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Microtriches on the scolices and adjacent strobila of seven species of diphyllobothriidean cestodes (Bothridium pithonis, Cephalochlamys namaquensis, Dibothriocephalus latus, Duthiersia expansa, D. fimbriata, Ligula intestinalis, and Schistocephalus solidus) from different hosts (frogs, snakes, lizards, birds, and mammals) and biogeographic areas were examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The basic structure of the tegument of the seven species studied does not differ markedly from that found in other cestodes. The main characteristic is the presence of electron‐dense bodies and vesicles in the distal cytoplasm. However, this study has shown differences in the morphology of microtriches even among species of the same family. Two different types of microtriches were found, filitriches and spinitriches, with the latter represented by two forms. Our study reveals that capilliform filitriches are most commonly found in Diphyllobothriidea. They were observed mainly on the strobila and the scolices of all but one studied species; individuals of L. intestinalis bore only coniform spinitriches on their surface. The same type of microtriches was found on the cirrus in D. latus. Gladiate spinitriches covered the scolex in both species of Duthiersia, and gladiate spinitriches interspersed with capilliform filitriches were observed on the anterior part of the strobila in D. fimbriata and the posterior part of the scolex in B. pithonis. Individuals of C. namaquensis were covered only by small acicular filitriches. No obvious pattern in the type and distribution of microtriches was observed among species that belong to different families and parasitize distantly related definitive hosts.  相似文献   
Seed size and shape, seed coat surface pattern, seed coat thickness, and endosperm structure were investigated in Androsace septentrionalis, Cortusa matthioli, Hottonia palustris, Primula elatior, Soldanella carpatica (Primulaceae), Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cyclamen purpurascens, Glaux maritima, Lysimachia nemorum, L. vulgaris, Trientalis europaea (Myrsinaceae), and Samolus valerandi (Theophrastaceae). Three seed size categories were distinguished on the basis of biometric measurements. Almost all seeds examined were found to be small with an angular shape classified as sectoroid or polyhedral. A new type of seed shape, suboval, was identified for H. palustris. Cyclamen purpurascens seeds differed from seeds of all other species examined because of their large size, subglobose shape, and concave hilar area. Despite the different shape types, the length/width ratio of the seeds examined was constant, while their hilum length/width ratio was a highly variable feature. Three types of seed surface patterns were observed: (1) reticulate, (2) tuberculate with secondary striations, and (3) poroid-alveolate with the presence of a spongy outer layer. For seeds of Anagallis arvensis, A. minima, Cortusa matthioli, Lysimachia nemorum, and Soldanella carpatica, secondary seed sculpture was described. The seed coats of all species examined were two-layered, and great differences in testa thickness were found (9.9?C128.6???m). In general, seeds of the Myrsinaceae species were more often characterized by thick testa. Different proportions in thickness of the inner and outer testa layers were observed. In seeds with reticulate seed patterns, the inner testa layer was twice to several times thicker than the outer layer, while the opposite proportions were observed in seeds with the tuberculate or poroid-alveolate seed sculpture pattern. In seeds of all species examined, oxalate crystals were present on the surface of the inner testa layer. Thus, the presence or absence of oxalate crystals in testa is not a feature distinguishing species with angular or subglobose seeds. Four types of endosperm structure were identified according to the thickness of the endosperm cell walls and the relief of their inner surface: (1) with evenly thickened and smooth cell walls, (2) with evenly thickened cell walls and circular or helical thickenings on their inside surfaces, (3) with very thick, but not evenly thickened cell walls with constrictions (??pitted??), and (4) with very thin papery and undulate cell walls. There is no rule concerning the seed shape, type of the seed sculpture, testa thickness, or endosperm structure that corresponds to the family affiliation of the species examined.  相似文献   
The differential allocation theory predicts that females should invest more in offspring produced with attractive partners, and a number of studies support this prediction in birds. Females have been shown to increase reproductive investment when mated to males showing elaborated sexual traits. However, mate attractiveness might also depend on the interaction between male and female genotypes. Accordingly, females should invest more in offspring sired by individuals that are genetically dissimilar or carry superior alleles. Here, we show in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) that pairs of unfamiliar genetic brothers and sisters are less likely to reproduce in comparison with randomly mated pairs. Among the brother–sister pairs, those that attempted to breed laid smaller clutches and of lower total clutch mass. Our results provide the first experimental evidence that females adjust their reproductive effort in response to the genetic similarity of their partners. Importantly, these results imply a female ability to assess relatedness of a social mate without prior association.  相似文献   
Aneta Spyra 《Biologia》2010,65(4):697-703
