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The Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor gene lethal(2)tumorous imaginal discs (tid) was identified as a homolog of all dnaJ-like genes known to date which have been well preserved in evolution. Homozygous D. melanogaster l(2)tid mutants l(2)tid1, l(2)tid2 and l(2)tid3 are characterized by neoplastic transformation of the adult integumental primordia, the imaginal discs, and the death at the time of puparium formation. The first part of this study is concerned with the identification and subcellular localization of the l(2)tid-encoded protein, Tid50. The second part examines its tissue specific expression during wild-type development and in tumorous imaginal discs. To specify the function(s) of the Tid50 protein polyclonal rabbit antibodies directed against various domains of it were generated and used for staining of Western blots and whole-mounts and paraffin sections of various tissues isolated from wild-type and mutant tumor-developing animals. To identify the mutational events leading in homozygous l(2)tid mutants to abnormal expression level of l(2)tid-encoded RNA and protein, the mutant gene was isolated from homozygous l(2)tid1 and l(2)tid2 animals and sequenced.  相似文献   
The complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecules ofHomo and of the common chimpanzee were sequenced. Each sequence was established from tissue of one individual and thus nonchimeric. Both sequences were assembled in their entirety from natural (not PCR amplified) clones. Comparison with sequences in the literature identified the chimpanzee specimen asPan troglodytes verus, the West African variety of the species. The nucleotide difference between the complete human and chimpanzee sequences is 8.9%. The difference between the control regions of the two sequences is 13.9% and that between the remaining portions of the sequences 8.5%. The mean amino acid difference between the inferred products of the 13 peptide-coding genes is 4.4%. Sequences of the complete control regions, the complete 12S rRNA genes, the complete cytochromeb genes, and portions of the NADH4 and NADH5 genes of two other chimpanzee specimens showed that they were similar but strikingly different from the same regions of the completely sequenced molecule fromPan troglodytes verus. The two specimens were identified asPan troglodytes troglodytes, the Central African variety of the common chimpanzee.  相似文献   
The sequence of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) molecule of the European hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus) was determined. The length of the sequence presented is 17,442 nucleotides (nt). The molecule is thus the largest eutherian mtDNA molecule so far reported. The organization of the molecule conforms with that of other eutherians, but the control region of the molecule is exceptionally long, 1,988 nt, due to the presence of repeated motifs at two different positions in the 3 part of the control region. The length of the control region is not absolute due to pronounced heteroplasmy caused by variable numbers of the motif TACGCA in one of the repetitive regions. The sequence presented includes 46 repeats of this type. The other repeated region is composed of different AT-rich repeats. This region was identical among four clones studied. Comparison of mitochondrial peptide-coding genes identified a separate position of the hedgehog among several mammalian orders. The concatenated protein sequence of the 13 peptide-coding genes was used in a phylogenetic study using the opossum as outgroup. The position of the hedgehog sequence was basal among the other eutherian sequences included: human, rat, mouse, cow, blue whale, harbor seal, and horse. The analysis did not resolve the relationship among carnivores, perissodactyls, and artiodactyls/cetaceans, suggesting a closer relationship among these orders than acknowledged by classical approaches. Correspondence to: U. Arnason  相似文献   
Discrepancies exist between extent of guanylate cyclase activation by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cell-free systems and ANP-stimulated levels of cyclic GMP in whole cells, and also between receptor affinity and dose effectiveness of ANP. Therefore, we have investigated whether, in addition to receptor-coupled guanylate cyclase activation, other second-messenger cascade systems may be involved in mediating both an increase in cyclic GMP and the physiological response to ANP. Equilibrium 125I-ANP binding studies on cultured thoracic aorta smooth muscle cells revealed the existence of low-affinity (approximately 10(-8) M, 84.5 fmol/10(5) cells) and high-affinity (approximately 10(-10) M, 12.5 fmol/10(5) cells) binding sites. We confirm that ANP elevates intracellular cyclic GMP (EC50 approximately 10(-8) M) and inhibits agonist-(isoproterenol and