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Xu Y  Yu H  Hall TC 《Plant physiology》1994,106(2):459-467
In rice (Oryza sativa L.), cytosolic triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) is encoded by a single gene. TPI catalyzes a vital step in glycolysis, and RNA blots showed that the tpi gene is expressed in all vegetative tissues (root, culm, and leaves) and in rice suspension cells. No effect of light on expression was detected, but submergence of rice seedlings resulted in elevated levels of TPI mRNA in roots and culms. The 2767-bp 5[prime] upstream sequence of the tpi gene was fused translationally with the [beta]-glucuronidase (gusA) gene, and the resulting construct, TPI-GUS, was found to express constitutive, high levels of GUS activity in transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants. However, the same construct yielded no GUS activity in stably transformed rice plants, and RNA blots showed that no GUS mRNA could be detected even though stable integration of functional copies of the construct was confirmed by Southern blot and genomic polymerase chain reaction analyses. Transient assays using particle bombardment yielded high levels of GUS expression from the TPI-GUS construct in tobacco leaves, but essentially no expression in rice, barley, or maize leaves. When the first intron of the tpi gene was included in the construct (TPI-int1-GUS), transient GUS activity was routinely obtained in rice leaves, revealing that the first intron of the rice tpi gene is crucial for its expression in rice. TPI-int1-GUS also directed transient GUS expression in maize and barley leaves, but little or no activity was obtained from this construct in tobacco, tomato, or soybean leaves. These results with the rice tpi promoter are in accordance with mounting evidence that differences in gene expression exist between monocots and dicots.  相似文献   
The responses to water stress of the bulk modulus of elasticity () and the apoplastic water fraction were examined using six sunflower cultivars of differing capacity for osmotic adjustment (OA). Water stress did not affect the partitioning of water between apoplastic (ca. 20%) and symplastic fractions in leaves which expanded during the exposure to stress in any genotype. Hence, no genotype-linked effects on either the buffering of cell water status during stress or on the estimates of bulk leaf osmotic potential could be expected. Genotypes differed in the degree of change in (estimated from pressure/volume [P/V] curves) and OA (estimated using both ln RWC/ ln o plots and P/V curves) induced by exposure to stress. In three genotypes increased significantly (p=0.05) as a consequence of stress, in another three change were small. OA was the only attribute of the three examined that could have contributed to turgor maintenance under stress. There was a strong negative association between leaf expansion and degree of OA across genotypes (r=–0.91) and a strong positive one between OA and (r=0.94). However all genotypes evidenced some degree of OA. These results are consistent with part of the genotype differences in OA being attributable to variations in leaf expansion during exposure to stress.  相似文献   
Bladder cancer is almost certainly a product of the industrial revolution and the cigarette smoking that has accompanied it. Exposure to a chemical bladder carcinogen such as beta naphthylamine, benzidine, or 4-diphenylaniline can be proved in only a small proportion of patients and only a handful obtain industrial diseases benefit after developing "Prescribed Industrial Disease C23." None the less, the continued use of known carcinogenic substances in British industry for many years after their identification, the wide range of industries with a known or suspected increased risk of bladder cancer, and our ignorance of the carcinogenic potential of many materials used in current manufacturing should be a cause for continuing concern.  相似文献   
We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per o andper s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development.  相似文献   
In the present investigation, we examined the role of trophoblast and parietal endoderm cells in the synthesis of carbohydrate-containing components of Reichert's membrane. To eliminate the function of Reichert's membrane as a filter between maternal and embryonal tissues we carried out our examination under in vitro conditions. Parietal yolk sac from mouse embryos on day 9 post coitum (p.c.) were cultivated for 0 to 5 days. Because tannic acid enables a complex formation between carbohydrates and osmium we chose the fixation with this acid for the ultrastructural study. Electron microscopy showed that for assembly of Reichert's membrane, trophoblast cells produce and then release components that were detected as tannic acid-positive