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The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are ubiquitously expressed enzymes that catalyze the esterification of amino acids to their cognate tRNAs. Autoantibodies against several aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases are found in autoimmune polymyositis and dermatomyositis patients. Because necrosis is often found in skeletal muscle biopsies of these patients, we hypothesized that cell-death-induced protein modifications may help in breaking immunological tolerance. Since cell death is associated with oxidative stress, the effect of oxidative stress on the main myositis-specific autoantibody target Jo-1 (histidyl-tRNA synthetase; HisRS) was studied in detail. The exposure of Jurkat cells to hydrogen peroxide resulted in the detection of several oxidized methionines and one oxidized tryptophan residue in the HisRS protein, as demonstrated by mass spectrometry. Unexpectedly, the tRNA aminoacylation activity of HisRS appeared to be increased upon oxidative modification. The analysis of myositis patient sera did not lead to the detection of autoantibodies that are specifically reactive with the modified HisRS protein. The results of this study demonstrate that the Jo-1/HisRS autoantigen is modified under oxidative stress conditions. The consequences of these modifications for the function of HisRS and its autoantigenicity are discussed.  相似文献   
The pathogenesis of CVB3-induced chronic myocarditis remains unknown. Activated monocytes and macrophages may maintain ongoing inflammation during a persistent CVB3 infection and possibly represent the major mechanism leading to chronic myocarditis. We decided to study the activation status of cells by studying TNFα secretion in vitro using whole blood culture in CVB3-induced murine chronic myocarditis. Seven DBA/2 +/+ mice and 18 NMRI nu/nu mice were inoculated intraperitoneally with 5 × 105 pfu of CVB3, and mice were mock-infected. Thirty-one days post-infection, all mice were sacrificed, blood samples were obtained from the heart, and the heart was removed. Enteroviral genomic detection by RT-PCR, virus isolation and histological analysis of heart samples were performed. Heparinized whole blood (25 μl) was cultured for 4 hr and 24 hr in sterile 96 well-plate containing 225 μl RPMI in the presence or the absence of activators (LPS + PHA). The TNFα levels in the whole blood from mock-infected DBA/2 (n = 4) and NMRI nu/nu mice (n = 5) were not different. A moderate increase of TNFα was observed in three out of five DBA/2 mice with negative CVB3 that had no histological abnormalities in myocardium. An increased level of TNFα was found in the sole DBA/2 mouse with positive CVB3 detection and chronic myocarditis. An increased level of TNFα was found in one out of nine NMRI nu/nu mice with positive CVB3 detection and chronic myocarditis and in one out of seven mice with positive CVB3 detection exempt of lesions in myocardium. In other infected mice, the level of TNFα was normal. Enteroviral genome was not detected in the blood from infected mice at 31 days post-infection. The increased TNFα level in some mice may be designed for a beneficial inflammatory and immune response, however, an exaggerated release may be associated with an adverse effect. The normal TNFα level in whole blood cultures from mice with chronic myocarditis does not exclude enhanced cytokine production at infected loci such as myocardial tissue. This is the first report to use whole blood cultures to study the production of cytokines in virus-induced disease in a small animal model.  相似文献   
Loci associated with longevity are likely to harbor genes coding for key players of molecular pathways involved in a lifelong decreased mortality and decreased/compressed morbidity. However, identifying such loci is challenging. One of the most plausible reasons is the uncertainty in defining long‐lived cases with the heritable longevity trait among long‐living phenocopies. To avoid phenocopies, family selection scores have been constructed, but these have not yet been adopted as state of the art in longevity research. Here, we aim to identify individuals with the heritable longevity trait by using current insights and a novel family score based on these insights. We use a unique dataset connecting living study participants to their deceased ancestors covering 37,825 persons from 1,326 five‐generational families, living between 1788 and 2019. Our main finding suggests that longevity is transmitted for at least two subsequent generations only when at least 20% of all relatives are long‐lived. This proves the importance of family data to avoid phenocopies in genetic studies.  相似文献   
The human monocyte cell line U937 was differentiated into an adherent macrophage phenotype using phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) to assay the phagocytosis of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) that may play a role in atherosclerosis. Microbeads were coated with the inflammatory ligand oxLDL to create a novel phagocytosis assay that models the binding of macrophages to oxLDL in the solid phase such as found in the fatty streaks of the arteries. The oxLDL was prepared with LDL from human ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) plasma oxidized with an excess (5 mM) of the strong oxidizing agent CuSO4 and characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with Western blot. The binding of the oxLDL to the beads was confirmed by DilC18–oxLDL staining and confocal microscopy in addition to trypsin digestion of the microbeads for liquid chromatography, electrospray ionization, and tandem mass spectrometry. Phagocytosis of the oxLDL versus human bulk immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1)-coated microbeads was assayed over time, in the presence and absence of serum factors, by pulse chase and with enzyme inhibitor treatments. The ligand beads were then stained with specific antibodies to oxLDL versus human IgG to differentially stain external versus engulfed ligand microbeads. The phagocytosis of oxLDL and IgG ligand microbeads was abolished by the actin polymerization inhibitors cytochalasin D and latrunculin. Pharmacological inhibitors of the receptor enzymes JAK, SRC, and PLC prevented both IgG and oxLDL receptor function. In contrast, the function of the oxLDL phagocytic receptor complex was more sensitive to inhibition of PTK2, PKC, and SYK activity.  相似文献   
