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AlphaB-Crystallin has for a long time been considered a specific eye lens protein. Later on it appeared that this protein belongs to the family of the small heat shock proteins and that it occurs also extra-lenticularly in many different cell types. AlphaB-Crystallin is mainly present in the cytoplasm, but there are some indications that it might have a function in the nucleus too. However, till now its presence in the nucleus is uncertain. We therefore compared the localization of alphaB-crystallin in nine cell lines cultured under normal conditions using four different antisera. All four antisera gave a diffuse staining for alphaB-crystallin in the cytoplasm, but one of the antibodies consistently showed nuclear staining in eight of the cell types, in the form of distinct speckles. These speckles are equally pronounced in the different cell types, whether or not cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin is present. Preabsorption of the antiserum with alphaB-crystallin abolished the staining. Furthermore we demonstrate that if only minor amounts of alphaB-crystallin are present, the protein seems to be located exclusively in the nucleus. However, in case of higher amounts of protein, alphaB-crystallin is distributed between cytoplasm and nucleus. The nuclear alphaB-crystallin exists, like the cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin, in non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated forms, is Triton-insoluble but can be extracted by 2 M NaCl. These data suggest that alphaB-crystallin might be bound to the nuclear matrix per se or to nuclear matrix proteins via other proteins. In agreement with other nuclear matrix proteins, nuclear alphaB-crystallin staining turns diffuse upon mitosis and leaves the chromosomes unstained. Double staining experiments revealed colocalization of alphaB-crystallin with the splicing factor SC35 in nuclear speckles, suggesting a role for alphaB-crystallin in splicing or protection of the splicing machinery.  相似文献   
PsaF is a nuclear encoded gene for the subunit III of photosystem I. It is located at the lumenal side of the thylakoid membrane and interacts with plastocyanin. Starting from a low-level expression in the cotyledons of etiolated seedlings the gene is upregulated by light. Light can be replaced by Ca2+ or phosphoinositides like phorbol myristate acetate, an analogue of diacylglycerol. We tested the effects of these components on PsaF promoter-driven gene expression in roots and found that the PsaF promoter includes a positive regulatory region [-220/-179] activated by cytokinin and a negative regulatory region [-687/-221] activated by abscisic acid. In addition, the promoter is activated by Ca2+, mastoparan and phorbol myristate acetate which suggests a role for phospholipases and protein kinase C in PsaF gene expression.  相似文献   
The unicellular freshwater flagellate Euglena gracilis regulates its position in the water column by means of phototactic and gravitactic behavior. Recent experiments have revealed that the cells switch between negative and positive gravitaxis depending upon environmental stimuli such as solar radiation. In this study, the effect of increased salinity on gravitaxis in Euglena gracilis was investigated. In some experiments it was found that salt concentrations up to 5 gL-1 (in some experiments 10 gL-1) increased the motility, velocity and precision of negative gravitactic orientation. Higher salt concentrations decreased all these parameters. At concentrations of about 15 gL-1, cells which did not become immobile, switched from negative to positive gravitaxis. Positive gravitaxis persisted for several hours or even days when the cells were transferred back to standard culture medium. Most of the cells in cultures exposed to salt concentrations above 20 gL-1 lost their motility (partial formation of palmella stages) but recovered when transferred back to standard medium or de-ionised water. Post recovery, the cells showed pronounced positive gravitaxis. Additional investigations on the pigmentation, revealed that the cells showed a complete loss of a carotenoid shoulder in the spectrum, which reappeared when the cells were brought back to standard medium.  相似文献   
