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Integration of energy crops into agricultural landscapes could promote sustainability if they are placed in ways that foster multiple ecosystem services and mitigate ecosystem disservices from existing crops. We conducted a modeling study to investigate how replacing annual energy crops with perennial energy crops along Wisconsin waterways could affect a variety of provisioning and regulating ecosystem services. We found that a switch from continuous corn production to perennial-grass production decreased annual income provisioning by 75%, although it increased annual energy provisioning by 33%, decreased annual phosphorous loading to surface water by 29%, increased below-ground carbon sequestration by 30%, decreased annual nitrous oxide emissions by 84%, increased an index of pollinator abundance by an average of 11%, and increased an index of biocontrol potential by an average of 6%. We expressed the tradeoffs between income provisioning and other ecosystem services as benefit-cost ratios. Benefit-cost ratios averaged 12.06 GJ of additional net energy, 0.84 kg of avoided phosphorus pollution, 18.97 Mg of sequestered carbon, and 1.99 kg of avoided nitrous oxide emissions for every $1,000 reduction in income. These ratios varied spatially, from 2- to 70-fold depending on the ecosystem service. Benefit-cost ratios for different ecosystem services were generally correlated within watersheds, suggesting the presence of hotspots – watersheds where increases in multiple ecosystem services would come at lower-than-average opportunity costs. When assessing the monetary value of ecosystem services relative to existing conservation programs and environmental markets, the overall value of enhanced services associated with adoption of perennial energy crops was far lower than the opportunity cost. However, when we monitized services using estimates for the social costs of pollution, the value of enhanced services far exceeded the opportunity cost. This disparity between recoverable costs and social value represents a fundamental challenge to expansion of perennial energy crops and sustainable agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
Southern European wolves suffered from reiterated population declines during glacial periods and historically due to human persecution. Differently from other European wolf populations, a single mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region haplotype (W14) has been so far described in the Italian wolves, although no intensive genetic sampling has ever been conducted in historical source populations from central and southern Italy. Using non-invasive genetic techniques, we report the occurrence of an unexpected mtDNA haplotype (W16) in the wolf population of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (PNALM), central Italy. This haplotype, detected in three out of 90 faecal samples from the PNALM, was previously reported in wolves from the North Carpathians, Slovakia and the Balkans only. Microsatellite analysis and molecular sex determination confirmed that the W16 samples belonged to three distinct wolves. Although alternative explanations can be formulated for the origin of this mtDNA haplotype in the otherwise monomorphic Italian wolf population, assignment procedures indicated the likely admixed ancestry of one W16 sample with East European wolves. Anthropogenic introgression with dogs has been detected in the Italian wolf population using nuclear DNA microsatellites, but no population-wide genetic survey had previously reported a mtDNA control region variant in Italian wolves. Our findings strongly suggest that, in addition to wolf × dog hybridization, captive-released wolves or wolf × dog hybrids may successfully interbreed with wolves in the wild, and that human-mediated introgression may occur even in well established protected areas.  相似文献   
The treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions represents a challenge for the interventional cardiologists due to the lower rate of procedural success and the higher risk of restenosis. The advent of drug-eluting stents (DES) has dramatically reduced restenosis and consequently the request for re-intervention. The aim of the present work is to provide further insight about the effectiveness of DES by means of a computational study that combines virtual stent implantation, fluid dynamics and drug release for different stenting protocols currently used in the treatment of a coronary artery bifurcation. An explicit dynamic finite element model is developed in order to obtain realistic configurations of the implanted devices used to perform fluid dynamics analysis by means of a previously developed finite element method coupling the blood flow and the intramural plasma filtration in rigid arteries. To efficiently model the drug release, a multiscale strategy is adopted, ranging from lumped parameter model accounting for drug release to fully 3-D models for drug transport to the artery. Differences in drug delivery to the artery are evaluated with respect to local drug dosage. This model allowed to compare alternative stenting configurations (namely the Provisional Side Branch, the Culotte and the Inverted Culotte techniques), thus suggesting guidelines in the treatment of coronary bifurcation lesions and addressing clinical issues such as the effectiveness of drug delivery to lesions in the side branch, as well as the influence of incomplete strut apposition and overlapping stents.  相似文献   
