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To isolate genes encoding coenzyme B(12)-dependent glycerol and diol dehydratases, metagenomic libraries from three different environmental samples were constructed after allowing growth of the dehydratase-containing microorganisms present for 48 h with glycerol under anaerobic conditions. The libraries were searched for the targeted genes by an activity screen, which was based on complementation of a constructed dehydratase-negative Escherichia coli strain. In this way, two positive E. coli clones out of 560,000 tested clones were obtained. In addition, screening was performed by colony hybridization with dehydratase-specific DNA fragments as probes. The screening of 158,000 E. coli clones by this method yielded five positive clones. Two of the plasmids (pAK6 and pAK8) recovered from the seven positive clones contained genes identical to those encoding the glycerol dehydratase of Citrobacter freundii and were not studied further. The remaining five plasmids (pAK2 to -5 and pAK7) contained two complete and three incomplete dehydratase-encoding gene regions, which were similar to the corresponding regions of enteric bacteria. Three (pAK2, -3, and -7) coded for glycerol dehydratases and two (pAK4 and -5) coded for diol dehydratases. We were able to perform high-level production and purification of three of these dehydratases. The glycerol dehydratases purified from E. coli Bl21/pAK2.1 and E. coli Bl21/pAK7.1 and the complemented hybrid diol dehydratase purified from E. coli Bl21/pAK5.1 were subject to suicide inactivation by glycerol and were cross-reactivated by the reactivation factor (DhaFG) for the glycerol dehydratase of C. freundii. The activities of the three environmentally derived dehydratases and that of glycerol dehydratase of C. freundii with glycerol or 1,2-propanediol as the substrate were inhibited in the presence of the glycerol fermentation product 1,3-propanediol. Taking the catalytic efficiency, stability against inactivation by glycerol, and inhibition by 1,3-propanediol into account, the hybrid diol dehydratase produced by E. coli Bl21/pAK5.1 exhibited the best properties of all tested enzymes for application in the biotechnological production of 1,3-propanediol.  相似文献   
The icosahedral procapsid of tailed bacteriophages is composed of a large number of identical subunits and of minor proteins found in a few copies. Proteins present in a very low copy number are targeted to the viral procapsid by an unknown mechanism. Bacteriophage SPP1 procapsids and mature virions contain two copies of gp7 on average. Gp7 forms stable complexes with the SPP1 portal protein gp6. Deletion of the gp6 carboxyl-terminus and the mutation Y467-->C localized in the same region prevent gp6-gp7 complex formation. Gp7 binds double-stranded and single-stranded DNA. Gp6 competes for this interaction, and purified gp6-gp7 complexes do not bind DNA. Procapsid structures assembled in the absence of gp6 or carrying the mutant gp6 Y467-->C lack gp7. The gp6-gp7 interaction thus targets gp7 to the procapsid where the portal protein is localized asymmetrically at a single vertex of the icosahedral structure. The interaction between the two proteins is disrupted during viral assembly. Proteins homologous to gp6 and gp7 are coded by contiguous genes in a variety of phage genomes from Gram-positive bacteria, suggesting that the gp6-gp7 complex is widespread in this group of phages. Transient association with the portal protein, an essential component of tailed bacteriophages and herpes viruses, provides a novel strategy to target minor proteins to the virion structure that might be operative in a large number of viruses.  相似文献   
Bacteriophage phi6 has a segmented double-stranded RNA genome. The genomic single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) precursors are packaged into a preformed protein capsid, the polymerase complex, composed of viral proteins P1, P2, P4, and P7. Packaging of the genomic precursors is an energy-dependent process requiring nucleoside triphosphates. Protein P4, a nonspecific nucleoside triphosphatase, has previously been suggested to be the prime candidate for the viral packaging engine, based on its location at the vertices of the viral capsid and its biochemical characteristics. In this study we were able to obtain stable polymerase complex particles that are completely devoid of P4. Such particles were not able to package ssRNA segments and did not display RNA polymerase (either minus- or plus-strand synthesis) activity. Surprisingly, a mutation in P4, S250Q, which reduced the level of P4 in the particles to about 10% of the wild-type level, did not affect RNA packaging activity or change the kinetics of packaging. Moreover, such particles displayed minus-strand synthesis activity. However, no plus-strand synthesis was observed, suggesting that P4 has a role in the plus-strand synthesis reaction also.  相似文献   
