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A rapid method for measuring the in vitro attachment of Candida albicans to the surface of transparent acrylic is described. The method involves use of the 'Magiscan' automated image analysis system which measures attachment in terms of percentage area coverage. These measurements correlate highly significantly ( P < 0·001) with the number of adherent yeast cells.  相似文献   
Summary In view of the presumed involvement of gap junctions in the coordination of metabolic activities, the influence of cAMP as a regulatory signal of cell metabolism on gap junctions of hepatocytes has been examined. Male rats received two intraperitoneal doses of 10 mg dibutyryl cAMP/100 g body weight with a time interval of 2.5 h and were decapitated 2.5 h later. After this 5-h interval, analysis of freeze-fracture replicas of fixed liver tissue revealed an increase in the mean (± SEM) gap-junctional membrane portion on the lateral hepatocyte membranes from 0.049 + 0.003 (n = 66) in controls to 0.061 ± 0.003 (n = 70) in treated rats, while the configuration of the connexons appeared unaltered. This effect could not be reinforced by prior administration of aminophylline: the relative gapjunctional area is similarly extended from 0.054 ± 0.003 (n = 126) in the control group to 0.065 ± 0.004 (n = 105) in the experimental animals. Probing for the time course of the junctional response, a group of rats was sacrificed 3 h after the onset of treatment. Already within this time, the gapjunctional area is augmented from 0.042 ± 0.004 (n = 63) in the concurrent controls to 0.069 ± 0.006 (n = 42) in the treated rats. These statistically significant increases in area may suggest a stimulating effect of cAMP on gap junctions of hepatocytes in vivo.This investigation was supported by grant No. 3.0059.81 (to D.W.S.) from the Fund for Medical Scientific Research (Belgium)  相似文献   
Summary A sample of 125 individuals from 37 British cystic fibrosis (CF) families with at least one living affected child were typed with probes for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) known to be linked to the CF gene. These probes were MetD, MetH, pJ3.11 and 7C22. Using this combination of probes, 30 out of the 37 families were sufficiently informative to enable prenatal diagnosis of the disease. Linkage analysis has also proved to be useful in excluding CF in two cases where diagnosis of the disease was equivocal in the sibling of an affected child.  相似文献   
The ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (Rubisco) large- and small-subunit genes are encoded on the chloroplast genome of the eukaryotic chromophytic alga Olisthodiscus luteus. Northern blot experiments indicate that both genes are co-transcribed into a single (>6 kb) mRNA molecule. Clones from the O. luteus rbc gene region were constructed with deleted 5 non-coding regions and placed under control of the lac promoter, resulting in the expression of high levels of O. luteus Rubisco large and small subunits in Escherichia coli. Sucrose gradient centrifugation of soluble extracts fractionated a minute amount of carboxylase activity that cosedimented with native hexadecameric O. luteus Rubisco. Most of the large subunit synthesized in E. coli appeared insoluble or formed an aggregate with the small subunit possessing an altered charge: mass ratio compared to the native holoenzyme. The presence in O. luteus of a polypeptide that has an identical molecular mass and cross reacts with antiserum generated against pea large-subunit binding protein may indicate that a protein of similar function is required for Rubisco assembly in O. luteus.  相似文献   
Regression analysis has been used to study the relationship between age, size, shape, and surface area in two ancestral-descendant populations of the Neogene Caribbean coral Trachyphyllia bilobata. Analyses of the relationship between size and age show that the relationship is isometric and that little difference occurs between populations in mean corallite length or height and in their rates of growth. Onset of columella growth is significantly earlier, however, in the descendant population. Studies of the relationship between size and shape show that growth is allometric, with shape change occurring in both corallum elongation and pinching of the corallite wall during ontogeny. In the descendant population, pinching and elongation initiate earlier in the ontogeny of the coral. These results suggest that the evolutionary development of the meandroid form in freeliving corals has been accomplished by heterochrony, involving a complex set of disassociated peramorphic changes in ontogeny accompanied by paedomorphic changes in astogeny. Further analyses show that the observed heterochronic changes serve to decrease corallum surface area which may in turn enhance sediment removal and nutrition in unstable habitats.  相似文献   
