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Placenta growth factor (PlGF), a member of the vascular endothelial growth factor family of angiogenic factors, is prominently expressed by trophoblast. In addition to its role as a paracrine angiogenic factor within the placenta and endometrium, presence of its receptor, Flt-1, on trophoblast suggests that PlGF also may have an autocrine role(s) in regulating trophoblast function. To elucidate its role in trophoblast, we examined the signal transduction and functional responses of primary human trophoblast to PlGF. Exogenous PlGF induced specific activation of the stress-activated protein kinase (SAPK) pathways, c-Jun-N terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 kinase, in primary term trophoblast with little to no induction of the extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK-1 and -2) pathways. In contrast, PlGF induced significant ERK-1 and -2 activity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells but did not induce JNK or p38 activity. PlGF-induced activation of the SAPK signaling pathways protected trophoblast from growth factor withdrawal-induced apoptosis, but it did not protect trophoblast from apoptosis induced by the pro-inflammatory cytokines, interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha. These results provide the first direct evidence of a biochemical and functional role for PlGF/Flt-1 in normal trophoblast and suggest that aberrant PlGF expression during pregnancy may impact upon trophoblast function as well as vascularity within the placental bed.  相似文献   
Metmyoglobin (Mb) was glycated by glucose in a nonenzymatic in vitro reaction. Amount of iron release from the heme pocket of myoglobin was found to be directly related with the extent of glycation. After in vitro glycation, the unchanged Mb and glycated myoglobin (GMb) were separated by ion exchange (BioRex 70) chromatography, which eliminated free iron from the protein fractions. Separated fractions of Mb and GMb were converted to their oxy forms -MbO2 and GMbO2, respectively. H2O2-induced iron release was significantly higher from GMbO2 than that from MbO2. This free iron, acting as a Fenton reagent, might produce free radicals and degrade different cell constituents. To verify this possibility, degradation of different cell constituents catalyzed by these fractions in the presence of H2O2 was studied. GMbO2 degraded arachidonic acid, deoxyribose and plasmid DNA more efficiently than MbO2. Arachidonic acid peroxidation and deoxyribose degradation were significantly inhibited by desferrioxamine (DFO), mannitol and catalase. However, besides free iron-mediated free radical reactions, role of iron of higher oxidation states, formed during interaction of H2O2 with myoglobin might also be involved in oxidative degradation processes. Formation of carbonyl content, an index of oxidative stress, was higher by GMbO2. Compared to MbO2, GMbO2 was rapidly auto-oxidized and co-oxidized with nitroblue tetrazolium, indicating increased rate of Mb and superoxide radical formation in GMbO2. GMb exhibited more peroxidase activity than Mb, which was positively correlated with ferrylmyoglobin formation in the presence of H2O2. These findings correlate glycation-induced modification of myoglobin and a mechanism of increased formation of free radicals. Although myoglobin glycation is not significant within muscle cells, free myoglobin in circulation, if becomes glycated, may pose a serious threat by eliciting oxidative stress, particularly in diabetic patients.  相似文献   
Repair of the airway epithelium after injury is critical for restoring normal lung. The reepithelialization process involves spreading and migration followed later by cell proliferation. Rho-GTPases are key components of the wound healing process in many different types of tissues, but the specific roles for RhoA and Rac1 vary and have not been identified in lung epithelial cells. We investigated whether RhoA and Rac1 regulate wound closure of bronchial epithelial cells. RhoA and Rac1 proteins were efficiently expressed in a cell line of human bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE) by adenovirus-based gene transfer. We found that both constitutively active RhoA and dominant negative RhoA inhibited wound healing, suggesting that both activation and inhibition of RhoA interfere with normal wound healing. Overexpression of wild-type Rac1 induced upregulation of RhoA, disrupted intercellular junctions, and inhibited wound closure. Dominant negative Rac1 also inhibited wound closure. Inhibition of the downstream effector of RhoA, Rho-kinase, with Y-27632 suppressed actin stress fibers and focal adhesion formation, increased Rac1 activity, and stimulated wound closure. The activity of both RhoA and Rac1 are influenced by the polymerization state of microtubules, and cell migration involves coordinated action of actin and microtubules. Microtubule depolymerization upon nocodazole treatment led to an increase in focal adhesions and decreased wound closure. We conclude that coordination of both RhoA and Rac1 activity contributes to bronchial epithelial wound repair mechanisms in vitro, that inhibition of Rho-kinase accelerates wound closure, and that efficient repair involves intact microtubules.  相似文献   