The S100A9 (MRP14) protein is abundantly expressed in myeloid cells and has been associated with various inflammatory diseases. The S100A9-deficient mice described here were viable, fertile, and generally of healthy appearance. The myelopoietic potential of the S100A9-null bone marrow was normal. S100A8, the heterodimerization partner of S100A9 was not detectable in peripheral blood cells, suggesting that even a deficiency in both S100A8 and S100A9 proteins was compatible with viable and mature neutrophils. Surprisingly, the invasion of S100A9-deficient leukocytes into the peritoneum and into the skin in vivo was indistinguishable from that in wild-type mice. However, stimulation of S100A9-deficient neutrophils with interleukin-8 in vitro failed to provoke an up-regulation of CD11b. Migration upon a chemotactic stimulus through an endothelial monolayer was markedly diminished in S100A9-deficient neutrophils. Attenuated chemokinesis of the S100A9-deficient neutrophils was observed by using a three-dimensional collagen matrix migration assay. The altered migratory behavior was associated with a microfilament system that was highly polarized in unstimulated S100A9-deficient neutrophils. Our data suggest that loss of the calcium-binding S100A9 protein reduces the responsiveness of the neutrophils upon chemoattractant stimuli at least in vitro. Alternative pathways for neutrophil emigration may be responsible for the lack of any effect in the two in vivo models we have investigated so far.  相似文献   
The norepinephrine (NE)-induced hypertrophy of the left ventricle (LV) in the rat is preceded by increased interleukin (IL)-6 expression and associated with LV fibrosis. We have examined whether the elevated level of IL-6 may be due to mast cell degranulation. Therefore we tested the effect of cromoglycate sodium salt (cromolyn), an inhibitor of mast cell degranulation with anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing activity, on the increased expression of IL-6 mRNA and of mRNAs of proteins involved in the remodelling of the extracellular matrix (ECM) which is induced by NE (0.1 mg/kg·h). After 4 h, the NE-induced increase in IL-6 mRNA expression was not influenced by cromolyn (20 mg/kg·h). Cromolyn-infusion for 3 days did not affect the extent of LV hypertrophy induced by NE, as measured by the LV weight/body weight (LVW/BW) ratio and by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) expression. Cromolyn induced a slight depression of the NE-induced elevation of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-2. However, it did not affect the NE-induced elevated levels of mRNAs of collagen I and III and the tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP)-2. Since cromolyn did not reduce the NE-effects in rat hearts in vivo we conclude that mast cell degranulation seems not to be involved in them.  相似文献   
Sequence analysis identified serine 170 (S170) of the maize (Zea mays L.) SUS1 sucrose synthase (SUS) protein as a possible, second phosphorylation site. Maize leaves contained two calcium-dependent protein kinase activities and a calcium-independent kinase activity with characteristics of an sucrose non-fermenting 1 (SNF1)-related protein kinase. Phosphorylation of the novel S170 and the known serine 15 (S15) site by these protein kinases was determined in peptide substrates and detected in SUS1 protein substrates utilizing sequence- and phosphorylation-specific antibodies. We demonstrate phosphorylation of S170 in vitro and in vivo. The calcium-dependent protein kinases phosphorylated both S170 and S15, whereas SNF1-related protein kinase activity was restricted to S15. Calcium-dependent protein-kinase-mediated S170 and S15 phosphorylation kinetics were determined in wild-type and mutant SUS1 substrates. These analyses revealed that kinase specificity for S170 was threefold lower than that for S15, and that phosphorylation of S170 was stimulated by prior phosphorylation at the S15 site. The SUS-binding peptides encoded by early nodulin 40 (ENOD40) specifically antagonized S170 phosphorylation in vitro. A model wherein S170 phosphorylation functions as part of a mechanism targeting SUS for proteasome-mediated degradation is supported by the observations that SUS proteolytic fragments: (i) were detected and possessed relatively high phosphorylated-S170 (pS170) stoichiometry; (ii) were spatially coincident with proteasome activity within developing leaves; and (iii) co-sedimented with proteasome activity. In addition, full-length pS170-SUS protein was less stable than S170-SUS in cultured leaf segments and was stabilized by proteasome inhibition. Post-translational control of SUS protein level through pS170-promoted proteolysis may explain the specific and significant decrease in SUS abundance that accompanies the sink-to-source transition in developing maize leaves.  相似文献   
