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Genomic DNA from an efficient Hup+ Sesbania-Azorhizobium strain IRBG-46 was isolated, partially digested with EcoRI and fractionated on a 10–40% sucrose density gradient to obtain DNA fragments in the size range of 15–23 kb. In order to isolate hup genes from this strain, a gene bank was constructed in Escherichia coil HB101 using a mobilizable plasmid vector pRK290 having a EcoRI cloning site. Approximately 2x104 Tc-resistant transformants were pooled to constitute the gene bank. Using 12.9 kb EcoRI fragment of cosmid pHU52 as a heterologous hup probe, a total of 2,000 clones were screened by colony hybridization. Five positive clones confirmed by secondary screening and ex planta uptake hydrogenase activity were identified. An insert size in the range of 15–22 kb was revealed by restriction analysis with EcoRI. These five recombinant plasmids containing Hup-determlnants of Azorhizobium IRBG-46 have been designated as pSRH1, pSRH2, pSRH3, pSRH4 and pSRH5. These plasm ids were transferred into Hup- Cicer-Rhizobium strain Rcd 301 to check the expression of hup genes in the new genetic background. In the transconjugants so obtained, the hup genes were found to express under ex planta conditions, and uptake hydrogenase activity ranged from 134 to 392 nmol H2 taken up per h per mg protein.  相似文献   
Ontogeny plays a key role in the evolution of organisms, as changes during the complex processes of development can allow for new traits to arise. Identifying changes in ontogenetic allometry—the relationship between skull shape and size during growth—can reveal the processes underlying major evolutionary transformations. Baleen whales (Mysticeti, Cetacea) underwent major morphological changes in transitioning from their ancestral raptorial feeding mode to the three specialized filter-feeding modes observed in extant taxa. Heterochronic processes have been implicated in the evolution of these feeding modes, and their associated specialized cranial morphologies, but their role has never been tested with quantitative data. Here, we quantified skull shapes ontogeny and reconstructed ancestral allometric trajectories using 3D geometric morphometrics and phylogenetic comparative methods on sample representing modern mysticetes diversity. Our results demonstrate that Mysticeti, while having a common developmental trajectory, present distinct cranial shapes from early in their ontogeny corresponding to their different feeding ecologies. Size is the main driver of shape disparity across mysticetes. Disparate heterochronic processes are evident in the evolution of the group: skim feeders present accelerated growth relative to the ancestral nodes, while Balaenopteridae have overall slower growth, or pedomorphosis. Gray whales are the only taxon with a relatively faster rate of growth in this group, which might be connected to its unique benthic feeding strategy. Reconstructed ancestral allometries and related skull shapes indicate that extinct taxa used less specialized filter-feeding modes, a finding broadly in line with the available fossil evidence.  相似文献   
Recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) is used abundantlyin the clinic to stimulate red blood cell growth in anaemicpatients. The efficacy of the drug depends strongly on the extentof sialylation of its carbohydrate moiety. Prompted by conflictingliterature reports on the issue, we reinvestigated the structuresof the intact sialylated carbohydrate chains of rHuEPO expressedin Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The asparagine-linkedoligosaccharides were released from rHuEPO with N-glycanaseand fractionated by anion-exchange chromatography. The O-linkedoligosaccharides were released under alkaline borohydride conditions.The primary structures of the major sialylated N- and O-typeoligosaccharides were identified by 500-MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy,supported by data from composition analysis, methylation analysis,low- and high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, and fast atombombardment-mass spectrometry. The mod abundant N-linked oligosaccharidesin CHO cell-derived rHuEPO were found to be di-antennary, 2,4-branchedtri-antennary, 2,6-branched tri-antennary and tetra-antennarychains (in the ratio of 7:6:5:82), with the latter containingbetween zero and three repeating N-acetyllactosamine units,in well-defined branches. The major (>95%) di-, tri- andtetra-antennary structures are fully sialylated, i.e. they havetwo, three and four sialic acid residues, respectively, Linkedexclusively (23) to galactose residues. The majority (>95%)of N-Linked structures contain (16)-linked fucose at the proximalGlcNAc residue. The O-type mono- and disialyl oligosaccharideswere characterized as a linear tri- and a branched tetra-saccharide,respectively. erythropoietin FAB-MS 1H-NMR recombinant glycoprotein sialic acid  相似文献   
