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Feeding behavior and activity during captivity were studied in wild-caught Hawai’i ’amakihi, Hemignathus virens, to evaluate diazepam's hyperphagic and anxiolytic effects. Birds were captured in mist nets, given either oral diazepam (1 mg/kg) or an equivalent volume per weight of lactated Ringer's solution orally, and held in captivity for 6 h. Thirteen-minute focal animal samples were videotaped at the beginning of each hour. Feeding behaviors, grooming and picking events, changes in position, and body weights were recorded. Mean duration of feeding, percentage of time spent feeding, and number of feeding events were significantly higher for treatment birds than for controls, and significantly increased over time. Feeding duration was significantly correlated to weight change. Weight change was not significantly different between groups, but on average treatment birds lost less weight than control birds. No significant differences in grooming behaviors were found between the groups, but there was a session effect of increased grooming over time in both groups. Also, a significant session effect in movement events was apparent, with control birds becoming less active and treatment birds becoming more active over time. Results indicate diazepam increased feeding behaviors and movement in this passerine species during a short period of captivity.  相似文献   


Normal and malignant breast tissue contains a rare population of multi-potent cells with the capacity to self-renew, referred to as stem cells, or tumor initiating cells (TIC). These cells can be enriched by growth as “mammospheres” in three-dimensional cultures.


We tested the hypothesis that human bone-marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), which are known to support tumor growth and metastasis, increase mammosphere formation.


We found that MSC increased human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) mammosphere formation in a dose-dependent manner. A similar increase in sphere formation was seen in human inflammatory (SUM149) and non-inflammatory breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7) but not in primary inflammatory breast cancer cells (MDA-IBC-3). We determined that increased mammosphere formation can be mediated by secreted factors as MSC conditioned media from MSC spheroids significantly increased HMEC, MCF-7 and SUM149 mammosphere formation by 6.4 to 21-fold. Mammospheres grown in MSC conditioned media had lower levels of the cell adhesion protein, E-cadherin, and increased expression of N-cadherin in SUM149 and HMEC cells, characteristic of a pro-invasive mesenchymal phenotype. Co-injection with MSC in vivo resulted in a reduced latency time to develop detectable MCF-7 and MDA-IBC-3 tumors and increased the growth of MDA-IBC-3 tumors. Furthermore, E-cadherin expression was decreased in MDA-IBC-3 xenografts with co-injection of MSC.


