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Despite advanced diagnostic techniques used for detecting cancer, this disease still remains a leading cause of death in the developed world. What is more, the greatest danger for patients is not related with growing of tumor but rather with metastasis of cancer cells to the distant organs. In this study, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was used to track chemical changes in blood plasma to find spectral markers of metastatic breast cancer during the disease progression. Plasma samples were taken 1‐5 weeks after orthotropic inoculation of 4T1 metastatic breast cancer cells to mice. The earliest changes detected by FTIR spectroscopy in plasma were correlated with unsaturation of phospholipids and secondary structures of proteins that appeared 2 and 3 weeks, respectively, after 4T1 cells inoculation (micrometastatic phase). Significant alternations in the content and structure of lipids and carbohydrates were identified in plasma at the later stages (macrometastatic phase). When large primary tumors in breast and macrometastases in lung were developed, all bands in FTIR spectra significantly differed from those at earlier phases of the cancer progression. In conclusion, we showed that each phase of the breast cancer progression and its pulmonary metastasis can be characterized by a specific panel of spectral markers.  相似文献   
Recent human and animal studies have demonstrated that in severe end-stage heart failure (HF), the cardiac muscle switches to a more fetal metabolic phenotype, characterized by downregulation of free fatty acid (FFA) oxidation and an enhancement of glucose oxidation. The goal of this study was to examine myocardial substrate metabolism in a model of moderate coronary microembolization-induced HF. We hypothesized that during well-compensated HF, FFA oxidation would predominate as opposed to a more fetal metabolic phenotype of greater glucose oxidation. Cardiac substrate uptake and oxidation were measured in normal dogs (n = 8) and in dogs with microembolization-induced HF (n = 18, ejection fraction = 28%) by infusing three isotopic tracers ([9,10-(3)H]oleate, [U-(14)C]glucose, and [1-(13)C]lactate) in anesthetized open-chest animals. There were no differences in myocardial substrate metabolism between the two groups. The total activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, the key enzyme regulating myocardial pyruvate oxidation (and hence glucose and lactate oxidation) was not affected by HF. We did not observe any difference in the activity of carnitine palmitoyl transferase I (CPT-I) and its sensitivity to inhibition by malonyl-CoA between groups; however, malonyl-CoA content was decreased by 22% with HF, suggesting less in vivo inhibition of CPT-I activity. The differences in malonyl-CoA content cannot be explained by changes in the Michaelis-Menten constant and maximal velocity for malonyl-CoA decarboxylase because neither were affected by HF. These results support the concept that there is no decrease in fatty acid oxidation during compensated HF and that the downregulation of fatty acid oxidation enzymes and the switch to carbohydrate oxidation observed in end-stage HF is only a late-stage phenomenon.  相似文献   
Psoriasis is a common skin disease with a genetic background and significant human leukocyte antigen (HLA) associations. HLA-Cw6 is the most frequently described association, particularly with psoriasis of the early onset type. Few studies of its correlation with various psoriasis clinical phenotypes and severity of the disease have been published so far; none in the Polish population. In this study 78 patients with psoriasis vulgaris were evaluated clinically and subdivided according to the age of onset and the type of psoriasis. A system of disease severity evaluation was applied to each patient. All patients and the control group (70 unrelated persons) were typed for HLA-Cw*06. The results show that Cw*06 allele frequency was higher in psoriatics than in the control group. Our investigation confirms that the Cw*06 allele is positively associated with psoriasis vulgaris of the early onset type, with a positive family history and its more severe form.  相似文献   
To study whether mounting an immune response is energetically costly, mice from two lines divergently selected for high (H-BMR) and low (L-BMR) basal metabolic rate (BMR) were immunized with sheep red blood cells. Their energy budgets were then additionally burdened by sudden transfer from an ambient temperature of 23 degrees C to 5 degrees C. We found that the immune response of H-BMR mice was lower than that of L-BMR mice. However, the interaction between line affiliation and ambient temperature was not significant and cold exposure did not result in immunosuppression in either line. At 23 degrees C the animals of both lines seemed to cover the costs of immune response by increasing food consumption and digestive efficiency. This was not observed at 5 degrees C, so these costs must have been covered at the expense of other components of the energy budget. Cold exposure itself elicited a considerable increase in food intake and the mass of internal organs, which were also heavier in H-BMR than in L-BMR mice. However, irrespective of the temperature or line affiliation, immunized mice had smaller intestines, while cold-exposed immunized mice had smaller hearts. Furthermore, the observed larger mass of the liver and kidneys in immunized mice of both lines kept at 23 degrees C was not observed at 5 degrees C. Hence, immunization compromised upregulation of the function of metabolically active internal organs, essential for meeting the energetic demands of cold. We conclude that the difficulties with a straightforward demonstration of the energetic costs of immune responses in these animals stem from the extreme flexibility of their energy budgets.  相似文献   
