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Taylor  Andy F. S. 《Plant and Soil》2002,244(1-2):19-28
A number of recent review articles on ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal community diversity have highlighted the unprecedented increase in the number of publications on this ecologically important but neglected area. The general features of these species-rich, highly dynamic and complex communities have been comprehensively covered but one aspect crucial to our assessment of diversity, namely the sampling of ECM communities has received less attention. This is a complex issue with two principal components, the physical sampling strategy employed and the life cycle traits of the ECM fungi being examined. Combined, these two components provide the image that we perceive as ECM diversity. This contribution will focus primarily on the former of these components using a recent study from a pine forest in central Sweden to highlight some sampling problems and also to discuss some features common to ECM communities. The two commonly used elements of diversity, species richness and community evenness, present rather different problems in the assessment of ECM diversity. The applicability of using current measures of abundance (number or percentage of root tips colonised) to determine community evenness is discussed in relation to our lack of knowledge on the size of individual genets of ECM fungi. The inherent structure of most ECM communities, with a few common species and a large number of rare species, severely limits our ability to accurately assess species richness. A discussion of theoretical detection limits is included that demonstrates the importance of the sampling effort (no. of samples or tips) involved in assessing species richness. Species area abundance plots are also discussed in this context. It is suggested that sampling strategy (bulk samples versus multiple collections of single tips) may have important consequences when sampling from communities where root tip densities differ. Finally, the need for studies of the spatial distribution of ECM on roots in relation to small-scale soil heterogeneity and of the temporal aspects of ECM community dynamics is raised.  相似文献   
It has become increasingly clear that mRNA stability is an important determinant of mRNA abundance in virtually all organisms. Although our understanding of prokaryotic lower eukaryotic mRNA stability mechanisms has progressed considerably, little is known about mammalian mRNA stability mechanisms, particularly at the tissue and animal levels. This is due largely to the lack of suitable methods to approach the problem. In this study, we have developed and refined the 3'-end poly(A)-tailing polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method to detect degradation intermediates in vivo. Using an in vitro transcribed RNA as a template, we found that the method could be used to detect a homogeneous pool of RNA down to 0.1 ng. The addition of 10 microg of total RNA from tissues decreased the sensitivity limit to 4 ng. Detection limits of the technique were determined precisely by varying the concentrations of in vitro transcribed RNA in a constant amount of total RNA and varying the concentration of total RNA while maintaining a constant amount of in vitro transcribed RNA. Our overall results showed that the poly(A)-tailing PCR method could be used to detect specific RNA species of approximately 1000 nt in a pool of heterogeneous RNA in the range of 1 in 2500 to 1 in 10,000. To our knowledge, this is the most sensitive method to date for identifying mRNA degradation intermediates. Employing sense strand gene-specific primers in this method, we have discovered the class II and class III P-glycoprotein (Pgp) mRNA degradation intermediates in normal rat tissues. This method should serve as an additional tool to help us understand mRNA decay mechanisms in tissues and at animal levels.  相似文献   
Although Darwin pioneered the study of long‐distance dispersal (LDD) of aquatic invertebrates via waterbirds, it remains in its infancy as a modern discipline. A handful of recent studies have quantified internal or external transport in the field, confirming that a variety of long‐distance migrants carry invertebrates both internally and externally. These studies show that variation in the morphology of vectors influences the frequency and size of propagules transported, and suggest that more invertebrate groups disperse via birds than was previously thought. Dispersal limitation has mainly been investigated for zooplankton in small experimental systems from which waterbirds were effectively excluded, and the extent of such limitation for invertebrate populations in wetlands interconnected by waterbird movements remains unclear. We expect that the spatial and temporal scales at which dispersal limitation constrains geographical ranges, species richness and genetic structure of invertebrates depends partly on the density of migratory birds using the area. Birds may have a major role in the expansion of exotic species. We propose several avenues for future research. There is a particular need for more quantitative studies of LDD by birds that will enable modellers to assess its role in maintaining invertebrate biodiversity among increasingly fragmented wetlands and in the face of climate change, as well as in the spread of invasive species.  相似文献   
The thymus provides a unique cellular and hormonic microenvironment for the development of immunocompetent T cells. Thymic polypeptides have been widely used clinically for the treatment of tumors, infectious diseases and immune deficiency diseases. They have already shown the ability to stimulate the maturation of hematopoietic stem cells towards the CD3+CD4+ T cell lineage. However, their effects on the thymopoiesis of embryonic stem cells are still unexplored. In this paper, we compared the effects of three thymic polypeptides, thymopentin (TP5), thymosin alpha-1 (Talpha-1) and thymopeptides on the in vitro thymopoiesis of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Using the embryoid body induction system, we found that both Talpha-1 and thymopeptides effectively induced ES cells to differentiate sequentially into the CD3+ and CD4+/CD8+ T cells. These T cells had T cell receptor (TCR) Vbeta gene rearrangement and most were TCRalphabeta T cells. We also found that the expression of the Notch receptor and its ligands Delta-like-1 and Delta-like-4 gradually increased during the induction. However, TP5 failed to induce the T cell differentiation of the ES cells. In summary, this is the first report to demonstrate that Talpha-1 can stimulate the T cell early stage differentiation from ES cells using the embryoid body protocol. These findings provide a powerful model for studying T cell development and may open new venues for the clinical application of Talpha-1.  相似文献   