forskolin)-induced increases in intracellular cyclic AMP (IC50 approximately 10(-9) M). ANP also stimulated breakdown of phosphatidylinositol phosphates and generation of inositol phosphates with a half-maximally effective concentration of approximately 10(-10) M. The extent of phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate hydrolysis was small (120%) in comparison to that of phosphatidylinositol (Ptd-Ins) (200%). Ptd-Ins hydrolysis was paralleled by the appearance of glycerophosphoinositol, and there was also a close temporal relationship between these processes and the accumulation of intracellular cyclic GMP. Smooth muscle cells released [3H]arachidonic acid label in response to ANP (EC50 approximately 10(-10) M). Taken together, the data suggest that the vasorelaxant hormone ANP has stimulatory effects on phosphoinositol lipid metabolism via both phospholipase C (generation of inositol phosphates) and phospholipase A2 (generation of releasable [3H]arachidonic acid and indirectly glycerophosphoinositol). In contrast, stimulation of phosphatidylinositol phosphate breakdown by the vasoconstrictive hormone angiotensin II is not associated with glycerophosphoinositol formation, and neither cyclic GMP nor cyclic AMP levels were influenced by this hormone.  相似文献   
Nonlinear mechanical properties play an important role in numerous biological functions, for instance the locomotion strategy used by terrestrial gastropods. We discuss the progress made toward bioinspired snail-like locomotion and the pursuit of an engineered fluid that imitates the nonlinear viscoelastic properties of native gastropod pedal mucus. The rheological behavior of native pedal mucus is characterized using an oscillatory deformation protocol known as large amplitude oscillatory shear, and we review recently developed techniques for appropriately describing nonlinear viscoelastic behavior. Although materials that exhibit purely elastic and purely viscous nonlinearities are amenable to standard techniques for characterization, pedal mucus samples (and biomaterials in general) are viscoelastic, exhibiting both elastic and viscous nonlinear responses simultaneously and requiring advanced techniques for characterization. We reveal the utility of these new methods by examining trail mucus from the terrestrial slug Limax maximus using oscillatory shear rheology. Material responses which previously could only be described mathematically, with little physical insight, can now be interpreted with familiar language such as strain-stiffening/softening and shear-thickening/thinning. The new methodology is applicable to any complex material that can be tested using imposed oscillatory deformations. We have developed data-analysis software to enable wider use of this framework within and beyond the biomaterials community. The functionality of this software is outlined here.  相似文献   
Summary Spectrophotometric peptide probes, derivatized at the C-terminus, are conveniently prepared by means of an Fmoc solid-phase strategy. Using a resin such as Sasrin, the fully protected peptide can be cleaved from the resin with hydrazine, yielding the protected peptide-hydrazide which is subsequently oxidized to the azide. An amino-containing chromophore or fluorophore such as 5-[(2-aminoethyl)-amino]-naphthalene sulfonic acid (EDANS) can be coupled directly to this activated carboxyl group. This allows for specific placement of the fluorophore at the C-terminal carboxyl group in the presence of trifunctional amino acids.  相似文献   
Recently, Schork et al. found that two-trait-locus, two-marker-locus (parametric) linkage analysis can provide substantially more linkage information than can standard one-trait-locus, one-marker-locus methods. However, because of the increased burden of computation, Schork et al. do not expect that their approach will be applied in an initial genome scan. Further, the specification of a suitable two-locus segregation model can be crucial. Affected-sibpair tests are computationally simple and do not require an explicit specification of the disease model. In the past, however, these tests mainly have been applied to data with a single marker locus. Here, we consider sib-pair tests that make it possible to analyze simultaneously two marker loci. The power of these tests is investigated for different (epistatic and heterogeneous) two-trait-locus models, each trait locus being linked to one of the marker loci. We compare these tests both with the test that is optimal for a certain model and with the strategy that analyzes each marker locus separately. The results indicate that a straightforward extension of the well-known mean test for two marker loci can be much more powerful than single-marker-locus analysis and that is power is only slightly inferior to the power of the optimal test.  相似文献   
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