Chimpanzees and gorillas are the only nonhuman primates known to harbor viruses closely related to HIV-1. Phylogenetic analyses showed that gorillas acquired the simian immunodeficiency virus SIVgor from chimpanzees, and viruses from the SIVcpz/SIVgor lineage have been transmitted to humans on at least four occasions, leading to HIV-1 groups M, N, O, and P. To determine the geographic distribution, prevalence, and species association of SIVgor, we conducted a comprehensive molecular epidemiological survey of wild gorillas in Central Africa. Gorilla fecal samples were collected in the range of western lowland gorillas (n = 2,367) and eastern Grauer gorillas (n = 183) and tested for SIVgor antibodies and nucleic acids. SIVgor antibody-positive samples were identified at 2 sites in Cameroon, with no evidence of infection at 19 other sites, including 3 in the range of the Eastern gorillas. In Cameroon, based on DNA and microsatellite analyses of a subset of samples, we estimated the prevalence of SIVgor to be 1.6% (range, 0% to 4.6%), which is significantly lower than the prevalence of SIVcpzPtt in chimpanzees (5.9%; range, 0% to 32%). All newly identified SIVgor strains formed a monophyletic lineage within the SIVcpz radiation, closely related to HIV-1 groups O and P, and clustered according to their field site of origin. At one site, there was evidence for intergroup transmission and a high intragroup prevalence. These isolated hot spots of SIVgor-infected gorilla communities could serve as a source for human infection. The overall low prevalence and sporadic distribution of SIVgor could suggest a decline of SIVgor in wild populations, but it cannot be excluded that SIVgor is still more prevalent in other parts of the geographical range of gorillas.Simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) have been identified in approximately 40 African primate species, but chimpanzees and gorillas are the only nonhuman primates known to harbor viruses closely related to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) (38). These viruses have been transmitted to humans on at least four occasions, leading to four different HIV-1 groups, M to P (14, 26). West central African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes troglodytes) in southern Cameroon are recognized as the reservoir of the ancestors of HIV-1 group M, which resulted in the AIDS pandemic, and of HIV-1 group N, which has been identified in only a few individuals in Cameroon (15). Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are infected with SIVgor, which is closely related to the two other HIV-1 lineages, termed group O, which represents 1% of HIV-1 infections in west central Africa, and group P, recently described from a single Cameroonian patient residing in France (26, 36).The phylogenetic relationships between SIVcpz, SIVgor, and HIV-1 show that chimpanzees are the original reservoir of SIVs found in gorillas and humans (31, 36). Pan troglodytes troglodytes apes were most likely the original source of SIVgor, because SIVgor is significantly more closely related to SIVcpzPtt, from Pan troglodytes troglodytes in west central Africa, than to SIVcpzPts, from Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii in east Africa. In addition, an ancestral SIVcpzPtt lineage from which SIVgor and HIV-1 group O viruses are derived has been identified in the form of mosaic pol fragments in present-day SIVcpzPtt recombinants (2, 31). However, the ways of transmission and the exact origin of SIVgor infection in gorillas are not yet resolved. Because of the extensive overlap in habitat and diet (6, 23, 29, 33, 40), direct encounters between gorillas and chimpanzees seem inevitable, but they have rarely been observed and have been described as primarily nonaggressive (17, 28). The primate source of HIV-1 groups O and P also remains unclear, since current data do not allow one to differentiate between a chimpanzee and a gorilla reservoir, especially for HIV-1 group O (26, 31, 36).To determine the geographic distribution, prevalence, and species association of SIVgor, we performed a comprehensive survey of wild gorilla populations in west central (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and east (Gorilla beringei graueri) Africa. We found an overall prevalence of SIVgor of 1.6%, with infection confirmed at only three field sites. At two of these sites, however, the prevalence of SIVgor was 4.6%, indicating efficient virus spread within and between different communities. The geographic distribution of SIVgor is thus far limited to only a few sites in Cameroon. However, isolated hot spots of infection do exist, which could serve as a source of human infection.  相似文献   