Microarrays allow monitoring of gene expression for tens of thousands of genes in parallel and are being used routinely to generate huge amounts of valuable data. Handling and analysis of such data are becoming major bottlenecks in the utilization of the technology. To enable the researcher to interpret the results postanalysis, we have developed a laboratory information management system for microarrays (LIMaS) with an n-tier Java front-end and relational database to record and manage large-scale expression data preanalysis. This system enables the laboratory to replace the paper trail with an efficient and fully customizable interface giving it the ability to adapt to any working practice, e.g., handling many resources used to form many products (chaining of resources). The ability to define sets of activities, resources, and workflows makes LIMaS MIAME-supportive.LIMaS is available for download at (http://www.mgu.har.mrc.ac.uk/microarray.)  相似文献   
Veterinary use of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drug diclofenac in South Asia has resulted in the collapse of populations of three vulture species of the genusGyps to the most severe category of global extinction risk. Vultures are exposed to diclofenac when scavenging on livestock treated with the drug shortly before death. Diclofenac causes kidney damage, increased serum uric acid concentrations, visceral gout, and death. Concern about this issue led the Indian Government to announce its intention to ban the veterinary use of diclofenac by September 2005. Implementation of a ban is still in progress late in 2005, and to facilitate this we sought potential alternative NSAIDs by obtaining information from captive bird collections worldwide. We found that the NSAID meloxicam had been administered to 35 captiveGyps vultures with no apparent ill effects. We then undertook a phased programme of safety testing of meloxicam on the African white-backed vultureGyps africanus, which we had previously established to be as susceptible to diclofenac poisoning as the endangered AsianGyps vultures. We estimated the likely maximum level of exposure (MLE) of wild vultures and dosed birds by gavage (oral administration) with increasing quantities of the drug until the likely MLE was exceeded in a sample of 40G. africanus. Subsequently, sixG. africanus were fed tissues from cattle which had been treated with a higher than standard veterinary course of meloxicam prior to death. In the final phase, ten Asian vultures of two of the endangered species(Gyps bengalensis,Gyps indicus) were dosed with meloxicam by gavage; five of them at more than the likely MLE dosage. All meloxicam-treated birds survived all treatments, and none suffered any obvious clinical effects. Serum uric acid concentrations remained within the normal limits throughout, and were significantly lower than those from birds treated with diclofenac in other studies. We conclude that meloxicam is of low toxicity toGyps vultures and that its use in place of diclofenac would reduce vulture mortality substantially in the Indian subcontinent. Meloxicam is already available for veterinary use in India.  相似文献   
We use eddy covariance measurements of net ecosystem productivity (NEP) from 21 FLUXNET sites (153 site-years of data) to investigate relationships between phenology and productivity (in terms of both NEP and gross ecosystem photosynthesis, GEP) in temperate and boreal forests. Results are used to evaluate the plausibility of four different conceptual models. Phenological indicators were derived from the eddy covariance time series, and from remote sensing and models. We examine spatial patterns (across sites) and temporal patterns (across years); an important conclusion is that it is likely that neither of these accurately represents how productivity will respond to future phenological shifts resulting from ongoing climate change. In spring and autumn, increased GEP resulting from an ‘extra’ day tends to be offset by concurrent, but smaller, increases in ecosystem respiration, and thus the effect on NEP is still positive. Spring productivity anomalies appear to have carry-over effects that translate to productivity anomalies in the following autumn, but it is not clear that these result directly from phenological anomalies. Finally, the productivity of evergreen needleleaf forests is less sensitive to phenology than is productivity of deciduous broadleaf forests. This has implications for how climate change may drive shifts in competition within mixed-species stands.  相似文献   
Activation tagging using the En-I maize transposon system in Arabidopsis   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
A method for the generation of stable activation tag inserts was developed in Arabidopsis using the maize (Zea mays) En-I transposon system. The method employs greenhouse selectable marker genes that are useful to efficiently generate large populations of insertions. A population of about 8,300 independent stable activation tag inserts has been produced. Greenhouse-based screens for mutants in a group of plants containing about 2,900 insertions revealed about 31 dominant mutants, suggesting a dominant mutant frequency of about 1%. From the first batch of about 400 stable insertions screened in the greenhouse, four gain-in-function, dominant activation-tagged, morphological mutants were identified. A novel gain-in-function mutant called thread is described, in which the target gene belongs to the same family as the YUCCA flavin-mono-oxygenase that was identified by T-DNA activation tagging. The high frequency of identified gain-in-function mutants in the population suggests that the En-I system described here is an efficient strategy to saturate plant genomes with activation tag inserts. Because only a small number of primary transformants are required to generate an activation tag population, the En-I system appears to be an attractive alternative to study plant species where the present transformation methods have low efficiencies.  相似文献   
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