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Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are arguably associated with an increased risk of cancer. Certain diseases that are characterized by oxyradical overload, such as Wilson’s disease (WD), have also been associated with a higher risk of liver cancer. The Long-Evans Cinnamon (LEC) rat, an animal model for WD, is genetically predisposed to the spontaneous development of liver cancer and has been shown to be very useful for studying the mechanisms of inflammation-mediated spontaneous carcinogenesis. Endonuclease III (Nth1) plays a significant role in the removal of oxidative DNA damage. Nth1 and a tumor suppressor gene Tuberous sclerosis 2 (Tsc2) are bi-directionally regulated in humans, mice, and rats by a common minimal promoter containing two Ets-binding sites (EBSs). In this study, we examined the expression of Nth1 and Tsc2 genes during disease progression in the LEC rat liver. During the period of acute hepatitis (16–17 weeks), we observed decreased Nth1 and Tsc2 mRNA levels and a continued decrease of the Tsc2 gene in 24 weeks in LEC rats, while the effect was minimal in Long-Evans Agouti (LEA) rats. This reduction in the mRNA levels was due to the reduced binding of EBSs in the Nth1/Tsc2 promoter. Increase in protein oxidation (carbonyl content) during the same time period (16–24 weeks) may have an effect on the promoter binding of regulatory proteins and consequent decrease in Nth1 and Tsc2 gene expressions during tumorigenesis.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori causes gastric ulcer diseases and gastric adenocarcinoma in humans. Not much is known regarding DNA replication in H.pylori that is important for cell survival. Here we report the cloning, expression and characterization of H.pylori DnaB (HpDnaB) helicase both in vitro and in vivo. Among the DnaB homologs, only Escherichia coli DnaB has been studied extensively. HpDnaB showed strong 5′ to 3′ helicase and ATPase activity. Interestingly, H.pylori does not have an obvious DnaC homolog which is essential for DnaB loading on the E.coli chromosomal DNA replication origin (oriC). However, HpDnaB can functionally complement the E.coli DnaB temperature-sensitive mutant at the non-permissive temperature, confirming that HpDnaB is a true replicative helicase. Escherichia coli DnaC co-eluted in the same fraction with HpDnaB following gel filtration analysis suggesting that these proteins might physically interact with each other. It is possible that a functional DnaC homolog is present in H.pylori. The complete characterization of H.pylori DnaB helicase will also help the comparative analysis of DnaB helicases among bacteria.  相似文献   
Three different types of eight organotin(IV) compounds (of which four were newly synthesised) were screened against Bipolaris sorokiniana. The new compounds were characterised by elemental, IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectral analyses. The experiments were carried out in the field and laboratory between the months of November 2006 to March 2007 and November 2007 to March 2008 at Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Cooch Bihar, W.B., India. All of the organotin(IV) compounds were tested for the toxicity assay against Indian wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), cv. Sonalika. The spore germination and growth of B. sorokiniana and the biochemical changes associated with the induction of resistance by these chemicals were also tested. The influence of the organic groups (attached to tin atom) of the three different types of compounds studied on the fungicidal activity is remarkably distinct. Some of the compounds tested are more active in controlling the fungus than a commonly used commercial product.  相似文献   
Signaling pathways mediated by heterotrimeric G-protein complexes comprising Gα, Gβ, and Gγ subunits and their regulatory RGS (Regulator of G-protein Signaling) protein are conserved in all eukaryotes. We have shown that the specific Gβ and Gγ proteins of a soybean (Glycine max) heterotrimeric G-protein complex are involved in regulation of nodulation. We now demonstrate the role of Nod factor receptor 1 (NFR1)-mediated phosphorylation in regulation of the G-protein cycle during nodulation in soybean. We also show that during nodulation, the G-protein cycle is regulated by the activity of RGS proteins. Lower or higher expression of RGS proteins results in fewer or more nodules, respectively. NFR1 interacts with RGS proteins and phosphorylates them. Analysis of phosphorylated RGS protein identifies specific amino acids that, when phosphorylated, result in significantly higher GTPase accelerating activity. These data point to phosphorylation-based regulation of G-protein signaling during nodule development. We propose that active NFR1 receptors phosphorylate and activate RGS proteins, which help maintain the Gα proteins in their inactive, trimeric conformation, resulting in successful nodule development. Alternatively, RGS proteins might also have a direct role in regulating nodulation because overexpression of their phospho-mimic version leads to partial restoration of nodule formation in nod49 mutants.