Studies were carried out in eight woodland water bodies that are situated in an urbanised area of Southern Poland (Upper Silesia). The aim of this study was to determine the influence of auto- and allochthonous plant detritus and exposure to sunlight on the structure of snail communities in woodland ponds. Among some physico-chemical water parameters, pH influenced the occurrence of snails, whereas sunlight caused an increase in diversity of the snail communities. In the total snail collection, 72.1% of specimens were gathered in sun-exposed sites. By the same degree of insolation more preferred by snails were the sites with allochthonic detritus. The snail fauna of subsidence ponds located inside a forest area differs from those occurring in urban agglomerations. The most conspicuous difference is the high numbers in three woodland ponds of Hippeutis complanatus (L.), which is rare in this area.  相似文献   
The dependence of the interfacial tension of a lipid membrane formed from phosphatidylcholine on the pH of the aqueous solution has been studied. The model describing the H(+) and OH(-) ions adsorption in the bilayer lipid surface has been presented in this work. We take suitable equations to describe the dependence of interfacial tension of a lipid bilayer membrane on H(+) and OH(-) ion concentrations. A theoretical equation is derived to describe this dependence in the whole pH range.  相似文献   
Our research on hydantoin based TNF-α converting enzyme (TACE) inhibitors has led to an acetylene containing series that demonstrates sub-nanomolar potency (K(i)) as well as excellent activity in human whole blood. These studies led to the discovery of highly potent TACE inhibitors with good DMPK profiles.  相似文献   
To study whether mounting an immune response is energetically costly, mice from two lines divergently selected for high (H-BMR) and low (L-BMR) basal metabolic rate (BMR) were immunized with sheep red blood cells. Their energy budgets were then additionally burdened by sudden transfer from an ambient temperature of 23 degrees C to 5 degrees C. We found that the immune response of H-BMR mice was lower than that of L-BMR mice. However, the interaction between line affiliation and ambient temperature was not significant and cold exposure did not result in immunosuppression in either line. At 23 degrees C the animals of both lines seemed to cover the costs of immune response by increasing food consumption and digestive efficiency. This was not observed at 5 degrees C, so these costs must have been covered at the expense of other components of the energy budget. Cold exposure itself elicited a considerable increase in food intake and the mass of internal organs, which were also heavier in H-BMR than in L-BMR mice. However, irrespective of the temperature or line affiliation, immunized mice had smaller intestines, while cold-exposed immunized mice had smaller hearts. Furthermore, the observed larger mass of the liver and kidneys in immunized mice of both lines kept at 23 degrees C was not observed at 5 degrees C. Hence, immunization compromised upregulation of the function of metabolically active internal organs, essential for meeting the energetic demands of cold. We conclude that the difficulties with a straightforward demonstration of the energetic costs of immune responses in these animals stem from the extreme flexibility of their energy budgets.  相似文献   
The majority of melanocytes originate from the neural crest cells (NCC) that migrate, spread on the whole embryo’s body to form elements of the nervous system and skeleton, endocrinal glands, muscles and melanocytes. Human melanocytes differentiate mainly from the cranial and trunk NCC. Although melanocyte development has traditionally been associated with the dorsally migrating trunk NCC, there is evidence that a part of melanocytes arise from cells migrating ventrally. The ventral NCC differentiate into neurons and glia of the ganglia or Schwann cells. It has been suggested that the precursors for Schwann cells differentiate into melanocytes. As melanoblasts travel through the dermis, they multiply, follow the process of differentiation and invade the forming human fetal epidermis up to third month. After birth, melanocytes lose the ability to proliferate, except the hair melanocytes that renew during the hair cycle. The localization of neural crest-derived melanocytes in non-cutaneous places e.g. eye (the choroid and stroma of the iris and the ciliary body), ear (cells of the vestibular organ, cochlear stria vascularis), meninges of the brain, heart seems to indicate that repertoire of melanocyte functions is much wider than we expected e.g. the protection of tissues from potentially harmful factors (e.g. free radicals, binding toxins), storage ions, and anti-inflammatory action.  相似文献   
The aim of this research was to elaborate fast and sensitive method ofdetection of E. coli O157:H7 in food samples. Raw ground meat obtained from retail was artificially inoculated with low numbers of E. coli O157:H7. 18 h enrichment culture allowed pathogenic bacteria to multiply to the levels detectable in multiplex PCR. Immunomagnetic separation with magnetic beads coated with an antibody against E. coli O157:H7 were used to concentrate target bacteria and to separate PCR inhibitors. A portion of the bacterial suspension was used in a multiplex PCR to amplify eae (attaching and effacing) gene, stx (shiga toxin) genes and 90 kbp plasmid. The sensitivity of E. coli O157:H7 detection method was shown to be 1 cfu per 25 g of food sample. The total analysis can be completed within 24 h, whilst traditional methods involves enrichment, direct plating and confirmation tests with entire time at least 3 days.  相似文献   
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