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The effect of murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) infection on susceptibility to bacterial infection was studied in mice by a combination of intraperitoneal (ip) inoculation of a sublethal dose of MCMV with subsequent ip challenge of 2 X 10(3) cfu of a strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP). When given alone, KP produced a mortality of 30-40%. Mortality was increased when KP was given 1 to 7 days after MCMV injection with the peak increase at the 4th to 5th day when 100% mortality occurred. Virus levels in various organs of mice infected with MCMV alone, or superinfected with KP did not differ. Bacterial counts on the other hand, showed that increased mortality in mixed MCMV and KP infected mice was due to an uncontrolled growth of bacteria at the site of primary lodgment, i.e., the peritoneum, and severe systemic infection. Neutrophil response to growth of KP during the first 3 days of bacterial infection was defective in MCMV infected mice. While the initial clearance of KP from the blood was more efficient in MCMV infected mice, probably due to activated reticuloendothelial function, it did not protect the mice against KP infection. Using the in vivo model, it was shown that poor neutrophil response and possibly other defective neutrophil functions were responsible for increased mortality to KP infection in MCMV infected mice.  相似文献   
Twenty-three rat lung specimens collected in outbreaks of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in three medical institutions were inoculated onto the VERO-E6 cell monolayers. After several blind passages, an agent growing serially in the cell cultures and reacting specifically with known HFRS-positive sera was isolated from two of these specimens. The two isolates were antigenically identical each other. The agent, named strain SR-11, was identified as the causative virus of HFRS by its antigenic identity with E6 cell-adapted HFRS virus, Hantaan 76-118 strain, and the specific reactions with sera from various HFRS cases.  相似文献   
ATPase inhibitor protein, which blocks mitochondrial ATPase activity by forming an enzyme-inhibitor complex, was found to be synthesized as a larger precursor in a cell-free translation system directed by yeast mRNA. Other protein factors, which stabilize latent ATPase by binding to the enzyme-inhibitor complex, were also found to be formed as larger precursors. The precursor of ATPase inhibitor protein was transported into isolated yeast mitochondria and was cleaved to the mature peptide in the mitochondria. Impaired mitochondria lacking phosphorylation activity could not convert the precursor to the mature form. Neither antimycin A nor oligomycin alone exhibited a marked effect on the transport-processing of the precursor by intact mitochondria. However, when antimycin A was added with oligomycin, the transport-processing was markedly inhibited. The processing was also strongly inhibited by an uncoupler, carbonylcyanide p-trifluoro-methoxyphenyl hydrazone. The inhibition by the uncoupler was not relieved by ATP added externally. It is concluded that the transport-processing of precursor proteins requires intact mitochondria with a potential difference across the inner membrane.  相似文献   
The regulatory mechanism of guinea pig lymphokines was investigated in regard to differentiation of myeloid cells to macrophages. The Ml-cell line, established from a myeloid leukemia of an SL-strain mouse, was induced to differentiate in vitro into mature macrophages possessing Fc receptors and the ability to phagocytize latex particles by treatment with crude lymphokines. Both concanavalin A- and antigen-induced lymphokines showed the differentiation-inducing factor (D factor) activity. However, macrophage migration inhibitory factor/ macrophage activation factor (MIF/MAF) purified by an immunoadsorbent column with anti-MIF antibody had no such an activity. The D-factor activity was detected in the lymphokine preparation that was not retained on the immunoadsorbent column. In contrast, colony-stimulating factor (CSF) was adsorbed to the immunoadsorbent column, and could be recovered in the purified MIF/MAF preparation. These findings suggest that the molecular entity of D factor is distinct from MIF/ MAF and CSF. A culture supernatant of guinea pig peritoneal macrophages activated with MIF/ MAF (CSF) exhibited strong D-factor activity. However, the supernatant possessed rather reduced CSF activity as compared to that of the original MIF/MAF (CSF) preparation. Thus, MIF/MAF may play an important role in macrophage differentiation by regulating the production of D factor or CSF from macrophages.  相似文献   