Muconate cycloisomerases play a crucial role in the bacterial degradation of aromatic compounds by converting cis,cis-muconate, the product of catechol ring cleavage, to (4S)-muconolactone. Chloromuconate cycloisomerases catalyze both the corresponding reaction and a dehalogenation reaction in the transformation of chloroaromatic compounds. This study reports the first thorough examination of the substrate specificity of the muconate cycloisomerases from Pseudomonas putida PRS2000 and Acinetobacter calcoaceticus” ADP1. We show that they transform, in addition to cis,cis-muconate, 3-fluoro-, 2-methyl-, and 3-methyl-cis,cis-muconate with high specificity constants but not 2-fluoro-, 2-chloro-, 3-chloro-, or 2,4-dichloro-cis,cis-muconate. Based on known three-dimensional structures, variants of P. putida muconate cycloisomerase were constructed by site-directed mutagenesis to contain amino acids found in equivalent positions in chloromuconate cycloisomerases. Some of the variants had significantly increased specificity constants for 3-chloro- or 2,4-dichloromuconate (e.g., A271S and I54V showed 27- and 22-fold increases, respectively, for the former substrate). These kinetic improvements were not accompanied by a change from protoanemonin to cis,cis-dienelactone as the product of 3-chloro-cis,cis-muconate conversion. The rate of 2-chloro-cis,cis-muconate turnover was not significantly improved, nor was this compound dehalogenated to any significant extent. However, the direction of 2-chloro-cis,cis-muconate cycloisomerization could be influenced by amino acid exchange. While the wild-type enzyme discriminated only slightly between the two possible cycloisomerization directions, some of the enzyme variants showed a strong preference for either (+)-2-chloro- or (+)-5-chloromuconolactone formation. These results show that the different catalytic characteristics of muconate and chloromuconate cycloisomerases are due to a number of features that can be changed independently of each other.  相似文献   
The influence of the pellet morphology of the basidiomycete Cyathus striatus on the production of the antibiotics striatals A, B, and C was investigated. The main operating parameters in fermenters of different sizes were the tip speed and the volumetric power input. Different methods were developed for quantification of morphological characteristics. The apparent viscosity of the suspension was measured with a cylinder rheometer. Sediment density was measured with a sedimentation apparatus. Particle size distributions were recorded with an image analysis system. By means of the presented measuring methods, morphological characteristics could be determined and enabled an early assessment of the fermentation course and the antibiotics production. During the exponential growth phase of the fungus the relative sediment height correlated with the biomass concentration. The pellet morphology at this stage influenced the later production of striatals. The yield of the striatals was markedly influenced by pellet size and sediment density. Since these morphological characteristics determine the rheological properties of the culture the measurement of the apparent viscosity of the culture in the production phase allowed predictions of the production yield.  相似文献   
Xanthan is an industrially important exopolysaccharide produced by the phytopathogenic, gram-negative bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris. It is composed of polymerized pentasaccharide repeating units which are assembled by the sequential addition of glucose-1-phosphate, glucose, mannose, glucuronic acid, and mannose on a polyprenol phosphate carrier (L. Ielpi, R. O. Couso, and M. A. Dankert, J. Bacteriol. 175:2490–2500, 1993). A cluster of 12 genes in a region designated xpsI or gum has been suggested to encode proteins involved in the synthesis and polymerization of the lipid intermediate. However, no experimental evidence supporting this suggestion has been published. In this work, from the biochemical analysis of a defined set of X. campestris gum mutants, we report experimental data for assigning functions to the products of the gum genes. We also show that the first step in the assembly of the lipid-linked intermediate is severely affected by the combination of certain gum and non-gum mutations. In addition, we provide evidence that the C-terminal domain of the gumD gene product is sufficient for its glucosyl-1-phosphate transferase activity. Finally, we found that alterations in the later stages of xanthan biosynthesis reduce the aggressiveness of X. campestris against the plant.  相似文献   
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