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Phylogenetic relationships of Asphodelaceae were investigatedby parsimony analysis of 57 monocotrbcL nucleotide sequences,including 17 genera that have at some time been assigned tothe family. All genera of Asphodelaceae except for three (Hemiphylacus,Paradisea and Simethis) form a strongly supported monophyleticgroup with Hemerocallidaceae and Xanthorrhoeaceae as their immediatesister taxa. In a second analysis, we added 34 plastid trnL-Fsequences (an intron and a spacer between two transfer RNA genes)for the Asphodelaceae clade and nearest outgroup families (Doryanthaceae,Hemerocallidaceae, Iridaceae, Ixioliriaceae, Tecophilaeaceaeand Xanthorrhoeaceae) in an attempt to improve resolution andlevels of internal support. The results from the separate analysesproduced highly similar although not identical results. No stronglysupported incongruent groups occurred, and we combined bothsequence regions in one analysis, which demonstrated improvedresults. Strong support exists for a monophyletic subfamilyAlooideae, but this leaves a paraphyletic subfamily Asphodeloideaebecause Bulbine/Jodrellia alone are strongly supported as thesister group of Alooideae. Characters that have been used toseparate Alooideae as a distinct group (either as here a subfamilyor as a separate family by other authors), such as secondarygrowth and bimodal karyotypes, are found in at least some membersof Asphodeloideae, particularly in Bulbine and Jodrellia forthe karyotypes, making Alooideae less easily recognized. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Alooideae, Asphodeloideae, Asphodelaceae, Asparagales, phylogenetic analysis, rbcL, trnL-F, molecular systematics  相似文献   
Repeated exposures to both microbial and innocuous Ags in vivo have been reported to both eliminate and tolerize T cells after their initial activation and expansion. The remaining tolerant T cells have been shown to suppress the response of naive T cells in vitro. This feature is reminiscent of natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. However, it is not known whether the regulatory function of in vivo-tolerized T cells is similar to the function of natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells. In this study, we demonstrate that CD4(+)CD25(+) as well as CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells isolated from mice treated with superantigen three consecutive times to induce tolerance were functionally comparable to natural CD4(+)CD25(+) regulatory T cells, albeit more potent. The different subpopulations of in vivo-tolerized CD4(+) T cells efficiently down-modulated costimulatory molecules on dendritic cells, and their suppressive functions were strictly cell contact dependent. Importantly, we demonstrate that conventional CD4(+)CD25(-) T cells could also be induced to acquire regulatory functions by the same regimen in the absence of natural regulatory T cells in vivo, but that such regulatory cells were functionally different.  相似文献   
There is evidence that women are better in recognizing their own and others' emotions. The female advantage in emotion recognition becomes even more apparent under conditions of rapid stimulus presentation. Affective priming paradigms have been developed to examine empirically whether facial emotion stimuli presented outside of conscious awareness color our impressions. It was observed that masked emotional facial expression has an affect congruent influence on subsequent judgments of neutral stimuli. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of gender on affective priming based on negative and positive facial expression. In our priming experiment sad, happy, neutral, or no facial expression was briefly presented (for 33 ms) and masked by neutral faces which had to be evaluated. 81 young healthy volunteers (53 women) participated in the study. Subjects had no subjective awareness of emotional primes. Women did not differ from men with regard to age, education, intelligence, trait anxiety, or depressivity. In the whole sample, happy but not sad facial expression elicited valence congruent affective priming. Between-group analyses revealed that women manifested greater affective priming due to happy faces than men. Women seem to have a greater ability to perceive and respond to positive facial emotion at an automatic processing level compared to men. High perceptual sensitivity to minimal social-affective signals may contribute to women's advantage in understanding other persons' emotional states.  相似文献   
Biotin deficiency is associated with fetal malformations and activation of cell survival pathways in mammals. In this study we determined whether biotin status affects life span, stress resistance, and fertility in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Male and female flies of the Canton-S strain had free access to diets containing 6.0 (control), 4.8, 2.5, or 0 pmol biotin/100 mg. Biotin concentrations in diets correlated with activities of biotin-dependent propionyl-CoA carboxylase and biotin concentrations in fly homogenates, but not with biotinylation of histones (DNA-binding proteins). Propionyl-CoA carboxylase activities and biotin concentrations were lower in males than in females fed diets low in biotin. The life span of biotin-deficient males and females was up to 30% shorter compared to biotin-sufficient controls. Exposure to oxidative stress reversed the effects of biotin status on survival in male flies: survival times increased by 40% in biotin-deficient males compared to biotin-sufficient controls. Biotin status did not affect survival of females exposed to oxidative stress. Exposure of flies to cold, heat, and oxidative stress was associated with mobilization of biotin from yet unknown sources. Biotin deficiency decreased fertility of flies. When biotin-deficient males and females were mated, the hatching rate (larvae hatched per egg) decreased by about 28% compared to biotin-sufficient controls. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that biotin affects life span, stress resistance, and fertility in fruit flies.  相似文献   