Calcium is a universal messenger that translates diverse environmental stimuli and developmental cues into specific cellular and developmental responses. While individual fungal species have evolved complex and often unique biochemical and structural mechanisms to exploit specific ecological niches and to adjust growth and development in response to external stimuli, one universal feature to all is that Ca2+-mediated signaling is involved. The lack of a robust method for imaging spatial and temporal dynamics of subcellular Ca2+ (i.e., “Ca2+ signature”), readily available in the plant and animal systems, has severely limited studies on how this signaling pathway controls fungal growth, development, and pathogenesis. Here, we report the first successful expression of a FRET (Förster Resonance Energy Transfer)-based Ca2+ biosensor in fungi. Time-lapse imaging of Magnaporthe oryzae, Fusarium oxysporum, and Fusarium graminearum expressing this sensor showed that instead of a continuous gradient, the cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]c) change occurred in a pulsatile manner with no discernable gradient between pulses, and each species exhibited a distinct Ca2+ signature. Furthermore, occurrence of pulsatile Ca2+ signatures was age and development dependent, and major [Ca2+]c transients were observed during hyphal branching, septum formation, differentiation into specialized plant infection structures, cell–cell contact and in planta growth. In combination with the sequenced genomes and ease of targeted gene manipulation of these and many other fungal species, the data, materials and methods developed here will help understand the mechanism underpinning Ca2+-mediated control of cellular and developmental changes, its role in polarized growth forms and the evolution of Ca2+ signaling across eukaryotic kingdoms.  相似文献   
To investigate the influence of the proto-oncogene c-MYC on tumor development in different epithelial tissues which secrete Clara Cell Secretory Protein (uteroglobin, UG), transgenic mouse lines were established expressing the human c-MYC proto-oncogene under the control of the rabbit UG-promoter. These mice expressed the c-MYC transgene in Clara cells and other UG expressing tissues like uterus and prostate. In the bronchioalveolar epithelium of the lung hyperplasias developed originating from Clara cells. Surprisingly, transgenics most frequently developed T-lymphoblastic lymphomas, a polycystic kidney phenotype and renal cell carcinoma derived from tubular epithelial cells, which are both tissues that had so far not been known to express UG. Immunohistological studies in UG/MYC transgenics and in a transgenic line (UG/eGFP) expressing Green Fluorescent Protein confirmed that the uteroglobin promoter is not only active in Clara cells, but also in tubular epithelial cells of the kidney and in lymphatic tissue. The UG/MYC transgenics will be useful to investigate the biochemical mechanisms underlying the development of carcinomas and the oncogenic properties of c-MYC in epithelial cells of various tissues.  相似文献   
The prokaryotic diversity of aerobic and anaerobic bacterial isolates and of bacterial and archaeal 16S rDNA clones was determined for a microbial mat sample from the moated region of Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. Among the anaerobic bacteria, members of Clostridium estertheticum and some other psychrotolerant strains dominated whereas methanogens and other Archaea were lacking. Isolates highly related to Flavobacterium hibernum, Janthiniobacterium lividum, and Arthrobacter flavus were among the aerobic bacteria most frequently isolated. Assessment of more than 350 partial 16S rDNA clone sequences of libraries generated by Bacteria- and Archaea-specific PCR primers revealed a rich spectrum of bacterial diversity but only two different archaeal clone sequences. Among the Bacteria, representative sequences belonged to the class Proteobacteria, order Verrucomicrobiales, class Actinobacteria, Clostridium/Bacillus subphylum of Gram-positives, and the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum. The clones formed about 70 higher taxonomy groups (<98% sequence similarity) and 133 potential species, i.e., groups of clones sharing greater than 98% similarity. Only rarely were clone sequences found to be highly related to Lake Fryxell isolates and to strains of described species. Subsequent analysis of ten sequencing batches of 36 individual clones indicated that the diversity might be still higher than had been assessed.  相似文献   