VP26 is the smallest capsid protein and decorates the outer surface of the capsid shell of herpes simplex virus. It is located on the hexons at equimolar amounts with VP5. Its small size (112 amino acids) and high copy number make it an attractive molecule to use as a probe to investigate the complex pattern of capsid protein interactions. An in vitro capsid binding assay and a green fluorescent protein (GFP) localization assay were used to identify VP26 residues important for its interaction with capsids. To test for regions of VP26 that may be essential for binding to capsids, three small in-frame deletion mutations were generated in VP26, Delta18-25, Delta54-60, and Delta93-100. Their designations refer to the amino acids deleted by the mutation. The mutation at the C terminus of the molecule, which encompasses a region of highly conserved residues, abolished binding to the capsid and the localization of GFP to the nucleus in characteristic large puncta. Additional mutations revealed that a region of VP26 spanning from residue 50 to 112 was sufficient for the localization of the fused protein (VP26-GFP) to the nucleus and for it to bind to capsids. Using site-directed mutagenesis of conserved residues in VP26, two key residues for protein-protein interaction, F79 and G93, were identified as judged by the localization of GFP to nuclear puncta. When these mutations were analyzed in the capsid binding assay, they were also found to eliminate binding of VP26 to the capsid structure. Surprisingly, additional mutations that affected the ability of VP26 to bind to capsids in vitro were uncovered. Mutations at residues A58 and L64 resulted in a reduced ability of VP26 to bind to capsids. Mutation of the hydrophobic residues M78 and A80, which are adjacent to the hydrophobic residue F79, abolished VP26 capsid binding. In addition, the block of conserved amino acids in the carboxy end of the molecule had the most profound effect on the ability of VP26 to interact with capsids. Mutation of amino acid G93, L94, R95, R96, or T97 resulted in a greatly diminished ability of VP26 to bind capsids. Yet, all of these residues other than G93 were able to efficiently translocate or concentrate GFP into the nucleus, giving rise to the punctate fluorescence. Thus, the interaction of VP26 with the capsid appears to occur through at least two separate mechanisms. The initial interaction of VP26 and VP5 may occur in the cytoplasm or when VP5 is localized in the nucleus. Residues F79 and G93 are important for this bi-molecular interaction, resulting in the accumulation of VP26 in the nucleus in concentrated foci. Subsequent to this association, additional amino acids of VP26, including those in the C-terminal conserved domain, are important for interaction of VP26 with the three-dimensional capsid structure.  相似文献   
Breast epithelial cells differentiate into tubules when cultured in floating three-dimensional (3D) collagen gels, but not when the cells are cultured in the same collagen matrix that is attached to the culture dish. These observations suggest that the biophysical properties of collagenous matrices regulate epithelial differentiation, but the mechanism by which this occurs is unknown. Tubulogenesis required the contraction of floating collagen gels through Rho and ROCK-mediated contractility. ROCK-mediated contractility diminished Rho activity in a floating 3D collagen gel, and corresponded to a loss of FAK phosphorylated at Y397 localized to 3D matrix adhesions. Increasing the density of floating 3D collagen gels also disrupted tubulogenesis, promoted FAK phosphorylation, and sustained high Rho activity. These data demonstrate the novel finding that breast epithelial cells sense the rigidity or density of their environment via ROCK-mediated contractility and a subsequent down-regulation of Rho and FAK function, which is necessary for breast epithelial tubulogenesis to occur.  相似文献   
Desai C  Purdy J 《Genetics》2003,164(2):575-588
We have isolated and characterized a series of 18 chemically induced alleles of Ptp69D ranging in strength from viable to worse than null, which represent unique tools for probing the structure, function, and signaling pathway of DPTP69D. Three alleles are strongly temperature sensitive and were used to define the developmental periods requiring DPTP69D function; adult health requires DPTP69D during the mid- to late-pupal stage, eclosion requires DPTP69D during the early to mid-larval stage, and larval survival requires DPTP69D during embryogenesis. Mutations predicted to abolish the phosphatase activity of the membrane proximal D1 domain severely reduce but do not abolish DPTP69D function. Six alleles appear null; only 20% of null homozygotes pupate and <5% eclose, only to fall into the food and drown. One allele, Ptp69D(7), confers axon and viability defects more severe than those of the null phenotype. Sequence analysis predicts that Ptp69D(7) encodes a mutant protein that may bind but not release substrate. Like mutations in the protein tyrosine phosphatase gene Dlar, strong Ptp69D alleles cause the ISNb nerve to bypass its muscle targets. Genetic analysis reveals that the bypass defect in Dlar and Ptp69D mutants is dependent upon DPTP99A function, consistent with the hypothesis that DPTP69D and DLAR both counteract DPTP99A, allowing ISNb axons to enter their target muscle field.