While a number of studies underline the importance of anaplerotic pathways for hepatic biosynthetic functions and cardiac contractile activity, much remains to be learned about the sites and regulation of anaplerosis in these tissues. As part of a study on the regulation of anaplerosis from propionyl-CoA precursors in rat livers and hearts, we investigated the degree of reversibility of the reactions of the propionyl-CoA pathway. Label was introduced into the pathway via NaH13CO3, [U-13C3]propionate, or [U-13C3]lactate + [U-13C3]pyruvate, under various concentrations of propionate. The mass isotopomer distributions of propionyl-CoA, methylmalonyl-CoA, and succinyl-CoA revealed that, in intact livers and hearts, (i) the propionyl-CoA carboxylase reaction is slightly reversible only at low propionyl-CoA flux, (ii) the methylmalonyl-CoA racemase reaction keeps the methylmalonyl-CoA enantiomers in isotopic equilibrium under all conditions tested, and (iii) the methylmalonyl-CoA mutase reaction is reversible, but its reversibility decreases as the flow of propionyl-CoA increases. The thermodynamic dis-equilibrium of the combined reactions of the propionyl-CoA pathway explains the effectiveness of anaplerosis from propionyl-CoA precursors such as heptanoate.  相似文献   
Reaction-induced infrared difference spectroscopy (RIDS) has been used to investigate the nature of interactions of human annexin A6 (ANXA6) with nucleotides. RIDS results for ANXA6, obtained after the photorelease of GTP-gamma-S, ATP, or P(i) from the respective caged compounds, were identical, suggesting that the interactions between the nucleotide and ANXA6 were dominated by the phosphate groups. Phosphate-induced structural changes in ANXA6 were small and affected only seven or eight amino acid residues. The GTP fluorescent analogue, 2'(3')-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)guanosine 5'-triphosphate (TNP-GTP), quenched tryptophan fluorescence of ANXA6 when bound to the protein. A binding stoichiometry of 1 mol of nucleotide/mol ANXA6 was established with a K(D) value of 2.8 microM for TNP-GTP. The bands observed on RIDS of ANXA6 halves (e.g., N-terminal half, ANXA6a, and C-terminal half, ANXA6b) were similar to those of the whole molecule. However, their amplitudes were smaller by a factor of 2 compared to those of whole ANXA6. TNP-GTP bound to both fragments of ANXA6 with a stoichiometry of 0.5 mol/mol. However, the binding affinities of ANXA6a and ANXA6b differed from that of ANXA6. Simulated molecular modeling revealed a nucleotide-binding site which was distributed in two distinct domains. Residues K296, Y297, K598, and K644 of ANXA6 were less than 3 A from the bound phosphate groups of either GTP or ATP. The presence of two identical sequences in ANXA6 with the F-X-X-K-Y-D/E-K-S-L motif, located in the middle of ANXA6, at residues 293-301 (within ANXA6a) and at 641-649 (within ANXA6b), suggested that the F-X-X-K-Y-D/E-K-S-L motif was the putative sequence in ANXA6 for nucleotide binding.  相似文献   
3-Deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid (Kdo) is a constituent of the inner core part of bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS). This sugar may contribute to biological activities of the LPS, the type of substitution of Kdo is thus of importance and this work is aimed at the evaluation of a method for monitoring the substitution of Kdo in LPS. The procedure consists of three steps, namely permethylation of the lipopolysaccharide, with iodomethane and sodium methylsulfinylmethanide or NaOH in Me(2)SO, or with methyl triflate, then the product is methanolysed with HCl in MeOH and acetylated with acetic anhydride in pyridine. The resulting partially methylated acetates of Kdo methyl glycosides were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography-electron impact ionization mass spectrometry (GLC-MS). For several derivatives of Kdo, specific GLC retention times and MS fragmentation patterns were determined. Lipopolysaccharides from several bacterial strains were isolated and analyzed with three different methods of methylation. The complete solubilization of the LPS in the acid form allows diminishing possible undermethylation. Sodium methylsulfinylmethanide is the most efficient agent in the permethylation of the whole LPS, of all the tested procedures. Methylation with methyl triflate allows the detection of base labile substituents on Kdo residues.  相似文献   
The type-species of Singhia and Caballerotrema (Digenea: Echinostomatidae), parasites of freshwater fishes which have previously been assigned to the subfamily Singhiinae Yamaguti, 1958, are redescribed. One of the specimens of the type-series of Caballerotrema brasiliense Prudhoe, 1960 was identified as C. aruanense Thatcher, 1980. C. arapaimense Thatcher, 1980 is considered a species inquirenda. Himasthla piscicola Stunkard, 1960 is transferred to Caballerotrema as C. piscicola n. comb. The generic diagnoses of Singhia and Caballerotrema are redefined and Singhia is re-allocated to the Echinostomatinae Looss, 1899, the Singhiinae becoming a synonym of the latter.  相似文献   
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