The connection of the variable part of the heavy chain (VH) and and the variable part of the light chain (VL) by a peptide linker to form a consecutive polypeptide chain (single chain antibody, scFv) was a breakthrough for the functional production of antibody fragments in Escherichia coli. Being double the size of fragment variable (Fv) fragments and requiring assembly of two independent polypeptide chains, functional Fab fragments are usually produced with significantly lower yields in E. coli. An antibody design combining stability and assay compatibility of the fragment antigen binding (Fab) with high level bacterial expression of single chain Fv fragments would be desirable. The desired antibody fragment should be both suitable for expression as soluble antibody in E. coli and antibody phage display.  相似文献   


Members of the genus Nocardia are ubiquitous environmental saprophytes capable to cause human pulmonary, disseminated and cutaneous nocardiosis or bovine mastitis. Innate immunity appears to play an important role in early defense against Nocardia species. To elucidate the contribution of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) in innate defense against Nocardia, the activity of human α-defensins human neutrophil peptides (HNPs) 1-3, human β-defensin (hBD)-3 and cathelicidin LL-37 as well as bovine β-defensins lingual and tracheal antimicrobial peptides (LAP, TAP) and bovine neutrophil-derived indolicidin against four important Nocardia species was investigated.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: In recent years, there have been various efforts to overcome the limitations of standard clustering approaches for the analysis of gene expression data by grouping genes and samples simultaneously. The underlying concept, which is often referred to as biclustering, allows to identify sets of genes sharing compatible expression patterns across subsets of samples, and its usefulness has been demonstrated for different organisms and datasets. Several biclustering methods have been proposed in the literature; however, it is not clear how the different techniques compare with each other with respect to the biological relevance of the clusters as well as with other characteristics such as robustness and sensitivity to noise. Accordingly, no guidelines concerning the choice of the biclustering method are currently available. RESULTS: First, this paper provides a methodology for comparing and validating biclustering methods that includes a simple binary reference model. Although this model captures the essential features of most biclustering approaches, it is still simple enough to exactly determine all optimal groupings; to this end, we propose a fast divide-and-conquer algorithm (Bimax). Second, we evaluate the performance of five salient biclustering algorithms together with the reference model and a hierarchical clustering method on various synthetic and real datasets for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Arabidopsis thaliana. The comparison reveals that (1) biclustering in general has advantages over a conventional hierarchical clustering approach, (2) there are considerable performance differences between the tested methods and (3) already the simple reference model delivers relevant patterns within all considered settings.  相似文献   
Collagen XVI is integrated tissue-dependently into distinct fibrillar aggregates, such as D-banded cartilage fibrils and fibrillin-1-containing microfibrils. In skin, the distribution of collagen XVI overlaps that of the collagen-binding integrins alpha1 beta1 and alpha2 beta1. Basal layer keratinocytes express integrin alpha2 beta1, whereas integrin alpha1 beta1 occurs in smooth muscle cells surrounding blood vessels, in hair follicles, and on adipocytes. Cells bearing the integrins alpha1 beta1 and alpha2 beta1 attach and spread on recombinant collagen XVI. Furthermore, collagen XVI induces the recruitment of these integrins into focal adhesion plaques, a principal step in integrin signaling. Of potential physiological relevance, these integrin-collagen XVI interactions may connect cells with specialized fibrils, thus contributing to the organization of fibrillar and cellular components within connective tissues. In cell-free binding assays, collagen XVI is more avidly bound by alpha1 beta1 integrin than by alpha2 beta1 integrin. Both integrins interact with collagen XVI via the A domain of their alpha subunits. A tryptic collagen XVI fragment comprising the collagenous domains 1-3 is recognized by alpha1 beta1 integrin. Electron microscopy of complexes of alpha1 beta1 integrin with this tryptic collagen XVI fragment or with full-length collagen XVI revealed a unique alpha1 beta1 integrin-binding site within collagen XVI located close to its C-terminal end.  相似文献   
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