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Expression level of Ubc9 protein in rat tissues   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ubc9 is a homologue of the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme and participates in the covalent linking of SUMO-1 molecule to the target protein. In this report we describe a simple and efficient method for obtaining pure human recombinant Ubc9 protein. The purified Ubc9 retained its native structure and was fully active in an in vitro sumoylation assay with the promyelocytic leukaemia (PML) peptide as a substrate. In order to better understand the physiology of Ubc9 protein we examined its levels in several rat tissues. Immunoblot analyses performed on tissue extracts revealed quantitative and qualitative differences in the expression pattern of Ubc9. The Ubc9 protein was present at a high level in spleen and lung. Moderate level of Ubc9 was detected in kidney and liver. Low amount of Ubc9 was observed in brain, whereas the 18 kDa band of Ubc9 was barely visible or absent in heart and skeletal muscle. In heart and muscle extracts the Ubc9 antibodies recognized a 38 kDa protein band. This band was not visible in extracts of other rat tissues. A comparison of the relative levels of Ubc9 mRNA and protein indicated that the overall expression level of Ubc9 was the highest in spleen and lung. In spleen, lung, kidney, brain, liver and heart there was a good correlation between the 18 kDa protein and Ubc9 mRNA levels. In skeletal muscle the Ubc9 mRNA level was unproportionally high comparing to the level of the 18 kDa protein. The presented data indicate that in the rat the expression of the Ubc9 protein appears to have some degree of tissue specificity.  相似文献   
The bulky and amphiphilic nature of tryptophan residues makes them particularly interesting components of proteins. In bacteriorhodopsin, four of the eight tryptophan residues are in the active site, forming parts of the retinal binding pocket. In this work, we use solid-state NMR to study the interactions of the tryptophan residues in wild-type bacteriorhodopsin, in the resting state, and in critical intermediates of the proton-motive photocycle. The range of the chemical shifts of the indole nitrogens suggests that all eight of them are hydrogen bonded. Using difference spectroscopy, we isolate several changes in these hydrogen bonds in the early and late M states. As found earlier for the peptide backbone, some perturbations found in the early M state relax in the transition to the late M state while new perturbations arise. Interestingly, Rotational Echo DOuble Resonance (REDOR) difference spectroscopy of [20-13C]retinal,[indole-15N]Trp-bR shows that indole of Trp182 is not involved in the significant hydrogen bond perturbations. We also use REDOR to measure dipolar interactions in [20-13C]retinal,[indole-15N]Trp-bR, and thereby determine the distance between the C20 of retinal and the indole nitrogen of Trp182. The internuclear distance changes only slightly from the light-adapted state (3.36 +/- 0.2 A) to the early M state (3.16 +/- 0.4 A).  相似文献   
Human peripheral blood cells stimulated by phytohemagglutinin (which serve as a model of cancerous cells) and resting cells were incubated in dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of various phthalocyanines. In order to diminish the influence of atmospheric oxygen the cells were embedded in a polymer (polyvinyl alcohol) film. Fluorescence spectra of the samples were measured over two regions of excitation wavelengths: at 405 nm (predominant absorption of the cell material) and in the regions of strong absorption of phthalocyanines (at about 605 nm and 337 nm). The intrinsic emission of cell material became changed as a result both of cells' stimulation and of incubation of cells in dye solution. In most cases the stimulated cells when stained by dye exhibited higher long wavelength fluorescence intensity than resting cells. This suggests higher efficiency of dye incorporation into cancerous cells than into healthy cells. The absorption spectra of samples were also measured. The spectra of various phthalocyanines in incubation solvent, in polymer and in the cells embedded in polymer, were compared. The comparison of properties of the cells stimulated for different time periods enabled to establish the conditions of stimulation creating a population of cells incorporating a large number of sensitizing molecules.  相似文献   
