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Composition, abundance, and diversity of Crustacea Peracarida were investigated on a transect across the Kolbeinsey Ridge, north of Iceland in summer 1992 during the M21/5 expedition with RV Meteor. This ridge is influenced by both the cold East Greenland Current as well as the warmer East Iceland Current, mixing with warmer Atlantic water. Sampling has been performed using an epibenthic sledge modified after Rothlishberg & Pearcy (1977). Being one of the most important components of the macrobenthic epi- and suprafauna, composition, abundance, and diversity of peracarids was significantly different on western and eastern sides of the slope. Isopoda and Amphipoda were most frequent at all stations, followed by Cumacea and Tanaidacea. Mysidacea have only been sampled on the eastern slope. Abundance and diversity were highest on the two eastern stations in depths of 830–940 meters, values decreased on the deepest eastern station in 1100 meter depth and were also low on both western stations in 830 and 860 meters depth. These differences are probably due to sediment composition and to quality and quantity of organic carbon reaching the seafloor, rather than to differences in salinity or in hydrographic regimes. The high abundance of peracarid crustaceans, especially of epibenthic species, capable of burrowing within the first centimeters of sediment, indicate their high potential of bioturbation and also their importance for benthic carbon cycling.  相似文献   
Cdc42 is a small RhoGTPase regulating multiple functions in eukaryotic cells. The activity of Cdc42 is significantly elevated in several tissues of aged mice, while the Cdc42 gain‐of‐activity mouse model presents with a premature aging‐like phenotype and with decreased lifespan. These data suggest a causal connection between elevated activity of Cdc42, aging, and reduced lifespan. Here, we demonstrate that systemic treatment of aged (75‐week‐old) female C57BL/6 mice with a Cdc42 activity‐specific inhibitor (CASIN) for 4 consecutive days significantly extends average and maximum lifespan. Moreover, aged CASIN‐treated animals displayed a youthful level of the aging‐associated cytokines IL‐1β, IL‐1α, and INFγ in serum and a significantly younger epigenetic clock as based on DNA methylation levels in blood cells. Overall, our data show that systemic administration of CASIN to reduce Cdc42 activity in aged mice extends murine lifespan.  相似文献   
Before entering mitosis, the stacks of the Golgi cisternae are separated from each other, and inhibiting this process delays entry of mammalian cells into mitosis. Protein kinase D (PKD) is known to be involved in Golgi-to–cell surface transport by controlling the biogenesis of specific transport carriers. Here we show that depletion of PKD1 and PKD2 proteins from HeLa cells by small interfering RNA leads to the accumulation of cells in the G2 phase of the cell cycle and prevents cells from entering mitosis. We further provide evidence that inhibition of PKD blocks mitotic Raf-1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) activation, and, as a consequence, mitotic Golgi fragmentation, which could be rescued by expression of active MEK1. Finally, Golgi fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analyses demonstrate that PKD is crucial for the cleavage of the noncompact zones of Golgi membranes in G2 phase. Our findings suggest that PKD controls interstack Golgi connections in a Raf-1/MEK1–dependent manner, a process required for entry of the cells into mitosis.  相似文献   
The kinetics of laccase-catalyzed transformation of the azo-dye Diamond Black PV 200 (CI Mordant Black 9) and various related synthesized derivatives were analyzed for dependence on pH and substrate structure. The reaction mixture of Diamond Black PV 200 was analyzed by HPLC/MS–MS and it was shown that upon laccase oxidation, reactive chinoid fragments of lower molecular weight were formed. These may further oligomerize as indicated by the appearance of a number of compounds with increased molecular weight. The pH optimum for the decolorization was pH 5 for Diamond Black PV 200 which did not change significantly when the substitution pattern of its basic structure was varied. Biodegradability, however, was strongly dependent on the structure of the dyes.  相似文献   
Electrospun nanofibres are an excellent cell culture substrate, enabling the fast and non‐disruptive harvest and transfer of adherent cells for microscopical and biochemical analyses. Metabolic activity and cellular structures are maintained during the only half a minute‐long harvest and transfer process. We show here that such samples can be optimally processed by means of cryofixation combined either with freeze‐substitution, sample rehydration and cryosection‐immunolabelling or with freeze‐fracture replica‐immunolabelling. Moreover, electrospun fibre substrates are equally suitable for complementary approaches, such as biochemistry, fluorescence microscopy and cytochemistry.  相似文献   