MSC increase the efficiency of primary mammosphere formation in normal and malignant breast cells and decrease E-cadherin expression, a biologic event associated with breast cancer progression and resistance to therapy.  相似文献   
The presence of high levels of Legionella pneumophila in man-made aquatic systems correlates with the incidence of nosocomial Legionnaires' disease. This requires a rapid, reliable, and sensitive quantification of L. pneumophila concentrations in suspected water systems. In this research, a homologous competitor was developed and evaluated in a L. pneumophila competitive polymerase chain reaction (cPCR) to quantify this human pathogen in a quick, cost-effective, and reliable way. Accuracy of cPCR was evaluated by analyzing cooling tower and tap water samples spiked with known concentrations of L. pneumophila bacteria, in parallel with the standard culture method. Legionella pneumophila amounts detected and calculated from cPCR and culture correlated very well: r = 0.998, P = 0.002 for tap water and r = 0.990, P = 0.009 for cooling tower water. Nevertheless, for both kinds of water samples, mean numbers of L. pneumophila calculated from cPCR results were always higher than those obtained by culture. This study makes it clear that the rapid, sensitive, and cost-effective L. pneumophila cPCR is a promising alternative to the standard time-consuming culture method and expensive real-time PCR to enumerate L. pneumophila bacteria in environmental water samples.  相似文献   
Estrogen mimetics in the environment and in foods can have important consequences for endocrine functions. When previously examined for action via genomic steroid signaling mechanisms, most of these compounds were found to be very weak agonists. We have instead tested their actions via several membrane-initiated signaling mechanisms in GH3/B6 pituitary tumor cells extensively selected for high (responsive) or low (nonresponsive) expression of the membrane version of estrogen receptor-alpha (mERalpha). We found many estrogen mimetic compounds to be potently active in our quantitative extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) activation assays, to increase cellular Ca++ levels, and to cause rapid prolactin release. However, these compounds may activate one or both mechanisms with different potencies. For instance, some compounds activate ERKs in both pM and nM concentration ranges, while others are only active at nM and higher concentrations. Compounds also show great differences in their temporal activation patterns. While estradiol causes a bimodal time-dependent ERK activation (peaking at both 3 and 30 min), most estrogen mimetics cause either an early phase activation, a late phase activation, or an early sustained activation. One xenoestrogen known to be a relatively potent activator of estrogen response element-mediated actions (bisphenol A) is inactive as an ERK activator, and only a modest inducer of Ca++ levels and prolactin release. Many different signaling machineries culminate in ERK activation, and xenoestrogens differentially affect various pathways. Clearly individual xenoestrogens must be individually investigated for their differing abilities to activate distinct membrane-initiated signal cascades that lead to a variety of cellular functions.  相似文献   
A potential alternative to land application of livestock manures for cropproduction is the production of algae to recover the nitrogen andphosphorus present in the manure. Compared to terrestrial plants,filamentous algae have exceedingly high growth and nutrient uptake rates. Moreover, they are capable of year-round growth in temperate climates,can be harvested on adapted farm-scale equipment, and yield a biomassthat should be valuable as an animal feed supplement. The objective of thisresearch was to evaluate algal turf scrubber (ATS) technology to removenitrogen, phosphorus and chemical oxygen demand from raw andanaerobically digested dairy manure. Laboratory-scale ATS units wereoperated by continuously recycling wastewater and adding manure effluentsdaily. ATS units were seeded with algal consortia from a nearby streamand grown using dairy manures from two different dairy farms. Algalbiomass was harvested weekly and dried prior to analysis for total Kjeldahlnitrogen, total phosphorus, and inorganic constituents. Wastewater sampleswere analyzed for total Kjeldahl nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate,orthophosphate, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand. Using atypical manure input containing 0.6–0.96 g total nitrogen day-1,the dried algal yield was approximately 5 g m-2 day-1. Thedried algae contained approximately 1.5–2% phosphorus and 5–7%nitrogen. Algal nitrogen and phosphorus accounted for 42–100% ofinput ammonium-nitrogen (33–42% of total nitrogen) and 58–100%of input total phosphorus, respectively.  相似文献   
Abnormalities in fatty acid (FA) metabolism underlie the development of insulin resistance and alterations in glucose metabolism, features characteristic of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes that can result in an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. We present pharmacodynamic effects of AZ 242, a novel peroxisome proliferator activated receptor (PPAR)alpha/gamma agonist. AZ 242 dose-dependently reduced the hypertriglyceridemia, hyperinsulinemia, and hyperglycemia of ob/ob diabetic mice. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp studies showed that treatment with AZ 242 (1 micromol/kg/d) restored insulin sensitivity of obese Zucker rats and decreased insulin secretion. In vitro, in reporter gene assays, AZ 242 activated human PPARalpha and PPARgamma with EC(50) in the micro molar range. It also induced differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells, an established PPARgamma effect, and caused up-regulation of liver fatty acid binding protein in HepG-2 cells, a PPARalpha-mediated effect. PPARalpha-mediated effects of AZ 242 in vivo were documented by induction of hepatic cytochrome P 450-4A in mice. The results indicate that the dual PPARalpha/gamma agonism of AZ 242 reduces insulin resistance and has beneficial effects on FA and glucose metabolism. This effect profile could provide a suitable therapeutic approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and associated vascular risk factors.  相似文献   
Nucleotide sequence analysis of an approximately 80-kb genomic region revealed an approximately 65-kb locus that bears hallmarks of a pathogenicity island. This locus includes homologues of a type IV secretion system, mobile genetic elements, and known virulence factors. Comparative studies with other Legionella pneumophila strains and serogroups indicated that this approximately 65-kb locus is unique to L. pneumophila serogroup 1 Philadelphia-1 strains.  相似文献   
Serum proteome analysis is severely hampered by the extreme dynamic range of protein concentrations, but tools for the specific depletion of highly abundant serum proteins lack for most farm and companion animals. A well‐established alternative strategy to reduce the dynamic range of plasma protein concentrations, treatment with combinatorial peptide ligand libraries (CPLL), is generally applicable but requires large amounts of sample. Therefore, additional depletion/enrichment protocols for plasma and serum samples from animals are desirable. In this respect, we have tested a protein precipitate that formed after withdrawal of salt from human, bovine, or porcine serum at pH 4.2. The bovine sample was composed of over 300 proteins making it a potential source for biomarker discovery. Precipitation was highly reproducible and the concentrations of albumin and other highly abundant serum proteins were strongly reduced. In comparison to the CPLL treatment, precipitation did not introduce any selection bias based on hydrophathy or pI. However, the composition of both preparations was partially complementary. Salt withdrawal at pH 4.2 is suggested as additional depletion/enrichment strategy for serum samples. Also, we point out that the removal of precipitates from serum samples under the described conditions bears the risk of losing a valuable protein fraction.  相似文献   
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