Summary Y-peak is found to be a function of ionic strength and concentrations of DNA. The Y-peak reveals close dynamic interaction between DNA and solvent system. Electronic transitions responsible for Y-peak are not the same transitions that are responsible for X-peak. Y-peak's electronic transitions are indicative of charge transfer complex formation between DNA and solvent system.-irradiation induces hyperchromicity due to strand separation at lower doses. A-T base pairs are first to undergo coiled state as shown byTm spread. Strand chopping and saturation of double bonds of the exposed bases by free radicals (H° and OH°) give rise to hypochromic regions at X-peak. Rise in ionic strength and the concentration of DNA has protective effect against-damage. Y-peak is found to be a function of solvent, whereas, X-peak is independent of solvent nature.  相似文献   
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is highly compartmentalized, with distinct viral genotypes being found in the lungs, brain, and other organs compared with blood. CCR5 and CXCR4 are the principal HIV-1 coreceptors, and a number of other molecules support entry in vitro but their roles in vivo are uncertain. To address the relationship between tissue compartmentalization and the selective use of entry coreceptors, we generated functional env clones from primary isolates derived from the lungs and blood of three infected individuals and analyzed their use of the principal, secondary, orphan, and virus-encoded coreceptors for fusion. All Env proteins from lung viruses used CCR5 but not CXCR4, while those from blood viruses used CCR5 or CXCR4 or both. The orphan receptor APJ was widely used for fusion by Env proteins from both blood and lung viruses, but none used the cytomegalovirus-encoded receptor US28. Fusion mediated by the secondary coreceptors CCR2b, CCR3, CCR8, and CX3CR1 and orphan receptors GPR1, GPR15, and STRL33 was variable and heterogeneous, with relatively broad utilization by env clones from isolates of one subject but limited use by env clones from the other two subjects. However, there was no clear distinction between blood and lung viruses in secondary or orphan coreceptor fusion patterns. In contrast to fusion, none of the secondary or orphan receptors enabled efficient productive infection. These results confirm, at the level of cofactor utilization, previous observations that HIV-1 populations in the lungs and blood are biologically distinct and demonstrate diversity within lung-derived as well as blood-derived quasispecies. However, the heterogeneity in coreceptor utilization among clones from each isolate and the lack of clear distinction between lung- and blood-derived Env proteins argue against selective coreceptor utilization as a major determinant of compartmentalization.  相似文献   
4-[4-(N-Substituted-thio-carbamoyl)-1-piperazinyl]-6-methoxy-7-alkoxyamino-quinazoline derivatives such as 14 (CT53986) have been identified to be potent and selective inhibitors of the phosphorylation of PDGFR. SAR-investigations are described in the arylamine segment, C-7 appendage, and the thiourea moiety. Bioisosteres of thiourea (cyanoguanidine), and of quinazoline (quinoline-3-carbonitrile) were synthesized and are compared for their in vitro inhibitory activity. PK profiles of the optimized compounds in rat, dog, and cynomolgus monkey are described.  相似文献   
Preexisting immunity to adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has been shown to suppress the immunogenicity of recombinant Ad5 (rAd5) vector-based vaccines for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) in both preclinical studies and clinical trials. A potential solution to this problem is to utilize rAd vectors derived from rare Ad serotypes, such as Ad35. However, rAd35 vectors have appeared less immunogenic than rAd5 vectors in preclinical studies to date. In this study, we explore the hypothesis that the differences in immunogenicity between rAd5 and rAd35 vectors may be due in part to differences between the fiber proteins of these viruses. We constructed capsid chimeric rAd35 vectors containing the Ad5 fiber knob (rAd35k5) and compared the immunogenicities of rAd5, rAd35k5, and rAd35 vectors expressing simian immunodeficiency virus Gag and HIV-1 Env in mice and rhesus monkeys. In vitro studies demonstrated that rAd35k5 vectors utilized the Ad5 receptor CAR rather than the Ad35 receptor CD46. In vivo studies showed that rAd35k5 vectors were more immunogenic than rAd35 vectors in both mice and rhesus monkeys. These data suggest that the Ad5 fiber knob contributes substantially to the immunogenicity of rAd vectors. Moreover, these studies demonstrate that capsid chimeric rAd vectors can be constructed to combine beneficial immunologic and serologic properties of different Ad serotypes.  相似文献   
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