Most work on embryonic stem cell differentiation uses mammalian cells derived from the blastocyst stage and some of the most widely used protocols to induce differentiation involve growing these cells in monolayer culture. Equivalent stem cells can be obtained from embryos of non-mammalian vertebrates, but to date this has only been successful in birds. These cells can contribute to all somatic lineages in chimaeras and can be induced to differentiate into a variety of cell types in vitro via embryoid body formation. However to date there are no reliable methods for differentiating them into descendants from each of the germ layers in monolayer culture, comparable to the protocols used in mammals. Here we describe three simple and reproducible protocols for differentiation of chick embryonic stem cells into mesoderm (bone), endoderm and neuroectoderm (neurons and glia) in monolayer culture. These methods open the way for more direct comparisons of the properties of mammalian and avian embryonic stem cells that may highlight similarities and differences.  相似文献   
Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) of Streptococcus pneumoniae is based on the sequence of seven housekeeping gene fragments. The analysis of MLST allelic profiles by eBURST allows the grouping of genetically related strains into Clonal Complexes (CCs) including those genotypes with a common descent from a predicted ancestor. However, the increasing use of MLST to characterize S. pneumoniae strains has led to the identification of a large number of new Sequence Types (STs) causing the merger of formerly distinct lineages into larger CCs. An example of this is the CC156, displaying a high level of complexity and including strains with allelic profiles differing in all seven of the MLST loci, capsular type and the presence of the Pilus Islet-1 (PI-1). Detailed analysis of the CC156 indicates that the identification of new STs, such as ST4945, induced the merging of formerly distinct clonal complexes. In order to discriminate the strain diversity within CC156, a recently developed typing schema, 96-MLST, was used to analyse 66 strains representative of 41 different STs. Analysis of allelic profiles by hierarchical clustering and a minimum spanning tree identified ten genetically distinct evolutionary lineages. Similar results were obtained by phylogenetic analysis on the concatenated sequences with different methods. The identified lineages are homogenous in capsular type and PI-1 presence. ST4945 strains were unequivocally assigned to one of the lineages. In conclusion, the identification of new STs through an exhaustive analysis of pneumococcal strains from various laboratories has highlighted that potentially unrelated subgroups can be grouped into a single CC by eBURST. The analysis of additional loci, such as those included in the 96-MLST schema, will be necessary to accurately discriminate the clonal evolution of the pneumococcal population.  相似文献   
In South America, the order Atheriniformes includes the monophyletic genus Odontesthes with 20 species that inhabit freshwater, estuarine and coastal environments. Pejerrey Odontesthes argentinensis is widely distributed in coastal and estuarine areas of the Atlantic Ocean and is known to foray into estuaries of river systems, particularly in conditions of elevated salinity. However, to our knowledge, a landlocked self-sustaining population has never been recorded. In this study, we examined the pejerrey population of Salada de Pedro Luro Lake (south-east of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) to clarify its taxonomic identity. An integrative taxonomic analysis based on traditional meristic, landmark-based morphometrics and genetic techniques suggests that the Salada de Pedro Luro pejerrey population represents a novel case of physiological and morphological adaptation of a marine pejerrey species to a landlocked environment and emphasises the environmental plasticity of this group of fishes.  相似文献   
Oxidative stress is considered the common effector of the cascade of degenerative events in many neurological conditions. Thus, in this paper we tested different nutraceuticals in H2O2 in vitro model to understand if could represent an adjuvant treatment for neurological diseases. In this study, nutraceuticals bacopa, lycopene, astaxanthin, and vitamin B12 were used alone or in combination in human neuronal differentiated SH-SY5Y cells upon hydrogen peroxide-induced injury and neuroprotective, neuronal death pathways were analyzed. The nutraceuticals analyzed were able to protect H2O2 cytotoxic effects, through increasing cell viability and proteins involved in neuroprotection pathways and restoring proteins involved in cell death pathways. On this basis, it is possible to propose the use of these compounds as dietary supplement for the prevention or as adjuvant to the only symptomatic treatments so far available for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   
By analysing the cellular and subcellular events that occur in the centre of the developing zebrafish neural rod, we have uncovered a novel mechanism of cell polarisation during lumen formation. Cells from each side of the neural rod interdigitate across the tissue midline. This is necessary for localisation of apical junctional proteins to the region where cells intersect the tissue midline. Cells assemble a mirror‐symmetric microtubule cytoskeleton around the tissue midline, which is necessary for the trafficking of proteins required for normal lumen formation, such as partitioning defective 3 and Rab11a to this point. This occurs in advance and is independent of the midline cell division that has been shown to have a powerful role in lumen organisation. To our knowledge, this is the first example of the initiation of apical polarisation part way along the length of a cell, rather than at a cell extremity. Although the midline division is not necessary for apical polarisation, it confers a morphogenetic advantage by efficiently eliminating cellular processes that would otherwise bridge the developing lumen.  相似文献   
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