For every engineer it goes without saying: in order to build a reliable system we need components that consistently behave precisely as they should. It is also well known that neurons, the building blocks of brains, do not satisfy this constraint. Even neurons of the same type come with huge variances in their properties and these properties also vary over time. Synapses, the connections between neurons, are highly unreliable in forwarding signals. In this paper we argue that both these fact add variance to neuronal processes, and that this variance is not a handicap of neural systems, but that instead predictable and reliable functional behavior of neural systems depends crucially on this variability. In particular, we show that higher variance allows a recurrently connected neural population to react more sensitively to incoming signals, and processes them faster and more energy efficient. This, for example, challenges the general assumption that the intrinsic variability of neurons in the brain is a defect that has to be overcome by synaptic plasticity in the process of learning.  相似文献   
The blood-epididymis barrier (BEB) is formed by epithelial tight junctions mediating selective permeability of the epididymal epithelium. Defective barrier function can disturb the balance of the epididymal milieu, which may result in infertility. The stroma of the epididymis contains high amounts of cytokines of the TGFβ family of unknown function. We screened possible effects of all three TGFβ isoforms on paracellular tightness in a BEB in vitro model based on the strongly polarized mouse epididymal epithelial MEPC5 cells in the transwell system. In this model we found a robust transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) of about 840 Ω x cm2. Effects on the paracellular permeability were evaluated by two methods, TER and FITC-Dextran-based tracer diffusion assays. Both assays add up to corresponding results indicating a time-dependent disturbance of the BEB differentially for the three TGFβ isoforms (TGFβ3>TGFβ1>TGFβ2) in a TGFβ-recetor-1 kinase- and Smad-dependent manner. The tight junction protein claudin-1 was found to be reduced by the treatment with TGFβs, whereas occludin was not influenced. Epididymal epithelial cells are predominantly responsive to TGFβs from the basolateral side, suggesting that TGFβ may have an impact on the epididymal epithelium from the stroma in vivo. Our data show for the first time that TGFβs decrease paracellular tightness in epididymal epithelial cells, thus establishing a novel mechanism of regulation of BEB permeability, which is elementary for sperm maturation and male fertility.  相似文献   
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are impaired in social adaptation and display deficits in social competence. Deficient emotion recognition has been discussed to underlie these social problems. However, comorbid conduct problems have not been considered in the majority of studies conducted so far, and the influence of medication on emotion recognition has rarely been studied. Here, emotion recognition performance was assessed in children with ADHD without medication compared with children with ADHD under stimulant medication and a matched control group. In order to rule out confounding by externalizing symptoms, children with comorbid conduct problems were excluded. Video clips with neutral faces developing a basic emotion (happiness, sadness, disgust, fear and anger) were presented in order to assess emotion recognition. Results indicated between-group differences neither concerning the number of correctly identified emotions nor concerning reaction times and their standard deviations. Thus, we suggest that ADHD per se is not associated with deficits in emotion recognition.  相似文献   
Neuroblastoma is an embryonic tumor arising from immature sympathetic nervous system cells. Recurrent genomic alterations include MYCN and ALK amplification as well as recurrent patterns of gains and losses of whole or large partial chromosome segments. A recent whole genome sequencing effort yielded no frequently recurring mutations in genes other than those affecting ALK. However, the study further stresses the importance of DNA copy number alterations in this disease, in particular for genes implicated in neuritogenesis. Here we provide additional evidence for the importance of focal DNA copy number gains and losses, which are predominantly observed in MYCN amplified tumors. A focal 5 kb gain encompassing the MYCN regulated miR-17∼92 cluster as sole gene was detected in a neuroblastoma cell line and further analyses of the array CGH data set demonstrated enrichment for other MYCN target genes in focal gains and amplifications. Next we applied an integrated genomics analysis to prioritize MYCN down regulated genes mediated by MYCN driven miRNAs within regions of focal heterozygous or homozygous deletion. We identified RGS5, a negative regulator of G-protein signaling implicated in vascular normalization, invasion and metastasis, targeted by a focal homozygous deletion, as a new MYCN target gene, down regulated through MYCN activated miRNAs. In addition, we expand the miR-17∼92 regulatory network controlling TGFß signaling in neuroblastoma with the ring finger protein 11 encoding gene RNF11, which was previously shown to be targeted by the miR-17∼92 member miR-19b. Taken together, our data indicate that focal DNA copy number imbalances in neuroblastoma (1) target genes that are implicated in MYCN signaling, possibly selected to reinforce MYCN oncogene addiction and (2) serve as a resource for identifying new molecular targets for treatment.  相似文献   
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