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prognostic significance of DNA ploidy, S-phase fraction and p21 ras oncoprotein expression in patients with colorectal cancer and to correlate these factors with the clinical behavior of the tumors and their response to therapy. Of 79 patients with colorectal cancer 57% (45/79) had early stage disease. Forty-one percent (32/79) had aneuploid tumors while 30% (24/79) of the tumors had a high (>10%) S-phase fraction. p21ras oncoprotein expression was detected in 38% (30/79) of tumors. Patients with aneuploid tumors had a worse prognosis than patients with diploid tumors (p=0.0002). Similarly, patients with high S-phase fraction tumors had a shorter survival than those with low S-phase fraction tumors (p=0.005). No such difference was found between p21 raspositive and p21 ras-negative tumor subgroups. In early stage colorectal cancer, aneuploidy was closely correlated with disease outcome (p=0.029). Early stage patients with diploid tumors who received radiotherapy and chemotherapy had a better prognosis than patients with aneuploid tumors. In conclusion, DNA ploidy is a significant and independent prognostic factor in colorectal cancer. Aneuploidy and genetic alteration of the p21 ras oncoprotein are important in determining the biological aggressiveness of colorectal cancer. Furthermore, DNA ploidy may identify those subgroups of patients with early stage disease who may benefit from more aggressive treatment.  相似文献   
Sanguinarine exhibits pH dependent structural equilibrium between iminium form (structure I) and alkanolamine form (structure II) with a pKa of 7.4 as revealed from spectrophotometric titration. The titration data show that the compound exists almost exclusively as structure I and structure II in the pH range 1 to 6 and 8.5 to 11, respectively. The interaction of structure I and structure II to several B-form natural and synthetic double and single stranded DNAs has been studied by spectrophotometric, spectrofluorimetric and circular dichroic measurements in buffers of pH 5.2 and pH 10.4 where the physicochemical properties of DNA remain in B-form structure. The results show that structure I bind strongly to all B-form DNA structures showing typical hypochromism and bathochromism of the alkaloid's absorption maximum, quenching of steady-state fluorescence intensity and perturbations in circular dichroic spectrum. The structure II does not bind to DNA, but in presence of large amount of DNA significant population of structure I is generated, which binds to DNA and forms a structure I-DNA intercalated complex. The nature and magnitude of the spectral pattern are very much dependent on the structure as well as base composition of each DNA. The generation of the structure I from structure II is significantly affected by increasing ionic strength of the medium. The conversion of structure II to structure I in presence of high concentration of DNA in solution is explained through formation of a binding equilibrium process between structure II and structure I-DNA intercalated complex.  相似文献   
Phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) is stimulated by epidermal growth factor via activation of the epidermal growth factor receptors. The PLC inhibitor, 3-nitrocoumarin (3-NC), selectively inhibited PLC-gamma in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells without affecting the activity of PLC-beta. In contrast, inhibitors of PLC-beta, hexadecylphosphocholine and, had no effect on the activity of PLC-gamma. Inhibition of PLC-gamma by 3-NC was associated with an increase in tight junction permeability across Madin-Darby canine kidney cell monolayers, as evidenced by 3-NC-induced decrease in transepithelial electrical resistance and increase in mannitol flux over a concentration range that was inhibitory to PLC-gamma. An analog of 3-NC, 7-hydroxy-3-NC (7-OH-3-NC), which was inactive as an inhibitor of PLC-gamma, also had no effect on tight junction permeability. Treatment with 3-NC caused punctate disruption in the cortical actin filaments. The PLC-gamma inhibitor, 3-NC, but not the inactive analog, 7-OH-3-NC, caused hyperphosphorylation of the tight junction proteins, occludin, ZO-1, and ZO-2. The serine/threonine kinase inhibitor, staurosporine (50-200 nm), significantly attenuated 3-NC-induced hyperphosphorylation of ZO-2. This corresponded with attenuation by staurosporine of 3-NC-induced increase in tight junction permeability, suggesting a relationship between ZO-2 phosphorylation and tight junction permeability.  相似文献   
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