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During lung development, proper epithelial cell arrangements are critical for the formation of an arborized network of tubes. Each tube requires a lumen, the diameter of which must be tightly regulated to enable optimal lung function. Lung branching and lumen morphogenesis require close epithelial cell–cell contacts that are maintained as a result of adherens junctions, tight junctions and by intact apical–basal (A/B) polarity. However, the molecular mechanisms that maintain epithelial cohesion and lumen diameter in the mammalian lung are unknown. Here we show that Scribble, a protein implicated in planar cell polarity (PCP) signalling, is necessary for normal lung morphogenesis. Lungs of the Scrib mouse mutant Circletail (Crc) are abnormally shaped with fewer airways, and these airways often lack a visible, ‘open’ lumen. Mechanistically we show that Scrib genetically interacts with the core PCP gene Vangl2 in the developing lung and that the distribution of PCP pathway proteins and Rho mediated cytoskeletal modification is perturbed in ScribCrc/Crc lungs. However A/B polarity, which is disrupted in Drosophila Scrib mutants, is largely unaffected. Notably, we find that Scrib mediates functions not attributed to other PCP proteins in the lung. Specifically, Scrib localises to both adherens and tight junctions of lung epithelia and knockdown of Scrib in lung explants and organotypic cultures leads to reduced cohesion of lung epithelial cells. Live imaging of Scrib knockdown lungs shows that Scrib does not affect bud bifurcation, as previously shown for the PCP protein Celsr1, but is required to maintain epithelial cohesion. To understand the mechanism leading to reduced cell–cell association, we show that Scrib associates with β-catenin in embryonic lung and the sub-cellular distribution of adherens and tight junction proteins is perturbed in mutant lung epithelia. Our data reveal that Scrib is required for normal lung epithelial organisation and lumen morphogenesis by maintaining cell–cell contacts. Thus we reveal novel and important roles for Scrib in lung development operating via the PCP pathway, and in regulating junctional complexes and cell cohesion.  相似文献   
During S phase, following activation of the S phase CDKs and the DBF4-dependent kinases (DDK), double hexamers of Mcm2-7 at licensed replication origins are activated to form the core replicative helicase. Mcm10 is one of several proteins that have been implicated from work in yeasts to play a role in forming a mature replisome during the initiation process. Mcm10 has also been proposed to play a role in promoting replisome stability after initiation has taken place. The role of Mcm10 is particularly unclear in metazoans, where conflicting data has been presented. Here, we investigate the role and regulation of Mcm10 in Xenopus egg extracts. We show that Xenopus Mcm10 is recruited to chromatin late in the process of replication initiation and this requires prior action of DDKs and CDKs. We also provide evidence that Mcm10 is a CDK substrate but does not need to be phosphorylated in order to associate with chromatin. We show that in extracts depleted of more than 99% of Mcm10, the bulk of DNA replication still occurs, suggesting that Mcm10 is not required for the process of replication initiation. However, in extracts depleted of Mcm10, the replication fork elongation rate is reduced. Furthermore, the absence of Mcm10 or its phosphorylation by CDK results in instability of replisome proteins on DNA, which is particularly important under conditions of replication stress.  相似文献   
Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology - In the past few decades, pollution from microplastics has emerged as an important issue on a global scale. These plastic particles are mainly...  相似文献   
Perception of external stimuli and generation of an appropriate response are crucial for host colonization by pathogens. In pathogenic fungi, mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways regulate dimorphism, biofilm/mat formation, and virulence. Signaling mucins, characterized by a heavily glycosylated extracellular domain, a transmembrane domain, and a small cytoplasmic domain, are known to regulate various signaling pathways. In Candida albicans, the mucin Msb2 regulates the Cek1 MAPK pathway. We show here that Msb2 is localized to the yeast cell wall and is further enriched on hyphal surfaces. A msb2Δ/Δ strain formed normal hyphae but had biofilm defects. Cek1 (but not Mkc1) phosphorylation was absent in the msb2Δ/Δ mutant. The extracellular domain of Msb2 was shed in cells exposed to elevated temperature and carbon source limitation, concomitant with germination and Cek1 phosphorylation. Msb2 shedding occurred differentially in cells grown planktonically or on solid surfaces in the presence of cell wall and osmotic stressors. We further show that Msb2 shedding and Cek1 phosphorylation were inhibited by addition of Pepstatin A (PA), a selective inhibitor of aspartic proteases (Saps). Analysis of combinations of Sap protease mutants identified a sap8Δ/Δ mutant with reduced MAPK signaling along with defects in biofilm formation, thereby suggesting that Sap8 potentially serves as a major regulator of Msb2 processing. We further show that loss of either Msb2 (msb2Δ/Δ) or Sap8 (sap8Δ/Δ) resulted in higher C. albicans surface β-glucan exposure and msb2Δ/Δ showed attenuated virulence in a murine model of oral candidiasis. Thus, Sap-mediated proteolytic cleavage of Msb2 is required for activation of the Cek1 MAPK pathway in response to environmental cues including those that induce germination. Inhibition of Msb2 processing at the level of Saps may provide a means of attenuating MAPK signaling and reducing C. albicans virulence.  相似文献   
Heat-stable calmodulin immunoreactivity and bioactivity were detected in crude preparations of various types of human, murine and chicken interferons (IFNs). Calmodulin containing HuIFN-alpha was retained on a trifluorophenothiazine-Sepharose column. The two activities were separated by serial elutions with 50 microM Ca2+ (HuIFN-alpha) followed by 2 mM EGTA (calmodulin). While maintaining its full antiviral activity, calmodulin free HuIFN-alpha inhibited enhancement of Ca2+-ATPase activity in vitro by authentic purified eukaryote calmodulin. These results indicate that IFNs are calmodulin-binding proteins and that the secretion of both IFNs and calmodulin occurs from IFN-induced cells.  相似文献   