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Intervention in a gene regulatory network is used to help it avoid undesirable states, such as those associated with a disease. Several types of intervention have been studied in the framework of a probabilistic Boolean network (PBN), which is essentially a finite collection of Boolean networks in which at any discrete time point the gene state vector transitions according to the rules of one of the constituent networks. For an instantaneously random PBN, the governing Boolean network is randomly chosen at each time point. For a context-sensitive PBN, the governing Boolean network remains fixed for an interval of time until a binary random variable determines a switch. The theory of automatic control has been previously applied to find optimal strategies for manipulating external (control) variables that affect the transition probabilities of an instantaneously random PBN to desirably affect its dynamic evolution over a finite time horizon. This paper extends the methods of external control to context-sensitive PBNs. RESULTS: This paper treats intervention via external control variables in context-sensitive PBNs by extending the results for instantaneously random PBNs in several directions. First, and most importantly, whereas an instantaneously random PBN yields a Markov chain whose state space is composed of gene vectors, each state of the Markov chain corresponding to a context-sensitive PBN is composed of a pair, the current gene vector occupied by the network and the current constituent Boolean network. Second, the analysis is applied to PBNs with perturbation, meaning that random gene perturbation is permitted at each instant with some probability. Third, the (mathematical) influence of genes within the network is used to choose the particular gene with which to intervene. Lastly, PBNs are designed from data using a recently proposed inference procedure that takes steady-state considerations into account. The results are applied to a context-sensitive PBN derived from gene-expression data collected in a study of metastatic melanoma, the intent being to devise a control strategy that reduces the WNT5A gene's action in affecting biological regulation, since the available data suggest that disruption of this influence could reduce the chance of a melanoma metastasizing.  相似文献   
Sodium bisulfite has been reported first time for the synthesis of 2,5-disubstituted 1,3,4-oxadiazole using microwave and conventional method in ethanol-water. The yields obtained are in the range of 90-95% using microwave and 87-91% using conventional method. All the synthesized compounds (8a-8s) are novel and were evaluated for their in vitro antifungal activity. SAR for the series has been developed by comparing their MIC values with miconazole and fluconazole. Some of the compounds from the series like 8k was equipotent with miconazole against Candida albicans and Fusarium oxysporum. Also compound 8n was equipotent with miconazole against F. oxysporum.  相似文献   
Serine proteases are an abundant class of enzymes that are involved in a wide range of physiological processes and are classified into clans sharing structural homology. The active site of the subtilisin-like clan contains a catalytic triad in the order Asp, His, Ser (S8 family) or a catalytic tetrad in the order Glu, Asp and Ser (S53 family). The core structure and active site geometry of these proteases is of interest for many applications. The aim of this study was to investigate the structural properties of different S8 family serine proteases from a diverse range of taxa using molecular modeling techniques. In conjunction with 12 experimentally determined three-dimensional structures of S8 family members, our predicted structures from an archaeon, protozoan and a plant were used for analysis of the catalytic core. Amino acid sequences were obtained from the MEROPS database and submitted to the LOOPP server for threading based structure prediction. The predicted structures were refined and validated using PROCHECK, SCRWL and MODELYN. Investigation of secondary structures and electrostatic surface potential was performed using MOLMOL. Encompassing a wide range of taxa, our structural analysis provides an evolutionary perspective on S8 family serine proteases. Focusing on the common core containing the catalytic site of the enzyme, the analysis presented here is beneficial for future molecular modeling strategies and structure-based rational drug design.  相似文献   
Enzyme elements that are involved in the reversible cyclization of L-carbamylaspartate to L-dihdroorotate catalyzed by dihydroorotase (EC from Clostridium oroticum (ATCC 25750) have been studied. Removal of Zn(II) from the enzyme by chelators followed by incubation of apoenzyme with Co(II) results in replacement of two to three of the four Zn(II) ions per molecule by Co(II). The catalytic properties of the Zn(II)Co(II) dihydroorotase are different from those of native enzyme. The Vmax is increased for both the synthesis and hydrolysis of L-dihydroorotate. The Km for L-dihydroorotate is unchanged, while the Km for L-carbamylaspartate is increased more than twofold. On the other hand, the kinetic properties of Zn(II)-reconstituted dihydroorotase are indistinguishable from those of native enzyme. The pH dependence of Vmax is also altered by the Co(II) substitution. For both Zn(II)- and Zn(II)Co(II)-dihydroorotase, this pH dependence is well described by a single ionization and the pK's for L-dihydroorotate synthesis and hydrolysis are different. Substitution with Co(II) increases the pK for both reaction directions to different extents. These results strongly support a role for the tightly bound metals in the catalytic mechanism. In addition, diethylpyrocarbonate rapidly inactivates the enzyme. The inactivation is prevented by L-dihydroorotate. This result is consistent with a role for at least one histidine in catalysis. The possibility that C. oroticum dihydroorotase may be useful model for the more complex mammalian enzyme is considered.  相似文献   
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