We postulate the existence of a pH-sensitive domain in annexin A6 (AnxA6), on the basis of our observation of pH-dependent conformational and orientation changes of this protein and its N- (AnxA6a) and C-terminal (AnxA6b) halves in the presence of lipids. Brewster angle microscopy shows that AnxA6, AnxA6a, and AnxA6b in the absence of lipids accumulate at the air-water interface and form a stable, homogeneous layer at pH below 6.0. Under these conditions polarization modulation IR absorption spectroscopy reveals significant conformational changes of AnxA6a whereas AnxA6b preserves its alpha-helical structure. The orientation of protein alpha-helices is parallel with respect to the interface. In the presence of lipids, polarization modulation IR reflection absorption spectroscopy experiments suggest that AnxA6a incorporates into the lipid/air interface, whereas AnxA6b is adsorbed under the lipid monolayer. In this case AnxA6a regains its alpha-helical structures. At a higher pressure of the lipid monolayer the average orientation of the alpha-helices of AnxA6a changes from flat to tilted by 45 degrees with respect to normal to the membrane interface. For AnxA6b no such changes are detected, even at a high pressure of the lipid monolayer-suggesting that the putative pH-sensitive domain of AnxA6 is localized in the N-terminal half of the protein.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to test the relationship between malonyl-CoA concentration and its turnover measured in isolated rat hearts perfused with NaH(13)CO(3). This turnover is a direct measurement of the flux of acetyl-CoA carboxylation in the intact heart. It also reflects the rate of malonyl-CoA decarboxylation, i.e. the only known fate of malonyl-CoA in the heart. Conditions were selected to result in stable malonyl-CoA concentrations ranging from 1.5 to 5 nmol.g wet weight-(1). The malonyl-CoA concentration was directly correlated with the turnover of malonyl-CoA, ranging from 0.7 to 4.2 nmol.min(-) (1).g wet weight(-1) (slope = 0.98, r(2) = 0.94). The V(max) activities of acetyl-CoA carboxylase and of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase exceeded the rate of malonyl-CoA turnover by 2 orders of magnitude and did not correlate with either concentration or turnover of malonyl-CoA. However, conditions of perfusion that increased acetyl-CoA supply resulted in higher turnover and concentration, demonstrating that malonyl-CoA turnover is regulated by the supply of acetyl-CoA. The only condition where the activity of malonyl-CoA decarboxylase regulated malonyl-CoA kinetics was when the enzyme was pharmacologically inhibited, resulting in increased malonyl-CoA concentration and decreased turnover. Our data show that, in the absence of enzyme inhibitors, the rate of acetyl-CoA carboxylation is the main determinant of the malonyl-CoA concentration in the heart.  相似文献   
In the companion report (Bederman, I. R., Reszko, A. E., Kasumov, T., David, F., Wasserman, D. H., Kelleher, J. K., and Brunengraber, H. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 43207-43216), we demonstrated that, when the hepatic pool of lipogenic acetyl-CoA is labeled from [13C]acetate, the enrichment of this pool decreases across the liver lobule. In addition, estimates of fractional synthesis calculated by isotopomer spectral analysis (ISA), a nonlinear regression method, did not agree with a simpler algebraic two-isotopomer method. To evaluate differences between these methods, we simulated in vitro the synthesis of fatty acids under known gradients of precursor enrichment, and known values of fractional synthesis. First, we synthesized pentadecanoate from [U-13C3]propionyl-CoA and four gradients of [U-13C3]malonyl-CoA enrichment. Second, we pooled the fractions of each gradient. Third, we diluted each pool with pentadecanoate prepared from unlabeled malonyl-CoA to simulate the dilution of the newly synthesized compound by pre-existing fatty acids. This yielded a series of samples of pentadecanoate with known values of (i) lower and upper limits for the precursor enrichment, (ii) the shape of the gradient, and (iii) the fractional synthesis. At each step, the mass isotopomer distributions of the samples were analyzed by ISA and the two-isotopomer method to determine whether each method could correctly (i) detect gradients of precursor enrichment, (ii) estimate the gradient limits, and (iii) estimate the fractional synthesis. The two-isotopomer method did not identify gradients of precursor enrichment and underestimated fractional synthesis by up to 2-fold in the presence of gradients. ISA uses all mass isotopomers, correctly identified imposed gradients of precursor enrichment, and estimated the expected values of fractional synthesis within the constraints of the data.  相似文献   