granules both in the Reichert's membrane and in the vacuoles of the trophoblast cells. To localize specific carbohydrates we used postembedding-gold-lectin histochemistry on LR-GoldR-embedded tissues. Strong binding sites for the lectins WGA (Triticum vulgare), RCA I (Ricinus communis) and Con A (Canavalia ensiformis) were observed in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells but not in the parietal endoderm cells. The LTA (Lotus tetragonolobus)-binding pattern was positive in the membrane and its adjacent cells but that of the LFA (Limax flavus) was negative in the parietal endoderm cells and very weak in Reichert's membrane and trophoblast cells. Our results demonstrate that trophoblast cells are involved in the construction of Reichert's membrane through the production and release of specific glycoconjugates.  相似文献   
The fine structure of epidermal cells, particularly in relationto dictyosomes, has been examined in different regions of dark-growncucumber hypocotyls and in response to auxin treatment, usingboth dot overlay and image analysis techniques. The most noticeablechange in cell structure along the hypocotyls is the increasein vacuolar volume. The volume fraction occupied by dictyosomesand secretory vesicles also increased, whereas that for mitochondriaremained relatively constant. During auxin treatment, the volumefraction for dictyosomes showed an increase after 30 min followedby a fall, whereas that occupied by secretory vesicles fellsteadily over 90 min. The number of cisternae per dictyosomeshowed some increase after 2 h of auxin treatment, althoughthe increase in dictyosomal material with cell expansion waslargely accounted for by an increase in the number of dictyosomes. Auxin-stimulated elongation growth of the hypocotyls was inhibitedby a range of calcium antagonists, chelators and ionophores.The most marked inhibitions were observed with calcium chloride,the chelator chlortetracycline and the ionophores verapamil,nigericin and monensin. Linear transducer experiments showedthat these compounds generally caused an immediate reductionin the rate of growth. Fine structural observations carriedout on epidermal cells showed the most obvious effects withmonensin and nigericin which caused dictyosomes and secretoryvesicles to swell. EGTA and LaCl3 caused secretory vesiclesto accumulate around dictyosomes, while the ionophore A23187had little effect. The results suggest that the concentration of Ca2+ in the cytoplasmmay be critical for cell elongation. Compounds which chelateCa2+ appear to be more effective inhibitors of growth in theinitial acid-induced phase, whereas those which affect ionicgradients are more disruptive in the second phase.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Calcium, Cucumis sativus hypocotyle, dictyosomes, elongation growth, indoleacetic acid, stereology  相似文献   
Using the technique of allele-specific priming of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the C-T substitution in codon 39 was identified as the cause of -thalassaemia in an Irish family. Analysis of the restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in the -globin gene cluster established linkage of the -thalassaemia mutation to a particular -haplotype but indicated that a recombinational event had occurred in the paternal chromosome in the younger of two affected children. Non-paternity was excluded by DNA fingerprinting analysis with hypervariable minisatellite probes. This is the fourth case of recombination in the -globin gene cluster to be reported. The event has occurred 5 of the polymorphic RsaI site at position-550 bp upstream of the -globin gene mRNA Cap site, within the 9.1-kb region that has been shown to be a hot spot for recombination in the -globin gene cluster.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of brassinosteroids on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Henyh. ecotype Columbia in order to develop a model system for studying gene regulation by plant steroids. Submicromolar concentrations of two brassinosteroids, brassinolide and 24-epibrassinolide, stimulated elongation of Arabidopsis peduncles and inhibited root elongation, respectively. Furthermore, brassinolide altered the abundance of specific in vitro translatable mRNAs from peduncles and whole plants of Arabidopsis. Root elongation in the auxin-insensitive Arabidopsis mutant axr1 was inhibited by 24-epibrassinolide but not by 2,4-D, indicating an independent mode of action for these growth regulators in this physiological response.Abbreviations BR brassinolide - EBR 24-epibrassinolide; 2.4-D,2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - KPSC 10 mM potassium phosphate, pH 6.0, 2% sucrose, 50 g/ml chloramphenicol - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   
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