Flavonoids appear to play a major role in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases by decreasing the blood lipid levels. In continuation of our drug discovery program on antidyslipidemic agents we have isolated three furano-flavones 1-3 and a rare flavonol glycoside 4 from the aerial parts of Indigofera tinctoria. Our results disclose that the treatment with diastereomeric flavonoid mixture 1 and 2 (80:20) significantly decreased the plasma triglycerides (TG) by 60%, total cholesterol (TC) 19%, glycerol (Gly) 13%, and free fatty acid (FFA) 25% accompanied with increase in high density lipoproteins-cholesterol (HDL-C) by 8% and HDL-C/TC ratio 36% in high fat diet (HFD) fed dyslipidemic hamsters at the dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. The flavonoid 3 has exhibited moderate antidyslipidemic activity.  相似文献   
Four Plasmodium species cause malaria in humans: Plasmodium vivax is the most widespread and results in pronounced morbidity. India (population >1 billion) is a major contributor to the burden of vivax malaria. With a resurgence in interest concerning the neglected burden of vivax malaria and the completion of the P. vivax genome, it is timely to review what is known concerning P. vivax in India. The P. vivax population is highly diverse in terms of relapse patterns, drug response and clinical profiles, and highly genetically variable according to studies of antigen genes, isoenzyme markers and microsatellites. The unique epidemiology of malaria in India, where P. vivax predominates over Plasmodium falciparum, renders this location ideal for studying the dynamics of co-infection.  相似文献   
The biocontrol potential of two arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Funneliformis mosseae and Acaulospora laevis) and Trichoderma viride was assessed against tomato wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. f. sp. lycopersici under pot condition. All the bioagent showed appreciable results in increasing plant growth. Combined inoculation of F. mosseae, A. laevis and T. viride showed maximum increases in plant height, shoot fresh weight, root dry weight, number of leaves and number of branches per plant while dual inoculation of F. mosseae and T. viride increased rest of the growth parameters like shoot dry weight, root fresh weight, root length and leaf area. AM colonisation and spore number was found highest in single inoculation of AMF, which decreases with the addition of T. viride. But, this decrease has no effect on biocontrol efficiency of bioagents. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll content and nutrient content were markedly decreased by pathogen infection. Bioagent application overcomes this effect and a remarkable increase in the plant phosphorus and nitrogen content was recorded. Among both the AMF, F. mosseae proved to be more effective strain compared to A. laevis for tomato. Maximum reduction in disease incidence and severity was recorded in combined inoculation of F. mosseae, A. laevis and T. viride. Whereas control plants without any bioagent showed maximum occurrence of disease. The findings of this study concludes that soil inoculation with F. mosseae along with root inoculation with conidial suspension of T. viride before transplantation offered better survival and resistance to tomato seedlings against Fusarium wilt.  相似文献   
Vanadium has been reported to have broad pharmacological activity both in vitro and in vivo. Vanadium compound, sodium orthovanadate, Na3VO4, is well known for its hypoglycaemic effects. However, Na3VO4 exerts these effects at relatively high doses (0.6 mg/ml) and exhibit several toxic effects. In the present study lower doses of Na3VO4 (0.2 mg/ml) are combined with Trigonella foenum graecum seed powder (TSP), another hypoglycaemic agent, to reduce its toxicity without compromising its antidiabetic potential. The efficacy of the lower doses of Na3VO4 has been investigated in restoring the altered glucose metabolism and histological structure in the sciatic nerves in 21 and 60 days alloxan diabetic rats. A portion of the glucose was found to be channelled from the normal glycolytic route to polyol pathway, evident by the reduced hexokinase activity and increased polyol pathway enzymes aldose reductase and sorbitol dehydrogenase activity causing accumulation of sorbitol and fructose in diabetic conditions. Ultrastructural observation of the sciatic nerve showed extensive demylination and axonal loss after eight weeks of diabetes induction. Blood glucose levels increased in diabetic rats were normalized with the lower dose of vanadium and Trigonella treatment. The treatment of the diabetic rats with vanadium and Trigonella prevented the activation of the polyol pathway and sugar accumulations. The sciatic nerves were also protected against the structural abnormalities found in diabetes with Trigonella foenum graecum as well as Na3VO4. Results suggest that lower doses of Na3VO4 may be used in combination with TSP as an efficient antidiabetic agent to effectively control the long-term complications of diabetes in tissues like peripheral nerve.  相似文献   
To elucidate the cause of prenatal and early postnatal death in giant panda, pathological studies have been carried out on paraffin-fixed tissue sections from two fetuses and four cubs. The fetuses appeared to have classical atrophic changes in lung and hemorrhage in multiple organs, whereas the cubs showed purulent inflmnmation in various organs, most profound in lung and umbilicus. Localized infusion of bacteria and neutrophils were identified in the focus. Acute enteritis and hepatitis were also observed, as well as purulent encephalitis in one case. Variable degrees of congestion, hemorrhage, denaturalization and putrescence were evident in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, intestines, and lymph nodes. The results indicated that the fetuses died from suffocation whereas the cubs died from infection.  相似文献   
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