Aphanurus stossichii (Monticelli, 1891) is redescribed from Boops boops (L.) from various localities in the NE Atlantic region (off Spain), the Mediterranean (off Spain and Turkey) and the Black Sea (off Bulgaria). The material from the Atlantic coast of Spain showed differences in egg-size and shape and a characteristic ornamentation of the anterior third of the hermaphroditic duct. A comparison with samples from B. boops collected off Antalya (Turkey) and off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast revealed a considerable size variation and confirmed the presence of tubercles in the terminal part of the hermaphroditic duct. A. virgula Looss, 1907, previously considered a synonym of A. stossichii, is redescribed on the basis of voucher material from Engraulis encrasicolus ponticus Alexandrov collected off the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and previously identified as A. stossichii. A. virgula can be distinguished from A. stossichii by its smaller size and substantially lower range limits for all metrical features, the more posterior position of the base of sinus-sac, and the eggs being less numerous and larger in relation to the size of the body and gonads.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus epidermidis, a Gram-positive, coagulase-negative bacterium is a predominant inhabitant of human skin and mucous membranes. Recently, however, it has become one of the most important agents of hospital-acquired bacteriemia, as it has been found to be responsible for surgical wound infections developed in individuals with indwelling catheters or prosthetic devices, as well as in immunosupressed or neutropenic patients. Despite their medical significance, little is known about proteolytic enzymes of S. epidermidis and their possible contribution to the bacterium's pathogenicity; however, it is likely that they function as virulence factors in a manner similar to that proposed for the proteases of Staphylococcus aureus. Here we describe the purification of a cell wall-associated cysteine protease from S. epidermidis, its biochemical properties and specificity. A homology search using N-terminal sequence data revealed similarity to staphopain A (ScpA) and staphopain B (SspB), cysteine proteases from S. aureus. Moreover, the gene encoding S. epidermidis cysteine protease (Ecp) and a downstream gene coding for a putative inhibitor of the protease form an operon structure which resembles that of staphopain A in S. aureus. The active cysteine protease was detected on the bacterial cell surface as well as in the culture media and is apparently produced in a growth phase-dependent manner, with initial expression occurring in the mid-logarithmic phase. This enzyme, with elastinolytic properties, as well as the ability to cleave alpha1PI, fibrinogen and fibronectin, may possibly contribute to the invasiveness and pathogenic potential of S. epidermidis.  相似文献   
The aerobic capacity model postulates that high basal metabolic rates (BMR) associated with endothermy evolved as a correlated response to the selection on maximum, peak metabolic rate Vo2max. Furthermore, the model assumes that BMR and Vo2max are causally linked, and therefore, evolutionary changes in their levels cannot occur independently. To test this, we compared metabolic and anatomical correlates of selection for high and low body mass-corrected BMR in males of laboratory mice of F18 and F19 selected generations. Divergent selection resulted in between-line difference in BMR equivalent to 2.3 phenotypic standard deviation units. Vo2max elicited by forced swimming in 20 degrees C water was higher in the low BMR than high BMR line and did not differ between the lines when elicited by exposure to heliox at -2.5 degrees C. Moreover, the magnitude of swim- and heliox-induced hypothermia was significantly smaller in low BMR mice, whereas their interscapular brown adipose tissue was larger than in high BMR mice. Our results are therefore at variance with the predictions of aerobic capacity model. The selection also resulted in correlated response in food consumption (C) and masses of metabolically active internal organs: kidneys, liver, small intestine, and heart, which fuel maximum, sustained metabolic rate (SusMR) rather than Vo2max. These correlated responses were strong enough to claim the existence of positive, genetic correlations between BMR and the mass of viscera as well as C. Thus, our findings support the suggestion that BMR evolved as a correlated response to selection for SusMR, not Vo2max. In functional terms BMR should therefore be interpreted as a measure of energetic costs of maintenance of metabolic machinery necessary to sustain high levels of energy assimilation rate.  相似文献   
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