Podosome-type adhesions and focal adhesions, so alike yet so different   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell-matrix adhesions are essential for cell migration, tissue organization and differentiation, therefore playing central roles in embryonic development, remodeling and homeostasis of tissues and organs. Matrix adhesion-dependent signals cooperate with other pathways to regulate biological functions such as cell survival, cell proliferation, wound healing, and tumorigenesis. Cell migration and invasion are integrated processes requiring the continuous, coordinated assembly and disassembly of integrin-mediated adhesions. An understanding of how integrins regulate cell migration and invasiveness through the dynamic regulation of adhesions is fundamental to both physiological and pathological situations. A variety of cell-matrix adhesions has been identified, namely, focal complexes, focal adhesions, fibrillar adhesions, podosomes, and invadopodia (podosome-type adhesions). These adhesion sites contain integrin clusters able to develop specialized structures, which are different in their architecture and dynamics although they share almost the same proteins. Here we compare recent advances and developments in the elucidation of the organization and dynamics of focal adhesions and podosome-type adhesions, in order to understand how such subcellular sites - though closely related in their composition - can be structurally and functionally different. The underlying question is how their respective physiological or pathological roles are related to their distinct organization.  相似文献   


Cultivated peanut, Arachis hypogaea is an allotetraploid of recent origin, with an AABB genome. In common with many other polyploids, it seems that a severe genetic bottle-neck was imposed at the species origin, via hybridisation of two wild species and spontaneous chromosome duplication. Therefore, the study of the genome of peanut is hampered both by the crop's low genetic diversity and its polyploidy. In contrast to cultivated peanut, most wild Arachis species are diploid with high genetic diversity. The study of diploid Arachis genomes is therefore attractive, both to simplify the construction of genetic and physical maps, and for the isolation and characterization of wild alleles. The most probable wild ancestors of cultivated peanut are A. duranensis and A. ipaënsis with genome types AA and BB respectively.


We constructed and characterized two large-insert libraries in Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) vector, one for each of the diploid ancestral species. The libraries (AA and BB) are respectively c. 7.4 and c. 5.3 genome equivalents with low organelle contamination and average insert sizes of 110 and 100 kb. Both libraries were used for the isolation of clones containing genetically mapped legume anchor markers (single copy genes), and resistance gene analogues.


These diploid BAC libraries are important tools for the isolation of wild alleles conferring resistances to biotic stresses, comparisons of orthologous regions of the AA and BB genomes with each other and with other legume species, and will facilitate the construction of a physical map.
The balance of intracellular cholesterol has proven to be critical to the production of beta-amyloid (A beta). Reducing cholesterol in vitro leads to decreased production of A beta, whereas an increase in cellular cholesterol induces A beta production. Liver X Receptor (LXR) agonists are known to increase cholesterol efflux from cells, but there are conflicting reports as to the effects of these agonists on A beta production. We therefore examined the effects of efflux-inducing agents on A beta production in vitro. We used methyl-beta-cyclodextrin and an LXR agonist (TO-901317) to induce cholesterol efflux and studied the resulting A beta production in a stable amyloid precursor protein (APP) -transfected cell line. When cholesterol efflux was induced with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin there was a >60% decrease in A beta(40) and A beta(42) production. However, while activation of LXR using TO-901317-induced cholesterol efflux in the presence of a cholesterol acceptor, no changes in A beta levels were recorded. When cells were incubated with TO-901317 above the concentration required for maximal cholesterol efflux, there was a 150% increase in A beta(42) levels. The absence of a cholesterol acceptor from the culture media (preventing cholesterol efflux) did not blunt this increase in A beta(42), suggesting that the effects of TO-901317 on A beta(42) are efflux independent. These results were confirmed in APP stably transfected human H4 cells, which revealed in addition to a 200% increase in A beta(42) levels, a concomitant 80% reduction in A beta(38). A cell-free gamma-secretase assay confirmed that TO-901317 can directly alter gamma-secretase activity. These data demonstrate that TO-901317 can directly modulate the site of cleavage of APP by gamma-secretase in vitro.  相似文献   
Armillaria lutea rhizomorphs in soil were mapped over areas of 25 m2 at a Pinus nigra (site I) and a Picea abies (site II) plantation. Rhizomorph density was 4.3 and 6.1 m m(-2) soil surface with 84% and 48% of the total rhizomorph length in the mapped area interconnected in a network at site I and site II, respectively. At site I there were only two network attachments to Pinus stumps, but at site II many more to Picea roots and stumps. Anastomoses of rhizomorphs resulted in cyclic paths, parts of the network that start and end at the same point. Connections between different rhizomorph segments were shown to allow gaseous exchange. The network at site I consisted of 169 rhizomorphs ('edges'), and 107 rhizomorph nodes ('vertices'). Disruption of two critical edges ('bridges') would lead to large parts (13% and 11%) being disconnected from the remainder of the mapped network. There was a low probability that amputation of a randomly chosen edge would separate the network into two disconnected components. The high level of connectedness may enhance redistribution of nutrients and provide a robust rhizomorph structure, allowing Armillaria to respond opportunistically to spatially and temporally changing environments.  相似文献   
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