dedifferentiation-inducing media and are consistent with the levels of these enzymes observed in cells growing in the different nutrient media.  相似文献   
Summary Mitochondrial creatine kinase (CK) purified from canine myocardium showed a single protein band on SDS-PAGE and was free of MMCK. Its amino acid composition was different than MMCK or BBCK and did not react to antiserum to MMCK or BBCK. Using purified mitochondrial, MM and BBCK, the velocity of reaction (V) was estimated for creatine phosphate (CP), creatine (C), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) over a wide range of concentrations including those at Vmax. The values for Km (mM/L) derived from Lineweaver-Burke plots are shown: The affinity of mitochondrial CK for C is much greater than MMCK which is compatible with the energy shuttle hypothesis, namely ATP is converted by mitochondrial CK to CP, and then diffuses to the myofibril for conversion to ATP for utilization.  相似文献   
Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were analyzed in peripheral blood lymphocytes from a select group of 71 healthy men, 56 nonsmokers and 15 cigarette smokers. In addition to estimating baseline SCE, data were examined to seek relationships of SCE frequencies to age and smoking. The baseline value of 7.53 SCE per cell from the 56 nonsmokers was within the range (5.60 to 9.10 SCE/cell) reported for other human populations. No relationship was found between the mean SCE frequency per cell and age. However, a significant increase in the SCE mean value was observed in smokers as compared to nonsmokers. The results of this study are compared with those of other reports on SCE effects of age and smoking.Abbreviations BUdR 5-bromo,2-deoxyuridine - SCE sister chromatid exchange  相似文献   
The gene complex encoding the chain of the T-cell antigen receptor (Tcr) in man was previously reported to contain a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) involving a single Bgl II site adjacent to the second constant region gene. This RFLP allowed assignment of Tcr genotypes in certain human families. In the present study, two different RFLP in a V gene family were detected using the murine probe V8.1 in genomic DNA samples digested with the restriction endonucleases Hind III and Bam HI. Use of these RFLP to mark the V gene complex allowed complete haplotype assignment in four of seven families studied and provided support for linkage of the V gene complex to the constant region genes. Different combinations of the C and two V region markers can result in eight possible distinct haplotypes. The observation of all but one of the eight possible haplotypes in parents of the families studied suggests that recombination events occur between the C and V region and among members of the V region subfamily marked by the V8.1 probe. These markers can be used for mapping studies of the V gene complex in man and will allow an appraisal of possible associations between Tcr genes and disease susceptibility.Abbreviations used in this paper: Tcr T-cell antigen receptor - RFLP restriction fragment length polymorphism - C2 second Tcr constant region gene - V Variable - C constant - J joining - D diversity  相似文献   
Bolinopsis vitrea is a warm water lobate ctenophore which doesnot overlap in its distribution with Mnemiopsis mccradyi incontiguous waters. We examined its feeding ecology on a seriesof cruises. B. virrea ingested increasingly more prey at higherfood concentrations (2–100 prey l–1) but feedingeffort (clearance rate) decreased with increasing food availability.On a dry weight basis, smaller tentaculate Bolinopsis ingestedseveral times more than larger lobates, but based on carbonweight, specific ingestion was fairly uniform over the entiresize range investigated (6–60 mm total length). Bolinopsiscollected during the daytime in the Bahamas rarely had morethan three prey items in their guts. These results and laboratorymeasurements of digestion times (av. = 1.9 h) allowed computationof daily rations, which could not account for the metabolicrequirement as measured on the same cruises. Results of feedingexperiments, however, implied that prey densities in excessof 11–1 were sufficient to sustain a growing populationof Bolinopsis. Prey concentrations about an order of magnitudehigher were required for M. mccradyi based on similar experiments.These results were in general agreement with observed densitiesand distributions of ctenophores and their zooplankton preyin the Bahamas and coastal South Florida.  相似文献   
Thiobacillus tepidarius, isolated from the hot springs at Bath, Avon, UK, grew optimally at 43–45°C and pH 6.0–7.5 on thiosulphate or tetrathionate. In batch culture, thiosulphate was oxidized stoichiometrically to tetrathionate, with a rise in pH. The tetrathionate was then oxidized to sulphate, supporting growth and producing a fall in pH to a minimum of ph 4.8. The organism contained high levels of thiosulphate-oxidizing enzyme, rhodanese and ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase. It was obligately chemolithotrophic and autotrophic. In chemostat culture, T. tepidarius grew autotrophically with the following sole energy-substrates: sulphide, thiosulphate, trithionate, tetrathionate, hexathionate or heptathionate. Thiocyanate, dithionate and sulphite were not used as sole substrates, although sulphite enhanced growth yields in the presence of thiosulphate. Maximum specific growth rate on tetrathionate was 0.44 h-1. True growth yields (Y max) and maintenance coefficients (m) were calculated for sulphide, thiosulphate, trithionate and tetrathionate and observed yields at a single fixed dilution rate compared with those on hexathionate and heptathionate. Mean values for Y max, determined from measurements of absorbance, dry wt, total organic carbon and cell protein, were similar for sulphide, thiosulphate and trithionate (10.9 g dry wt/mol substrate) as expected from their equivalent oxygen consumption for oxidation. Y max for tetrathionate (20.5) and the relative Y o values (as g dry wt/g atom oxygen consumed) for thiosulphate and all four polythionates indicated that substrate level phosphorylation did not contribute significantly to energy conservation. These Y max values were 40–70% higher than any of those previously reported for obligately aerobic thiobacilli. Mean values for m were 6.7 mmol substrate oxidized/g dry wt·h for sulphide, thiosulphate and trithionate, and 2.6 for tetrathionate.Abbreviation PIPES Piperazine-N,N-bis(ethane sulphonic acid)  相似文献   
Health care attitudes reflect the basic world view and values of a culture, such as how we relate to nature, other people, time, being, society versus community, children versus elders and independence versus dependence. Illness behavior determines who is vulnerable to illness and who agrees to become a patient—since only about one third of the ill will see a physician. Cultural values determine how one will behave as a patient and what it means to be ill and especially to be a hospital patient. They affect decisions about a patient''s treatment and who makes the decisions. Cultural differences create problems in communication, rapport, physical examination and treatment compliance and follow through. The special meaning of medicines and diet requires particular attention. The perception of physical pain and psychologic distress varies from culture to culture and affects the attitudes and effectiveness of care-givers as much as of patients. Religious beliefs and attitudes about death, which have many cultural variations, are especially relevant to hospital-based treatment. Linguistic and cultural interpreters can be essential; they are more available than realized, though there are pitfalls in their use. Finally, one must recognize that individual characteristics may outweigh the ethnic and that a good caring relationship can compensate for many cultural missteps.  相似文献   
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