The molecular forms of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHRP) in conditioned media from the BEN human lung cancer cell line, rat parathyroid cells (PT-r) and human keratinocytes were studied by gel-filtraton chromatography with assay of PTHRP by immunoassays and bioassay. Immunoreactivity (1–86 and 1–34) and bioactivity (1–34) in conditioned media eluted as a coincident major peak (approx. molecular mass 19–22 kDa) and there was evidence of amino-terminal species in the molecular mass range 10–16 kDa in BEN and keratinocyte media. Western blotting of PTHRP affinity purified by monoclonal antibodies directed at regions 1–34 or 37–67, identified a major species in all cell cytosols and media with an apparent molecular mass of 24–25 kDa, consistently slighty larger than recombinant PTHRP(1–141) (mobility of 21 kDa) which may represent an intact or native form of PTHRP. Additional amino-terminal species were identified in medium from keratinocytes (16 and 7 kDa), BEN cells (18 and 14 kDa) and PT-R cells (17 kDa), suggesting that processing occurs at the C-terminus and within the mid-region to form a range of amino-terminal fragments.  相似文献   
Pneumocystis carinii shows DNA homology with the ustomycetous red yeast fungi   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Pneumocystis carinii causes life-threatening pneumonia in T-lymphocyte-immunodeficient subjects in transplant and oncology units or with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Recent DNA homology studies show P. carinii to be a fungus. To investigate the biology and epidemiology of this parasite further, we elected to determine for it a more precise taxonomic assignment within the fungal kingdom. We screened a wide range of organisms representing the major orders of fungi using DNA amplification and subsequently sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial gene encoding the large subunit ribosomal RNA. Our data show that the opportunistic pulmonary pathogen P. carinii is closely related to the ustomycetous red yeast fungi, a group which includes organisms that are extensively distributed throughout the environment and which release many widely dispersed airborne spores.  相似文献   
Summary We investigated whether the efficiency of transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens during cocultivation is limited by the properties of the plant cells or by the infecting bacteria.Therefore, tobacco protoplasts were infected by cocultivation with two different agrobacteria strains carrying Ti plasmids with distinguishable T-DNAs. These T-DNAs cotransform plant cells at a frequency equal to the product of their independent transformation frequencies, which indicates that all plant cells are equally competent. On the other hand, when these T-DNAs are located on the same Ti plasmid vector within one bacterial strain, the cotransformation frequency is significantly higher than the product of the single transformation frequencies. We interpret these results to indicate that transformation is limited more by the establishment of effective bacteria/plant cell interaction than by (i) the process of DNA integration and (ii) by the number of plant cells capable of being transformed by Agrobacterium. We found that most plant cells are transformed by only one or a few agrobacteria. Analysis of the number of T-DNA copies in these clonally transformed lines indicates amplification of the original, infecting T-region copy.  相似文献   
Using monogynous and polygynous colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, we developed methodology to determine which behavioural subcaste of workers was responsible for executing unfamiliar queens that were introduced to them. Separation of subcastes and introduction of queens to each of these separately was partly effective, but more accurate results were obtained by removing workers that were in the act of executing queens, marking them individually, and returning them to the colony. Their subsequent behaviour was then recorded to determine whether they behaved like nurses, reserves, or foragers. The results showed that foragers are dominant in execution behaviour and that all morphological subcastes (minors, medias, and majors) are involved. This methodology may be applied to other social insect species.
Résumé A l'aide de colonies monogynes de S. invicta Buren, nous avons testé la sensibilité de deux méthodes: Premièrement, nous avons isolé les trois sous-castes temporelles des ouvrières (nurses, réserves et fourrageuses) auxquelles nous avons introduit des reines étrangères. Nous avons trouvé que les fourrageuses étaient le groupe le plus agressif, exécutant un pourcentage élevé des reines qui leur étaient présentées. Le degré de physogastrie de la reine étrangère, sa colonie d'origine et la présence de couvain n'avaient pas d'effet visible sur sa destinée. La sensibilité de cette méthode était limitée par la difficulté d'une séparation complète des souscastes temporelles.Deuxièmement, nous avons capturé des ouvrières exécutant activement des reines étrangères, après marquage nous les avons remises dans leur colonie pour observations ultérieures. Nous avons remarqué que leur localisation dans le nid et leur comportement correspondaient aux séquences trouvées pour les fourrageuses bien plus qu'à celles des ouvrières réserves ou nurses. Cette méthode est plus sensible. Des mesures de la largeur de la capsule céphalique de ces ouvrières ont montré qu'aucune des sous-caste morphologiques (mineurs, moyennes et majeurs) étaient dominantes dans le comportement d'exécution. Nos résultats indiquent que la sensibilité des ouvrières à certaines phéromones de la reine et odeur de la colonie augmente avec leur âge.
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