Peroxisomes contain a system for beta-oxidation of fatty acids which differs from the mitochondrial system and is associated with hydrogen peroxide formation. We show that two enzymes: enoyl-CoA hydratase and 3-ketoacyl-CoA thiolase of the peroxisomal system are present in specific granules of rat eosinophils. Both enzyme proteins were purified from rat liver and monospecific antibodies were raised in rabbits. Eosinophils from peripheral blood and tissue eosinophils from the wall of intestine, fixed by glutaraldehyde and embedded in Epon were investigated. The postembedding immunocytochemical procedure with protein A-gold technique was used. The gold particles representing the antigenic sites for both enzymes were present only in specific granules of eosinophils with no immune deposits in mitochondria, nucleus and the cytoplasm. Although gold particles were found over the entire domain of the granule, the electron dense paracrystalline inclusions contained more gold than the granule matrix. Control preparations incubated with nonspecific IgG and protein A-gold complex alone were negative. These findings indicate that in specific granules of eosinophils both peroxisomal and lysosomal enzymes share the same intracellular compartment. The peroxisomal lipid beta-oxidation in eosinophils may be involved in generation of hydrogen peroxide, which has a crucial role in killing of metazoon parasites.  相似文献   
A specific rabbit anti-CRF serum and the immunoperoxidase technique were used to show that CRF-containing neurons are mainly distributed in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamus. In addition, immunoreactive neurons are scattered in other hypothalamic regions. These neurons are 20--30 micrometers in diameter. From the present and previous investigations it may be concluded that the hypothalamic magnocellular nuclei, i.e., paraventricular and supraoptic, and other hypothalamic accessory nuclei, are the producing sites not only for vasopressin and oxytocin, but also for corticotropin-releasing factor.  相似文献   
An Escherichia coli HF4704S mutant temperature sensitive in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and different from any previously characterized mutant was isolated. The mutated gene in this strain was designated dnaH. The mutant could grow normally at 27 C but not at 43 C, and DNA synthesis continued for an hour at a decreasing rate and then ceased. After temperature shift-up, the increased amount of DNA was 40 to 50%. When the culture was incubated at 43 C for 70 min and then transferred to 27 C, DNA synthesis resumed after about 50 min, initiating synchronously at a fixed region on the bacterial chromosome. The initiation step in DNA replication sensitive to 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml occurs synchronously before the resumption of DNA replication after the temperature shift-down, being completed about 30 min before the start of DNA replication. When the cells incubated at 27 C in the presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml after the temperature shift-down to 27 C were transferred to 43 C with simultaneous removal of the antibiotic, no resumption of DNA replication was observed. When the culture was returned to 43 C after being released from high-temperature inhibition at 30 min before the start of DNA replication, no recovery replication was observed; whereas at 20 min, the recovery of replication was observed. These results indicated that HF4704S was temperature sensitive in the initiation of DNA replication. Analysis of HF4704S, by an interrupted conjugation experiment, indicated that gene dnaH was located at about 64 min on the E. coli C linkage map. In E. coli S1814 (a K-12 derivative), which was a dnaH(ts) transductant from HF4704S (C strain) with phage P1, the mutated gene (dnaH) was demonstrated to be closely linked to the thyA marker by conjugation and P1 transduction experiments and to be distinct from genes dnaA through dnaG.  相似文献   
The physical characteristics of a mutant, R(M201-2), capable of conferring high and stable ampicillion resistance was analyzed. The R(M201-2) and its parent R-factor deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) could be isolated as an extrachromosomal and covalently closed circular form. Their buoyant densities were both 1.712 g/cm(3), and their molecular weights were about 82 x 10(6) and 64 x 10(6), respectively, when measured by CsCl and sucrose density gradient analyses. The contour lengths by electron microscopy were 35.9 +/- 0.6 and 31.0 +/- 0.6 mum, respectively. By using the extracted R-factor DNA, the mutant and parent characters were transformable to another Escherichia coli strain. The mutant R factor showed an increased amount of DNA even after conjugal transfer to Proteus. An increase in the size of R-factor DNA was thus considered to be the cause of the high level of ampicillin resistance.  相似文献   
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