We evaluated the effect of increased plasma cortisol levels on fish antipredator behavior induced by conspecific chemical alarm cues. The experimental model for the study was the Frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator. We first confirmed that the alarm substance induces typical defensive antipredator responses in Frillfin gobies and described their alarm substance cells (epidermal ‘club’ cells). Second, we confirmed that intraperitoneal cortisol implants increase plasma cortisol levels in this species. We then demonstrated that exogenous cortisol administration and subsequent exposure to an alarm substance decreased swimming activity to a greater extent than the activity prompted by either stimulus alone. In addition, cortisol did not abolish the sheltering response to the alarm chemical cue even though it decreased activity. As predators use prey movements to guide their first contact with the prey, a factor that decreases swimming activity clearly increases the probability of survival. Consequently, this observation indicates that cortisol helps improve the antipredator response in fish.  相似文献   
Gene function can be deduced from lack or gain of activity. For the manipulation of gene doses or activity in Drosophila, a set of P-based vectors was constructed containing green fluorescent protein as marker. pBLUEi, pGREENi and pYELLi were designed for large insert transformation. Mosaicism was generated in vivo with pFlipG which is also ideal for targeted gene disruption. Tissue-specific gene silencing in vivo was performed with the vector set pHIBS and pUdsGFP. pHIBS allows easy cloning and shuttling of double-headed constructs. With pUdsGFP, double stranded RNA can be produced in defined patterns and the area of interference simultaneously visualized by green fluorescence. We demonstrate nearly complete silencing of a ubiquitously expressed gene in a tissue-specific manner.  相似文献   
Reptiles, including the Burmese python, Python molurus bivittatus, that feed at infrequent intervals show a prominent increase in gastrointestinal mass, metabolism and brush border transport rates after feeding. Current knowledge and theories around these phenomena, as well as studies on the innervation of the reptilian gut, are summarised in this review. Little is known about the putative changes in the nervous and humoral control systems of the gut, and it is not known whether feeding affects innervation and motility of the stomach and intestine. Using immunohistochemistry, we have investigated possible up/down regulation of several neurotransmitters in specimens that had been fasted for a minimum of 3 weeks and specimens that had ingested a large meal 2 days before the experiments were conducted. There were no major changes in the innervation by nerves containing calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), galanin, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), somatostatin (SOM), substance P/neurokinin A (SP/NKA), or vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)-like immunoreactivity. Nor did we find any differences in the effect of substance P (stomach and intestine), galanin (intestine), or bradykinin (intestine) on motility in strip preparations from the gut wall. A significant increase in dry weight of the intestine was obtained 48 h after feeding. We conclude that although there are considerable changes in gut thickness and absorptive properties after feeding, the smooth muscle and its control appear little affected.  相似文献   
The reaction of (−)-(R)-myrtenal and (+)-(R)-phenylethylamine gave a Schiff base 1 which was reacted with MePBr2 in the presence of a base to give under dehydrohalogenation of an intermediate McCormack product a salt 2. Treatment of 2 with sodium led to the formation of the azaphosphole 4. η3-C3H5NiCl and 4 gave a 1:1 adduct 5 and nickel(0) gave a 1:4 complex 6. Compounds 4–6 were characterized by NMR spectroscopy as well as by single crystal X-ray structure determination.  相似文献   
Objective: This study aimed to determine the relationship between different forms of, and potential pathways between, maternal diabetes and childhood obesity at different ages. Methods: Prospective cohort data from The Environmental Determinants of Diabetes in the Young (TEDDY) study, which was composed of 5,324 children examined from 0.25 to 6 years of age, were analyzed. Cross‐sectional and longitudinal analyses taking into account potential confounders and effect modifiers such as maternal prepregnancy BMI and birth weight z scores were performed. Results: Offspring of mothers with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) or type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) showed a higher BMI standard deviation score and increased risk for overweight and obesity at 5.5 years of age than offspring of mothers without diabetes. While these associations could be substantially explained by maternal prepregnancy BMI in offspring of mothers with GDM, significant associations disappeared after adjustment for birth weight z scores in offspring of T1DM mothers. Furthermore, overweight risk became stronger with increasing age in offspring of mothers with diabetes compared with offspring of mothers without diabetes. Conclusions: Maternal diabetes is associated with increased risk of offspring overweight, and the association appears to get stronger as children grow older. Indeed, intrauterine exposure to maternal T1DM may predispose children to later obesity through increased birth weight, while maternal BMI is more important in children exposed to GDM.  相似文献   
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